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Restricted use data: Existing contract holders
1.My research project has received approval from the PSID restricted data committee. What is required next? 
Researchers or graduate students are required to obtain signatures on the original contract and submit it to the PSID so it may be fully executed through the University of Michigan. An electronic signed contract will be returned to your institution.

2.We are confused regarding the signatures on the contract - who signs where? 
The “Representative of the Receiving Institution” is someone who is able to legally enter into negotiations with the University of Michigan. The faculty adviser signs as Principal Investigator. Co-investigators may also sign, where applicable. There is also a Supplemental Agreement form where Computing Support and Research Assistants may sign when appropriate, at which time the Investigator must also sign at the bottom of the supplemental page.

3.Our state has its own legal requirements regarding entering into contracts, is the contract language negotiable? 
Possibly. Please contact the help desk about any concerns regarding contract language issues. It is important to understand that any requests for language modification can create significant delays in fully executing the contract and access to the data.

4.What methods of payment are acceptable to cover the administrative fee? 
Regarding payment of the $750 administrative fee for use of the data, there are several ways that PSID accepts payment: credit card, check or wire/ACH (Automated Clearing House). Users will be directed by the PSID help desk to the ISR Business Office for detailed payment options.

5.My institution will not pay for the restricted data without an invoice. How may a request for invoice be made? 
Our Business Office will provide an invoice upon request. Contact information for the Business Office can be provided by the PSID help desk.

6.What is the purpose of the administrative fee? 
The administrative fee covers contract administration expenditures, consulting time, charges for use of MiCDA enclave, among other expenses.

7.Can the administrative fee for using the restricted use data be waived or the amount negotiated? 
The administrative fee is not negotiable because the PSID is federally funded and is required to provide the same services and keep the same regulations and guidelines for all contract holders.

8.As a researcher, what are my responsibilities during the contract period? 
During the three year period, the PSID will send the primary contract holder a Request for Extension every 180 days which requests updated contact information and must be returned to the PSID in order to keep the contract active. After the three year period, or at the conclusion of the project if this occurs before three years, access to the PSID data will be discontinued.

9.What paperwork will be required for the new contract [second contract]? 
The new contract will require all the same application documents as the first contract. For ease of transition, updated or modified documents are acceptable. An updated or new IRB approval must also be submitted. Once these are submitted, a new contract must be signed and the $750 non-refundable fee also submitted. The researcher may request updated restricted data if a new version has been released since their original project began.

10.What happens if I do not submit the Request for Extension Form? 
Your contract is considered Out-of-Compliance. Contracts that are active and in compliance are eligible to request Restricted Data Set updates. The updated data is provided at no additional charge to these researchers; however no such updates are provided in the event that a contract is out of compliance. Also, failure to submit this documentation during a contract could jeopardize a researcher's future request for restricted data. Sometimes unavoidable circumstances can cause delays in the submission of the Extension form and PSID staff are more than willing to work with institutions to facilitate the process.

11.Another researcher wants to use my restricted use data files. Is this possible? 
No. Under no circumstances can the restricted data be shared with individuals who are not named on the contract. Contracts are "project specific" - each researcher must obtain their own contract/user name and password for their research to ensure that they maintain respondent confidentiality.

12.I have completed my research using the restricted use data. What are the next steps that need to be taken? 
Contact the help desk to coordinate contract closure paperwork at psidhelp@umich.edu

13.Can I keep all my data files that were created with the restricted data files? 
All restricted data and derived files must either be destroyed or returned to the PSID for secured storage. Many researchers elect to return their files to the PSID for secured storage allowing them to use the data in the future. PSID Help will coordinate with a researcher the paperwork requirements and return of previously created data sets and derived files.