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Below is a list of citations havingGovernment Transfers (813) as a keyword.

Coe, Richard D. Welfare Dependency: Fact or Myth? Challenge. 1982. 25, (4): 43-49.
Keywords: Government Transfers

Hutchens, Robert M. Entry and Exit Transitions in a Government Transfer Program: the Case of Aid to Families with Dependent Children. The Journal of Human Resources. 1981. 16, (2): 217-237.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Poverty

Knaub, Norman L. The Impact of Food Stamps and Cash Welfare on Food Expenditures, 1971-1975. Policy Analysis. 1981. 7, (2): 169-182.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Cartwright, William Selby. The Labor Supply Effect of the Payroll Tax for Social Security: Indiana University; 1980. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N. Longitudinal Lessons from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Review of Public Data Use. 1982. 10, 179-184.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Laibson, David, Repetto, Andrea, and Tobacman, Jeremy. Self-Control and Saving for Retirement. In: Brooks, Robert and Razin, Assaf, editors. Social Security Reform: Financial and Political Issues in International Perspective. Massachusetts; Cambridge University Press; 2005. p.73-144.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Wolff, Edward N. The Size Distribution of Wealth in the United States: A Comparison among Recent Household Surveys. In: Smith, James P. and Willis, Robert J., editors. Wealth, Work, and Health: Innovations in Measurement in the Social Sciences. University of Michigan Press; 1999. p.209-232.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Retirement; Survey Methodology; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Moore, Michael J. and Viscusi, W. Kip. Social Insurance in Market Contexts: Implications of the Structure of Workers' Compensation for Job Safety and Wages. Insurance Economics. Boston: MA; Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1992. p.399-422.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Baxter, Marianne. Social Security as a Financial Asset: Gender-Specific Risks and Returns. Working Paper 1/18/2013 AC. National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA; 2001. p.26.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Parker, Jonathan A. Spendthrift in America? On Two Decades of Decline in the U.S. Saving Rate. In: Freeman, Richard B., Hersch, Joni and Mishel, Lawrence, editors. NBER Macoeconomics Annual 1999. Emerging Labor Market Institutions in the Twenty-First Century. Princeton, NJ; Princeton University; 2004. p.317-370.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Hausman, Jerry A. Tax Policy and Unemployment Insurance Effects on Labor Supply. In: Wachter, Michael L. and Wachter, Susan M., editors. Removing Obstacles to Economic Growth. 1984. p.70-96.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Moore, Kristin, Hofferth, Sandra L., Wertheimer II, Richard, Waite, Linda J., and Caldwell, Steven B. Teenage Childbearing: Consequences For Women, Families, and Government Welfare Expenditures. In: Scott, Keith G., Field, Tiffany and Robertson, Euan G., editors. Teenage Parents and Their Offspring. New York; Grune and Stratton; 1981. p.pp. 35-54.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Woodward, Jonathan Veness. Three Essays on Economic Influences for Meal Decisions: The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; 2012. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Duncan, Greg J., Harris, Kathleen Mullan, and Boisjoly, Johanne. Time Limits and Welfare Reform: New Estimates of the Number and Characteristics of Affected Families. Social Service Review. 2000. 74, (1): 55-75.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income

Dickinson, Katherine. Transfer Income. In: Morgan, James N. and al, et, editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.; 1974. p.251-276.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Keys, Benjamin J. Trends in Income and Consumption Volatility, 1970-2000. In: Jolliffe, Dean and Ziliak, James Patrick, editors. Income Volatility and Food Assistance in the United States. Michigan; W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; 2008. p.11-34.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Bane, Mary Jo and Ellwood, David T. Understanding Welfare Dynamics. In: Bane, Mary Jo and Ellwood, David P., editors. Welfare Realities: From Rhetoric to Reform. Cambridge, MA; Harvard University Press; 1994. p.28-66.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Roemer, John E., Lee, Woojin, and van der Straeten, Karine. United States: Quantitative Analysis. In: Roemer, John E., Lee, Woojin and van der Straeten, Karine, editors. Racism, Xenophobia, and Distribution: Multi-Issue Politics in Advanced Democracies. Massachusetts; Russell Sage Foundation at Harvard University Press; 2007. p.68-130.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Taxes

Corcoran, Mary and Adams, Terry K. Race, Sex, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, editors. Consequences of Growing Up Poor. New York; Russell Sage Foundation; 1997. p.461-517.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Schram, Sanford F. Putting a Black Face on Welfare: The Good and the Bad. In: Schram, Sanford F., Soss, Joe and Fording, Richard C., editors. Race and the Politics of Welfare Reform. The University of Michigan Press; 2006. p.196-223.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hofferth, Sandra L. Receipt of Public Assistance by Mexican American and Cuban American Children in Native and Immigrant Families. In: Hernandez, Donald J., editors. Children of Immigrants: Health, Adjustment, and Public Assistance. Washington, D.C.; National Academy Press; 1999. p.546-582.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Storesletten, Kjetil, Telmer, Chris, and Yaron, Amir. The Risk-Sharing Implications of Alternative Social Security Arrangements. In: Brooks, Robin and Razin, Assaf, editors. Social Security Reform: Financial and Political Issues in International Perspective. Massachusetts; Cambridge University Press; 2005. p.206-246.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Bhattorai, Keshab and Whalley, John. The Role of Labour Elasticities in Tax Incidence Analysis with Heterogeneous Labor. In: Boadway, Robin W. and Raj, Baldev, editors. Advances in Public Economics. Springer-Verlag; 2000. p.47-70.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement

Moschini, Emily Grazia. Essays on Child Care Subsidies: The University of Minnesota; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Time Use & Home Production

Kline, Zachary D. and Pais, Jeremy. Social Stratification and Choice-Based Policy Programs: The Case of Early Withdrawal of Retirement Savings During the Great Recession. Social Forces. 2021. 99, (3): 947-978.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Retirement

Laditka, Sarah B., Laditka, James N., and Jagger, Carol. Microsimulation of Health Expectancies, Life Course Health, and Health Policy Outcomes. In: Jagger, Carol, Crimmins, Eileen M., Saito, Yasuhiko, De Carvalho Yokota, Renata Tiene, Van Oyen, Herman and Robine, Jean-Marie, editors. International Handbook of Health Expectancies. Cham; Springer; 2020. p.129-138.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

De Nardi, Mariacristina, Fella, Giulio, and Paz-Pardo, Gonzalo. Nonlinear Household Earnings Dynamics, Self-Insurance, and Welfare. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2019. 18, (2): 890-926.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Cubas, German and Silos, Pedro. Social Insurance and Occupational Mobility. International Economic Review. 2020. 61, (1): 219-240.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Taxes

Dávila, Eduardo. Using Elasticities to Derive Optimal Bankruptcy Exemptions. The Review of Economic Studies. 2019. 87, (2): 870-913.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Choi, Sekyu and Valladares-Esteban, Arnau. On Households and Unemployment Insurance. Quantitative Economics. 2020. 11, (1): 437-469.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Duquette, Nicolas. A Two-Tiered Charitable Contribution Credit for All American Taxpayers. Nonprofit Policy Forum. 2020. 11, (4): 1-13.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Philanthropy; Taxes

García, Jorge Luis, Heckman, James J., Leaf, Duncan Ermini, and Prados, María José. Quantifying the Life-Cycle Benefits of an Influential Early-Childhood Program. Journal of Political Economy. 2020. 128, (7): 2502-2541.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Choi, Jung Hyun, Green, Richard K., and Noh, Eul. Wage Trickle Down versus Rent Trickle Down: How Does an Increase in College Graduates Affect Wages and Rents? Journal of Regional Science. 2021. 61, (5): 887-915.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Zewde, Naomi. Universal Baby Bonds Reduce Black-White Wealth Inequality, Progressively Raise Net Worth of All Young Adults. The Review of Black Political Economy. 2020. 47, (1): 3-19.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Brucker, Debra L., Jajtner, Katie, and Mitra, Sophie. Does Social Security Promote Food Security? Evidence for Older Households. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 2021. 44, (2): 671-686.
Keywords: Aging; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Wilson, Willam Julius. The Underclass: Issues, Perspectives, and Public Policy. In: Wilson, Willam Julius, editors. The Ghetto Underclass. Newbury Park, CA; Sage Publications; 1993. p.1-24.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Zedlewski, Sheila R. and Saha, Rumki. Social Security and Single Mothers: Options for "Making Work Pay" into Retirement. In: Favreault, Melissa, Sammartino, Frank J. and Steuerle, C. Eugene, editors. Social Security and the Family: Addressing Unmet Needs in and Underfunded System. Washington, D.C.; The Urban Institute Press; 2002. p.89-122.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Soldo, Beth J. and Hill, Martha S. Intergenerational Transfers: Economic, Demographic, and Social Perspectives. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 1993. 13, (1): 187-216.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Corcoran, Mary, Danziger, Sandra, Kalil, Ariel, and Seefeldt, Kristin S. How Welfare Reform Is Affecting Women's Work. Annual Review of Sociology. 2000. 26, 241-269.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Mulder, Clara H., Clark, William A. V., and Wagner, Michael. A Comparative Analysis of Leaving Home in the United States, the Netherlands and West Germany. Demographic Research. 2002. 7, (17): 565-592.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Housing; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Chernick, Howard. Block Grants for the Needy: The Case of AFDC. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 1982. 1, (2): 209-222.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Gramlich, Edward M., Aaron, Henry J., and Lovell, Michael C. An Econometric Examination of the New Federalism. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1982. 1982, (2): 327-370.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Linneman, Peter. The Economic Impacts of Minimum Wage Laws: a New Look at an Old Question. Journal of Political Economy. 1982. 90, (3): 443-469.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

McGhee, Jerrie L. Elderly Consumer Decisional Processes and Public Policy. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 1982. 6, 47-62.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers

Ulker, Aydogan. Household Structure and Consumption Insurance of the Elderly. Journal of Population Economics. 2008. 21, (2): 373-295.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Carlson, Patricia M. The Influence of Employment Related Supports and Services on Successful TANF exits: A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Analysis: University of Connecticut; 2008. Dept: School of Social Work
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Heathcote, Jonathan, Storesletten, Kjetil, and Violante, Giovanni L. Insurance and Opportunities: A Welfare Analysis of Labor Market Risk. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2008. 55, (3): 501-525.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes

Wilhelm, Mark Ottoni, Brown, Eleanor, Rooney, Patrick M., and Steinberg, Richard. The Intergenerational Transmission of Generosity. Journal of Public Economics. 2008. 92, (10-11): 2146-2156. PMCID: PMC2702781
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Philanthropy; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Persky, Joseph and Felsenstein, Daniel. Job Chains and Wage Curves: Worker Mobility and Marshallian Surpluses in Evaluating Regional Employment Growth. Journal of Regional Science. 2008. 48, (5): 921-940.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Wagmiller Jr., Robert L., Lennon, Mary Clare, and Kuang, Li. Parental Health and Children's Economic Well-Being. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2008. 49, (1): 37-55.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Agnew, Robert, Matthews, Shelley Keith, Bucher, Jacob, Welcher, Adria N., and Keyes, Corey. Socioeconomic Status, Economic Problems, and Delinquency. Youth & Society. 2008. 40, (2): 159-180.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Nam, Yunju. Welfare Reform and Asset Accumulation: Asset Limit Changes, Financial Assets, and Vehicle Ownership. Social Science Quarterly. 2008. 89, (1): 133-154.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Headey, Bruce and Muffels, Ruud. Do Generous Welfare States Generate Efficiency Gains Which Counterbalance Short Run Losses? Testing Downside Risk Theory with Economic Panel Data for the U.S., Germany and The Netherlands. Social Indicators Research. 2008. 86, (2): 337-355.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Newman, Sandra J. Does Housing Matter for Poor Families? A Critical Summary of Research and Issues Still to be Resolved. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2008. 27, (4): 895-925.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Mayer, Susan E. and Lopoo, Leonard M. Government Spending and Intergenerational Mobility. Journal of Public Economics. 2008. 92, (1-2): 139-158.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Heflin, Colleen M. and Ziliak, James P. Food Insufficiency, Food Stamp Participation, and Mental Health. Social Science Quarterly. 2008. 89, (3): 706-727.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Han, Lu. Hedging House Price Risk in the Presence of Lumpy Transaction Costs. Journal of Urban Economics. 2008. 64, (2): 270-287.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Housing; Income; Life Course; Poverty; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Thompson, Matthew Roscoe. Public Housing: A Hard Habit to Break? The Participation and Labor Supply Decisions of Public Housing Participants: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 1997. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes

Harris, David Robert. Race, Class, and Social Problems: Determinants of White Residential Mobility: Northwestern University; 1997. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Iceland, John. Urban Labor Markets and Individual Transitions Out of Poverty. Demography. 1997. 34, (3): 429-441.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kunz, James Peter. Welfare and Poverty: Pathways to Adult Economic Outcomes: The University of Michigan; 1997. Dept: Social Work and Economics
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Headey, Bruce, Goodin, Robert E., Muffels, Ruud, and Dirven, Henk-Jan. Welfare Over Time: Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism in Panel Perspective. Journal of Public Policy. 1997. 17, (3): 329-359.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Sandfort, Jodi R. and Hill, Martha S. Assisting Young, Unmarried Mothers to Become Self Sufficient: The Effects of Different Types of Early Economic Support. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1996. 58, (2): 311-326.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Swann, Christopher Aaron. A Dynamic Analysis of Marriage, Labor Force Participation, and Participation in the AFDC Program: University of Virginia; 1996. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Pepper, John Victor. The Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Receipt and Inferences in Clustered Samples: University of Wisconsin - Madison; 1996. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Butler, Amy C. The Effect of Welfare Benefit Levels on Poverty Among Single-Parent Families. Social Problems. 1996. 43, (1): 91-115.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Nelsestuen, Linda B. Evidence on the Work Disincentives in the Structure of the Earned Income Tax Credit: University of South Florida; 1996. Dept: Accountancy, College of Business Administration
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes

Bird, Edward J. Repairing the Safety Net: Is the EITC the Right Patch? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 1996. 15, (1): 1-31.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes

Stern, Steven. Semiparametric Estimates of the Supply and Demand Effects of Disability on Labor Force Participation. Journal of Econometrics. 1996. 71, (1-2): 49-70.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Lo Sasso, Anthony Thomas. Two Essays on Medicaid: Acute and Long-Term Care Usage: Indiana University; 1996. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Smith, Paul Andrew. The Impact of the 1981 Welfare Reforms on Female-Headed Households: University of Wisconsin - Madison; 1997. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Freeman, Lance Mark. Interpreting the Dynamics of Public Housing Residence: Cultural and Structural Explanations: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 1997. Dept: City and Regional Planning
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Lillard, Lee, Rogowski, Jeanette, and Kington, Raynard. Long-Term Determinants of Patterns of Health Insurance Coverage in the Medicare Population. The Gerontologist. 1997. 37, (3): 314-323.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Vartanian, Thomas P. Neighborhood Effects on AFDC Exits: Examining the Social Isolation, Relative Deprivation, and Epidemic Theories. Social Service Review. 1997. 71, (4): 548-573.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Haider, Steven J. and Stephens Jr., Melvin. Is There a Retirement-Consumption Puzzle? Evidence Using Subjective Retirement Expectations. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2007. 89, (2): 247-264.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement

Moore, Kristin Anderson and Vandivere, Sharon. Longitudinal Indicators of the Social Context of Families: Beyond the Snapshot. Social Indicators Research. 2007. 83, (1): 55-85.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wellbeing

Valletta, Robert G. The Ins and Outs of Poverty in Advanced Economies: Government Policy and Poverty Dynamics in Canada, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States. The Review of Income and Wealth. 2006. 52, (2): 261-284.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Sullivan, Teresa A., Warren, Elizabeth, and Westbrook, Lawrence. Less Stigma or More Financial Distress: An Empirical Analysis of the Extraordinary Increase in Bankruptcy Filings. Stanford Law Review. 2006. 59, (2): 213-257.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Abraham, Katharine G. Microdata Access and Labor Market Research: The U.S. Experience. Allgemeines Statistisches. 2005. 89, (2): 121-139.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Fisher, Monica. On the Empirical Finding of a Higher Risk of Poverty in Rural Areas: Is Rural Residence Endogenous to Poverty? Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2005. 30, (2): 185-199.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Aaronson, Daniel and French, Eric. The Effect of Part-Time Work on Wages: Evidence from the Social Security Rules. Journal of Labor Economics. 2004. 22, (2): 329-353.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Allgood, Sam and Snow, Arthur. Marginal Welfare Costs of Taxation With Human and Physical Capital. Economic Inquiry. 2006. 44, (3): 451-465.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Hofferth, Sandra L. and Curtin, Sally C. Poverty, Food Programs, and Childhood Obesity. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2005. 24, (4): 703-706.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty; Wellbeing

Hasegawa, Hikaru and Ueda, Kazuhiro. Measuring Chronic and Transient Components of Poverty: A Bayesian Approach. Empirical Economics. 2007. 33, (3): 469-491.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Poverty; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Plotnick, Robert D., Garfinkel, Irwin, McLanahan, Sara, and Ku, Inhoe. The Impact on Child Support Enforcement Policy on Nonmarital Childbearing. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2007. 26, (1): 79-98.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Shanks, Trina R. Williams. The Impacts of Household Wealth on Child Development. Journal of Poverty. 2007. 11, (2): 93-116.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Behl, Ajay Singh. A Framework for Analyzing the Impact of the Means-Tested Transfer Programs on Interfamily and Intrafamily Transfers and the Economy: An Application to the Food Stamp Program: University of Minnesota; 2006. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Lyons, Angela C. and Fisher, Jonathan. Gender Differences in Debt Repayment Problems after Divorce. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 2006. 40, (2): 324-346.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Fullerton, Don and Gan, Li. A Simulation-Based Welfare Loss Calculation for Labor Taxes with Piecewise-Linear Budgets. Journal of Public Economics. 2004. 88, (11): 2339-2359.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty; Taxes

Rank, Mark R. and Hirschl, Thomas A. The Likelihood of Using Food Stamps During the Adulthood Years. The Journal of Nutrition. 2005. 37, (3): 137-146.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Lopoo, Leonard M. Maternal Employment and Teenage Childbearing: Evidence from the PSID. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2005. 24, (1): 23-24.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Fischer, Carl M. The Impact of Various Social Security Reform Proposals on Tax Progressivity and Effective Tax Rates. The Journal of the American Taxation Association. 2004. 26, (1): 83-85.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Retirement; Taxes

Hofferth, Sandra L., Smith, Julia, McLoyd, Vonnie C., and Finkelstein Payes, Jonathan. Achievement and Behavior Among Children of Welfare Recipients, Welfare Leavers, and Low Income Single Mothers. Journal of Social Issues. 2000. 56, (4): 747-773.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Government Transfers; Poverty

Hoffman, Saul and Foster, E. Michael. AFDC Benefits and Non-Marital Births to Young Women. The Journal of Human Resources. 2000. 35, (2): 376-391.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Harkness, Joseph M. and Newman, Sandra J. Assisted Housing and the Educational Attainment of Children. Journal of Housing Economics. 2000. 9, (1): 40-63.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Housing

Vartanian, Thomas P. Locational Effects on AFDC Exits: Examining Local Labor Markets. The Journal of Socio-Economics. 1999. 28, (5): 607-631.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Coe, R. D. and Hill, D. H. Food Stamp Participation and Reasons for Nonparticipation: 1986. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1998. 19, (2): 107-130.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Rubalcava, Luis N. Health, Welfare and Household Resources: An Analysis of Chile, the United States and Mexico: University of California, Los Angeles; 1998. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Caspary, Gretchen Lynn. Effects of Parental AFDC Receipt on Children and Adolescents: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID): Northwestern University; 2003. Dept: Human Development and Social Policy
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Hamermesh, Daniel. Entitlement Effects, Unemployment Insurance and Employment Decisions. Economic Inquiry. 1979. 17, (3): 317-332.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gruber, Jonathan. The Consumption Smoothing Benefits of Unemployment Insurance. American Economic Review. 1997. 87, (1): 192-205.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Hoynes, Hilary. Does Welfare Play Any Role in Female Headship Decisions? Journal of Public Economics. 1997. 65, (2): 89-117.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Fairlie, Robert W. and London, Rebecca A. The Effect of Incremental Benefit Levels on Births to AFDC Recipients. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 1997. 16, (4): 575-597.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Storesletten, Kjetil, Telmer, Christopher I., and Yaron, Amir. The Welfare Cost of Business Cycles Revisited: Finite Lives and Cyclical Variation in Idiosyncratic Risk (EFG). European Economic Review. 2001. 45, (7): 1311-1339.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Poverty

Kassis, Mary Mathewes. The Incidence of the Social Security Payroll Tax: An Analysis of the Impact of Social Security on the Labor Supply of Younger Workers: Georgia State University; 1999. Dept: School of Policy Studies
Keywords: Government Transfers; Taxes

Allard, Scott. Revisiting Shapiro: Welfare Magnets and State Residency Requirements in the 1990s. The Journal of Federalism. 1998. 28, (3): 45-65.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Housing; Income; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Baxter, Marianne. Social Security as a Financial Asset: Gender-Specific Risks and Returns. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance. 2002. 1, (1): 35-52.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kniesner, Thomas J. and Ziliak, James P. Taxes vs. Transfers as Sources of Implicit Consumption Insurance. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. 2002. 25, (1): 5-20.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Taxes

Hoynes, Hilary Williamson. Local Labor Markets and Welfare Spells: Do Demand Conditions Matter? The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2000. 82, (3): 351-368.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Maume Jr., David J. Local Labor Market Structure and the Poverty Vulnerability of Black and Whilte Women in Metropolitan Areas. In: Tomaskovic-Dewey, Donald, editors. Poverty and Social Welfare in the United States. Boulder and London; Westview Press; 1988. p.82-103.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Coronado, Julia Lynn, Fullerton, Don, and Glass, Thomas. Long Run Effects of Social Security Reform Proposals on Lifetime Progressivity. In: Feldstein, Martin S. and Liebman, Jeffrey B., editors. The Distributional Aspects of Social Security and Social Security Reform. Illinois; University of Chicago Press; 2002. p.149-206.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Harrison, Bennett. How American Households Mix Work and Welfare. Challenge. 1978. 21, (2): 49-54.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Rein, Martin and Rainwater, Lee. Patterns of Welfare Use. Social Service Review. 1978. 52, (4): 511-534.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Mudrick, Nancy R. The Use of AFDC by Previously High and Low-Income Households. Social Service Review. 1978. 52, 107-115.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Coe, Richard D. Participation in the Food Stamp Program: University of Michigan; 1979. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Gramlich, Edward M. and Wolkoff, Michael. A Procedure for Evaluating Income Distribution Policies. The Journal of Human Resources. 1979. 14, (3): 319-350.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income

Moore, Kristin, Hofferth, Sandra L., and Wertheimer II, Richard. Teenage Motherhood: Its Social and Economic Costs. Children Today. 1979. 8, (5): 12-16.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers

Harrison, Bennett. Welfare Payments and the Reproduction of Low-Wage Workers and Secondary Jobs. Review of Radical Political Economics. 1979. 11, (2): 1-16.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Flora, Peter. Changes in Economic Well-Being and Income Distribution in the 1980s: Different Measures, Different Outcomes. In: Flora, Peter, LeGrand, Julian, Kim, Jun-Young and DeJong, Philip R., editors. State of Social Welfare, 1997: International Studies on Social Insurance and Retirement, Employment, Family Policy and Health Care. Ashgate Publishing, Limited; 1998. p.382 pp.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Retirement

Duncan, Greg J., Hill, Martha S., and Rodgers, Willard. The Changing Economic Status of the Young and Old. Demographic Change and the Well-Being of Children and the Elderly. Washington, DC; National Academy Press; 1987. p.54-106.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Haveman, Robert and al, et. Changing Economic Status of U.S. Disabled Men. In: Boadway, Robin and Baldev, Raj, editors. Advances in Public Economics. New York; Physica-Verlag Heidelberg; 2000. p.22-25.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Maasoumi, Esfandiar and Heshmati, Almas. Evaluating Dominance Ranking of PSID Incomes by Various Household Attributes. In: Betti, Gianni and Lemmi, Achille, editors. Advances on Income Inequality and Concentration Measures (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy). Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group; 2008. p.47-69.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Coe, Richard D. An Examination of the Dynamics of Food Stamp Use. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1979. p.183-268.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Hutchens, Robert M. Welfare, Remarriage, and Marital Search. American Economic Review. 1979. 69, 369-379.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Hutchens, Robert M. Changes in the AFDC Tax Rates, 1967-1971. The Journal of Human Resources. 1978. 13, (1): 60-74.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty; Taxes

Rank, Mark R. and Hirschl, Thomas A. The Link Between Population Density and Welfare Participation. Demography. 1993. 30, (4): 607-622.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Anderson, K., Burkhauser, Richard V., and Slotsve, G. A Two Decade Comparison of Work After Retirement in the United States. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice. 1992. 17, (62): 26-39.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Retirement

Da, Zhi, Warachka, M., and Yun, H. Fiscal Policy, Consumption Risk, and Stock Returns: Evidence from US States. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 2018. 53, (1): 109-136.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Duncan, Greg J. United States Public Policy and the Elderly: The Disproportionate Risk to the Well-Being of Women. Journal of Population Economics. 1991. 4, 153-167.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Butler, Amy C. The Effect of Welfare Guarantees on Children's Educational Attainment. Social Science Research. 1990. 19, (2): 175-203.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers

Bassi, Laurie. Employment and Welfare Participation Among Women. Economic Inquiry. 1990. 28, (2): 222-238.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Hill, Daniel H. An Endogenously-Switching Ordered-Response Model of Information, Perceived Eligibility and Participation in SSI. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1990. 72, (2): 368-371.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Maasoumi, Esfandiar. Continuously Distributed Attributes and Measures of Multivariate Inequality. Journal of Econometrics. 1989. 42, 131-144.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Hoffman, Saul and Duncan, Greg J. Multinomial and Conditional Logit Discrete-Choice Models in Demography. Demography. 1988. 25, (3): 415-427.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Han, Aaron and Hausman, Jerry A. Flexible Parametric Estimation of Duration and Competing Risk Models. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 1990. 5, (1): 1-28.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Duncan, Greg J. and Hoffman, Saul. The Use and Effects of Welfare: a Survey of Recent Evidence. Social Service Review. 1988. 62, (June): 238-257.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Duncan, Greg J., Hill, Martha S., and Hoffman, Saul. Welfare Dependence Within and Across Generations. Science. 1988. 239, (January): 467-471.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Chase-Lansdale, P. Lindsay, Cherlin, Andrew J., Guttmannova, Katarina, Fomby, Paula, Ribar, David C., and Coley, Rebekah Levine. Long-Term Implications of Welfare Reform for the Development of Adolescents and Young Adults. Children and Youth Services Review. 2011. 33, (5): 678-688. PMCID: PMC3182830
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Lucca, David, Seru, Amit, and Trebbi, Francesco. The Revolving Door and Worker Flows in Banking Regulation. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2014. 65, 17-32.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Imbens, Guido W. and Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. Recent Developments in the Econometrics of Program Evaluation. Journal of Economic Literature. 2009. 47, (1): 5-86.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Burkhauser, Richard V., Duncan, Greg J., and Hauser, Richard. Sharing Prosperity Across the Age Distribution: A Comparison of the United States and Germany in the 1980s. The Gerontologist. 1994. 34, (2): 150-160.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Poverty

Hu, Teh-wei and Knaub, Norman. Effects of Cash and In-Kind Welfare Payments on Family Expenditures. Policy Analysis. 1976. 2, (1): 71-92.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers

Lea, Michael J. Local Public Expenditure Determination: A Simultaneous Equations Approach. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Taxation Held under the Auspices of the National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America. 1978. p.131-136.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Taxes

Murray, Charles and Laren, Deborah. According to Age: Longitudinal Profiles of AFDC Recipients and the Poor by Age Group: 1986.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Poverty

Moffitt, Robert and Rangarajan, Anuradha. The Work Incentives of AFDC Tax Rates: Reconciling Different Estimates. The Journal of Human Resources. 1991. 26, (1): 165-179.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes

Office, U. S. General Accounting. Food Stamp Program: A Demographic Analysis of Participation and Nonparticipation: 1990. GAO/PEMD-90-8.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Fitzgerald, John and Maloney, Tim. The Impact of Federal Income Taxes and Cash Transfers on the Distribution of Lifetime Household Income: 1969-1981. Public Finance Quarterly. 1990. 18, (2): 182-197.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Taxes

Katz, Lawrence and Meyer, Bruce. The Impact of the Potential Duration of Unemployment Benefits on the Duration of Unemployment. Journal of Public Economics. 1990. 41, (1): 45-72.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Goss, Ernst and Paul, Chris. The Impact of Unemployment Insurance Benefits on the Probability of Migration of the Unemployed. Journal of Regional Science. 1990. 30, (3): 349-358.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Krebs, Tom, Krishna, Pravin, and Maloney, William. Trade Policy, Income Risk, and Welfare. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2010. 92, (3): 467-481.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Stevens, Ann Huff. Essays On Income Dynamics: Long-Term Effects of Job Displacement and Measuring the Persistence of Poverty Over Multiple Spells: University of Michigan; 1995. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Duncan, Greg J. and Yeung, Wei-Jun J. Extent and Consequences of Welfare Dependence Among America's Children. Children and Youth Services Review. 1994. 17, (1): 159-186.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Poverty

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Duncan, Greg J. Economic Risks of Gender Roles: Income Loss and Life Events Over the Life Course. Social Science Quarterly. 1989. 70, (1): 3-22.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

An, Chong-Bum, Haveman, Robert, and Wolfe, Barbara. Teen Out-of-Wedlock Births and Welfare Receipt: the Role of Childhood Events and Economic Circumstances. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1993. 75, (2): 195-207.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Gottschalk, Peter. The Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Participation: Facts and Possible Causes. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 1992. 11, (2): 254-272.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Campione, Wendy A. The Married Woman's Retirement Decision: A Methodological Comparison. Journal of Gerontology. 1987. 42, (4): 381-386.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Pepper, John V. Dynamics of the Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Receipt in the United States. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1995. 16, (2/3): 265-279.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Hoffman, Saul and Duncan, Greg J. The Effect of Incomes, Wages, and AFDC Benefits on Marital Disruption. The Journal of Human Resources. 1995. 30, (1): 19-41.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Rangarajan, Anuradha. Dynamic Labor Force and Welfare Program Participation: Brown University; 1990. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Haveman, Robert, de Jong, Philip, and Wolfe, Barbara. Disability Transfers and the Work Decision of Older Men. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1991. 106, (3): 939-949.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Nichols-Casebolt, Ann Marie. The Psychological Effects of Income- Testing Income Support Benefits. Social Service Review. 1986. 60, (2): 287-302.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Greenwell, Lisa. The Effects of Household Socioeconomic Circumstances and Unionization on Poverty, Family Behavior, and Welfare Utilization in the United States, 1968 to 1983: Indiana University; 1991. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Burstein, Nancy R. and Visher, Mary G. Food Stamp Analytic Studies: The Dynamics of Food Stamp Program Participation: Abt Associates, Inc.; 1989.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

White, Betty Jo, Peaslee, John, and LaQuatra, Joseph. Comparing Housing Affordability and Quality Among Disability Households: the United States and Its Regions. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1994. 15, (4): 367-380.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Poverty

Anderson, David A. Compensating Wage Differentials and the Optimal Provision of Unemployment Insurance. Southern Economic Journal. 1994. 60, (3): 644-656.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hoynes, Hilary and MaCurdy, Thomas. Has the Decline in Benefits Shortened Welfare Spells? American Economic Review. 1994. 84, (2): 43-48.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Solon, Gary, Corcoran, Mary, Gordon, Roger, and Laren, Deborah. Sibling and Intergenerational Correlations in Welfare Program Participation. The Journal of Human Resources. 1988. 23, (3): 388-396.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Bennett, Neil G., Bloom, David E., and Miller, Cynthia K. The Influence of Nonmarital Childbearing on the Formation of First Marriages. Demography. 1995. 32, (1): 47-62.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Daly, Mary C. A Comparison of German and American People with Disabilities: Results from the German Socio-Economic Panel. Viertel Jahrs Hefte Zur Wirtschaftsforschung. 1993. 62, (1/2): 17-26.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Harris, Kathleen Mullan. Work and Welfare Among Single Mothers in Poverty. American Journal of Sociology. 1993. 99, (2): 317-52.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Voges, Wolfgang and Rohwer, Goetz. Receiving Social Assistance in Germany: Risk and Duration. Journal of European Social Policy. 1992. 2, (3): 175-192.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Poverty

Blank, Rebecca M. and Card, David. Recent Trends in Insured and Uninsured Unemployment: Is There an Explanation? The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1991. 106, (4): 1157-1189.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Dentinger, Ann. Three Essays on Aid to Families with Dependent Children: University of California, San Diego; 1991. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Poverty

Duncan, Greg J. and Hoffman, Saul. Teenage Welfare Receipt and Subsequent Dependence Among Black Adolescent Mothers. Family Planning Perspectives. 1990. 22, (1): 16-35.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Duncan, Greg J. and Hoffman, Saul. Welfare Benefits, Economic Opportunities and the Out-of-Wedlock Births Among Black Teenage Girls. Demography. 1990. 27, (4): 519-536.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Attanasio, Orazio P. and Weber, Guglielmo. Consumption and Saving: Models of Intertemporal Allocation and Their Implications for Public Policy. Journal of Economic Literature. 2010. 48, (3): 693-751.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Office, U. S. General Accounting. Food Stamps: Examination of Program Data and Analysis of Nonparticipation: 1988. GAO/PEMD-88-21.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Ponza, Michael, Duncan, Greg J., Corcoran, Mary, and Groskind, Fred. The Guns of Autumn? Age Differences in Support for Income Transfers to the Young and Old. Public Opinion Quarterly. 1988. 52, (4): 441-466.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Government Transfers

Haveman, Robert, Wolfe, Barbara, and Warlick, Jennifer. Labor Market Behavior of Older Men: Estimates from a Trichotomous Choice Model. Journal of Public Economics. 1988. 36, (2): 153-175.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Murray, Charles. Poverty and Welfare: The Working Poor. Current. 1988. 302, (May): 8-15.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Hill, C. Russell. Guaranteeing Income and Encouraging Child Care. Review of Social Economy. 1975. 33, (1): 15-25.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Office, U. S. General Accounting. Food Stamps: Reasons for Nonparticipation: 1988. GAO/PEMD-89-5BR.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Hubbard, R. Glenn, Skinner, Jonathan, and Zeldes, Stephen P. Precautionary Saving and Social Insurance. Journal of Political Economy. 1995. 103, (2): 360-399.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Corcoran, Mary. Rags to Rags: Poverty and Mobility in the United States. Annual Review of Sociology. 1995. 21:, 237-267.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Memken, Jean A. and Canabal, Maria E. Housing Tenure, Structure, and Crowding Among Latino Households. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1994. 15, (4): 349-365.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hu, Wei-Yin. The Impact of Child Support Reform on Welfare Program Participation and Female Labor Supply: Stanford University; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Pollack, Harold A. Informal Transfers within Families: Harvard University; 1994. Dept: Public Policy, Kennedy School of Government
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Schizer, David M. Balance in the Taxation of Derivative Securities: An Agenda For Reform. Columbia Law Review. 2004. 104, (7): 1886-1946.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Taxes

Duncan, Greg J. and Rodgers, Willard. Has Children's Poverty Become More Persistent? American Sociological Review. 1991. 56, (4): 538-550.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Poverty

Gittleman, M. Declining Caseloads: What Do the Dynamics of Welfare Participation Reveal? Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. 2001. 40, (4): 537-570.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Goodman Jr., John L. and Nichols, Joseph B. Does FHA Increase Home Ownership Or Just Accelerate It? Journal of Housing Economics. 1997. 6, 184-202.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing

Danziger, Sheldon, Haveman, Robert, and Plotnick, Robert. How Income Transfer Programs Affect Work, Savings, and the Income Distribution: A Critical Review. Journal of Economic Literature. 1981. 19, (3): 975-1028.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Moore, Michael J. and Viscusi, W. Kip. Promoting Safety through Workers' Compensation: The Efficacy and Net Wage Costs of Injury Insurance. Rand Journal of Economics. 1989. 20, (4): 499-515.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

McLanahan, Sara and Garfinkel, Irwin. Single Mothers, the Underclass, and Social Policy. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1989. 501, (1): 92-104.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Wolfe, Barbara L. Cutbacks in Disability Transfer Programs: An Evaluation. Evaluation Review. 1985. 9, (3): 263-280.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Nguyen, Tung. Essays on the Effects of Education Policy and Tax Policy on Labor Market and Other Outcomes: University of Houston; 2018. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Kane, Thomas J. Giving Back Control: Long-Term Poverty and Motivation. Social Service Review. 1987. 61, (3): 405-419.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Hacker, Jacob S. Privatizing Risk Without Privatizing the Welfare State: The Hidden Politics of Social Policy Retrenchment in the United States. American Political Science Review. 2004. 98, (2): 243-260.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income

Bennett, Susan and Sullivan, Kathleen A. Disentitling the Poor: Waivers and Welfare Reform. University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform. 1992. 26, (4): 741-784.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Persky, Joseph, Felzenshtain, Daniel, and Carlson, Virginia. What Are Jobs Worth? Employment Research. 2004. 11, (3): 1-3.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Rank, Mark R., Yoon, Hong-Sik, and Hirschl, Thomas A. American Poverty As a Structural Failing: Evidence and Arguments. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 2003. 30, (4): 3-30.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Chin, Meejung. Longitudinal Patterns of Financial Kin Support and Welfare To Single Mother Families. Journal of Korean Home Economics Association English Edition. 2002. 3, (1): 37-54.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Andolfatto, David and Gervais, Martin. Endogenous Debt Constraints in a Life-Cycle Model with an Application to Social Security. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2008. 32, (1): 3745-3759.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Life Course; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Roemer, John E., Aaberge, Rolf, Colombino, Ugo, Fritzell, Johan, Jenkins, Stephen C., Lefranc, Arnaud, Marx, Ive, Page, Marianne, Pommer, Evert, Ruiz Castillo, Javier, San Segundo, Maria Jesus, and Tr. To What Extent Do Fiscal Regimes Equalize Opportunities For Income Acquisition Among Citizens? Journal of Public Economics. 2003. 87, (3-4): 539-565.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Taxes

Krebs, Tom. Job Displacement Risk and the Cost of Business Cycles. American Economic Review. 2007. 97, (3): 664-686.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Cresce Jr., Arthur Raymond. An Analysis of the Effect of Unemployment Compensation on Mobility of the Unemployed: University of Maryland Baltimore County; 1988. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Hoffman, Saul and Duncan, Greg J. A Comparison of Choice-Based Multinomial and Nested Logit Models: the Family Structure and Welfare Use Decisions of Divorced or Separated Women. The Journal of Human Resources. 1988. 23, (4): 550-562.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Butler, Amy Cogswell. The Effect of AFDC Guarantees on Poor Children's Educational Attainment: The University of Michigan; 1987. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Poverty

McManus, Patricia A. Welfare Capitalism, the Family and Small Business: Self-Employment in the United States and Germany: Duke University; 1996. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kasten, Richard A. and Todd, John E. Transfer Recipients and the Poor During the 1970s. In: Zeckhauser, Richard J. and Leebaert, Derek, editors. What Role for Government? Lessons from Policy Research. Durham, NC; Duke Press Policy Series; 1983. p.60-77.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Sullivan, James Xavier. Essays on the Consumption, Saving, and Borrowing Behavior of Poor Households: Northwestern; 2002. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Poverty

Bronfenbrenner, Martin. Income Distribution and “Economic Justice”. The Journal of Economic Education. 1986. 17, (1): 35-51.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Senauer, Ben and Young, Nathan. The Impact of Food Stamps on Food Expenditures: Rejection of the Traditional Model. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 1986. 68, (1): 37-43.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Nam, Yunju, Ratckuffe, Caroline, and McKernan, Signe-Mary. Effects of Asset Tests and IDA Programs. In: McKernan, Signe-Mary and Sherraden, Michael, editors. yes from both. Asset Building and Low-Income Families. Washington, DC; The Urban Institute Press; 2008. p.153-174.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Levine, Linda. Jobs for Welfare Recipients. In: Venakhi, Shenhar, editors. Welfare Reform in America. New York, NY; Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 1996. p.45-76.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers

Turnovsky, Stephen J. and Bianconi, Marcelo. Welfare Gains From Stabilization in a Stochastically Growing Economy With Idiosyncratic Shocks and Flexible Labor Supply. Macroeconomic Dynamics. 2005. 9, (3): 321-357.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Burkhauser, Richard V. Summing Up: Reflections on the Past and Future of Disability Policy. In: Rupp, Kalman and Stapleton, David C., editors. Growth in Disability Benefits: Explanations and Policy Implications. Kalamazoo, MI; W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; 1998. p.391-412.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Slopen, Natalie, Fenelon, Andrew, Newman, Sandra, and Boudreaux, Michel. Housing Assistance and Child Health: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2018. 141, (6): 1-14.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing

Baker, Kermit. Inflation in the Housing Market: The Housing Affordability Experience of the 1970's: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1984. Dept: Urban Studies and Planning
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Taxes

DiPrete, Thomas A. and McManus, Patricia A. Family Change, Employment Transitions, and the Welfare State: Household Income Dynamics in the United States and Germany. American Sociological Review. 2000. 65, (3): 343-370.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Börsch-Supan, Axel. Population Aging, Social Security Design, and Early Retirement. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE). 1992. 148, (4): 533-557.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Retirement

Haveman, Robert and Wolfe, Barbara. The Economics of Disability and Disability Policy. In: Culyer, Anthony J. and Newhouse, Joseph P., editors. Handbook of Health Economics. Oxford, UK; Elsevier Science B.V.; 2000. p.995-1051.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Fitch, Virginia, Feit, Marvin D., Cuevas, Nuria M., and Slivinske, Lee R. Practice Approaches With Older Clients. In: Wodarski, John S. and Thyer, Bruce A., editors. Handbook of empirical Social Work Practice, Volume 2: Social Problems and Practice Issues. Hoboken, NJ; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1998. p.277-299.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Retirement

Floden, Martin and Lindé, Jesper. Idiosyncratic Risk in the United States and Sweden: Is There a Role For Government Insurance? Review of Economic Dynamics. 2001. 4, (2): 406-437.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Strully, KW and Conley, D. Reconsidering Risk: Adapting Public Policies to Intergenerational Determinants and Biosocial Interactions in Health-Related Needs. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 2004. 29, (6): 1073-1107.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Headey, Brace and Muffels, Ruud. Welfare Capitalism: The Ten Year Impact of Governments On Poverty, Inequality. In: Backer, Gerhard, editors. Combating Poverty in Europe: The German Welfare Regime in Practice. New York, NY; Ashgate Publishing; 2003. p.23-39.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Hirschl, Thomas A. On the Empirical Finding of a Higher Risk of Poverty in Rural Areas: Is Rural Residence Endogenous To Poverty? Comment. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2005. 30, (2): 200-201.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Husted, Thomas. Nonmonotic Demand For Income Redistribution Benefits: The Case of AFDC. Southern Economic Journal. 1989. 55, (3): 710-727.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Giertz, Seth H. Tax Reform and Charitable Giving. Proceedings. Annual Conference on Taxation and Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the National Tax Association. 2008. 100, 439-450.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Philanthropy; Taxes

Zweifel, Peter. The Division of Labor between Private and Social Insurance. In: Dionne, Georges, editors. yes. Handbook of Insurance. New York, NY; Springer New York; 2013. p.1097-1118.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

O'Hare, William. The Eight Myths of Poverty. American Demographics. 1986. 8, (5): 22-25.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Murray, Charles. Have the Poor Been" Losing Ground"? In: Rist, Ray C., editors. Political Studies Review Annual. New Brunswick, NJ; Transaction Books; 1985. p.439.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Gottschalk, Peter. Welfare Dependence: Concepts, Measures, and Trends. American Economic Review. 1994. 84, (2): 38-42.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Cherlin, Andrew J. The Changing American Family and Public Policy. In: Cherlin, Andrew J., editors. The Changing American Family and Public Policy. Washington DC; The Urban Institute Press; 1988. p.1-30.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Atkins, G. Lawrence. Making It Last: Economic Resources of the Oldest Old. In: Suzman, Richard, Willis, David P. and Manton, Kenneth G., editors. The Oldest Old. New York, NY; Oxford University Press; 1992. p.359-377.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Berlin, Gordon. Choosing and Measuring Interventions. Children and Youth Services Review. 1992. 14, 99-118.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Moffitt, Robert. Incentive Effects of the Us Welfare System: A Review. Journal of Economic Literature. 1992. 30, (1): 1-61.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Newman, Sandra J. and Harkness, Joseph. The Effects of Welfare Reform On Housing: A National Analysis. In: Newman, Sandra J., editors. The Home Front: Implications of Welfare Reform for Housing Policy. Washington, DC; The Urban Institute Press; 1999. p.29-80.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Housing

Bronchetti, Erin Todd. Workers' Compensation and Consumption Smoothing. Journal of Public Economics. 2012. 96, (5): 495-508.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Frick, Joachim R., Büchel, Felix, and Krause, Peter. Public Transfers, Income Distribution, and Poverty in Germany and in the United States. In: Hauser, Richard and Becker, Irene, editors. The Personal Distribution of Income in an International Perspective. New York; Springer; 2000. p.176-204.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Poverty

Smith, Jeffrey A. and Todd, Petra E. Reconciling Conflicting Evidence on the Performance of Propensity-Score Matching Methods. American Economic Review. 2001. 91, (2): 112-118.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Binder, Alexander D. An Evaluation of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families from the Catholic Social Teaching Perspective: University of Missouri-Kansas City; 2016. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Poverty

Espenshade, Thomas J. The Economic Consequences of Divorce. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1979. 41, (3): 615-625.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Fisher, Peter S. Adjustments for Household Size in Property Tax Circuit-Breaker Programs. National Tax Journal. 1980. 33, (2): 161-170.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Taxes

Li, Yiran, Mills, Bradford, Davis, George C., and Elton, Mykerezi. Child Food Insecurity and the Food Stamp Program: What a Difference Monthly Data Make. Social Service Review. 2014. 88, (2): 322-348.
Keywords: Children; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Shantanu, Bagchi. Can Removing the Tax Cap Save Social Security? The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2017. 17, (2): 1-28.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Taxes

Madera Holgado, Rocio. Essays in Idiosyncratic Income Risk: University of Minnesota; 2017. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Besen, Elyssa, Jetha, Arif, and Gaines, Brittany. Examining the Likelihood of Experiencing Productivity Loss and Receiving Social Security Disability Income Following the Onset of Chronic Disease. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2018. 60, (1): 48-54.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ionescu, Anamaria Felicia. Federal Student Loan Program: Quantitative Implications for College Enrollment, Repayment and Default Rates: The University of Iowa; 2006. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers

Nishiyama, Shinichi and Smetters, Kent. Does Social Security Privatization Produce Efficiency Gains? The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2007. 122, (4): 1677-1719.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Hacker, Jacob S. Policy Drift: the Hidden Politics of US Welfare State Retrenchment. In: Streeck, Wolfgang and Thelen, Kathleen, editors. Beyond Continuity: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies. New York; Oxford University Press; 2005. p.40-82.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income

De Nardi, Mariacristina, French, Eric, and Jones, John Bailey. Medicaid Insurance in Old Age. American Economic Review. 2016. 106, (11): 3480-3520.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Retirement

Zewde, Naomi Bethlehem. A Micro-Simulation Study of the Individual Welfare Effects of the Affordable Care Act for Previously Uninsured Adults: Pennsylvania State University; 2016. Dept: Health Policy and Administration
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Setty, Ofer. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Accounts: The Best of Both Worlds. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2017. 15, (6): 1302-1340.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Michelangeli, Valentina and Santoro, Marika. Households’ Uncertainty about Medicare Policy. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2013. 13, (1): 151-186.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Kroft, Kory. Takeup, Social Multipliers and Optimal Social Insurance. Journal of Public Economics. 2008. 92, (3-4): 722-737.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Kalil, Ariel and Dunifon, Rachel. Maternal Work and Welfare Use and Child Well-Being: Evidence from 6 years of data from the Women's Employment Study. Children and Youth Services Review. 2007. 29, (6): 742-761.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Athreya, Kartik B. and Simpson, Nicole B. Unsecured Debt with Public Insurance: From Bad to Worse. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2006. 53, (4): 797-825.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Bastian, Jacob. New Evidence on the Effect of Public Policy on Employment, Intergenerational Mobility, Family Structure, and Social Attitudes Towards Working Women: University of Michigan; 2017. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

White, Michelle J. Bankruptcy Reform and Credit Cards. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2007. 21, (4): 175-199.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Wu, Binzhen. Three Essays in Public Economics: The University of Wisconsin-Madison; 2006. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Income

Bishop, John. The Impact of Unemployment and Welfare Assistance on Marital Stability. In: Thopman, John E., Dluhy, Milan J. and Lind, Roger M., editors. New Strategic Perspectives on Social Policy. New York; Pergamon; 1981. p.385-409.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Higa, Teruyuki. An Analysis of Structural Changes in the Food Stamp Program. The American Economist. 1981. 25, (2): 24-29.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Newman, Sandra and Holupka, C. Scott. The Effects of Assisted Housing on Child Well-Being. American Journal of Community Psychology. 2017. 60, (1-2): 66-78.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Government Transfers; Housing; Wellbeing

Alloza Frutos, M. Essays on Macroeconomics, Fiscal Policy and Income Mobility: University College London; 2016. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Chang, Yunhee, Chatterjee, Swarn, and Kim, Jinhee. Financial Strain and Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Journal of Policy Practice. 2016. 16, (3): 221-246.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Poverty

Borowczyk-Martins, Daniel and Lalé, Etienne. The Welfare Effects of Involuntary Part-Time Work. Oxford Economic Papers. 2017. 70, (1): 183-205.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Meghir, Costas. A Comment: On the Optimal Provision of Social Insurance: Progressive Taxation Versus Education Subsidies in General Equilibrium By Dirk Krueger and Alexander Ludwig. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2016. 77, 99-102.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Taxes

Kimberlin, Sara. The Influence of Government Benefits and Taxes on Rates of Chronic and Transient Poverty in the United States. Social Service Review. 2016. 90, (2): 185-234.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty; Taxes

Emre, Onsel. Improving Social Security: Welfare Gains from a Mandatory Savings Plan: The University of Chicago; 2007. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Taxes

Frisvold, David E. Behavioral Responses to Educational Investments: Vanderbilt University; 2006. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Gravelle, Jennifer Colleen. Empirical Essays on the Causes and Consequences of Tax Policy: A Look at Families, Labor, and Property: George Wasington University; 2008. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Noble Jr., John H. The Limits of Cost-Benefit Analysis as a Guide to Priority-Setting in Rehabilitation. Evaluation Quarterly. 1977. 1, (3): 347-380.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Vinson, Philip Andrew. Essays in Housing and Fiscal Policy: Indiana University; 2017. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing

Hong, Jay H. and Ríos-Rull, José-Víctor. Social Security, Life Insurance and Annuities for Families. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2007. 54, (1): 118-140.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kitao, Sagiri. A Life-Cycle Model of Unemployment and Disability Insurance. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2014. 68, 1-18.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Mykerezi, Elton. Three Essays on the Well-Being of Vulnerable Populations: Virginia Tech; 2007. Dept: Agricultural and Applied Economics
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Butrica, Barbara A., Smith, Karen E., and Steuerle, C. Eugene. Working for a Good Retirement. In: Papadimitriou, D. B., editors. yes both search. Government Spending on the Elderly. New York; Palgrave MacMillan; 2007. p.141-177.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Sridhar, Kala Seetharam. Benefits and Costs of Regional Development: Evidence from Ohio's Enterprise Zone Program. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy. 2001. 31, (2): 1-32.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Gillum, Nerissa LeBlanc, Lindsay, Theresa, Murray, Felicia Law, and Wells, Precious. A Review of Research on College Educational Outcomes of Students Who Experienced Foster Care. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 2016. 10, (3): 291-309.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers

Habibov, Nazim, Fan, Lida, Liang, Yuhong, and Cheung, Chi Ho. Revisiting Welfare States. Performance in Reducing Poverty through Longitudinal Multinational Comparison. Journal of Policy Practice. 2017. 16, (3): 205-220.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Poverty

Mokhtari, Manouchehr. Affordable Health Care. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2016. 37, (2): 135-139.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

De Santis, Massimiliano. Individual Consumption Risk and the Welfare Cost of Business Cycles. American Economic Review. 2007. 97, (4): 1488-1506.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Rank, Mark R. and Hirschl, Thomas A. Economic Security and the American Dream. In: Crain, Marion and Sherraden, Michael, editors. Working and Living in the Shadow of Economic Fragility. Oxford University Press; 2014. p.140-156.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Newman, Sandra J. and Holupka, C. Scott. Race and Assisted Housing. Housing Policy Debate. 2017. 27, (5): 751-771.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Rein, Martin and Rainwater, Lee. How Large Is the Welfare Class? Challenge. 1977. 20, (4): 20-23.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Fernández, Raquel and Wong, Joyce Cheng. Free to Leave? A Welfare Analysis of Divorce Regimes. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 2017. 9, (3): 72-115.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Martin, Elizabeth Carrie. Sheltered from the Storm? Social Policy and Economic Insecurity in US States: The Ohio State University; 2022. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Song, Ze. Economic Evaluation of Tax Policies on Health and Well-being: Rutgers University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Taxes; Wellbeing

Michelmore, Katherine and Lopoo, Leonard M. Exposure to the Earned Income Tax Credit in Early Childhood and Family Wealth. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. 2021. 7, (3): 196-215.
Keywords: Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

McQuilkin, Alec Joseph. Essays On U.S. Public Transportation Development: University of California, Santa Barbara; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Wang, Lingxiao, Zheng, Yuqing, and Kaiser, Harry M. Do Taxes on Groceries Increase Body Weight and Restaurant Food Expenditures? Theory and Evidence From the PSID Data. Food Policy. 2023. 118, 102476.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty; Taxes

Conesa, Juan Carlos, Li, Bo, and Li, Qian. A Quantitative Evaluation of Universal Basic Income. Journal of Public Economics. 2023. 223, 104881.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Vaughn, Cody N. Welfare Reform and Childhood Health Status and Utilization. Children and Youth Services Review. 2023. 150, 107004.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ferriere, Axelle, Grübener, Philipp, Navarro, Gaston, and Vardishvili, Oliko. On the Optimal Design of Transfers and Income Tax Progressivity. Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics. 2023. 1, (2): 276-333.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Taxes

Ma, Eunseong. Monetary Policy and Inequality: How Does One Affect the Other? International Economic Review. 2023. 64, (2): 691-725.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Buszkiewicz, James H., Hajat, Anjum, Hill, Heather D., Otten, Jennifer J., and Drewnowski, Adam. Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differences in the Association between Higher State Minimum Wages and Health and Mental Well-Being in US Adults with Low Educational Attainment. Social Science & Medicine. 2023. 322, 115817.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Cho, Daeha and Ma, Eunseong. The Heterogeneous Welfare Effects of Business Cycles. European Economic Review. 2023. 153, 104400.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Erceg, Ashley. Topics in Microeconomics: Analysis of Three Policy Issues: The University of Nebraska - Lincoln; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kang, Seungbeom. To Whom Do Housing Policies Provide Stable Housing? Examining Housing Assistance Recipients and Leavers. Urban Affairs Review. 2021. 57, (5): 1252-1285.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing

Dantzler, Prentiss A. Household Characteristics or Neighborhood Conditions? Exploring the Determinants of Housing Spells Among U.S. Public Housing Residents. Cities. 2021. 117, 1-9.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Hacker, Jacob S. and Rehm, Philipp. Reducing Risk as well as Inequality: Assessing the Welfare State's Insurance Effects. British Journal of Political Science. 2022. 52, (1): 456-466.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies

Hampton, Matt and Lenhart, Otto. Access to Health Care and Mental Health-Evidence from the ACA Preexisting Conditions Provision. Health Economics. 2022. 31, (5): 760-783.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Batra, Akansha, Karasek, Deborah, and Hamad, Rita. Racial Differences in the Association between the U.S. Earned Income Tax Credit and Birthweight. Women's Health Issues. 2022. 32, (1): 26-32.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes

Kim, Seonghoon and Koh, Kanghyock. Health Insurance and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Two Healthcare Reforms in the United States. Health Economics. 2022. 31, (1): 233-249.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Song, Chiho. Period Changes in Intergenerational Income Mobility between Welfare State Contexts in South Korea and the United States: University of Washington; 2019. Dept: Social Work
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies

Michelmore, Katherine and Lopoo, Leonard M. The Effect of EITC Exposure in Childhood on Marriage and Early Childbearing. Demography. 2021. 58, (6): 2365-2394.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Life Course; Taxes

Zeida, Teegawende H. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TDJA): A Quantitative Evaluation of Key Provisions. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2022. 46, 74-97.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Hartley, Robert Paul, Lamarche, Carlos, and Ziliak, James P. Welfare Reform and the Intergenerational Transmission of Dependence. Journal of Political Economy. 2022. 130, (3): 523-565.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Tyrrell-Hendry, Lee. Macroeconomics & Inequality: The University of Edinburgh; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Geleta, Kassahun Mamo. Three Essays on the Effects of Parental Income and Labor Supply on Child Health and Labor Market Outcomes: Northern Illinois University; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Matsuda, Kazushige and Mazur, Karol. College Education and Income Contingent Loans in Equilibrium. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2022. 132, 100-117.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Otsu, Yuki and Yuen, C. Y. Kelvin. Health, Crime, and the Labor Market: Theory and Policy Analysis. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2022. 144, 104529.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Aubry, Jean-Pierre, Liu, Siyan, Munnell, Alicia H., Quinby, Laura D., and Springstead, Glenn R. State and Local Government Employees without Social Security Coverage: What Percentage Will Earn Pension Benefits that Fall Short of Social Security Equivalence? Social Security Bulletin. 2022. 82, (3): 1-20.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Cahn, Yisroel. Essays in Labor Economics and Econometrics: Emory University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Gillespie, Andra. Race, Real Estate, and Responsiveness: The Obama Administration’s Legacy on Housing Policy and Outcomes. After Obama: African American Politics in a Post-Obama Era. New York University Press; 2021. p.296-317.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Villar Vallenas, Sergio. Essays in Empirical Economics: Boston University; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Taxes

Tamborini, Christopher R., Reznik, Gayle L., Iams, Howard M., and Couch, Kenneth A. The Growing Socioeconomic Gap in Lifetime Social Security Retirement Benefits: Current and Future Retirees. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 2022. 77, (4): 803-814.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Retirement

Kim, Soojin and Rhee, Serena. Understanding the Aggregate Effects of Disability Insurance. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2022. 46, 328-364.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Rudys, Valentinas. Essays on Employment, Job Search, and Retirement: Fordham University; 2022. Dept:
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Bailey, Martha J., Sun, Shuqiao, and Timpe, Brenden. Prep School for Poor Kids: The Long-Run Impacts of Head Start on Human Capital and Economic Self-Sufficiency. American Economic Review. 2021. 111, (12): 3963-4001.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Lee, Bethany C., Modrek, Sepideh, White, Justin S., Batra, Akansha, Collin, Daniel F., and Hamad, Rita. The Effect of California's Paid Family Leave Policy on Parent Health: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Social Science & Medicine. 2020. 251, 1-8.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Corman, Hope, Dave, Dhaval M., Schwartz-Soicher, Ofira, and Reichman, Nancy E. Effects of Welfare Reform on Household Food Insecurity across Generations. Economics and Human Biology. 2022. 45, 101101.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Leigh, J. Paul and Chakalov, Bozhidar T. Estimating Effects of Wages on Smoking Prevalence Using Labor Unions As Instrumental Variables. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2023. 65, (4): e234-e239.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hampton, Matt and Lenhart, Otto. The Effect of the Affordable Care Act Preexisting Conditions Provision on Marriage. Health Economics. 2019. 28, (11): 1345-1355.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Palmisano, Flaviana. Compassion and Envy in Distributional Comparisons. Theory and Decision. 2024. 96, (1): 153-184.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Wellbeing

Russo, Nicolo. Essays on Household Health and Taxation: University of Minnesota; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Taxes

Ferrari, Alessandro. Losers amongst the Losers: the Welfare Effects of the Great Recession across Cohorts. Research in Economics. 2023. 77, (1): 34-59.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

VanHeuvelen, Tom and Brady, David. Labor Unions and American Poverty. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2022. 75, (4): 891-917.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Brown, Sarah, Gray, Daniel, and Montagnoli, Alberto. Credit Supply Shocks and Household Leverage: Evidence from the US Banking Deregulation. Journal of Financial Stability. 2019. 43, 97-115.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Pryor, Laura, Melchior, Maria, Avendano, Mauricio, and Surkan, Pamela J. Childhood Food Insecurity, Mental Distress in Young Adulthood and The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Preventive Medicine. 2022. 168, 107409.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Shields-Zeeman, Laura, Collin, Daniel F., Batra, Akansha, and Hamad, Rita. How does Income Affect Mental Health and Health Behaviours? A Quasi-experimental Study of the Earned Income Tax Credit. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2021. 75, 929-935.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty

Setty, Ofer and Yedid-Levi, Yaniv. On the Provision of Unemployment Insurance when Workers are Ex-Ante Heterogeneous. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2021. 19, (1): 664-706.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Rooney, Patrick, Zarins, Sasha, Bergdoll, Jon, and Osili, Una. The Impact of Five Different Tax Policy Changes on Household Giving in the United States. Nonprofit Policy Forum. 2020. 11, (4): 1-18.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Philanthropy; Taxes

Russell-Fritch, Joshua, Cohen, Deborah A., Caldwell, Julia I., and Kuo, Tony. Simulating the Impact of Health Behavior Interventions in the SNAP-Ed Population. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2020. 20, 101257.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Ramiller, Alex, Acolin, Arthur, Walter, Rebecca J., and Wang, Ruoniu. Moving to Shared Equity: Locational Outcomes for Households in Shared Equity Homeownership Programs. Housing Studies. 2024. 39, (5): 1239-1263.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Insolera, Noura, Cohen, Alicia, and Wolfson, Julia A. SNAP and WIC Participation during Childhood and Food Security in Adulthood, 1984–2019. American Journal of Public Health. 2022. 112, (10): 1498-1506.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Volkov, Eden. Essays on Public Economics: University of California, Davis; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Collin, Daniel F., Shields-Zeeman, Laura S., Batra, Akansha, White, Justin S., Tong, Michelle, and Hamad, Rita. The Effects of State Earned Income Tax Credits on Mental Health and Health Behaviors: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Social Science & Medicine. 2021. 276, 1-7.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Wu, Chi-Fang and Chen, Jun-Hong. Employment Status and Food Insecurity: Moderating Effects of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. Forthcoming.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola, Krueger, Dirk, Kurmann, André, Lalé, Etienne, Ludwig, Alexander, and Popova, Irina. The Fiscal and Welfare Effects of Policy Responses to the Covid-19 School Closures. IMF Economic Review. 2023. 71, (1): 35-98.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Income

Horneff, Vanya, Maurer, Raimond, and Mitchell, Olivia S. How Would 401(K) ‘Rothification’ Alter Saving, Retirement Security, and Inequality? Journal of Pension Economics & Finance. 2023. 22, (3): 265-283.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Braxton, J. Carter and Taska, Bledi. Technological Change and the Consequences of Job Loss. American Economic Review. 2023. 113, (2): 279-316.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

McKay, Alisdair and Wolf, Christian K. Monetary Policy and Inequality. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2023. 37, (1): 121-144.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income

Schlafmann, Kathrin. Housing, Mortgages, and Self-Control. The Review of Financial Studies. 2021. 34, (5): 2648-2687.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Housing

Wacks, Johannes. Essays on Macroeconomics and Inequality: University of Mannheim; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Luo, Weijie. Inequality and the Size of US State Government. In: Luo, Weijie, editors. Inequality, Demography and Fiscal Policy. Singapore; Springer Nature; 2023. p.3-17.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Dang, Hai-Anh H. and Lanjouw, Peter F. Measuring Poverty Dynamics with Synthetic Panels Based on Repeated Cross Sections. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 2023. 85, (3): 599-622.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Poverty; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Liu, Huangjuan and Yang, Yongzheng. Does Welfare Receipt Matter for Charitable Giving and Volunteering? Similarities and Differences of the Role of Public Assistance and Social Insurance. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 2022.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Philanthropy

Kim, Myunghyun and Song, Sang-yoon. The Effects of Monetary Policy on Consumption: Workers Vs. Retirees. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2022. 74, 103473.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Nygaard, Vegard M., Sørensen, Bent E., and Wang, Fan. Optimal Allocations to Heterogeneous Agents with an Application to Stimulus Checks. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2022. 138, 104352.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Boar, Corina, Gorea, Denis, and Midrigan, Virgiliu. Liquidity Constraints in the U.S. Housing Market. The Review of Economic Studies. 2022. 89, (3): 1120-1154.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Housing

Kang, Hyein. Essays on Evaluating the Effects of the Child Tax Credit: University of Kentucky; 2022. Dept: Business and Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Newman, Sandra and Holupka, C. Scott. Effects of Assisted Housing on Children’s Healthy Development. Housing Policy Debate. 2023. 33, (1): 306-330.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Government Transfers; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Meer, Jonathan and Priday, Benjamin A. Tax Prices and Charitable Giving: Projected Changes in Donations under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Tax Policy and the Economy. 2020. 34, 113-138.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Philanthropy; Taxes

Birinci, Serdar and See, Kurt. Labor Market Responses to Unemployment Insurance: The Role of Heterogeneity. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 2023. 15, (3): 388-430.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Shuey, Kim M. and O'Rand, Angela M. Changing Demographics and New Pension Risks. Research on Aging. 2006. 28, (3): 317-340.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Hill, Martha S. and Ponza, Michael. Poverty and Welfare Dependence Across Generations. Economic Outlook USA. 1983. 10, 61-65.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Moen, Phyllis. Unemployment, Public Policy and Families. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1983. 45, (4): 751-760.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Boomsma, David John. Recipient Exit, Post-Welfare Economic Status, and Changes in Dependency in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program: University of Notre Dame; 1986. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Poverty

Chiappori, Pierre-Andre and Weiss, Yoram. Divorce, Remarriage and Child Support. Journal of Labor Economics. 2007. 25, (1): 37-74.
Keywords: Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income

Hurst, Erik and Willen, Paul. Social Security and Unsecured Debt. Journal of Public Economics. 2007. 91, (7-8): 1273-1297.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Hurst, Erik and Ziliak, James P. Do Welfare Asset Limits Affect Household Saving?: Evidence From Welfare Reform. The Journal of Human Resources. 2006. 41, (1): 46-71.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Ellwood, David. Targeting Would-Be Long Term Recipients of AFDC: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.; 1986.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Taxes

Leigh, J. Paul. Unemployment Insurance and the Duration of Unemployment: The Case for Reciprocal Effects. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 1986. 8, (3): 387-399.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Duncan, Greg J. and Hoffman, Saul. Welfare Dynamics and the Nature of Need. The Cato Journal. 1986. 1, 31-54.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Leigh, J. Paul. Analysis of Workers' Compensation Using Data on Individuals. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. 1985. 24, (2): 247-256.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kim, Jiyoon and Lenhart, Otto. Paid family leave and the fight against hunger: Evidence from New York. Health Economics. 2024. 33, (7): 1503-1527.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Jenkins, Stephen P. and Van Kerm, Philippe. Trends in Income Inequality, Pro-Poor Income Growth, and Income Mobility. Oxford Economic Letters. 2006. 58, (3): 531-548.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

South, Scott J. and Crowder, Kyle D. Exiting and Entering High-Poverty Neighborhoods: Latinos, Blacks and Anglos Compared. Social Forces. 2005. 84, (2): 873-900.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Wolfe, Barbara, de Jong, Philip, Haveman, Robert, Halberstadt, Victor, and Goudswaard, Kees P. The Contribution of Income Transfers to Lagging Economic Performance: the United States and the Netherlands in the 1970's. Public Finance and Social Policy. 1985. 37, (4): 609-637.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Cohn, Elchanan and Capen, Margaret M. The Distribution of Unemployment Insurance Benefits by Income and Earnings Classes. Review of Social Economy. 1985. 43, (April): 24-35.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Nam, Yunju. The Roles of Employment Barriers in Welfare Exits and Reentries after Welfare Reform: Event History Analyses. Social Service Review. 2005. 79, (2): 268-293.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Intuwonges, Sittiporn. Social Security and U.S. Household Saving Behavior: New Theoretical and Empirical Evidence: Middle Tennessee State University; 2005. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Life Course

Domeij, David and Heathcote, Jonathan. On the Distributional Effects of Reducing Capital Taxes. International Economic Review. 2004. 45, (2): 523-554.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Poverty; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Fortson, Kenneth Noble. Economic Analysis of Workplace Injuries: Princeton University; 2005. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Fisher, Jonathan D. The Effect of Unemployment Benefits, Welfare Benefits, and Other Income on Personal Bankruptcy. Contemporary Economic Policy. 2005. 23, (4): 483-492.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

French, Eric. The Effects of Health, Wealth, and Wages on Labor Supply and Retirement Behavior. The Review of Economic Studies. 2005. 72, (2): 395-427.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Conde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio and Profeta, Paola. The Redistributive Design of Social Security Systems. The Economic Journal. 2007. 117, (520): 686-712.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Retirement; Taxes

Rank, Mark R. Rethinking the Scope and Impact of Poverty in the United States. Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal. 2007. 2, (6): 165-181.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Survey Methodology

Chyi, Hau. Three Essays in Public Economics: University of Wisconsin-Madison; 2007. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Cocco, Joao F. Portfolio Choice in the Presence of Housing. The Review of Financial Studies. 2004. 18, (2): 535-567.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Housing; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Chojnicki, Xavier and Docquier, Frederic. Fiscal Policy and Educational Attainment in the United States: A Generational Accounting Perspective. Economica. 2007. 74, (294): 329-350.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Survey Methodology; Taxes

Coe, Richard D. Nonparticipation in the SSI Program by the Eligible Elderly. Southern Economic Journal. 1985. 51, (3): 891-897.
Keywords: Government Transfers

Holst, Roland. Social Security and Policy Risk: Evidence, Welfare Costs, and Effects on Wealth Accumulation: University of Chicago; 2006. Dept: School of Public Policy Studies
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Fisher, Jonathan D. The Ability of Women to Repay Debt After Divorce. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. 2006. 27, (3/4): 161-168.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Guo, Shenyang. Analyzing Grouped Data with Hierarchical Linear Modeling. Children and Youth Services Review. 2005. 27, (6): 637-652.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Cook, John T. and Frank, Deborah A. Food Security, Poverty and Human Development in the United States. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2008. 1136, 193-209.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty; Wellbeing

Roberts, Russell D. Recipient Preferences and the Design of Government Transfer Programs. The Journal of Law and Economics. 1985. 28, 27-54.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty; Taxes

Newman, Sandra J. and Struyk, Raymond J. An Alternative Targeting Strategy for Housing Assistance. The Gerontologist. 1984. 24, (6): 584-592.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Housing; Poverty

O'Neill, June, Wolf, Douglas, Bassi, Laurie, and Hannan, Michael. An Analysis of Time on Welfare: The Urban Institute; 1984.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Watanabe, Kisa. Essays on Welfare Time Limits and Individuals' Behavior: University of Washington; 2005. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Haveman, Robert and Wolfe, Barbara. The Decline in Male Labor Force Participation: a Comment. Journal of Political Economy. 1984. 92, (3): 532-541.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Haveman, Robert and Wolfe, Barbara. Disability Transfers and Early Retirement: a Causal Relationship? Journal of Public Economics. 1984. 24, 47-66.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Retirement

DiPrete, Thomas A., Morgan, S. Philip, Engelhardt, Henriette, and Pacalova, Hana. Do Cross-National Differences in the Costs of Children Generate Cross-National Differences in Fertility Rates? Population Research and Policy Review. 2003. 22, 439-477.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Nichols-Casebolt, Ann Marie. The Impact of Income Support on Recipient's Psychological Well Being: Income-Tested Versus Non-Income-Tested Programs: The University of Wisconsin--Madison; 1984. Dept: School of Social Work
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ryan, Suzanne, Manlove, Jennifer, and Hofferth, Sandra L. State-Level Welfare Policies and Nonmarital Subsequent Childbearing. Population Research and Policy Review. 2006. 25, (1): 103-126.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Pittman, Laura D. Grandmothers' Involvement Among Young Adolescents Growing Up in Poverty. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 2007. 17, (1): 89-116.
Keywords: Aging; Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Gramlich, Edward M. and Laren, Deborah. Migration and Income Redistribution Responsibilities. The Journal of Human Resources. 1984. 19, (4): 489-511.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Carvalho de Mattos, Enlinson. Three Essays on Fiscal Policy and Redistribution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; 2006. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Poverty; Taxes

Page, Marianne E. and Stevens, Ann Huff. Understanding Racial Differences in the Economic Costs of Growing Up in a Single-Parent Family. Demography. 2005. 42, (1): 75-90.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Burkhauser, Richard V., Giles, Philip, Lillard, Dean R., and Schwarze, Johannes. Until Death Do Us Part: An Analysis of the Economic Well-Being of Widows in Four Countries. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 2005. 60, (5): S238-S246.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies

Swann, Christopher A. Welfare Reform When Recipients are Forward-Looking. The Journal of Human Resources. 2005. 40, (1): 31-56.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Headey, Bruce, Headey, S., Muffels, R., and Janssen, C. Who Enjoys the Fruits of Growth? Impact of Governments and Markets on Living Standards in Germany, the Netherlands and the U.S.A., 1987-1996. Social Indicators Research. 2004. 65, (2): 125-144.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Willson, Andrea E. and Shuey, Kim M. Cumulative Advantage Processes as Mechanisms of Inequality in Life Course Health. American Journal of Sociology. 2007. 112, (6): 1886-1924. PMCID: PMC3808869
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Amialchuk, Aliaksandr. Essays on Fertility and Health Economics: University of Houston; 2007. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Gottschalk, Peter. Is the Correlation in Welfare Participation Across Generations Spurious? Journal of Public Economics. 1996. 63, (1): 1-25.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Harris, Kathleen Mullan. Life After Welfare: Women, Work and Repeat Dependency. American Sociological Review. 1996. 61, (3): 407-26.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Moffitt, Robert. An Economic Model of Welfare Stigma. American Economic Review. 1983. 73, (5): 1023-1035.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Filer II, Larry H. and Fisher, Jonathan D. The Consumption Effects Associated with Filing for Personal Bankruptcy. Southern Economic Journal. 2005. 71, (4): 837-854.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Caniglia, Alan Scott. Intertemporal Effects and the Analysis of Public Housing Programs: University of Virginia; 1983. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Poverty

Hampton, Matt and Lenhart, Otto. The Effect of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion on Marriage. Economic Inquiry. 2022. 60, (2): 568-591.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Salahuddin, Yasmeen Ameena. Disability, Labor Supply and the Impact of Legislation: The Johns Hopkins University; 2005. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Coe, Richard D. Nonparticipation in Welfare Programs by Eligible Households: the Case of the Food Stamp Program. Journal of Economic Issues. 1983. 17, (4): 1035-1056.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Moschini, Emily G. Child Care Subsidies and Child Skill Accumulation in One- and Two-Parent Families. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 2023. 15, (1): 475-516.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Arapakis, Karolos Panagiotis. Essays in the Economics of Aging: University College London; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Connolly, Laura, Hampton, Matt, and Lenhart, Otto. Labor Mobility and the Affordable Care Act: Heterogeneous Impacts of the Preexisting Conditions Provision. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2024. 43, (1): 157-191.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Horneff, Vanya, Maurer, Raimond, and Mitchell, Olivia S. Fixed and Variable Longevity Income Annuities in Defined Contribution Plans: Optimal Retirement Portfolios Taking Social Security Into Account. Journal of Risk and Insurance. 2023. 90, (4): 831-860.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Income; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Gibson, D. Long-Term Food Stamp Program Participation is Differentially Related to Overweight in Young Girls and Boys. The Journal of Nutrition. 2004. 134, (2): 372-379.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Kurthen, Hermann and Heisler, Barbara Schmitter. Immigrant Integration: Comparative Evidence From the United States and Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 2009. 32, (1): 139-170.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Housing; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Hoynes, Hilary Williamson and Schanzenbach, Diane Whitmore. Work Incentives and the Food Stamp Program. Journal of Public Economics. 2012. 96, (1-2): 151-162.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gold, Sarah L. Housing Assistance and Children's Educational Attainment: A Longitudinal Study: Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies; 2018. Dept: Social Work
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Housing; Poverty

Antonakos, Cathy L. and Colabianchi, Natalie. Impact of Rental Assistance on Modifiable Health Risk Factors and Behaviors in Adults. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 2018. 20, (2): 133-144. PMCID: PMC6370322
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing

Richard, Patrick. The Burden of Medical Debt Faced by Households with Dependent Children in the United States: Implications for the Affordable Care Act of 2010. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2016. 37, (2): 212-225.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Breck, Andrew. Effect of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Health and Healthcare Expenditures: New York University; 2018. Dept: Public Administration
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Lander, David. Household Bankruptcy and Government Transfers: Penn State; 2018. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Hartley, Robert. Essays on Intergenerational Dependency and Welfare Reform: University of Kentucky; 2017. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Rohde, Nicholas, Tang, Kam Ki, and Rao, D. S. Prasada. Distributional Characteristics of Income Insecurity in the U.S., Germany, and Britain. The Review of Income and Wealth. 2014. 60, S159-S176.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Taxes

Dave, Dhaval and Saffer, Henry. Alcohol Demand and Risk Preference. Journal of Economic Psychology. 2008. 29, (6): 810-831. PMCID: PMC2636710
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

McDonough, Peggy, Worts, Diana, and Sacker, Amanda. Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health Dynamics: A Comparison of Britain and the United States. Social Science & Medicine. 2010. 70, (2): 251-260.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Nakajima, Makoto. Rising Indebtedness and Temptation: A Welfare Analysis. Quantitative Economics. 2012. 3, (2): 257-288.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Poverty

Brown, Jeffrey R., Coronado, Julia Lynn, and Fullerton, Don. Is Social Security Part of the Social Safety Net? Tax Policy and the Economy. 2009. 23, (1): 37-72.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Mullins, Joseph. Government Policies and Child Development: New York University; 2016. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Government Transfers; Poverty

Olea de Souza e. Silva, Pedro Miguel. Essays in Public Economics: Princeton University; 2016. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Hoynes, Hilary W. and Luttmer, Erzo F. P. The Insurance Value of State Tax-and-Transfer Programs. Journal of Public Economics. 2011. 95, (11-12): 1466-1484.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Life Course; Taxes

Warren, Lewis H. Three Essays on Unemployment Insurance in the 21st Century: University of Kentucky; 2016. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Grieger, Lloyd D. and Wyse, Jessica. The Impacts of Welfare Reform on Federal Assistance to Persistently Poor Children. Journal of Children and Poverty. 2013. 19, (2): 71-89.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Poverty

Yang, Hee-Seung. Essays in Public and Labor Economics: University of California-San Diego; 2011. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Harkness, Joseph M., Newman, Sandra J., and Holupka, C. Scott. Geographic Differences in Housing Prices and the Well-Being of Children and Parents. Journal of Urban Affairs. 2009. 31, (2): 123-146.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Guo, Chao and Peck, Laura R. Giving and Getting: Charitable Activity and Public Assistance. Administration & Society. 2009. 41, (5): 600-627.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Life Course; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Ono, Hiromi. The Socioeconomic Status of Women and Children in Japan: Comparisons with the USA. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family. 2010. 24, (2): 151-176.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Bitler, Marianne P., Hoynes, Hilary W., Jencks, Christopher, and Meyer, Bruce D. The State of the Social Safety Net in the Post-Welfare Reform Era (with Comments and Discussion). Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 2010. Fall, (Fall, 2010): 71-147.
Keywords: Children; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Poverty

Mirtcheva, Donka Mitkova and Powell, Lisa M. Participation in the National School Lunch Program: Importance of School-Level and Neighborhood Contextual Factors. Journal of School Health. 2009. 79, (10): 485-494.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Cramer, Reid, O'Brien, Rourke, Cooper, Daniel, and Luengo-Prado, Maria. A Penny Saved Is Mobility Earned: Advancing Economic Mobility Through Savings: Economic Mobility Project: An Initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts; 2009.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

East, Chloe Noelle. The Safety Net and Families' Outcomes: University of California, Davis; 2016. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Aizer, Anna, Eli, Shari, Ferrie, Joseph, and Lleras-Muney, Adriana. The Long-Run Impact of Cash Transfers to Poor Families. American Economic Review. 2016. 106, (4): 935-971.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Poverty

Boudreaux, Michel H. The Long-Term Effects of Exposure to Medicaid in Early Childhood: University of Minnesota; 2014. Dept: Public Health
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kelchen, Robert. Three Essays in Higher Education Policy: The University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2013. Dept: Educational Policy Studies
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Barker, David and Miller, Eric. Homeownership and Child Welfare. Real Estate Economics. 2009. 37, (2): 279-303.
Keywords: Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Housing; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Donohue III, John J., Stein, Michael Ashley, Griffin Jr., Christopher L., and Becker, Sascha. Assessing Post-ADA Employment: Some Econometric Evidence and Policy Considerations. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011. 8, (3): 477-503.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes

Picchio, Matteo and Valletta, Giacomo. A Welfare Evaluation of the 1986 Tax Reform for Married Couples in the United States. International Tax and Public Finance. 2018. 25, (3): 757-807.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Taxes

Dantzler, Prentiss A. and Rivera, Jason D. Settling in or Moving Out? Exploring the Effect of Mobility Intentions on Public Housing Exits. Housing Studies. 2019. 34, (4): 715-733.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

vom Lehn, Christian, Gorry, Aspen, and Fisher, Eric O'N. Male Labor Supply and Generational Fiscal Policy. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2018. 28, 121-149.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Larsen, MatthewF, McCarthy, T. J., Moulton, JeremyG, Page, MarianneE, and Patel, AnkurJ. War and Marriage: Assortative Mating and the World War II GI Bill. Demography. 2015. 52, (5): 1431-1461.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Moon, Seong Hyeok. Essays on Human Development: The University of Chicago; 2014. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers

Hungerford, Thomas L. The Redistributive Effect of Selected Federal Transfer and Tax Provisions. Public Finance Review. 2010. 38, (4): 450-472.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Taxes

Rank, Mark R. and Hirschl, Thomas A. Welfare Use as a Life Course Event: Toward a New Understanding of the U.S. Safety Net. Social Work. 2002. 47, (3): 237-248.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Life Course; Poverty

Butler, Amy C. Welfare, Premarital Childbearing, and the Role of Normative Climate: 1968-1994. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2002. 64, (2): 295-313.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Wu, Ke Bin. Older Persons Find It hardest to Exit Poverty: 2001.p.1-6.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Poverty; Retirement; Wellbeing

Stewart, Susan Tracy. Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures by Older Adults in Relation to Age, Race and Insurance: University of Southern California; 2001. Dept: Gerontology/Public Policy
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Fisher, Jonathan D. Personal Bankruptcy Filings: The Effects of Bankruptcy Laws and Government Transfer Programs: University of Kentucky; 2001. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Counts, Roy Wayne. Social Security Privatization Proposals: An Analysis of Winners and Losers: Texas Tech University; 2005. Dept: Business Administration
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Daly, Mary C. Characteristics of SSI and DI Recipients in the Years Prior to Receiving Benefits: Evidence from the PSID. In: Rupp, Kalman and Stapleton, David C., editors. Growth in Disability Benefits: Explanations and Policy Implications. Kalamazoo, MI; W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; 1998. p.177-195.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Darity Jr., William, Cotton, Jeremiah P., and Hill, Herbert. Race and Inequality in the Managerial Age. In: Reed, Wornie L., editors. African Americans: Essential Perspectives. Westport, CT; Auburn House; 1993. p.33-80.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Wilde, Parke E., Hofferth, Sandra L., Stanhope, Stephen, Noonan, Mary C., and Collins, Nancy. Pre-1997 Trends in Welfare and Food Assistance in a National Sample of Families. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2000. 82, (3): 642-648.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Hu, Wei-Yin. Child Support, Welfare Dependency, and Women's Labor Supply. The Journal of Human Resources. 1999. 34, (1): 71-103.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Vartanian, Thomas P. Childhood Conditions and Adult Welfare Use: Examining Neighborhood and Family Factors. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1999. 61, 225-237.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Stevens, Ann Huff. Climbing Out of Poverty, Falling Back in: Measuring the Persistence of Poverty Over Multiple Spells. The Journal of Human Resources. 1999. 34, (3): 557-588.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Hirschl, Thomas A. and Rank, Mark R. Community Effects on Welfare Participation. Sociological Forum. 1999. 14, (1): 155-174.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Poverty; Wellbeing

Moffitt, Robert A. and Gottschalk, Peter T. Ethnic and Racial Differences in Welfare Receipt in the United States. In: Smelser, Neil J., Wilson, Willam Julius and Mitchell, Faith, editors. America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences. USA; National Academies Press; 2001. p.152-173.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Naga, Ramses H. Abul. The Allocation of Benefits Under Uncertainty: a Decision-Theoretic Framework. Economic Modelling. 2003. 20, (4): 873-893.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Poverty; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Berger, Mark C. and Black, Dan A. The Duration of Medicaid Spells: An Analysis Using Flow and Stock Samples. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1998. 80, (4): 667-675.
Keywords: Government Transfers

South, Scott J. and Crowder, Kyle D. Avenues and Barriers to Residential Mobility Among Single Mothers. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1998. 60, (4): 866-877.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kotlikoff, Laurence J., Smetters, Kent A., and Walliser, Jan. Social Security and the Real Economy: Evidence and Policy Implications. American Economic Review. 1998. 88, (2): 137-141.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Lin, Yin-Fang. Three Essays on the Welfare System: The University of Michigan; 1998. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Lefranc, Arnaud. On the Sensitivity of Returns to Seniority to the Measurement of Earnings. International Journal of Manpower. 2003. 24, (7): 789-811.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Allgood, Sam. Redistributing Income and Relative Efficiency. Economic Inquiry. 2003. 41, (1): 480-496.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Athreya, Kartik B. Welfare implications of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1999. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2002. 49, (8): 1567-1595.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers

Zhan, Min and Pandey, Shanta. Postsecondary Education and the Well-being of Women in Retirement. Social Work Research. 2002. 26, (3): 171-184.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement

Ratcliffe, C. E. Premarital Childbearing and Welfare Receipt: The Role of Mothers' Receipt. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2002. 56, (1): 160-178.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Bertoud, Richard. A Childhood in Poverty: Persistent Versus Transitory Poverty. New Economy. 2001. 8, (2): 77-81.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty

Askew, Diana, Brewington, Jennifer, and Toulney, Andrea. An Examination of Intergenerational Income Mobility Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: 2001.p.17.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

DiPrete, Thomas A., de Graaf, Paul M., Luijkx, Ruud, Tahlin, Michael, and Blossfeld, Hans-Peter. Collectivist vs. Individualist Mobility Regimes? Structural Change and Job Mobility in Four Countries. American Journal of Sociology. 1997. 103, (2): 318-358.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

DiPrete, Thomas. Do Cross-National Differences in Household Standard of Living Mobility Parallel Cross-National Differences in Occupational Mobility? A Comparison of Germany, Sweden, and the USA. Current Sociology. 2003. 51, (5): 483-498.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies

Dulitzky, Daniel H. Social Security Reforms, Retirement Plans, and Saving Under Labor Income Uncertainty: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1998. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Duncan, Greg J. and Caspary, Gretchen. Welfare Dynamics and the 1996 Welfare Reform. Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy. 1997. 11, (2): 605-632.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Duncan, Kevin. Incentives and the Work Decisions of Welfare Recipients: Evidence from the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 1981-1988. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 2000. 59, (3): 433-449.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Pepper, John V. The Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Receipt: A Nonparametric Bounds Analysis. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2000. 82, (3): 472-488.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Headey, Bruce, Goodin, Robert E., Muffels, Ruud, and Dirven, Henk-Jan. Is There a Trade-Off Between Economic Efficiency and a Generous Welfare State? A Comparison of Best Cases of 'The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism'. Social Indicators Research. 2000. 50, (2): 115-157.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Sanders, Cynthia. The Impact of Microenterprise Assistance Programs: A Comparative Study of Program Participants, Nonparticipants and Other Low-Wage Workers. Social Service Review. 2002. 76, (2): 321-340.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Boisjoly, Johanne, Harris, Kathleen Mullan, and Duncan, Greg J. Trends, Events, and Duration of Initial Welfare Spells. Social Service Review. 1998. 72, (4): 466-492.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Geronimus, Arline T. and Bound, John. Use of Census-Based Aggregate Variables to Proxy for Socioeconomic Group: Evidence from National Samples. American Journal of Epidemiology. 1998. 148, (5): 475-486.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Smeeding, Timothy. The Role of Micro-level Panel Data in Policy Research. Schmollers Jahrbuch:-Zeitschrift-fur-Wirtschafts-und-Sozialwissenschaften/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. 2001. 121, (4): 469-500.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Retirement; Wellbeing

Keyes, Wendy. Essays on Child-Support Compliance and Avoidance: A Policy and Behavioral Analysis: The Claremont Graduate University; 2018. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Lundberg, Shelly, Startz, Richard, and Stillman, Steven. The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle: A Marital Bargaining Approach. Journal of Public Economics. 2003. 87, (5/6): 1199-1218.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Retirement; Wellbeing

Martin, Molly A. The Role of Family Income in the Intergenerational Association of AFDC Receipt. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2003. 65, (2): 326.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Gundersen, Craig G. and Ziliak, James P. The Role of Food Stamps in Consumption Stabilization. The Journal of Human Resources. 2003. 38, (Supplement): 1051-1079.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Hofferth, Sandra L. Did Welfare Reform Work? Implications for 2002 and Beyond. Contexts. 2002. 1, (1): 45-51.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Hong, Baeg-Eui. Income Redistributive Effects of Proposals for Social Security Reform: Washington University at St. Louis; 2001. Dept: School of Social Work
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Chapman, Richard, Duncan, Kevin, and Gray, Jerry. Mixing Welfare and Work: Evidence from the PSID, 1980-87. Eastern Economic Journal. 1998. 24, (1): 51-62.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Schmidt, Lucille G. Family Structure and Economic Opportunities: The University of Michigan; 2003. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Chin, Meejung. Kin Support and Public Assistance to Single Mother Families: Longitudinal Analyses: The Pennsylvania State University; 2000. Dept: Human Development and Family Studies
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Hungerford, Thomas L. Who Doesn't Have a Bank Account? Challenge. 2000. 43, (6): 65-75.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Vartanian, Thomas P. and McNamara, Justine M. Work and Economic Outcomes After Welfare. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 2000. 27, (2): 41-78.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Newman, Sandra J. and Harkness, Joseph M. The Long-Term Effects of Public Housing on Self-Sufficiency. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2002. 21, (1): 21-43.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Carlson, S. J., Andrews, M. S., and Bickel, G. W. Measuring Food Insecurity and Hunger in the United States: Development of a National Benchmark Measure and Prevalence Estimates. The Journal of Nutrition. 1999. 129, (2): 510S-516S.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Lee, M. A. and Rendall, Michael S. Self-Employment Disadvantage in the Working Lives of Blacks and Females. Population Research and Policy Review. 2001. 20, (4): 291-320.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement

Schanzenbach, Max Matthew. Three Essays on Public Policy and Labor Economics: Yale University; 2003. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Weathers II, Robert Ray. Essays in Applied Microeconometrics: Syracuse University; 1999. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Glass, Thomas Westbrook. Essays on the Distributional Aspects of Social Security: University of Texas at Austin; 1999. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Ku, Inhoe. The Effect of Welfare on the Children's Education. Social Science Review. 2001. 75, (2): 245-270.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Weinberg, Steven Aric. Essays on Wealth, Saving and Financial Markets: Stanford University; 2002. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Sanders, Cynthia Kay. Microenterprise versus the Labor Market Among Low-Income Workers: Washington University; 2001. Dept: School of Social Work
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Shroder, Mark. Does Housing Assistance Perversely Affect Self-Sufficiency? A Review Essay. Journal of Housing Economics. 2002. 11, (4): 381-417.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Gruber, Jonathan. Cash Welfare as a Consumption Smoothing Mechanism for Divorced Mothers. Journal of Public Economics. 2000. 75, (2): 157-182.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Gruber, Jonathan. Cash Welfare as a Consumption Smoothing Mechanism for Single Mothers. Journal of Public Economics. 2000. 75, (2): 157-182.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Ku, Inhoe. Consequences of Maternal Welfare Receipt for Children: The Case of Educational Attainment in Young Adulthood: University of Washington; 2000. Dept: School of Social Work
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Poverty

McClellan, Mark and Skinner, Jonathan. Medicare Reform: Who Pays and Who Benefits? Health Affairs. 1999. 18, (1): 48-62.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Income; Taxes

Gold, Sarah. Housing Assistance and Residential Stability Among Low-Income Children. Social Service Review. 2018. 92, (2): 171-201.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Geronimus, Arline T. and Bound, John. RE: "Use of Census-Based Aggregate Variables to Proxy for Socioeconomic Group: Evidence From National Samples": The Authors Reply to Letters to the Editor. American Journal of Epidemiology. 1999. 150, (8): 894-896.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Krieger, Nancy and Gordon, David. RE: "Use of Census-Based Aggregate Variables to Proxy Socioeconomic Group: Evidence From National Samples" - Letters to the Editor. American Journal of Epidemiology. 1999. 150, (8): 892-894.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Moffitt, Robert, Reville, Robert, and Winkler, Anne E. Beyond Single Mothers: Cohabitation and Marriage in the AFDC Program. Demography. 1998. 35, (3): 259-278.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Smith, Patricia K. and Yeung, Wei-Jun J. Childhood Welfare Receipt and the Implications of Welfare Reform. Social Service Review. 1998. 72, (1): 1-16.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Daly, Mary C. Disability and Work: The Experiences of American and German Men. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Review. 1998. 2, 17-29.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Stromsdorfer, Ernst. Economic Evaluation of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act: An Overview of Recent Findings and Advances in Evaluation Methods. Evaluation Review. 1987. 11, (4): 387-394.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bassi, Laurie. Training the Disadvantaged: Can It Reduce Welfare Dependence? Evaluation Review. 1987. 11, (4): 493-509.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Blundell, Richard and Pistaferri, Luigi. Income Volatility and Household Consumption - The Impact of Food Assistance Programs. The Journal of Human Resources. 2003. 38, (Supplement S): 1032-1050.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Harkness, Joseph M. and Newman, Sandra J. The Interactive Effects of Housing Assistance and Food Stamps in Food Spending. Journal of Housing Economics. 2003. 12, (3): 224-249.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Housing; Poverty

Charles, Kerwin Kofi. The Longitudinal Structure of Earnings Losses Among Work-Limited Disabled Workers. The Journal of Human Resources. 2003. 38, (3): 618-646.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hofferth, Sandra L., Stanhope, Stephen, and Mullan Harris, Kathleen. Exiting Welfare in the 1990s: Did Public Policy Influence Recipients' Behavior? Population Research and Policy Review. 2002. 21, (5): 433-472.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kniesner, Thomas J. and Ziliak, James P. Explicit versus Implicit Income Insurance. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. 2002. 25, (1): 5-20.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Taxes

Ionescu, Felicia A. Consolidation of Student Loan Repayments and Default Incentives. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2008. 8, (1): 1-35.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers

Taylor, Yhenneko J. and Nies, Mary A. Measuring the Impact and Outcomes of Maternal Child Health Federal Programs. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2013. 17, (5): 886-896.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Western, Bruce, Bloome, Deirdre, Sosnaud, Benjamin, and Tach, Laura. Economic Insecurity and Social Stratification. Annual Review of Sociology. 2012. 38, 341-359.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty

Chapela, Jorge Gonzalez. On the Price of Recreation Goods as a Determinant of Male Labor Supply. Journal of Labor Economics. 2007. 25, (4): 795-824.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Housing; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Retirement; Survey Methodology; Taxes; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Neblett, Nicole Gardner. Patterns of Single Mothers' Work and Welfare Use: What Matters for Children's Well-Being? Journal of Family Issues. 2007. 28, (8): 1083-1112.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Ho, Christine. Welfare Reform and At-Risk Mothers' Labour Supply. Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy. 2013. 32, (2): 249-257.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Low, Hamish and Pistaferri, Luigi. Disability Insurance and the Dynamics of the Incentive Insurance Trade-Off. American Economic Review. 2015. 105, (10): 2986-3029.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Lee, Woojin and Roemer, John E. Racism and Redistribution in the United States: A Solution to the Problem of American Exceptionalism. Journal of Public Economics. 2006. 90, (6-7): 1027-1052.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wellbeing

Nikpay, Sayeh Sander. Three Essays on the Economics of Health Reform: University of Michigan; 2014. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Berniell Mac Allister, María Lucila. Essays on Public Policy and Human Capital: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; 2015. Dept: Public Policy
Keywords: Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production

Hofferth, Sandra L. and Stanhope, Stephen/Harris, Kathleen Mullan. Remaining Off Welfare in the 1990s: The Influence of Public Policy and Economic Conditions. Social Science Research. 2005. 34, (2): 426-453.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Hungerford, Thomas L. The Role of Earnings and Financial Risk in Distributional Analyses of Social Security Reform Measures. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2006. 25, (2): 417-438.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Grinstein-Weiss, Michal, Sherraden, Michael, Gale, William G., Rohe, William M., Schreiner, Mark, and Key, Clinton. Long-Term Impacts of Individual Development Accounts on Homeownership Among Baseline Renters: Follow-Up Evidencefrom a Randomized Experiment. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 2013. 5, (1): 122-145.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing

Hilber, Christian AL and Turner, Tracy M. The Mortgage Interest Deduction and Its Impact on Homeownership Decisions. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2014. 96, (4): 618-637.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing

Sovinsky, Michelle and Stern, Steven. Dynamic Modelling of Long-Term Care Decisions. Review of Economics of the Household. 2016. 14, (2): 463-488.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Meyer, Bruce D. and Sullivan, James X. The Effects of Welfare and Tax Reform: The Material Well-Being of Single Mothers in the 1980s and 1990s. Journal of Public Economics. 2004. 88, (7-8): 1387-1420.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty; Taxes

Fullerton, Don and Rogers, Diane Lim. Lifetime Effects of Fundamental Tax Reform. In: Aaron, Henry J. and Gale, William G., editors. Economic Effects of Fundamental Tax Reform. Washington DC; Brookings Intitution Press; 1996. p.321-354.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Taxes

Matschke, Xenia and Sherlund, Shane M. Do Labor Issues Matter in the Determination of U.S. Trade Policy? An Empirical Reevaluation. American Economic Review. 2006. 96, (1): 405-421.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Chatterjee, Satyajit and Gordon, Grey. Dealing with Consumer Default: Bankruptcy Vs Garnishment. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2012. 59, S1-S16.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Anil, Bulent. The Persistence of Spatial Mismatch: The Determinants of Moving Decision Among Low-Income Households: Georgia State University; 2007. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Triest, Robert. Fundamental Tax Reform and Labor Supply. In: Aaron, Henry J. and Gale, William G., editors. The Economic Effects of Fundamental Tax Reform. Washington DC; Brookings Institution Press; 2010.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Taxes

Powell, Lisa M. and Chriqui, Jamie F. Food Taxes and Subsidies: Evidence and Policies for Obesity Prevention. In: Cawley, John, editors. The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Obesity. New York; Oxford University Press; 2011. p.639-664.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Taxes

Vartanian, Thomas P., Houser, Linda, and Harkness, Joseph. Food Stamps and Dependency: Disentangling the Short-Term and Long-Term Economic Effects of Food Stamp Receipt and Low Income for Young Mothers. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 2011. 38, 101-122.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Michelacci, Claudio and Ruffo, Hernán. Optimal Life Cycle Unemployment Insurance. American Economic Review. 2015. 105, (2): 816-59.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gundersen, Craig and Ziliak, James P. The Age Gradient in Food Stamp Program Participation: Does Income Volatility Matter? In: Jolliffe, Dean and Ziliak, James P., editors. Income Volatility and Food Assistance in the United States. Kalamazoo, MI; W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; 2008. p.171-214.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income

Jencks, Christopher, Mayer, Susan E., and Swingle, Joseph. Who Has Benefited from Economic Growth in the United States? A Case of Children. In: Wolff, Edward N., editors. What Has Happened to the Quality of Life in the Advanced Industrialized Nations. Edward Elgar Publishing; 2004. p.48-80.
Keywords: Children; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Janiak, Alexandre and Monteiro, Paulo Santos. Towards a Quantitative Theory of Automatic Stabilizers: The Role of Demographics. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2016. 78, 35-49.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Johnson, Rucker C. Follow the Money: School Spending from Title I to Adult Earnings. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. 2015. 1, (3): 50-76.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income

Kim, Seonghoon. Essays in Economics of Social Security Disability Insurance and Health: Ohio State University; 2013. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Kitao, Sagiri. Sustainable Social Security: Four Options. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2014. 17, (4): 756-779.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Voena, Alessandra. Yours, Mine, and Ours: Do Divorce Laws Affect the Intertemporal Behavior of Married Couples? American Economic Review. 2015. 105, (8): 2295-2332.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

East, Chloe N. and Kuka, Elira. Reexamining the Consumption Smoothing Benefits of Unemployment Insurance. Journal of Public Economics. 2015. 132, 32-50.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kim, Jiyoon. Three Essays on the Impact of Government Assistance Programs on Economic Behaviors of Vulnerable Households: University of Michigan; 2015. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Poverty

Hoynes, Hilary W., Schanzenbach, Diane Whitmore, and Almond, Douglas. Long-Run Impacts of Childhood Access to the Safety Net. American Economic Review. 2016. 106, (4): 903-934.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Abramowitz, Joelle. Assisted Reproductive Technology and Women’s Timing of Marriage and Childbearing. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2017. 38, (1): 100-117.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Giavazzi, Francesco and McMahon, Michael. The Household Effects of Government Spending. In: Alesina, Alberto and Giavazzi, Francesco, editors. Fiscal Policy after the Financial Crisis. Chicago; University of Chicago Press; 2013. p.103.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Felix, Carolina C. and Frisvold, David E. Health Outcomes from Head Start Participation. Current Issues in Health Economics. 2010. 290, 115-138.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Levy, Helen. Assessing the Need for a New Household Panel Study: Health Insurance and Health Care. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. 2015. 40, (1-4): 341. PMCID: PMC4894744
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Survey Methodology

Moffitt, Robert. Work Incentives in Transfer Programs (Revisited): A Study of the AFDC Program. In: Ehrenberg, Ronald, editors. Research in Labor Economics. Greenwich, CT; JAI Press; 1986. p.389-439.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes

Blank, Anna. Two Essays on the Long-Term Consequences of the EITC Program: Boston College; 2013. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Chang, Y., Chatterjee, S., and Kim, J. Household Finance and Food Insecurity. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2014. 35, (4): 499-515.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Campbell, John Y., Cocco, Joao F., Gomes, Francisco J., and Maenhout, Pascal J. Investing Retirement Wealth: A Life-Cycle Model. In: Campbell, John Y. and Feldstein, Martin, editors. Risk Aspects of Investment-Based Social Security Reform. Chicago; University of Chicago Press; 2001. p.439-482.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Retirement

Khor, Niny and Pencavel, John. Income Inequality, Income Mobility, and Social Welfare for Urban and Rural Households of China and the United States. In: Polachek, Solomon W. and Tatsiramos, Konstantinos, editors. Jobs, Training and Worker Well-being. United Kingdom; Emerald; 2010. p.61-106.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Cylus, J., Glymour, M. M., and Avendano, M. Health Effects of Unemployment Benefit Program Generosity. American Journal of Public Health. 2015. 105, (2): 317-323. PMCID: PMC4318319
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kucheva, Y. A. The Receipt of Subsidized Housing across Generations. Population Research and Policy Review. 2014. 33, (6): 841-871.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Kopecky, Karen A. and Koreshkova, Tatyana. The Impact of Medical and Nursing Home Expenses on Savings. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 2014. 6, (3): 29-72.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

McKay, Alisdair and Reis, Ricardo. The Role of Automatic Stabilizers in the U.S. Business Cycle. Econometrica. 2016. 84, (1): 141-194.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Taxes

Zhao, Kai. Social Security and the Rise in Health Spending. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2014. 64, 21-37.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Floetotto, Max, Kirker, Michael, and Stroebel, Johannes. Government Intervention in the Housing Market: Who Wins, Who Loses? Journal of Monetary Economics. 2016. 80, 106-123.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Taxes

Ben-Gad, Michael. The Welfare Effects of the Reagan Deficits: A Portfolio Choice Approach. Journal of Labor Economics. 2004. 42, (3): 441-455.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Vartanian, Thomas P. and McNamara, Justine M. The Welfare Myth: Disentangling the Long-Term Effects of Poverty and Welfare Receipt for Young Single Mothers. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 2004. 31, (4): 103-138.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Powell, L. M., Chriqui, J. F., Khan, T., Wada, R., and Chaloupka, F. J. Assessing the Potential Effectiveness of Food and Beverage Taxes and Subsidies for Improving Public Health: a Systematic Review of Prices, Demand and Body Weight Outcomes. Obesity Reviews. 2013. 14, (2): 110-128. PMCID: PMC3556391
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Taxes

Erosa, Andrés, Fuster, Luisa, and Kambourov, Gueorgui. Labor Supply and Government Programs: A Cross-Country Analysis. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2012. 59, (1): 84-107.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Arum, Richard, Budig, Michelle, and Grant II, Don Sherman. Labor Market Regulation and the Growth of Self-Employment. International Journal of Sociology. 2000. 30, (4): 3-27.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Vidangos, Ivan. Modeling, Measuring, and Understanding the Sources of Household Income Risk: Yale University; 2007. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Jones, Sonya J. and Frongillo, Edward A. The Modifying Effects of Food Stamp Program Participation on the Relation between Food Insecurity and Weight Change in Women. The Journal of Nutrition. 2006. 136, (4): 1091-1094.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Chaddha, Anmol. The Welfare Functions of Credit and Debt in an Era of Rising Inequality: Harvard University; 2015. Dept: Social Policy
Keywords: Government Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kim, Jiyoon and Shaefer, H. Luke. Are Household Food Expenditures Responsive to Entry Into the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program? Social Science Quarterly. 2015. 96, (4): 1086-1102.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Lee, Kyung-woo. Optimal Disability Insurance with Unobservable Skill Heterogeneity. Journal of Public Economics. 2015. 122, 94-109.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Taxes

Jung, Juergen and Tran, Chung. Market Inefficiency, Insurance Mandate and Welfare: US Health Care Reform 2010. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2016. 20, 132-159.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Dowling, Jakob. Essays in Urban Economics: Arizona State University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Income; Philanthropy; Taxes

Yu, Zhixiu. Why are older men working more? The role of social security. Journal of Public Economics. 2024. 231, 105071.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Rose, Nancy. The Political Economy of Welfare. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 1989. 16, (2): 87-108.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Duncan, Greg J. and Smith, Ken R. The Rising Affluence of the Elderly: How Far, How Fair, and How Frail? Annual Review of Sociology. 1989. 15, 261-89.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Gideonse, Sarah K. and Meyers, William R. Why the Family Support Act Will Fail. Challenge. 1989. 32, (5): 33-39.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Schneiderman, Leonard, Furman, Walter, and Weber, Joseph. Self Esteem and Chronic Welfare Dependency. In: Mecca, Andrew, Smelser, Neil J. and Vasconcellos, John, editors. The Social Importance of Self-Esteem. Berkeley, CA; University of California Press; 1989. p.200-247.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Wellbeing

Zewde, Naomi, Edwards, Raz, and Bacchus, Erinn. Erasing the Red Line? National Lessons from a New York Homeowner Policy. The Review of Black Political Economy. 2023. 51, (2): 250-279.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Braga, Breno and Malkova, Olga. Time to Grow UP? Adult Children as Determinants of Parental Labor Supply. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2024. 22, (1): 230-262.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Pashchenko, Svetlana and Porapakkarm, Ponpoje. Accounting for Social Security Claiming Behavior. International Economic Review. 2024. 65, (1): 505-545.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kline, Zachary D. The effects of state-managed marketplaces on out-of-pocket health care costs: Before and after the Affordable Care Act. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 2024. 89, 100881.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Berger, Lawrence M., Collins, J. Michael, and Smeeding, Timothy M. Exiting or Retaining Owner-Occupied Housing in the United States 1999-2009: How do Social Programs Matter? Children and Youth Services Review. 2015. 57, 112-126.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing

Peck, Laura R. and Guo, Chao. How Does Public Assistance Use Affect Charitable Activity? A Tale of Two Methods. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2014. 44, (4): 665-685.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Philanthropy

Kucheva, Yana. Subsidized Housing and the Transition to Adulthood. Demography. 2018. 55, (2): 617-642.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Life Course

Spencer, Rachael A. and Komro, Kelli A. Family Economic Security Policies and Child and Family Health. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 2017. 20, (1): 45-63. PMCID: PMC5346469
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Jung, Juergen and Tran, Chung. Social Health Insurance: A Quantitative Exploration. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2022. 139, 104374.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Qing, Di. Three Essays Examining Financial Support For Post-Secondary Education: Texas Tech University; 2022. Dept: Personal Financial Planning
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Smythe, Andria. Child-to-Parent Intergenerational Transfers, Social Security, and Child Wealth Building. AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2022. 112, 53-57.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Denk, Oliver and Michau, Jean-Baptiste. Optimal Social Security with Imperfect Tagging. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2018. 120, (3): 717-762.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Danzon, Patricia M. The Economic Implications of Public Disability Insurance in the United States. Journal of Labor Economics. 1993. 11, (1): S170-S200.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Jackson, Margot I. Early Childhood WIC Participation, Cognitive Development and Academic Achievement. Social Science & Medicine. 2015. 126, 145-153. PMCID: PMC4703081
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Schanzenbach, Diane Whitmore. Understanding SNAP: An Overview of Recent Research. Food Policy. 2023. 114, 102397.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Coronado, Julia Lynn, Fullerton, Don, and Glass, Thomas. Distributional Impacts of Proposed Changes to the Social Security System. In: Poterba, J. M., editors. Cited By (since 1989): 1. Tax Policy and the Economy. Cambridge, MA; The MIT Press; 1999. p.149-186.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Retirement

Husted, Thomas A. Micro-Based Examination of the Demand for Income-Redistribution Benefits. Public Finance Quarterly. 1990. 18, (2): 157-181.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola, Krueger, Dirk, Ludwig, Alexander, and Popova, Irina. The Long-Term Distributional and Welfare Effects of Covid-19 School Closures. The Economic Journal. 2022. 132, (645): 1647-1683.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Daruich, Diego and Fernández, Raquel. Universal Basic Income: A Dynamic Assessment. American Economic Review. 2024. 114, (1): 38-88.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Mishra, Shruti. Essays In Heterogeneous Effects Of Monetary Policy: Columbia University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes

Givens, Gregory E. Unemployment, Partial Insurance, and the Multiplier Effects of Government Spending. International Economic Review. 2022. 63, (2): 571-599.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Nishiyama, Shinichi. Bequests, Inter Vivos Transfers, and Wealth Distribution. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2002. 5, (4): 892-931.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kelchen, R. and Goldrick-Rab, S. Accelerating College Knowledge: A Fiscal Analysis of a Targeted Early Commitment Pell Grant Program. Journal of Higher Education. 2015. 86, (2): 199-232.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Poverty

Horneff, Vanya, Maurer, Raimond, and Mitchell, Olivia S. Do Required Minimum Distribution 401(K) Rules Matter, and for Whom? Insights from a Lifecycle Model. Journal of Banking & Finance. 2023. 154, 106941.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Cozzi, Marco. Public Debt and Welfare in a Quantitative Schumpeterian Growth Model with Incomplete Markets. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2023. 77, 103539.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Miller, Douglas L., Shenhav, Na’ama, and Grosz, Michel. Selection into Identification in Fixed Effects Models, with Application to Head Start. Journal of Human Resources. 2023. 58, (5): 1523-1566.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Brueckner, Jan K. Welfare Reform and The Race To The Bottom: Theory and Evidence. Southern Economic Journal. 2000. 66, (3): 505-525.
Keywords: Government Transfers

Brady, David, Gao, Manjing, Guerra, Christian, Kohler, Ulrich, and Link, Bruce. The Long Term Relationship Between Childhood Medicaid Expansions and Severe Chronic Conditions in Adulthood. Social Policy & Administration. 2024. 58, (1): 39-60.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Matt, George E. and Cook, Thomas D. The War On Fraud and Error in the Food Stamp Program: An Evaluation of Its Effects in the Carter and Reagan Administrations. Evaluation Review. 1993. 17, (1): 4-26.
Keywords: Government Transfers

Morgan, James N. Equity Considerations and Means-Tested Benefits. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 1993. 12, (4): 773-778.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Hur, Sewon. The Distributional Effects of Covid-19 and Optimal Mitigation Policies. International Economic Review. 2023. 64, (1): 261-294.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Renani, Sahber Ahmadi. Essays on Microeconometric Dynamic Public Finance: The University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Stipek, Deborah and McCroskey, Jacquelyn. Investing in Children: Government and Workplace Policies for Parents. American Psychologist. 1989. 44, (2): 416-423.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Goodin, Robert E. Stabilizing Expectations: The Role of Earnings-Related Benefits in Social Welfare Policy. Ethics. 1990. 100, (3): 530-553.
Keywords: Government Transfers

Horowitz, John B. The Marginal Cost of Redistribution: Lifetime and Annual Perspectives. Southern Economic Journal. 1990. 56, (3): 664-675.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Survey Methodology

Jones, John Bailey and Li, Yue. Social Security Reform with Heterogeneous Mortality. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2023. 48, 320-344.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Avanceña, Anton L. V., Miller, Nicholas, Kim DeLuca, Ellen, Iott, Bradley, Mauri, Amanda, Eisenberg, Daniel, and Hutton, David W. Estimation of Potential Deaths Averted from Hypothetical US Income Support Policies. JAMA Health Forum. 2022. 3, (6): e221537.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty

Conesa, Juan Carlos and Krueger, Dirk. Social Security Reform With Heterogeneous Agents. Review of Economic Dynamics. 1999. 2, (4): 757-795.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Price, Cynthia J. The Effect of Welfare Laws On the Family. Marriage & Family Review. 1995. 21, (3-4): 217-237.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Zhou, Anson. Essays on Integrating Families and Demographics into Macroeconomics: The University of Wisconsin; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Deshpande, Manasi and Lockwood, Lee M. Beyond Health: Nonhealth Risk and the Value of Disability Insurance. Econometrica. 2022. 90, (4): 1781-1810.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Allard, Scott W. and Danziger, Sheldon. Welfare Magnets: Myth or Reality? The Journal of Politics. 2000. 62, (2): 350-368.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Benabou, Roland and Ok, Efe A. Social Mobility and the Demand For Redistribution: the Poum Hypothesis. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2001. 116, (2): 447-487.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Moffitt, Robert. The Effect of Employment and Training Programs on Entry and Exit from the Welfare Caseload. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 1996. 15, (1): 32-50.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Quercia, Roberto G. and Galster, George C. Threshold Effects and Neighborhood Change. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 2000. 20, (2): 146-162.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Lin, Xirong. Food Demand and Cash Transfers: A Collective Household Approach with Homescan Data. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2023. 212, 233-259.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Gold, Sarah. Does Public Housing Reduce Housing Cost Burden Among Low-Income Families with Children? Journal of Children and Poverty. 2019. 26, (1): 1-21.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Housing; Poverty

Amromin, Gene, Bhutta, Neil, and Keys, Benjamin J. Refinancing, Monetary Policy, and the Credit Cycle. Annual Review of Financial Economics. 2020. 12, 67-93.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Housing

Cylus, Jonathan and Avendano, Mauricio. Receiving Unemployment Benefits May Have Positive Effects on the Health of the Unemployed. Health Affairs. 2017. 36, (2): 289-296.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gomes, Francisco, Michaelides, Alexander, and Polkovnichenko, Valery. Fiscal Policy and Asset Prices with Incomplete Markets. The Review of Financial Studies. 2013. 26, (2): 531-566.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Yu, Zhixiu. Essays on Macroeconomics: University of Minnesota; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Abrahams, Scott David. Essays in Labor Economics: Duke University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

McInnis, Nicardo, Michelmore, Katherine, and Pilkauskas, Natasha. The Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty and Public Assistance: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit. Journal of Human Resources. Forthcoming.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Taxes

Hubener, Andreas, Maurer, Raimond, and Mitchell, Olivia S. How Family Status and Social Security Claiming Options Shape Optimal Life Cycle Portfolios. The Review of Financial Studies. 2016. 29, (4): 937-978.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Liu, Yulin and Si, Xu. Consumption Insurance Pattern Differences between China and the US: The Role of Self- and External Insurance. Finance Research Letters. 2023. 58, 104384.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Barr, Andrew and Smith, Alexander A. Fighting Crime in the Cradle: The Effects of Early Childhood Access to Nutritional Assistance. Journal of Human Resources. 2023. 58, (1): 43-73.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Life Course

Borella, Margherita, De Nardi, Mariacristina, and Yang, Fang. Are Marriage-Related Taxes and Social Security Benefits Holding Back Female Labour Supply? The Review of Economic Studies. 2023. 90, (1): 102-131.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Brady-Smith, Christy, Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, Waldfogel, Jane, and Fauth, Rebecca. Work Or Welfare? Assessing the Impacts of Recent Employment and Policy Changes On Very Young Children. Evaluation and Program Planning. 2001. 24, (4): 409-425.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Xu, Yilan and Yao, Rui. U.S. Household Financial Vulnerability: Prediction Analyses in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. 2022. 33, (2): 228-242.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income

Andrés, Javier, Boscá, José E., Ferri, Javier, and Fuentes-Albero, Cristina. Households' Balance Sheets and the Effect of Fiscal Policy. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 2022. 54, (4): 737-778.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Thomas, Mallika. The Impact of Mandated Maternity Benefits on the Gender Differential in Promotions: The University of Chicago; 2015. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Cho, Clare Yoonshin. Examining Three Federal Programs Targeting Poverty: The Ohio State University; 2015. Dept: Agricultural, Environmental, and Developmental Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Hurd, Michael, Michaud, Pierre-Carl, and Rohwedder, Susann. The Displacement Effect of Public Pensions on the Accumulation of Financial Assets. Fiscal Studies. 2012. 33, (1): 107-128. PMCID: PMC3630514
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; International Studies; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Boen, Courtney. Wealth Policy as Health Policy: A Population Aging and Racial Equity Perspective. In: Wilmoth, Janet and London, Andrew, editors. Life-Course Implications of U.S. Public Policies. New York; Routledge; 2021. p.41-51.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Dobronyi, Christopher R. Non-parametric Identification and Estimation of Demand and Preferences Using Scanner Data: University of Toronto; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Yang, Yongzheng, Zhang, Jinbao, and Liu, Peixu. The Impact of Public Assistance Use on Charitable Giving: Evidence from the USA and China. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 2021. 32, (2): 401-413.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Philanthropy

Kopiec, Pawe. Employment Prospects and the Propagation of Fiscal Stimulus. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2020. 117, 1-22.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Hwang, Grace Hye-eun. Essays in the Impact of Early Life Access to Public Programs: The Ohio State University; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Poverty

Birinci, Serdar. Essays on Government Transfers and Labor Markets: The University of Minnesota; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gottschalk, Peter. Inequality, Income Growth, and Mobility. In: Grusky, David, editors. Social Stratification, Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. Routledge; 2019. p.373.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Silveus, Neil and Stoddard, Christiana. Identifying the Causal Effect of Income on Religiosity Using The Earned Income Tax Credit. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2020. 178, 903-924.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; Time Use & Home Production

Matsuda, Kazushige. Optimal Timing of College Subsidies: Enrollment, Graduation, and the Skill Premium. European Economic Review. 2020. 129, 1-31.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gangopadhyaya, Anuj, Blavin, Fredric, Braga, Breno, and Gates, Jason. Credit Where It Is Due: Investigating Pathways from Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion to Maternal Mental Health. Health Economics. 2020. 29, (9): 975-991.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Taxes

Ong, Pinchuan. Essays in Labor and Applied Microeconomics: Northwestern University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Vartanian, Thomas and Houser, Linda. Childhood SNAP Receipt as a Protective Factor against Adult Obesity: Examining the Interaction of SNAP Participation and Neighborhood Disadvantage. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 2020. 47, 169.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Ma, Eunseong. Essay on Inequality, Business Cycles, and Macroeconomic Policy: Texas A&M University; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Carroll, Daniel R. and Hur, Sewon. On the Heterogeneous Welfare Gains and Losses from Trade. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2020. 109, 1-16.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Holley, Clare E. and Mason, Carolynne. A Systematic Review of the Evaluation of Interventions to Tackle Children’s Food Insecurity. Current Nutrition Reports. 2019. 8, (1): 11-27. PMCID: PMC6426823
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Kellogg, Maxwell Dylan. Spousal Labor Supply and the Welfare Implications of Disability Insurance Reform: University of Chicago; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Calónico, Sebastian and Smith, Jeffrey. The Women of the National Supported Work Demonstration. Journal of Labor Economics. 2017. 35, (S1): S65-S97.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Carroll, Daniel R., Dolmas, Jim, and Young, Eric R. The Politics of Flat Taxes. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2021. 39, 174-201.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Taxes

De Nardi, Mariacristina, Fella, Giulio, Knoef, Marike, Paz-Pardo, Gonzalo, and Van Ooijen, Raun. Family and Government Insurance: Wage, Earnings, and Income Risks in the Netherlands and the U.S. Journal of Public Economics. 2021. 193,
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Groneck, Max and Wallenius, Johanna. It Sucks to Be Single! Marital Status and Redistribution of Social Security. The Economic Journal. 2021. 131, (633): 327-371.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Forti Grazzini, Caterina. Three Essays in Empirical Finance: Freie Universität Berlin; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kabiri, Mina, Sexton Ward, Alison, Ramasamy, Abhilasha, Kee, Rebecca, Ganguly, Rahul, Smolarz, Brian Gabriel, Zvenyach, Tracy, Baumgardner, James R., and Goldman, Dana P. Simulating the Fiscal Impact of Anti-Obesity Medications as an Obesity Reduction Strategy. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. 2021. 58, 1-9.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Taxes

Collin, Daniel F., Shields-Zeeman, Laura S., Batra, Akansha, Vable, Anusha M., Rehkopf, David H., Machen, Leah, and Hamad, Rita. Short-Term Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Mental Health and Health Behaviors. Preventive Medicine. 2020. 139, 1-7.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Wu, Chunzan. More Unequal Income but Less Progressive Taxation. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2021. 117, 949-968.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

McInnis, Nicardo. Long-term Health Effects of Family Income Received at Different Stages in the Life Cycle: Georgia State University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Braxton, John. Essays On Macroeconomics and Labor Economics: University of Minnesota; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Sikivie, Michael. How the EITC Affects the Labor Supply of Single Women: Georgia State University; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Vartanian, Thomas P. and Houser, Linda. The Effects of Childhood SNAP Use and Neighborhood Conditions on Adult Body Mass Index. Demography. 2012. 49, (3): 1127-1154.
Keywords: Aging; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Karlman, Markus, Kinnerud, Karin, and Kragh-Sørensen, Kasper. Costly Reversals of Bad Policies: The Case of the Mortgage Interest Deduction. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2021. 40, 85-107.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Van de gaer, Dirk and Palmisano, Flaviana. Growth, Mobility and Social Progress. Journal of Comparative Economics. 2021. 49, (1): 164-182.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies

Tiehen, Laura, Vaughn, Cody N., and Ziliak, James P. Food Insecurity in the PSID: A Comparison with the Levels, Trends, and Determinants in the CPS, 1999–2017. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. 2020. 45, (2): 103-138.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Li, Qian. Dynamic Effects of Consumption Tax, Reforms with Durable Consumption. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2020. 20, (2): 1-33.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Taxes

Nikpay, Sayeh S. Entrepreneurship and Job Lock: The Interaction Between Tax Subsidies and Health Insurance Regulations. Contemporary Economic Policy. 2020. 38, (1): 30-47.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Graves, Sebastian. Essays in Macroeconomics: New York University, Economics; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Smirnyagin, Vladimir. Essays on Dynamic Macroeconomics: University of Minnesota; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Surana, Khushboo. Essays on Structural Consumption Analysis Using Revealed Preferences: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; 2020. Dept: Economics and Business
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers

Kleven, Henrik, Landais, Camille, Posch, Johanna, Steinhauer, Andreas, and Zweimüller, Josef. Child Penalties across Countries: Evidence and Explanations. AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2019. 109, 122-126.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; International Studies

Tuttle, Cody. Snapping Back: Food Stamp Bans and Criminal Recidivism. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 2019. 11, (2): 301-327.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers

Pal, Sarmistha. Essays on Effects of Illness and Supplemental Security Income on Employment: Clemson University; 2012. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Child Development Supplement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Hamad, Rita, Templeton, Zachary S., Schoemaker, Lena, Zhao, Michelle, and Bhattacharya, Jay. Comparing Demographic and Health Characteristics of New and Existing SNAP Recipients: Application of a Machine Learning Algorithm. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2019. 109, (4): 1164-1172. PMCID: PMC6462432
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Lin, Zhenguo, Liu, Yingchun, and Xie, Jia. Banking Deregulation and Homeownership. Journal of Housing Economics. 2021. 52, 1-12.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Housing

Riley, Alicia Rose. The Social Production of Health Inequalities across State and Regional Contexts: University of Chicago; 2019. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Swenson, Kendall. Essays on the Relationship Between Income and Life Satisfaction in the United States: University of Maryland, College Park; 2015. Dept: School of Public Policy
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Wellbeing

Hamilton, Leah. Asset Limits in Public Assistance and Savings Behavior Among Low-Income Families. Social Science Quarterly. 2021. 102, (1): 454-467.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Brennan, Alan, Buckley, Charlotte, Vu, Tuong Manh, Probst, Charlotte, Nielsen, Alexandra, Bai, Hao, Broomhead, Thomas, Greenfield, Thomas, Kerr, William, Meier, Petra S., Rehm, Jürgen, Shuper, Paul, a. Introducing CASCADEPOP: an open-source Sociodemographic Simulation Platform for US Health Policy Appraisal. International Journal of Microsimulation. 2020. 13, (2): 21-60.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Edwards, Kathryn Anne. Who Helps The Unemployed? Workers’ Receipt of Public and Private Transfers. IZA Journal of Labor Economics. 2020. 9, (1): 1-26.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Noh, Eul. The Effects of Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, and College Share on the U.S. Economy: University of California, San Diego; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Reznik, Gayle L., Couch, Kenneth A., Tamborini, Christopher R., and Iams, Howard M. Longevity-Related Options for Social Security: A Microsimulation Approach to Retirement Age and Mortality Adjustments. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2019. 38, (1): 210-238.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Retirement

Carter, Michele. The Long-Run Effects of Program Interactions in the Social Safety Net: Evidence from Food Stamps and Head Start: The University of Chicago; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Becker, Fabian. Essays On the Optimal Interplay of Early and Late Education Subsidies and Taxation: Universität zu Köln; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Taxes

Vaughn, Cody. Essays on Child Well-Being and the Social Safety Net: University of Kentucky; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Government Transfers; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Shirley, Peter Paul. Essays on the Labor Market Effects of the Minimum Wage and Earned Income Tax Credit: University of California, Irvine; 2018. Dept:
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Lee, Kwan Ok, Smith, Richard, and Galster, George. Subsidized Housing and Residential Trajectories: An Application of Matched Sequence Analysis. Housing Policy Debate. 2017. 27, (6): 843-874.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Poverty

Kang, Seungbeom. How Housing Instability Occurs: Evidence from Panel Study of Income Dynamics: The Ohio State University; 2019. Dept: City and Regional Planning
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Housing; Poverty

Lenhart, Otto. The Effects of Income on Health: New Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit. Review of Economics of the Household. 2019. 17, (2): 377-410.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Ahmed, Shahid. Essays in Labor Economics: University of Minnesota; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Hauck, Katharina, Miraldo, Marisa, and Singh, Surya. Integrating Motherhood and Employment: A 22-year Analysis Investigating Impacts of US Workplace Breastfeeding Policy. SSM-Population Health. 2020. 11, 1-10.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Reynolds, Megan M., Fox, Ashley M., Wen, Ming, and Varner, Michael W. Is Less More? Examining the Relationship between Food Assistance Benefit Levels and Childhood Weight. SSM-Population Health. 2020. 11, 1-7.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality

Rohde, Nicholas, Tang, Kam Ki, D’Ambrosio, Conchita, Osberg, Lars, and Rao, Prasada. Welfare-based Income Insecurity in the US and Germany: Evidence from Harmonized Panel Data. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2020. 176, 226-243.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Curran, Michael and Dressler, Scott J. Preferences, Inflation, and Welfare. European Economic Review. 2020. 130, 1-22.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Jiang, Haibin. The Child Care Tax Credit, Maternal Labor Supply, and Children’s Well-being: Clemson University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Anich, Andres Yany. Essays on the Economics of Housing Markets: Stanford University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Housing; Income

Boerma, Job. Essays on Macroeconomics and Fiscal Policy: University of Minnesota; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Time Use & Home Production

Enkhbaatar, Tsenguun. Essays on Household Preference and Dynamic Decisions: University of British Columbia; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Jiang, Hanchen. Essays on Housing Affordability, Child Development and Economic Mobility: Johns Hopkins University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Taxes

Garriga, Carlos. Optimal Fiscal Policy in Overlapping Generations Models. Public Finance Review. 2019. 47, (1): 3-31.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Auclert, Adrien. Monetary Policy and the Redistribution Channel. American Economic Review. 2019. 109, (6): 2333-2367.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; International Studies; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Fullerton, Don and Rao, Nirupama L. The Lifecycle of the 47 Percent. National Tax Journal. 2019. 72, (2): 359-396.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Taxes

Kuka, Elira. Essays on the Protective Power of the U.S. Safety Net: University of California, Davis; 2015. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Adams, Terry K. and Duncan, Greg J. Long-Term Poverty in Rural Areas. In: Duncan, Cynthia, editors. Rural Poverty in America. New York; Auburn House; 1992. p.63-89.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Caner, Asena and Wolff, Edward N. The Persistence of Asset Poverty in the United States 1984-2001. In: Lane, Marie V., editors. Trends in Poverty and Welfare Alleviation Issues. Nova Publishers; 2006. p.51-80.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Housing; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Mosher, Janet. The Harms of Dichotomy: Access to Welfare Benefits as a Case on Point. Canadian Journal of Family Law. 1990. 9, (2): 97-132.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Boskin, Michael J. Social Security and Retirement Decisions. Economic Inquiry. 1977. 15, (1): 1-25.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Retirement

Hanushek, Eric Alan and Maritato, Nancy L. Assessing Knowledge of Retirement Behavior. Washington, DC; National Academies Press; 1996. p.225-243.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Citro, Constance Forbes and Hanushek, Eric Alan. Assessing Policies of Retirement--Income Needs for Data, Research and Models. Washington, DC; National Academies Press; 1997. p.62-94.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kroft, Kory and Notowidigdo, Matthew J. Should Unemployment Insurance Vary with the Unemployment Rate? Theory and Evidence. The Review of Economic Studies. 2016. 83, (3): 1092-1124.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kurthen, Hermann. Fiscal Impacts of Immigration on the American and German Welfare States. In: Fijalkowski, Jurgen and Wagner, Gert G., editors. Immigration, Citizenship and the Welfare State in Germany and the United States: Immigrant Incorporation. Stanford, CT & London, England; JAI Press Inc.; 1998. p.175-211.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Duncan, Greg J. Food Expenditure Changes Between 1972 and 1974. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1976. p.201-218.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Gokhale, Jagadeesh and Kotlikoff, Laurence J. The Impact of Social Security and Other Factors on the Distribution of Wealth. In: Feldstein, Martin S. and Liebman, Jeffrey B., editors. The Distributional Aspects of Social Security and Social Security Reform. Illinois; University of Chicago Press; 2002. p.85-114.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Stobo, John D., McGeary, Michael G. H., and Barnes, David K. Individuals with Disabilities. In: Stobo, John D., McGeary, Michael G. H. and Barnes, David K., editors. Improving the Social Security Disability Decision Process. National Academies Press; 2007. p.30-46.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Page, Marianne E. New Evidence on the Intergenerational Correlation in Welfare Participation. In: Corak, Miles, editors. Generational Income Mobility in North America and Europe. United Kingdom; Cambridge University Press; 2004. p.226-244.
Keywords: Aging; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Haveman, Robert H. and Wolfe, Barbara L. Our Findings and Some Policy Implications. Succeeding Generations: On the Effects of Investments in Children. New York; The Russell Sage Foundation; 1995. p.237-291.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Bagchi, Shantanu. Means Testing and Social Security in the United States. International Studies of Economics. 2024. 19, (1): 68-91.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Taxes

Boudreaux, Michel H., Golberstein, Ezra, and McAlpine, Donna D. The Long-Term Impacts of Medicaid Exposure in Early Childhood: Evidence from the Program's Origin. Journal of Health Economics. 2016. 45, 161-175. PMCID: PMC4785872
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Ripke, Marika, Huston, Aletha C., Eccles, Jacquelynne, and Templeton, Janice. The Assessment of Psychological, Emotional, and Social Development Indicators in Middle Childhood. In: Brown, Brett V., editors. Key Indicators of Child and Youth Well-Being: Completing the Picture. New York; Lawrence Erlbaum; 2008. p.131-166.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty

Zedlewski, Sheila. Disability and Transfer Income. In: Orcutt, Guy, Caldwell, Steven B., Wertheimer Ii, Richard, Franklin, Steven, Hendricks, Gary, Peabody, Gerald, Smith, James and Zedlewski, Sheila, editors. Policy Exploration Through Microanalytic Simulation. Washington, DC; The Urban Institute; 1976. p.177-209.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Moffitt, Robert and Rangarajan, Anuradha. The Effect of Transfer Programs on Work Effort and Human Capital Formation: Evidence From the U.S. In: Dilnot, Andrew and Walker, Ian, editors. The Economics of Social Security. Oxford University Press; 1989.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

German, H. Wade and Babcock, Michael W. Measuring the Impact of Income Distribution Changes On Railroad Traffic and Employment. Logistics and Transportation Review. 1994. 30, (4): 305-326.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Taxes

Levedahl, J. William. How Much Can Informational Outreach Programs Increase Food Stamp Program Participation? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 1995. 77, 343-352.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Fisher, Jonathan and Lyons, Angela C. Income and Income Security: The Ability of Women to Repay Debt After Divorce. In: Hartmann, Heidi I., editors. Women, Work, and Poverty: Women Centered Research for Policy Change. Haworth Press; 2006. p.161-165.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

McManus, Patricia A. and DiPrete, Thomas A. Market, Family, and State Sources of Income Instability in Germany and the United States. Social Science Research. 2000. 29, (3): 405-440.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Rodriguez, Eunice. Keeping the Unemployed Healthy: the Effect of Means-Tested and Entitlement Benefits in Britain, Germany, and the United States. American Journal of Public Health. 2001. 91, (9): 1403-1411. PMCID: PMC1446794
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ljungqvist, Lars. Squandering European Labour: Social Safety Nets in Times of Economic Turbulence. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 1999. 46, (4): 367-388.
Keywords: Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Coe, Richard D. Participation in the Food Stamp Program Among the Poverty Population. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1977. p.249-272.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Coe, Richard D. Participation in the Food Stamp Program Among the Poverty Population, 1976. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1979. p.143-182.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Coe, Richard D. Participation in the Food Stamp Program, 1979. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1983. p.121-177.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Coe, Richard D. Participation in the Supplemental Security Income Program by the Eligible Elderly. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1983. p.93-120.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers

Bellis, David D. and Edmondson, Sara E. National Data that Addresses TANF's Goals and Related Data Groupings: DIANE Publishing; 2001.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Grieger, Lloyd. New Social Program Participation During the Great Recession: The Case of SNAP. Social Science Quarterly. 2018. 99, (2): 774-790.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Garfinkel, Irwin and Haveman, Robert. Earnings Capacity and the Target Efficiency of Alternative Transfer Programs. American Economic Review. 1974. 64, (2): 196-204.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Hymans, Saul and Shapiro, H. The Allocation of Household Income to Food Consumption. In: Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1974. p.253-278.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Conley, Dalton. Being Black, Living in the Red: Wealth Matters. In: Rothenberg, Paula S., editors. From: Being Black, Living in the Red: Race, Wealth, and Social Policy in America @ 1999 by Dalton C. Conley. Reprinted by permission of the U of California Press. The Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. Macmillan Publishers; 2006. p.350-357.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Haveman, Robert, Wolfe, Barbara, and Warlick, Jennifer. Disability Transfers, Early Retirement, and Retrenchment. In: Burtless, G., editors. Retirement and Economic Behavior. Washington D.C.; The Brookings Institute; 1984. p.65-96.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Retirement

Triest, Robert K. The Efficiency Cost of Increased Progressivity. In: Slemrod, Joel B., editors. Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality. Cambridge University Press; 1996. p.137-176.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes

Quinn, Joseph F., Cahill, Kevin E., and Giandrea, Michael D. Transitions from Career Employment among Public- and Private-Sector Workers. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance. 2019. 18, (4): 529-548.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Batchelder, Lily L. Taxing the Poor: Income Averaging Reconsidered. Harvard Journal on Legislation. 2003. 40, (2): 395-452.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Poverty; Taxes

Besharov, Douglas J. and Germanis, Peter. Welfare Reform--Four Years Later. Public Interest. 2000. 140, (140): 17-35.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Rupp, Kalman and Scott, Charles G. Length of Stay On the Supplemental Security Income Disability Program. Social Security Bulletin. 1995. 58, (1): 29-47.
Keywords: Government Transfers

Edin, Kathryn and Harris, Kathleen Mullan. Getting Off and Staying Off: Racial Differences in the Work Route off Welfare. In: Browne, Irene, editors. Latinas and African American Women at Work. New York; Russell Sage Foundation; 1999. p.271-301.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Grieger, Lloyd D. and Wyse, J. The Growing Racial Divide in the U.S. Children's Long-Term Poverty at the End of the Twentieth Century: University of Michigan, Population Studies Center; 2008. PSC Research Report No. 08-660.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Brooks, Arthur C. Income, Welfare and Charity. Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism--America's Charity Divide--Who Gives, Who Doesn't and Why It Matters. Basic Books; 2006. p.75-96.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Philanthropy; Poverty

Alm, James, Dickert-Conlin, Stacy, and Whittington, Leslie A. Policy Watch: The Marriage Penalty. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 1999. 13, (3): 193-204.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Taxes

Li, Wenli. Entrepreneurship and Government Subsidies: A General Equilibrium Analysis. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2002. 26, (11): 1815-1844.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers

Corcoran, Mary and Adams, Terry. Family and Neighborhood Welfare Dependency and Son's Labor Supply. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1995. 16, (2,3): 239-264.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Behrman, Jere R., Sickles, Robin, and Taubman, Paul. Private Rates of Return on Social Security and Their Relation to Mortality for Groups Defined by Socioeconomic Characteristics. Causes, Correlates and Consequences of Death Among Older Adults: Methodological Approaches and Substantive Analyses. Springer Publishing Co.; 1998. p.186 pp.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement; Taxes

Schram, Sanford F. Putting a Black Face on Welfare. In: Schneider, Anne L. and Ingram, Helen M., editors. Deserving and Entitled: Social Constructions and Public Policy. New York; State University of New York Press; 2005. p.261-289.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement

Schram, Sanford F. Putting a Black Face on Welfare: The Good and the Bad. In: Schram, Sanford F., editors. Praxis for the Poor: Piven and Cloward and the Future of Social Science in Social Welfare. New York; New York University Press; 2002. p.157-185.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Hacker, Jacob S. The Politics of Risk Privatization in U. S. Social Policy. In: Landy, Marc K., Levin, Martin A. and Shapiro, Martin, editors. Creating Competitive Markets: The Politics of Regulatory Reform. Washington, D. C.; Brookings Institution Press; 2007. p.83-109.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Donovan, S. and Watts, H. What Can Child Care Do for Human Capital? Population Research and Policy Review. 1990. 9, (1): 5-23.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Maranville, D. Welfare and Federalism. Loyola Law Review. 1990. 36, (1): 1-54.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Poverty

Coe, Richard D. The Credit Income Rebate Plan: an Alternative Income Maintenance Program. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1975. p.115-162.
Keywords: Government Transfers

Morgan, James N. The Retirement Process in the United States: Survey Research Center, University of Michigan; 1972. A Working Paper from O.E.O. Study of Family Income Dynamics for Office of Economic Opportunity.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Martin, Isaac William and Beck, Kevin. Gentrification, Property Tax Limitation, and Displacement. Urban Affairs Review. 2018. 54, (1): 33-73.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Taxes

Hill, Martha S., Hill, Daniel H., and Walker, Robert. The Dynamics of Modern Society: Poverty, Policy and Welfare. In: Lutz Leisering, Robert Walker, editors. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, 1995. Former title: Poverty Processes in Young Adulthood: Towards a Life-Course Perspective. Intergenerational Dynamics in the USA: Poverty Processes in Young Adulthood. Bristol; The Policy Press; 1998. p.85-107.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Kucheva, Yana Andreeva. The Dynamics of Participation in Subsidized Housing Programs in the U.S: University of California, Los Angeles; 2012. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing

Duncan, Greg J., Gustafsson, Bjorn, Hauser, Richard, Schmauss, Gunther, Jenkins, Stephen, Messinger, Hans, Muffels, Ruud, Nolan, Brian, Ray, Jean-Claude, and Voges, Wolfgang. Poverty and Social-Assistance Dynamics in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. In: McFate, Katherine, Lawson, Roger and Wilson, Willam Julius, editors. Poverty, Inequality, and the Future of Social Policy: Western States in the New World Order. New York, NY; Russell Sage; 1995. p.67-108.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Coe, Richard D. A Preliminary Empirical Examination of the Dynamics of Welfare Use. In: Hill, Martha S., Hill, Daniel H. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1981. p.121-168.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Duncan, Greg J., Dunifon, Rachel, Doran, Moran Ward, and Yeung, Wei-Jun J. How Different are Welfare Families from Working Families? And Do These Differences Matter for Children's Achievement? In: Duncan, Greg J. and Chase-Lansdale, L., editors. For Better and For Worse: Welfare Reform and the Well-Being of Children and Families. New York; Russell Sage; 2001. p.101-131.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers

Gramlich, Edward M. and Laren, Deborah. How Widespread are Income Losses in a Recession? In: Bawden, Lee C., editors. The Social Contract Revisited: Aims and Outcomes of President Reagan's Social Welfare Policy. Washington, D.C.; The Urban Institute Press; 1984. p.157-180.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bolton, Kelly L. and Rodriguez, Eunice. Smoking, Drinking and Body Weight After Re-Employment: Does Unemployment Experience and Compensation Make a Difference? BMC Public Health. 2009. 9, (77): 1-12. PMCID: PMC2678120
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wellbeing

Notten, Geranda and de Neubourg, Chris. Monitoring Absolute and Relative Poverty: "Not Enough" is Not the Same as "Much Less". The Review of Income and Wealth. 2011. 57, (2): 247-269.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Poverty

Meyer, Bruce D. and Sullivan, James X. Viewpoint: Further Results on Measuring the Well-Being of the Poor Using Income and Consumption. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique. 2011. 44, (1): 52-87.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Grieger, Lloyd D. and Danziger, Sheldon H. Who Receives Food Stamps During Adulthood? Analyzing Repeatable Events With Incomplete Event Histories. Demography. 2011. 48, (4): 1601-1614.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Bednar, Steven. Essays in Applied Public Economics: Yale University; 2010. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Mykerezi, Elton and Mills, Bradford. The Impact of Food Stamp Program Participation on Household Food Insecurity. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2010. 92, (5): 1379-1391.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Poverty

Ziol-Guest, Kathleen M., Duncan, Greg J., and Kalil, Ariel. Early Childhood Poverty and Adult Body Mass Index. American Journal of Public Health. 2009. 99, (3): 527-521. PMCID: PMC2661458
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Grafstein, Robert. The Puzzle of Weak Pocketbook Voting. Journal of Theoretical Politics. 2009. 21, (4): 451-482.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Wellbeing

Armour, B. S., Pitts, M. M., and Lee, C. W. Cigarette Smoking and Food Insecurity Among Low-Income Families in the United States, 2001. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2008. 22, (6): 386-392.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty

Blundell, Richard, Pistaferri, Luigi, and Preston, Ian. Consumption Inequality and Partial Insurance. American Economic Review. 2008. 98, (5): 1887-1921.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes

Worts, Diana, Sacker, Amanda, and McDonough, Peggy. Falling Short of the Promise: Poverty Vulnerability in the United States and Britain, 1993-2003. American Journal of Sociology. 2010. 116, (1): 232-271.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Poverty

Huang, Jin, Guo, Baorong, and Kim, Youngmi. Food Insecurity and Disability: Do Economic Resources Matter? Social Science Research. 2010. 39, (1): 111-124.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Parrott, Heather Macpherson. Caring for Children Within Structures of Constraint: The Effects of Childcare on Mothers' Social Mobility: University of Georgia; 2009. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Wise, Paul H. Children of the Recession. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 2009. 163, (11): 1063-1064.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes

Sefton, Tom, Evandrou, Maria, Falkingham, Jane, and Vlachantoni, Athina. The Relationship Between Women's Work Histories and Incomes in Later Life in the UK, US and West Germany. Journal of European Social Policy. 2011. 21, (1): 20-36.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Wu, Yanyuan. The Economic Well-Being of the Elderly and Public Policy: University of Chicago; 2010. Dept: Public Policy
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Poverty; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Time Use & Home Production

Felsenstein, Daniel and Persky, Joseph. Gender and Job Chains in Local Economic Development. Economic Development Quarterly. 2010. 25, (2): 172-181.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Foster, E. Michael, Jiang, Miao, and Gibson-Davis, Christina M. The Effect of the WIC Program on the Health of Newborns. Health Services Research. 2010. 45, (4): 1083-1104. PMCID: PMC2910570
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Jiang, Miao, Foster, E. Michael, and Gibson-Davis, Christina M. The Effect of WIC on Breastfeeding: A New Look at an Established Relationship. Children and Youth Services Review. 2010. 32, (2): 264-273.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty

Rank, Mark R. and Hirschl, Thomas A. Estimating the Risk of Food Stamp Use and Impoverishment During Childhood. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 2009. 163, (11): 994-999.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Income; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Timberlake, Jeffrey M. "Scratchin' and Surviving" or "Movin' on Up?" Two Sources of Change in Children's Neighborhood SES. Population Research and Policy Review. 2009. 28, (2): 195-219.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Chen, Wen-Hao. Cross-National Differences in Income Mobility: Evidence from Canada, the United States, Great Britain and Germany. The Review of Income and Wealth. 2009. 55, (1): 75-100.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Enver, Ayesha. Three Essays on Location and Household Welfare: Ohio State University; 2009. Dept: Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Zatz, Noah D. Revisiting the Class-Parity Analysis of Welfare Work Requirements. Social Service Review. 2009. 83, (3): 313-350.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes