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Below is a list of citations havingNeighborhoods & Geographic Mobility (725) as a keyword.

Lee, Kwan Ok. Temporal Dynamics of Racial Segregation in the United States: An Analysis of Household Residential Mobility. Journal of Urban Affairs. 2017. 39, (1): 40-67.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Olofson, Mark. The Influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Families, Neighborhoods, and School Environments on Cognitive Outcomes Among Schoolchildren: The University of Vermont; 2017. Dept: Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Galster, George C. Quantifying the Effect of Neighbourhood on Individuals: Challenges, Alternative Approaches, and Promising Directions. Schmollers Jahrbuch:-Zeitschrift-fur-Wirtschafts-und-Sozialwissenschaften/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. 2008. 128, (1): 7-48.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Do, D. Phuong. The Place We Live, the Health We Have: A Multi-level, Life Course Perspective on the Effects of Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Poverty on Health and Racial Health Disparities: The Pardee RAND Graduate School; 2006. Dept: Public Policy
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Sharkey, Patrick. Neighborhoods, Cities, and Economic Mobility. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. 2016. 2, (2): 159-177.
Keywords: Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Goss, Ernst and Paul, Chris. Age and Work Experience in the Decision to Migrate. The Journal of Human Resources. 1986. 21, (3): 397-405.
Keywords: Aging; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Horvath Jr., Francis William. An Economic Analysis of Migration in the United States: Repeat Movements and Families: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 1980. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Ioannides, Yannis M. Residential Mobility and Housing Tenure Choice. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 1987. 17, (2): 265-287.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

McLanahan, Sara and Sorensen, Aage B. Life Events and Psychological Well-Being: a Reexamination of Theoretical and Methodological Issues. Social Science Research. 1984. 13, (2): 111-128.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Gramlich, Edward M. and Laren, Deborah. Migration and Income Redistribution Responsibilities. The Journal of Human Resources. 1984. 19, (4): 489-511.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Goss, Ernst and Schoening, Niles C. Search Time, Unemployment and the Migration Decision. The Journal of Human Resources. 1984. 19, (4): 570-579.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Gerking, Shelby D. and Wierick, William N. Compensating Differences and Interregional Wage Differentials. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1983. 65, (3): 483-487.
Keywords: Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Kim, Joochul and Hartwigsen, Gail. The Current Population Shift Among Elderly Migrants. Research on Aging. 1983. 5, (2): 269-282.
Keywords: Aging; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

White, Ralph Benjamin. A Theory of Change in Population Redistribution and an Application to the Nonmetropolitan Turnaround in the United States: The University of Texas at Austin; 1980. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Madden, Janice. Urban Land Use and the Growth in Two-Earner Households. American Economic Review. 1980. 70, (2): 191-197.
Keywords: Housing; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Gramlich, Edward M. Benefits, Costs, and Risks for the New Homeowners. In: Gramlich, Edward M., editors. Subprime Mortgages: America's Latest Boom and Bust. Washington, DC; The Urban Institute Press; 2007. p.57-79.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Housing; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Davies, Richard B. and Pickles, Andrew R. Accounting For Omitted Variables in a Discrete Time Panel Data Model of Residential Mobility. Quality & Quantity. 1986. 20, (2-3): 219-233.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Kaluzny, Richard L. Determinants of Household Migration: A Comparative Study by Race and Poverty Level. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1975. 57, (3): 269-274.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Lichter, Daniel T., Parisi, Domenico, and Taquino, Michael C. Together but Apart: Do US Whites Live in Racially Diverse Cities and Neighborhoods? Population and Development Review. 2017. 43, (2): 229-255.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

DaVanzo, Julie. Why Families Move: A Model of the Geographic Mobility of Married Couples: Rand; 1976.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

McGonagle, Katherine A. and Sastry, Narayan. Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to Analyze Housing Decisions, Dynamics, and Effects. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 2016. 18, (1): 226-240. PMCID: PMC4839387
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Burdick-Will, Julia, Ludwig, Jens, Raudenbush, Stephen W., Sampson, Robert J., Sanbonmatsu, Lisa, and Sharkey, Patrick. Converging Evidence for Neighborhood Effects on Children's Test Scores: An Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, and Observational Comparison. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Murnane, Richard J., editors. Whither Opportunity?: Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children's Life Chances. New York; Russell Sage; 2011. p.255-276.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Kim, Myung Woon. Family Structure, Residential Area and Housing Demand: Evidence from Micro-Data for the U.S. University of Missouri-Columbia; 2007. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Foster, Thomas Bradley. Rooted or Stuck? The Causes and Consequences of American Mobility Decline: University of Washington; 2017. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Spader, Jonathan S. and Quercia, Roberto G. Mobility and Exit from Homeownership: Implications for Community Reinvestment Lending. Housing Policy Debate. 2008. 19, (4): 675-709.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Mincer, Jacob. Family Migration Decisions. Journal of Political Economy. 1978. 86, (5): 749-773.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Pickles, Andrew and Davies, Richard. The Longitudinal Analysis of Housing Careers. Journal of Regional Science. 1985. 25, (1): 85-101.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Marsh, Kris and Polimis, Kivan. The Life Course Perspective in Explaining Racial Residential Segregation. In: Adelman, Robert and Mele, Christopher, editors. Race, Space, and Exclusion: Segregation and Beyond in Metropolitan America. 2014. p.60.
Keywords: Housing; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Garboden, Philip ME, Leventhal, Tama, and Newman, Sandra. Estimating the Effects of Residential Mobility: A Methodological Note. Journal of Social Service Research. 2017. 43, (2): 246-261.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Khor, Niny and Pencavel, John. Income Inequality, Income Mobility, and Social Welfare for Urban and Rural Households of China and the United States. In: Polachek, Solomon W. and Tatsiramos, Konstantinos, editors. Jobs, Training and Worker Well-being. United Kingdom; Emerald; 2010. p.61-106.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Baltagi, Badi and Bresson, Georges. Modelling Housing Using Multi-dimensional Panel Data. In: Matyas, Laszlo, editors. The Econometrics of Multi-dimensional Panels. Springer; 2017. p.349-376.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Bredemeyer, William Rawson. Racial, Socioeconomic Status, and Age Distribution Over Time in the U.S.: Trajectories of Neighborhood Segregation in 1970-2010: University of Colorado; 2017. Dept: Geography
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Vigdor, Jacob. Peer Effects in Neighborhoods and Housing. In: Dodge, KA, Dishion, TJ and Lansford, JE, editors. Deviant Peer Influences in Programs for Youth: Problems and Solutions. New York; The Guilford Press; 2006. p.185-202.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

DaVanzo, Julie and Hosek, James. Does Migration Increase Wage Rates? Rand; 1981.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Quillian, Lincoln and Ludwig, Jens. Housing and Neighborhoods and a New National Household Panel. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. 2015. 40, (1-4): 309-340.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Survey Methodology

Hunt, J. D., Abraham, J. E., and Weidner, T. J. Household Behaviour in the Oregon2 Model. In: Pagliara, Francesca, Preston, John and Simmonds, David, editors. Residential Location Choice: Models and Applications. Berlin; Springer; 2010. p.181-208.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Survey Methodology

Seelye, Sarah. Staying Put in Depopulated Neighborhoods: Evidence from a Mixed Methods Study: University of Michigan; 2017. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Olofson, Mark W. Childhood Adversity, Families, Neighborhoods, and Cognitive Outcomes: Testing Structural Models of the Bioecological Framework. International Journal of Education and Practice. 2017. 5, (12): 199-216.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Smart, Michael J. and Klein, Nicholas J. Complicating the Story of Location Affordability. Housing Policy Debate. 2018. 28, (3): 393-410.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Sharkey, Patrick. Residential Mobility and the Reproduction of Unequal Neighborhoods. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 2012. 14, (3): 9-31.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Lee, Kwan Ok, Smith, Richard, and Galster, George. Neighborhood Trajectories of Low-Income U.S. Households: An Application of Sequence Analysis. Journal of Urban Affairs. 2017. 39, (3): 335-357.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Stuart, Bryan. Essays on the Economics of People and Places: University of Michigan; 2017. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Madden, Janice Fanning. Urban Wage Gradients: Empirical Evidence. Journal of Urban Economics. 1985. 18, (3): 291-301.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Johnson, Rucker C. The Place of Race in Health Disparities: How Family Background and Neighborhood Conditions in Childhood Impact Later-Life Health. In: Newburger, Harriet B., Birch, Eugenie L. and Wachter, Susan M., editors. Neighborhood and Life Chances: How Place Matters in Modern America. Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania Press; 2011. p.18-36.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Owens, Ann. Income Segregation between School Districts and Inequality in Students’ Achievement. Sociology of Education. 2017. 91, (1): 1-27.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Foster, Thomas B. The Persistent Black-White Gap in and Weakening Link Between Expecting to Move and Actually Moving. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. 2017. 4, (3): 353-370.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Ioannides, Yannis M. Nonlinear Neighbourhood Interactions and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital. In: Bitros, George and Katsoulacos, Yannis, editors. Essays in Economic Theory, Growth and Labour Markets: A Festschrift in Honour of Emmanuel Drandakis, Gloucester: Edward Elgar. Northampton, MA; Edward Elgar; 2002. p.75-112.
Keywords: Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Cooke, T. J. and Shuttleworth, I. Migration and the Internet. Migration Letters. 2017. 14, (3): 331-342.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Billger, S. M. and Lamarche, C. A Panel Data Quantile Regression Analysis of the Immigrant Earnings Distribution in the United Kingdom and United States. Empirical Economics. 2015. 49, (2): 705-750.
Keywords: International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Leventhal, Tama and Newman, Sandra. Housing and Child Development. Children and Youth Services Review. 2010. 32, (9): 1165-1174.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Foote, Andrew. The Effects of Negative House Price Changes on Migration: Evidence across Us Housing Downturns. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 2016. 60, 292-299.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Moore, Alexus, Appel, Joy Dillard, Harrison, Austin, and Spring, Amy. Stuck or Rooted? Perspectives on the Residential Immobility of Children in the U.S. from Poor Neighborhoods and Implications for Policy. Social Sciences. 2023. 12, (10): 553.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kravitz-Wirtz, Nicole. Temporal Effects of Child and Adolescent Exposure to Neighborhood Disadvantage on Black/White Disparities in Young Adult Obesity. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2016. 58, (5): 551-7. PMCID: PMC4842347
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hofferth, Sandra L. and Moon, Uijeong. How Do They Do It? The Immigrant Paradox in the Transition to Adulthood. Social Science Research. 2016. 57, 177-194. PMCID: PMC4791592
Keywords: Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Parman, John. American Mobility and the Expansion of Public Education. The Journal of Economic History. 2011. 71, (01): 105-132.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Elliott, James R. and Howell, Junia. Beyond Disasters: A Longitudinal Analysis of Natural Hazards’ Unequal Impacts on Residential Instability. Social Forces. 2017. 95, (3): 1181-1207.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Bruch, Elizabeth E. How Population Structure Shapes Neighborhood Segregation. American Journal of Sociology. 2014. 119, (5): 1221-1278. PMCID: PMC4084600
Keywords: Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Schouten, Andrew. Residential Location and Household Spending: Exploring the Relationship Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Transportation and Housing Costs. Urban Affairs Review. 2022. 58, (6): 1554-1584.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Huang, Shawn X. and Kim, Min. Accounting Quality and Household Stock Market Participation. Accounting Horizons. 2023. 37, (1): 93-120.
Keywords: Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Bian, Xun, Feng, Zifeng, Lin, Zhenguo, and Liu, Yingchun. Holding Onto the Past: Previous Homes, Post-Move Housing Consumption, and the Great Recession. Journal of Real Estate Research. 2024. 46, (2): 214-244.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Combs, E. Raedene and Park, Sooyoun. Housing Expenditure/Income Ratios of Older Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Female Heads of Household. Housing and Society. 1994. 21, (2): 90-100.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Housing; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Duncan, Cynthia and Lamborghini, Nita. Poverty and Social Context in Remote Rural Communities. Rural Sociology. 1994. 59, (3): 437-461.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Inman, Marjorie, Shea, Jannis, and Peaslee, John. Elderly and Disabled-A Double Risk Group. Housing and Society. 1994. 21, (2): 52-61.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Tiwari, Sweta and Ambinakudige, Shrinidhi. Reconsidering Household Food Insecurity: Assessing the Impact of Neighborhood and Household Characteristics. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. Forthcoming. 1–25.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Deng, Yudong, Wang, Huixia, and Wang, Chenggang. Economic Crises and Obesity: Evidence and Mechanism from the United States. Applied Economics Letters. 2024. 31, (12): 1136-1141.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Price, James I., Bohara, Alok K., and Hansen, Wendy L. Determinants of Displacement and Displacement Duration Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: A Hurdle Model Approach. GeoHazards. 2022. 3, (3): 412-427.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Finlay, John. Essays in International Trade and Spatial Economics: Yale University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Henretta, John. Retirement and Residential Moves by Elderly Households. Research on Aging. 1986. 8, (1): 23-37.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Retirement

Kim, Joochul. Factors Affecting Urban-to-Rural Migration. Growth and Change. 1983. 14, (3): 38-43.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Datcher, Linda. The Impact of Informal Networks on Quit Behavior. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1983. 65, (3): 491-49.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Attewell, Paul A. and Lavin, David E. Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage: Maternal Education and Children's Success. In: Attewell, Paul A. and Lavin, David E., editors. Passing the Torch: Does Higher Education for the Disadvantaged Pay Off Across Generations? Russell Sage Foundation; 2007. p.57-78.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Morrison, Peter and Abrahamse, Allan. Is Population Decentralization Lengthening Commuting Distances? Population Research and Policy Review. 1983. 2, (2): 189-206.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Linneman, Peter and Graves, Philip E. Migration and Job Change: A Multinomial Logit Approach. Journal of Urban Economics. 1983. 14, (3): 263-279.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Parcel, Toby L. Race, Regional Labor Markets and Earnings. American Sociological Review. 1979. 44, (2): 262-279.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Akin, John S., Guilkey, David K., and Sickles, Robin. A Random Coefficient Probit Model with Application to a Study of Migration. Journal of Econometrics. 1979. 11, (2-3): 233-246.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Duncan, Greg J. and Newman, Sandra J. Residential Problems, Dissatisfaction, and Mobility. Journal of the American Planning Association. 1979. 45, (2): 154-166.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Newman, Sandra J. and Ponza, Michael. The Characteristics of Housing Demand in the 1970s: A Research Note. In: Hill, Martha S., Hill, Daniel H. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1981. p.467-498.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Pickles, Andrew R. and Davies, Richard B. Household Factors and Discrimination in Housing Consumption. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 1986. 16, (4): 493-517.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Krumm, Ronald. Regional Labor Markets and the Household Migration Decision. Journal of Regional Science. 1983. 23, (3): 361-376.
Keywords: Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

DaVanzo, Julie. Repeat Migration in the United States: Who Moves Back and Who Moves On? The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1983. 65, (4): 552-559.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Kim, Joochul. Why and Where People Move: Moving Decisions and Directionality in Current Migration Analysis: University of Michigan; 1979. Dept: Urban and Regional Planning
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

DaVanzo, Julie. Does Unemployment Affect Migration?--Evidence from Micro Data. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1978. 60, 504-514.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Morrison, Peter and DaVanzo, Julie. The Prism of Migration: Dissimilarities between Return and Onward Movers. Social Science Quarterly. 1986. 67, (3): 504-516.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Clark, WilliamA V. and Rivers, Natasha. Community Choice in Large Cities: Selectivity and Ethnic Sorting Across Neighbourhoods. In: van Ham, Maarten, Manley, David, Bailey, Nick, Simpson, Ludi and Maclennan, Duncan, editors. Understanding Neighbourhood Dynamics. Springer; 2013. p.255-279.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Cherlow, Jay and Morgan, James N. Commuting Time and Speed. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1976. p.285-314.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Freeman Cenegy, Laura. Life Course Contexts and Racial Birth Outcome Disparities: Rice University; 2021. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Wang, Lingxiao. Three Essays on Grocery Sales Taxes: University of Kentucky; 2021. Dept: Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Taxes

Giambra, Samuele and McKenzie, David. Self-Employment and Migration. World Development. 2021. 141, 105362.
Keywords: International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Dupont, Quentin. The Role of Trust in Financial Decisions: University of Washington; 2021. Dept: Business
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Graetz, Nick. The Relational Role of Place in the Production of Racial Stratification: University of Pennsylvania; 2021. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Knapp, Thomas A. and White, Nancy E. Opportunity Seeking Migration in the United States. In: Kourtit, Karima, Newbold, Bruce, Nijkamp, Peter and Partridge, Mark, editors. The Economic Geography of Cross-Border Migration. Cham; Springer International Publishing; 2021. p.109-132.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Fletcher, Jason and Jajtner, Katie M. Intergenerational Health Mobility: Magnitudes and Importance of Schools and Place. Health Economics. 2021. 30, (7): 1648-1667. PMCID: PMC8195209
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Ye, Leafia Zi and Engelman, Michal. Mobility, Stagnation, or Attrition? Diverse Earning Trajectories in a Cohort of Foreign-born Men. Population and Development Review. 2021. 47, (1): 113-149.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

McQuilkin, Alec Joseph. Essays On U.S. Public Transportation Development: University of California, Santa Barbara; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Hampton, Matt and Lenhart, Otto. Access to Health Care and Mental Health-Evidence from the ACA Preexisting Conditions Provision. Health Economics. 2022. 31, (5): 760-783.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Rolheiser, Lyndsey, Zacher, Meghan, Subramanian, S. V., and Arcaya, Mariana C. Do Health Trajectories Predict Neighborhood Outcomes? Evidence of Health Selection in a Diverse Sample of U.S. Adults. Health & Place. 2022. 73, 102713. PMCID: PMC9885758
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Schoeni, Robert F., Cho, Tsai-Chin, and Choi, HwaJung. Close Enough? Adult Child-to-Parent Caregiving and Residential Proximity. Social Science & Medicine. 2022. 292, 114627. PMCID: PMC8806164
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Choi, Seungbee. Trajectories of Individual Behavior in the US Housing Market: Virginia Tech; 2022. Dept: Public Affairs
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Cooper, Daniel and Peek, Joe. The Effects of Changes in Local Bank Health on Household Consumption. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2021. 103, (4): 711-724.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Choi, HwaJung, Schoeni, Robert, Xu, Hongwei, Reyes, Adriana, and Thomas, Deena. Proximity to Mother over the Life Course in the United States: Overall Patterns and Racial Differences. Demographic Research. 2021. 45, (23): 769-806.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Do, D. Phuong and Zheng, Cheng. Examining the Impacts of Neighborhood Poverty on Bodyweight across the BMI Distribution: A Quantile and MSM Modeling Approach. Annals of Epidemiology. 2021. 64, 33-40. PMCID: PMC11321882
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Rabbani, Isaac. Unions and Social Capital In the United States: University of Pennsylvania; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Philanthropy

Li, Shengxiao(Alex). Vehicle Ownership over the Life Course among Older Americans: a Longitudinal Analysis. Transportation. 2022. 51, (1): 247-270.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Lyubich, Eva. Essays on Energy and Public Economics: University of California, Berkeley; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Martin, Elizabeth Carrie. Sheltered from the Storm? Social Policy and Economic Insecurity in US States: The Ohio State University; 2022. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Zhao, Linda, Hessel, Philipp, Simon Thomas, Juli, and Beckfield, Jason. Inequality in Place: Effects of Exposure to Neighborhood-Level Economic Inequality on Mortality. Demography. 2021. 58, (6): 2041-2063.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Harding, David J., Sanbonmatsu, Lisa, Duncan, Greg J., Gennetian, Lisa A., Katz, Lawrence F., Kessler, Ronald C., Kling, Jeffrey R., Sciandra, Matthew, and Ludwig, Jens. Evaluating Contradictory Experimental and Nonexperimental Estimates of Neighborhood Effects on Economic Outcomes for Adults. Housing Policy Debate. 2023. 33, (2): 453-486. PMCID: PMC10281691
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Tilahun, Nebiyou, Persky, Joseph, Shin, Jaeyong, and Zellner, Moira. Place Prosperity and the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty. The Review of Regional Studies. 2021. 51, (2): 208-220.
Keywords: Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Tiwari, Manda. Essays in Health and Development Economics: The University of Iowa; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

VanHeuvelen, Tom and Brady, David. Labor Unions and American Poverty. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2022. 75, (4): 891-917.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Kim, Sage J., Shin, Jaeyong, and Tilahun, Nebiyou. Racial Disparities in The Pattern of Intergenerational Neighbourhood Mobility. Urban Studies. 2023. 60, (2): 256-273. PMCID: PMC9857625
Keywords: Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Ramiller, Alex, Acolin, Arthur, Walter, Rebecca J., and Wang, Ruoniu. Moving to Shared Equity: Locational Outcomes for Households in Shared Equity Homeownership Programs. Housing Studies. 2024. 39, (5): 1239-1263. PMCID: PMC11213554
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Schwartz, Gabriel L., Wang, Guangyi, Kershaw, Kiarri N., McGowan, Cyanna, Kim, Min Hee, and Hamad, Rita. The Long Shadow of Residential Racial Segregation: Associations Between Childhood Residential Segregation Trajectories and Young Adult Health among Black US Americans. Health & Place. 2022. 77, 102904. PMCID: PMC10166594
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

South, Scott J., Huang, Ying, and Spring, Amy. Proximate Sources of Growth in Neighborhood Income Segregation: Class-Selective Migration Versus in Situ Change. Social Science Research. 2022. 101, 102624.
Keywords: Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Schouten, Andrew. Residential Mobility and the Geography of Low-income Households. Urban Studies. 2021. 58, (9): 1846-1865.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Chan, Sewin, O'Regan, Katherine, and You, Wei. Migration Choices of the Boomerang Generation: Does Returning Home Dampen Labor Market Adjustment? Journal of Housing Economics. 2021. 53, 1-11.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Makarewicz, Carrie, Dantzler, Prentiss, and Adkins, Arlie. Another Look at Location Affordability: Understanding the Detailed Effects of Income and Urban Form on Housing and Transportation Expenditures. Housing Policy Debate. 2020. 30, (6): 1033-1055.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Harles, John. Mobility. In: Harles, John, editors. Seeking Equality. Toronto; University of Toronto Press; 2021. p.55-101.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Brauer, Max. Income Inequality and Household Debt: Assessing the Relationship Using Household Panel Data: University of Maryland, College Park; 2022. Dept: Public Policy
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Holme, Jennifer Jellison. Growing Up as Rents Rise: How Housing Affordability Impacts Children. Review of Educational Research. 2022. 92, (6): 953-995.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Nilsson, Isabelle and Delmelle, Elizabeth C. Impact of New Rail Transit Stations on Neighborhood Destination Choices and Income Segregation. Cities. 2020. 102, 1-10.
Keywords: Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Kessing, Sebastian G., Lipatov, Vilen, and Zoubek, J. Malte. Optimal Taxation under Regional Inequality. European Economic Review. 2020. 126, 1-19.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Taxes

Azzali, Simona, Yew, André Siew Yeong, Chaiechi, Taha, and Wong, Caroline. Urbanisation and Well-Being of Ageing Population in the Twenty-first Century: A Scoping Review of Available Assessment Tools. In: Chaiechi, Taha and Wood, Jacob, editors. Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. Singapore; Springer; 2022. p.129-149.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Spring, Amy, Mulder, Clara H., Thomas, Michael J., and Cooke, Thomas J. Migration after Union Dissolution in the United States: The Role of Non-resident Family. Social Science Research. 2021. 96, 1-22. PMCID: PMC9552123
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Jacobsen, Grant D., Parker, Dominic P., and Winikoff, Justin B. Are Resource Booms a Blessing or a Curse? Evidence from People (not Places). The Journal of Human Resources. 2023. 58, (2): 393-420.
Keywords: Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Retirement

Halliday, Timothy, Mazumder, Bhashkar, and Wong, Ashley. Intergenerational Mobility in Self-reported Health Status in the US. Journal of Public Economics. 2021. 193, 1-20. PMCID: PMC7948082
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Schouten, Andrew. Residential Relocations and Changes in Vehicle Ownership. Transportation. 2022. 49, (1): 89-113.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Hess, Chris, Colburn, Gregg, Crowder, Kyle, and Allen, Ryan. Racial Disparity in Exposure to Housing Cost Burden in the United States: 1980–2017. Housing Studies. 2020. 37, (10): 1-21. PMCID: PMC9640174
Keywords: Housing; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Paz, Roberto Roca and Uebelmesser, Silke. Risk Attitudes and Migration Decisions. Journal of Regional Science. 2021. 61, (3): 649-684.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Clark, Shelley, Lawrence, Elizabeth, and Monnat, Shannon. Support from Adult Children and Parental Health in Rural America. Journal of Rural Social Sciences. 2022. 37, (1): PMCID: PMC9595110
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Daza, Sebastian and Palloni, Alberto. Early Exposure to County Income Mobility and Adult Individual Health in the United States. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 2022. 77, (Suppl 2): S199-S208. PMCID: PMC9154259
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Huang, Ying and Sparks, P. Johnelle. Longitudinal Exposure to Neighborhood Poverty and Obesity Risk in Emerging Adulthood. Social Science Research. 2023. 111, 102796. PMCID: PMC10009773
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Okulicz-Kozaryn, Adam. Unhappy Metros: Panel Evidence. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 2023. 18, (2): 753-763.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Wang, Guangyi, Schwartz, Gabriel L., Kershaw, Kiarri N., McGowan, Cyanna, Kim, Min Hee, and Hamad, Rita. The Association of Residential Racial Segregation with Health among U.S. Children: A Nationwide Longitudinal Study. SSM - Population Health. 2022. 19, 101250. PMCID: PMC9550534
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Clark, Shelley. A Life Course Perspective on BMI in Rural America. Health & Place. 2021. 69, 1-9.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Collin, Daniel F., Shields-Zeeman, Laura S., Batra, Akansha, White, Justin S., Tong, Michelle, and Hamad, Rita. The Effects of State Earned Income Tax Credits on Mental Health and Health Behaviors: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Social Science & Medicine. 2021. 276, 1-7. PMCID: PMC8058316
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Bonhomme, Stéphane and Weidner, Martin. Posterior Average Effects. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2021. 40, (4): 1849-1862.
Keywords: Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Kang, Seungbeom. Severe and Persistent Housing Instability: Examining Low-Income Households’ Residential Mobility Trajectories in the United States. Housing Studies. 2023. 38, (9): 1615-1641.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Dantzler, Prentiss A. Household Characteristics or Neighborhood Conditions? Exploring the Determinants of Housing Spells Among U.S. Public Housing Residents. Cities. 2021. 117, 1-9.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Gabriel, Ryan, Leibbrand, Christine, Hess, Chris, and Crowder, Kyle. Race, Adolescent Exposure to Segregation, and Adulthood Residential Mobility into and out of Lower-Poverty Neighborhoods. Spatial Demography. 2021. 9, (3): 309-339.
Keywords: Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Sauers, Zachary Louis St George. Essays in Urban and Public Economics: University of California, Los Angeles; 2023. Dept: Management
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Lkhagvasuren, Damba. Education, Mobility and the College Wage Premium. European Economic Review. 2014. 67, 159-173.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Liao, Hsi-Ling. Essays on Migration, Urban, and Housing Economics: New York University; 2023. Dept: Public Service
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Noh, Minha. Essays on Perceived Racial Discrimination among Asian Americans and the Link between Health and Residential Moves into Different Housing Tenure Among U.S. Older Adults: University of Michigan; 2023. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Spilimbergo, Antonio. Three Essays On Trade, Growth, and Labor Mobility: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Okulicz-Kozaryn, Adam. Urban regrets (Unhappy metros: Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS)). Heliyon. 2024. 10, (11): e30729. PMCID: PMC11214393
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Owens, Shanise, Seto, Edmund, Hajat, Anjum, Fishman, Paul, Koné, Ahoua, and Jones-Smith, Jessica C. Assessing the Influence of Redlining on Intergenerational Wealth and Body Mass Index Through a Quasi-experimental Framework. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. Forthcoming.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Zang, Emma and Tian, Melissa. Upward Mobility Context and Health Outcomes and Behaviors during Transition to Adulthood: The Intersectionality of Race and Sex. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2024. 00221465231223944.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Somashekhar, Mahesh. Race, Class, and the Displacement of White Residents from Gentrifying U.S. Neighborhoods. Social Problems. Forthcoming. spae070.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Liao, Zi-Xuan, Tan, Xiao-Min, Zhao, Ying-Ying, Sun, Xiao-Cui, and Yi, Fa-Ling. Association between Internal Migration Experience and Depressive Symptoms: Analysis of PSID Data. BMC Public Health. 2023. 23, (1): 1-9. PMCID: PMC10265832
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Candipan, Jennifer. Choosing Schools in Changing Places: Examining School Enrollment in Gentrifying Neighborhoods. Sociology of Education. 2020. 93, (3): 215-237.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Cooke, T. J., Mulder, C. H., and Thomas, M. Union Dissolution and Migration. Demographic Research. 2016. 34, 741-759.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Roche, Sarah, Spring, Amy, and Moore, Alexus. Childhood Neighborhoods and Health: Census-based Neighborhood Measures versus Residential Lived Experiences. Health & Place. 2022. 78, 102902. PMCID: PMC9712274
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Thomas, Juli Simon. Dimensions of Family Disruption: Coincidence, Interactions, and Impacts on Children’s Educational Attainment. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 2018. 9, (2): 157-187.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Monchuk, Daniel C., Kilkenny, Maureen, and Phimister, Euan. Rural Homeownership and Labour Mobility in the United States. Regional Studies. 2014. 48, (2): 350-362.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Jensen, Leif. Employment Hardship and Rural Minorities: Theory, Research, and Policy. The Review of Black Political Economy. 1994. 22, (4): 125-144.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Owens, Shanise Erika. Investigating the Intergenerational Impact of Redlining on Intergenerational Wealth, Employment Quality, and Obesity: A Quasi-Experimental Study: University of Washington; 2024. Dept:
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Schwartz, Gabriel L., Wang, Guangyi, Kim, Min Hee, Glymour, M. Maria, White, Justin S., Collin, Daniel, and Hamad, Rita. Individual and regional differences in the effects of school racial segregation on Black students' health. SSM - population health. 2024. 26, 101681. PMCID: PMC11152755
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

South, Scott J., Huang, Ying, Spring, Amy, and Crowder, Kyle. Neighborhood Attainment over the Adult Life Course. American Sociological Review. 2016. 81, (6): 1276-1304. PMCID: PMC5605188
Keywords: Aging; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hwang, Jackelyn and Zhang, Iris H. The Reign of Racialized Residential Sorting: Gentrification and Residential Mobility in the Twenty-First Century. City & Community. Forthcoming. 15356841241276390.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Candipan, Jennifer, Hair, Nicole L., and Walsemann, Katrina M. How long-term changes in neighborhood and school racial composition shape children's behavior problems. Social Science & Medicine. 2024. 356, 117161.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Beck, Kevin and Martin, Isaac William. What Drives Displacement? Involuntary Mobility and the Faces of Gentrification. City & Community. Forthcoming.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Spring, Amy, Ackert, Elizabeth, Roche, Sarah, Parris, Dionne, Crowder, Kyle, and Kravitz-Wirtz, Nicole. Keeping Kin Close? Geographies of Family Networks By Race and Income, 1981–2017. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2023. 85, (4): 962-986. PMCID: PMC10621692
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kenedi, Gustave and Sirugue, Louis. Intergenerational Income Mobility in France: A Comparative and Geographic Analysis. Journal of Public Economics. 2023. 226, 104974.
Keywords: Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Lee, Hannah, Kravitz, Wirtz Nicole, Rao, Smitha, and Crowder, Kyle. Effects of Prolonged Exposure to Air Pollution and Neighborhood Disadvantage on Self-Rated Health among Adults in the United States: Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2023. 131, (8): 087001. PMCID: PMC10396329
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Wang, Yi, Niu, Geng, Zhou, Yang, and Lu, Weijie. Broadband Internet and Stock Market Participation. International Review of Financial Analysis. 2023. 85, 102473.
Keywords: Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Downey, Liam, Crowder, Kyle, and Kemp, Robert J. Family Structure, Residential Mobility, and Environmental Inequality. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2017. 79, (2): 535-555. PMCID: PMC5364724
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Withers, S. Davies. Linking Household Transitions and Housing Transitions: a Longitudinal Analysis of Renters. Environment and Planning A. 1998. 30, (4): 615-630.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Harrison, Austin. Essays on Urban Disinvestment & Neighborhood Displacement: Georgia State University; 2022. Dept: Urban Studies
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Wilson, Franklin and Tienda, Marta. Employment Returns To Migration. Urban Geography. 1989. 10, (6): 540-561.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Aharonovitz, Gilad David. Knowledge-based spatial differences in economic activity, job related migration and housing related migration. The Annals of Regional Science. 2011. 46, (1): 159-188.
Keywords: Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Sharkey, P. Geographic Migration of Black and White Families Over Four Generations. Demography. 2015. 52, (1): 209-231.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Figueira-McDonough, Josefina. Community Organization and the Underclass: Exploring New Practice Directions. Social Service Review. 1995. 69, (1): 57-85.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Gusoff, Geoffrey M., Ramiller, Alex, Acolin, Arthur, Wang, Ruoniu, and Zimmerman, Frederick J. Pursuing healthy homeownership: an evaluation of the neighborhood health trajectories of shared equity homeowners. BMC Public Health. 2025. 25, 11.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

LaBriola, Joe. Housing Market Appreciation and the White-Black Wealth Gap. Social Problems. Forthcoming. spae030.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Cantwell, Marilyn. Resource and Demand Effects On Elderly Functionality and Residential Mobility: The Ohio State University; 1989. Dept: Family Resource Management
Keywords: Aging; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Spring, Amy, Gillespie, Brian Joseph, and Mulder, Clara H. Internal migration following adverse life events: Assessing the likelihood of return migration and migration toward family. Population, Space and Place. 2024. 30, (3): e2711. PMCID: PMC11065435
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Gorbachev, Olga, O'Flaherty, Brendan, and Sethi, Rajiv. Ethnicity, Immigration, and Wealth Fluctuations in the United States. The Review of Income and Wealth. 2018. 64, (4): 928-960.
Keywords: Aging; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Candipan, Jennifer, Vachuska, Karl, and Levy, Brian L. Neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and child health: The role of neighborhood mobility networks. Health & Place. 2025. 91, 103402.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Zewde, Naomi, Edwards, Raz, and Bacchus, Erinn. Erasing the Red Line? National Lessons from a New York Homeowner Policy. The Review of Black Political Economy. 2023. 51, (2): 250-279.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Mateyka, Peter and Hall, Matthew. Validating the White Flight Hypothesis: Neighborhood Racial Composition and Out-Migration in Two Longitudinal Surveys. Sociological Science. 2024. 11, 164-185.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Vartanian, Thomas Paul, Byers, David S., Shapiro, Janet, and Solo, Carolyn. The Effects of Relative Income Deprivation and Low Income on Adult Mental Health. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 2024.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Freeman, Lance, Hwang, Jackelyn, Haupert, Tyler, and Zhang, Iris. Where Do They Go? The Destinations of Residents Moving from Gentrifying Neighborhoods. Urban Affairs Review. 2023. 60, (1): 304-348.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Molloy, Raven, Smith, Christopher L., and Wozniak, Abigail. Job Changing and the Decline in Long-Distance Migration in the United States. Demography. 2017. 54, (2): 631-653.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Cordes, Sarah A., Han, Jeehee, and Schwartz, Amy. Housing, Neighborhoods, and Education. In: Hamilton, Jonathan, editors. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press; 2022.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Yu, Chan. Newborns during the Crisis: Evidence from the 1980s Farm Crisis. Health Economics. 2023. 32, (8): 1836-1867.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Gabriel, Ryan. A Middle Ground? Residential Mobility and Attainment of Mixed-Race Couples. Demography. 2016. 53, (1): 165-188.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Demyanyk, Yuliya, Hryshko, Dmytro, Luengo-Prado, María Jose, and Sørensen, Bent E. Moving to a Job: The Role of Home Equity, Debt, and Access to Credit. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 2017. 9, (2): 149-81.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Clark, William AV and Lisowski, William. Examining the Life Course Sequence of Intending to Move and Moving. Population, Space and Place. 2018. 24, (3): 1-12. PMCID: PMC5932626
Keywords: Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Gabriel, Ryan. Gender and the Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Attainment of Black-White Couples. Demography. 2018. 55, (2): 459-484.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Xu, Anqi. Mind the gap: Exploring urban–rural differences in US inter-county migration decisions. Demographic Research. 2024. 50, 115-130.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Hess, Chris, Colburn, Gregg, Allen, Ryan, and Crowder, Kyle. Cumulative housing cost burden exposures and disadvantages to children’s well-being and health. Social Science Research. 2024. 119, 102984.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Buszkiewicz, James H., Hajat, Anjum, Hill, Heather D., Otten, Jennifer J., and Drewnowski, Adam. Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differences in the Association between Higher State Minimum Wages and Health and Mental Well-Being in US Adults with Low Educational Attainment. Social Science & Medicine. 2023. 322, 115817. PMCID: PMC11321499
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Persky, Joseph and Felsenstein, Daniel. Multipliers, Markups, and Mobility Rents: in Defense of 'Chain Models' in Urban and Regional Analysis. Environment and Planning A. 2008. 40, (2): 2933-2947.
Keywords: Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Pearman, Francis A. and Steyer, Lily. Gentrification, Displacement, and Academic Achievement: a Formal Mediation Analysis. Social Science Research. 2023. 115, 102905.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Anstreicher, Garrett. Essays on Human Capital, Geography, and the Family: The University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Bone, Jessica K., Bu, Feifei, Sonke, Jill K., and Fancourt, Daisy. Longitudinal Associations Between Arts Engagement and Flourishing in Young Adults: A Fixed Effects Analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Affective Science. 2023. 4, (1): 131-142. PMCID: PMC10104994
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Zapatka, Kasey. The Rent Is Too Damn High: The Spatial and Longitudinal Dimensions of Housing Affordability: City University of New York; 2023. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Mason, Patrick L. Male Interracial Wage Differentials: Competing Explanations. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 1999. 23, (_): 261-299.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Quillian, Lincoln. Migration Patterns and the Growth of High-Poverty Neighborhoods, 1970-1990. American Journal of Sociology. 1999. 105, (1): 1-37.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Glaeser, Edward L. and Mare, David C. Cities and Skills. Journal of Labor Economics. 2001. 19, (2): 316-342.
Keywords: Aging; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Koesman, Rusian Prijadi. Housing Consumption Behavior of Adult Children Homeowners: An Empirical Analysis: University of Wisconsin - Madison; 1997. Dept: Business
Keywords: Aging; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Harris, David R. Property Values Drop When Blacks Move in, because...": Racial and Socioeconomic Determinants of Neighborhood Desirability. American Sociological Review. 1999. 64, (3): 461-479.
Keywords: Aging; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Geronimus, Arline T. and Bound, John. RE: "Use of Census-Based Aggregate Variables to Proxy for Socioeconomic Group: Evidence From National Samples": The Authors Reply to Letters to the Editor. American Journal of Epidemiology. 1999. 150, (8): 894-896.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Mulder, Clara H. and Clark, William A. V. Leaving Home and Leaving the State: Evidence from the United States. International Journal of Population Geography. 2000. 6, 423-437.
Keywords: Aging; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Crowder, Kyle D. The Racial Context of Residential Mobility: Neighborhood Conditions and Metropolitan Constraints: State University of New York at Albany; 1998. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Wu, Hsiu-Wen. Housing Financing Behavior: The Refinancing Decision and the Choice Between Adjustable-Rate and Fixed-Rate Mortgages: Cornell University; 1997. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kremer, Michael. How Much Does Sorting Increase Inequality. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1997. 112, (1): 115-139.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Krieger, Nancy and Gordon, David. RE: "Use of Census-Based Aggregate Variables to Proxy Socioeconomic Group: Evidence From National Samples" - Letters to the Editor. American Journal of Epidemiology. 1999. 150, (8): 892-894.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Butrica, Barbara A. The Economics of the Family from a Dynamic Perspective: Syracuse University; 1998. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Allard, Scott. Revisiting Shapiro: Welfare Magnets and State Residency Requirements in the 1990s. The Journal of Federalism. 1998. 28, (3): 45-65.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Housing; Income; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Clark, William A. V. and Withers, Suzanne Davies. Disentangling the Interaction of Migration, Mobility, and Labor-Force Participation. Environment and Planning. 2002. 34, (5): 923-945.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Coulson, N. E. and Fisher, L. M. Tenure Choice and Labour Market Outcomes. Housing Studies. 2002. 9, (2): 99-102.
Keywords: Housing; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Hacker, R. Scott. Mobility and Regional Economic Downturns. Journal of Regional Science. 2000. 40, (1): 45-66.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Gittleman, Maury and Joyce, Mary. Have Family Income Mobility Patterns Changed? Demography. 1999. 36, (3): 299-314.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Solon, Gary, Page, Marianne E., and Duncan, Greg J. Correlations Between Neighboring Children in Their Subsequent Educational Attainment. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2000. 82, (3): 383-392.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

South, Scott J. and Crowder, Kyle D. Housing Discrimination and Residential Mobility: Impacts for Blacks and Whites. Population Research and Policy Review. 1998. 17, (4): 369-387.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Clark, William A. V. and Withers, Suzanne Davies. Changing Jobs and Changing Houses: Mobility Outcomes of Employment Transitions. Journal of Regional Science. 1999. 39, (4): 653-674.
Keywords: Aging; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Vartanian, Thomas P. Childhood Conditions and Adult Welfare Use: Examining Neighborhood and Family Factors. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1999. 61, (1): 225-237.
Keywords: Children; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Hoynes, Hilary. Does Welfare Play Any Role in Female Headship Decisions? Journal of Public Economics. 1997. 65, (2): 89-117.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Kan, Kamhon. Dynamic Modeling of Housing Tenure Choice. Journal of Urban Economics. 2000. 48, (1): 46-69.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Hofferth, Sandra L. and Iceland, John. Social Capital in Rural and Urban Communities. Rural Sociology. 1998. 63, (4): 574-598.
Keywords: Aging; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Quillian, Lincoln Grey. The Dynamics of Concentrated Urban Poverty: Harvard University; 1997. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

López Turley, Ruth N. Is Relative Deprivation Beneficial? The Effects of Richer and Poorer Neighbors on Children's Outcomes. Journal of Community Psychology. 2002. 30, (6): 671-686.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Martin, Virginia T. A Longitudinal Study of the Role of Neighborhoods in the Transition to Home