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Below is a list of citations havingLife Course (671) as a keyword.

Kalil, Ariel, Duncan, Greg J., and Ziol-Guest, Kathleen M. Early Childhood Poverty: Short and Long-Run Consequences over the Lifespan. In: Shanahan, J. Michael, Mortimer, T. Jeylan and Kirkpatrick Johnson, Monica, editors. Handbook of the Life Course: Volume II. Cham; Springer; 2016. p.341-354.
Keywords: Aging; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Poverty

Daly, Mary C. and Bengali, Leila. Is It Still Worth Going to College? FRBSF Economic Letter. 2014. 13, 2014.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Income; Life Course

Esping-Andersen, G. More Inequality and Fewer Opportunities? Structural Determinants and Human Agency in the Dynamics of Income Distribution. In: Held, David and Kaya, Ayse, editors. both search. Global Inequality: Patterns and Explanations. Malden, MA; Polity Press; 2007. p.216-251.
Keywords: Income; Life Course; Poverty

Galster, George, Marcotte, Dave E., Mandell, Marvin B., Wolman, Hal, and Augustine, Nancy. The Impact of Parental Homeownership on Children's Outcomes during Early Adulthood. Housing Policy Debate. 2007. 18, (4): 785-827.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Rank, Mark R. Asset Building across the Life Course. In: McKernan, Signe-Mary and Sherraden, Michael, editors. yes from both. Asset Building and Low-Income Families. Washington, DC; The Urban Institute Press; 2008. p.67-88.
Keywords: Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Hofferth, Sandra and Goldscheider, Frances. Family Heterogeneity Over the Life Course. Handbook of the Life Course. Springer; 2016. p.161-178.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production

Tuttle, Robert C. Poverty over the Family Life Cycle: University of Notre Dame; 1987. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Life Course; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Hanushek, Eric Alan and Maritato, Nancy L. Assessing Knowledge of Retirement Behavior. Washington, DC; National Academies Press; 1996. p.225-243.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Cowell, Frank A. The Structure of American Income Inequality. The Review of Income and Wealth. 1984. 30, (3): 351-375.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Ripke, Marika, Huston, Aletha C., Eccles, Jacquelynne, and Templeton, Janice. The Assessment of Psychological, Emotional, and Social Development Indicators in Middle Childhood. In: Brown, Brett V., editors. Key Indicators of Child and Youth Well-Being: Completing the Picture. New York; Lawrence Erlbaum; 2008. p.131-166.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty

Seltzer, Judith A. Intergenerational Family Support Processes from Young Adulthood through Later Life: Do We Need a New National Household Panel Survey. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. 2015. 40, 231-247. PMCID: PMC4678962 719522
Keywords: Aging; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Burkhauser, Richard V., Hahn, Markus H., Lillard, Dean R., and Wilkins, Roger. Does Income Inequality in Early Childhood Predict Self-Reported Health in Adulthood? A Cross-National Comparison of the United States and Great Britain. In: Cappellari, Lorenzo, Polachek, Solomom W. and Tatsiramos, Konstantinos, editors. Inequality: Causes and Consequences (Research in Labor Economics, Volume 43). Emerald Group Publishing Limited; 2016. p.407-476.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Life Course

Sastry, Narayan, Fomby, Paula, and McGonagle, Katherine. Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to Conduct Life Course Health Development Analysis. In: Halfon, N., Forrest, C. B., Lerner, R. M. and Faustman, E. M., editors. Handbook of Life Course Health Development. Cham (CH); Springer; 2018. p.579-599.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Marsh, Kris and Polimis, Kivan. The Life Course Perspective in Explaining Racial Residential Segregation. In: Adelman, Robert and Mele, Christopher, editors. Race, Space, and Exclusion: Segregation and Beyond in Metropolitan America. 2014. p.60.
Keywords: Housing; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Cerdá, Magdalena and Keyes, Katherine M. Longitudinal Approaches to Social Epidemiologic Research. In: Oakes, J. Michael, editors. Methods in Social Epidemiology. Wiley; 2017. p.308-340.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Carr, Deborah. The Linked Lives Principle in Life Course Studies: Classic Approaches and Contemporary Advances. In: Alwin, Duane, Felmlee, Diane and Kreager, Derek, editors. Social Networks and the Life Course: Integrating the Development of Human Lives and Social Relational Networks. Springer; 2018. p.41-66.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Hill, Heather D. Trends and Divergences in Childhood Income Dynamics, 1970–2010. Advances in Child Development and Behavior. 2018. 54, 179-213.
Keywords: Children; Income; Life Course; Poverty

Hertzman, Clyde and Power, Chris. A Life Course Approach to Health and Human Development. In: Heymann, Jody, Hertzman, Clyde, Barer, Morris L. and Evans, Robert G., editors. Healthier Societies: From Analysis to Action. New York; Oxford University Press; 2006. p.83-106.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Gervais, Martin, Jaimovich, Nir, Siu, Henry E., and Yedid-Levi, Yaniv. What Should I Be When I Grow Up? Occupations and Unemployment over the Life Cycle. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2016. 83, 54-70.
Keywords: Aging; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Johnson, Rucker C. The Place of Race in Health Disparities: How Family Background and Neighborhood Conditions in Childhood Impact Later-Life Health. In: Newburger, Harriet B., Birch, Eugenie L. and Wachter, Susan M., editors. Neighborhood and Life Chances: How Place Matters in Modern America. Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania Press; 2011. p.18-36.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Ehlert, Martin. Couples' Strategies after Job Loss in West Germany and the United States–The Added Worker Effect and Linked Life Courses. Schmollers Jahrbuch:-Zeitschrift-fur-Wirtschafts-und-Sozialwissenschaften/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. 2016. 135, (1): 55-65.
Keywords: International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Boen, Courtney E., Olson, Hannah, and Lee, Hedwig. Vicarious Exposure to the Criminal Legal System among Parents and Siblings. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2022. 84, (5): 1446-1468. PMCID: PMC9787015
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Attanasio, Orazio, Low, Hamish, and Sanchez-Marcos, Virginia. Explaining Changes in Female Labor Supply in a Life-Cycle Model. American Economic Review. 2008. 98, (4): 1517-52.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Chetty, Raj, Hendren, Nathaniel, Lin, Frina, Majerovitz, Jeremy, and Scuderi, Benjamin. Childhood Environment and Gender Gaps in Adulthood. American Economic Review. 2016. 106, (5): 282-88.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Lillard, D. R., Burkhauser, R. V., Hahn, M. H., and Wilkins, R. Does Early-Life Income Inequality Predict Self-Reported Health in Later Life? Evidence from the United States. Social Science & Medicine. 2015. 128, 347-355.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course

deBlois, Madeleine E. and Kubzansky, Laura D. Childhood Self-Regulatory Skills Predict Adolescent Smoking Behavior. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 2016. 21, (2): 138-51.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Struffolino, Emanuela and Winkle, Zachary van. The Persistent Risk of in-Work Poverty Following the Birth of a First, Second, and Third Child Across the Life Course. Journal of Family Research. 2023. 35, 345.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty

Lersch, Philipp M. Change in Personal Culture over the Life Course. American Sociological Review. 2023. 88, (2): 220-251.
Keywords: Aging; Child Development Supplement; International Studies; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Parolin, Zachary, Matsudaira, Jordan, Waldfogel, Jane, and Wimer, Christopher. Exposure to Childhood Poverty and Racial Differences in Economic Opportunity in Young Adulthood. Demography. 2022. 59, (6): 2295-2319.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Rudys, Valentinas and Svogun, Daniel. Optimal Cryptocurrency Portfolio Allocation over the Life Cycle. Applied Economics. 2023. 55, (46): 5419-5433.
Keywords: Aging; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Fox, Matthew P., Moore, Ravaris L., and Song, Xi. Entwined Life Events: The Effect of Parental Incarceration Timing on Children's Academic Achievement. Advances in Life Course Research. 2022. 55, 100516.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Heath, Michele L. and Keptner, Karen M. Impact of Belonging and Discrimination on Psychological Well-Being among Transitioning Adults: Study Using Panel Survey for Income Dynamics Transition Supplement. Current Psychology. 2023. 43, (3): 2062-2073.
Keywords: Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Ferrari, Alessandro. Losers amongst the Losers: the Welfare Effects of the Great Recession across Cohorts. Research in Economics. 2023. 77, (1): 34-59.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Cheng, Kent Jason Go. Three Essays on Intergenerational Transfers: Syracuse University; 2023. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kalousova, Lucie. Parental Smoking in Childhood as a Smoking Risk Factor Throughout Middle Age. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2023. 65, (2): 261-269. PMCID: PMC10363230
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Pajovic, Vesna. Examining Long-Term Change in Employment across Men’s and Women’s Life Course Using the PSID: Employment Stability, Multiple Jobholding, and Women’s Labour Force Participation: The University of Western Ontario; 2023. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Huang, Jin. Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment: The Role of Household Assets. Economics of Education Review. 2013. 33, 112-23.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Page, Benjamin R. Consumption and Saving Across the Life Cycle: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1995. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Life Course

García, Jorge Luis and Heckman, James J. Early Childhood Education and Life-Cycle Health. Health Economics. 2021. 30, (S1): 119-141. PMCID: PMC7930163
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Song, Xi, Zang, Emma, Land, Kenneth C., and Zheng, Boyan. Intergenerational Income Mobility Table Revisited: A Trajectory Group Perspective. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 2022. 80, 100713.
Keywords: Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Wen, Bob S. The Causal Effect of Growing up in a Two-Parent Household on Child’s Adult Earnings. Journal of Business and Economic Studies. 2022. 26, (1): 23–62.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Gough, Margaret Michele. Consequences of Family Events: Three Papers on Family Change and Subsequent Outcomes: University of Michigan; 2012. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Life Course

McLanahan, Sara and Teitler, Julen. The Consequences of Father Absence. In: Lamb, Michael E., editors. Parenting and Child Development in "Nontraditional" Families. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1999. p.83-102.
Keywords: Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Hoffman, Saul. Black-White Life Cycle Earnings Differences and the Vintage Hypothesis: a Longitudinal Analysis. American Economic Review. 1979. 69, (5): 855-867.
Keywords: Aging; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Attewell, Paul A. and Lavin, David E. Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage: Maternal Education and Children's Success. In: Attewell, Paul A. and Lavin, David E., editors. Passing the Torch: Does Higher Education for the Disadvantaged Pay Off Across Generations? Russell Sage Foundation; 2007. p.57-78.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Conley, Dalton. Bringing Sibling Differences In: Enlarging Our Understanding of the Transmission of Advantage in Families. In: Lareau, Annette and Conley, Dalton, editors. Social Class: How Does It Work? Russell Sage Foundation; 2008. p.179-200.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Flora, Peter. Changes in Economic Well-Being and Income Distribution in the 1980s: Different Measures, Different Outcomes. In: Flora, Peter, LeGrand, Julian, Kim, Jun-Young and DeJong, Philip R., editors. State of Social Welfare, 1997: International Studies on Social Insurance and Retirement, Employment, Family Policy and Health Care. Ashgate Publishing, Limited; 1998. p.382 pp.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Retirement

Calhoun, Charles. Lifetime Fertility Objectives and Economic Analysis of the Age Pattern of Childbearing: University of Michigan; 1983. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Life Course

Smith, Ken R. and Zick, Cathleen D. The Incidence of Poverty Among the Recently Widowed: Mediating Factors in the Life Course. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1986. 48, (3): 619-630.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Life Course; Poverty

Freeman Cenegy, Laura. Life Course Contexts and Racial Birth Outcome Disparities: Rice University; 2021. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Trinidad, Jose Eos. Childhood Adversity and Deviant Peers: Considering Behavioral Selection and Cultural Socialization Pathways. Children and Youth Services Review. 2021. 121, 1-11.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Wiemers, Emily E. and Park, Sung S. Intergenerational Transfers of Time and Money over the Life Course. In: Ferraro, Kenneth F. and Carr, Deborah, editors. Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences (Ninth Edition). Academic Press; 2021. p.201-220.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Bures, Regina M. Well-Being over the Life Course: Incorporating Human-Animal Interaction. In: Bures, Regina M. and Gee, Nancy R., editors. Well-Being Over the Life Course: Incorporating Human–Animal Interaction. Cham; Springer; 2021. p.1-9.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Wellbeing

Trinidad, Jose Eos. Social Consequences and Contexts of Adverse Childhood Experiences. Social Science & Medicine. 2021. 277, 1-9.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Zheng, Hui, Dirlam, Jonathan, and Echave, Paola. Divergent Trends in the Effects of Early Life Factors on Adult Health. Population Research and Policy Review. 2020. 40, (5): 1119-1148. PMCID: PMC8562493
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Agyei Asiamah, Henrietta. Essays in Applied Microeconomics: University of Guelph; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty

Burgin, Audrieanna Tremise. Essays on Educational Attainment and Labor Outcomes: Florida State University; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Langer, Pawel. Essays on Trade and Labor Market Liberalization: New York University; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Katic, Bozena J. Socioeconomic Position and the Transmission of Psychological Distress: A Life Course and Intergenerational Analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies; 2018. Dept: Public Health
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Wellbeing

Choi, Seongsoo, Chung, Inkwan, and Breen, Richard. How Marriage Matters for the Intergenerational Mobility of Family Income: Heterogeneity by Gender, Life Course, and Birth Cohort. American Sociological Review. 2020. 85, (3): 353-380.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Michelmore, Katherine and Lopoo, Leonard M. The Effect of EITC Exposure in Childhood on Marriage and Early Childbearing. Demography. 2021. 58, (6): 2365-2394.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Life Course; Taxes

Choi, HwaJung, Schoeni, Robert, Xu, Hongwei, Reyes, Adriana, and Thomas, Deena. Proximity to Mother over the Life Course in the United States: Overall Patterns and Racial Differences. Demographic Research. 2021. 45, (23): 769-806.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Bures, Regina M., Esposito, Layla, and Griffin, James A. Health over the Life Course and Human-Animal Interaction. In: Bures, Regina M. and Gee, Nancy R., editors. Well-Being Over the Life Course: Incorporating Human–Animal Interaction. Cham; Springer International Publishing; 2021. p.39-51.
Keywords: Aging; Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Wellbeing

Kim, Soojin and Rhee, Serena. Understanding the Aggregate Effects of Disability Insurance. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2022. 46, 328-364.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Li, Shengxiao(Alex). Vehicle Ownership over the Life Course among Older Americans: a Longitudinal Analysis. Transportation. 2022. 51, (1): 247-270.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Zhao, Linda, Hessel, Philipp, Simon Thomas, Juli, and Beckfield, Jason. Inequality in Place: Effects of Exposure to Neighborhood-Level Economic Inequality on Mortality. Demography. 2021. 58, (6): 2041-2063.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Das, Debasmita. Essays on Labor Economics: Purdue University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement

Nielsen, Jannie, Hulman, Adam, Narayan, K. M. Venkat, and Cunningham, Solveig A. Body Mass Index Trajectories From Childhood to Adulthood and Age At Onset of Overweight and Obesity: The Influence of Parents’ Weight Status. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2022. 191, (11): 1877-1885. PMCID: PMC10144718
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Mollborn, Stefanie, Fomby, Paula, Goode, Joshua A., and Modile, Adenife. A Life Course Framework for Understanding Digital Technology Use in the Transition to Adulthood. Advances in Life Course Research. 2021. 47, 100379. PMCID: PMC7574782
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Boen, Courtney. Wealth Policy as Health Policy: A Population Aging and Racial Equity Perspective. In: Wilmoth, Janet and London, Andrew, editors. Life-Course Implications of U.S. Public Policies. New York; Routledge; 2021. p.41-51.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Huang, Ying, Liu, Han, and Masum, Muntasir. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Physical and Mental Health of Adults: Assessing the Mediating Role of Cumulative Life Course Poverty. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2021. 35, (5): 637-647.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Poverty

Smythe, Andria. Child-to-Parent Intergenerational Transfers, Social Security, and Child Wealth Building. AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2022. 112, 53-57.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Laditka, James N., Laditka, Sarah B., and Hoyle, Jessica N. Identifying Developmental Disability in National Surveys: Addressing the Knowledge Gap with Special Education Histories. Disability and Health Journal. 2022. 15, (3): 101324.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Lei, Yvonne, Shah, Vivek, Biely, Christopher, Jackson, Nicholas, Dudovitz, Rebecca, Barnert, Elizabeth, Hotez, Emily, Guerrero, Alma, Bui, Anthony L., Sastry, Narayan, and Schickedanz, Adam. Discrimination and Subsequent Mental Health, Substance Use, and Well-being in Young Adults. Pediatrics. 2021. 148, (6): e2021051378. PMCID: PMC9126825
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Comolli, Chiara Ludovica. Resources, Aspirations and First Births during the Great Recession. Advances in Life Course Research. 2021. 48, 100405.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Page, Lucy and Ruebeck, Hannah. Childhood Confidence, Schooling, and the Labor Market: Evidence from the PSID. Journal of Human Resources. 2022. 0621.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wellbeing

Schwartz, Gabriel L., Wang, Guangyi, Kershaw, Kiarri N., McGowan, Cyanna, Kim, Min Hee, and Hamad, Rita. The Long Shadow of Residential Racial Segregation: Associations Between Childhood Residential Segregation Trajectories and Young Adult Health among Black US Americans. Health & Place. 2022. 77, 102904. PMCID: PMC10166594
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Insolera, Noura, Cohen, Alicia, and Wolfson, Julia A. SNAP and WIC Participation during Childhood and Food Security in Adulthood, 1984–2019. American Journal of Public Health. 2022. 112, (10): 1498-1506. PMCID: PMC9480484
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Shiffer-Sebba, Doron and Park, Hyunjoon. US Baby Boomers’ Homeownership Trajectories Across the Life Course: A Sequence Analysis Approach. Demographic Research. 2021. 44, (43): 1057-1072.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Laditka, Sarah B., Laditka, James N., and Hoyle, Jessica N. Disability in Childhood, Special Education Histories, and Lifetime Health Outcomes in the United States. Journal of Aging and Health. 2021. 33, (10): 919-930.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Zhang, Xiaoyan. How Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences Co-Occur to Place Adults at Differential Trajectories of Psychological Distress: Racial/Ethnic Variations: Syracuse University; 2022. Dept: Human Development and Family Science
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Yaish, Meir, Shiffer-Sebba, Doron, Gabay-Egozi, Limor, and Park, Hyunjoon. Intergenerational Educational Mobility and Life-Course Income Trajectories in the United States. Social Forces. 2021. 100, (2): 765-793.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Ren, Chunhui. A Dynamic Framework for Earnings Inequality between Black and White Men. Social Forces. 2022. 100, (4): 1449-1478.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Brady, David, Finnigan, Ryan, Kohler, Ulrich, and Legewie, Joscha. The Inheritance of Race Revisited: Childhood Wealth and Income and Black–White Disadvantages in Adult Life Chances. Sociological Science. 2020. 7, 599-627.
Keywords: Aging; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Gong, Cynthia L., Zhao, Henu, Wei, Yifan, Tysinger, Bryan, Goldman, Dana P., and Williams, Roberta G. Lifetime Burden of Adult Congenital Heart Disease in the USA Using a Microsimulation Model. Pediatric Cardiology. 2020. 41, (7): 1515-1525.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Costa, Lawrence. Essays on Education and Lifecycle Labor Market Outcomes: Georgetown University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Brady, David, Guerra, Christian, Kohler, Ulrich, and Link, Bruce. The Long Arm of Prospective Childhood Income for Mature Adult Health in the United States. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2022. 63, (4): 543-559. PMCID: PMC10510903
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Jajtner, Katie M., Brucker, Debra L., and Mitra, Sophie. Midlife Work Limitations are Associated with Lower Odds of Survival and Healthy Aging. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 2022. 77, (4): 790-802. PMCID: PMC8974351
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Schickedanz, Heather Bennett, Jennings, Lee A., and Schickedanz, Adam. The Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Positive Dementia Screen in American Older Adults. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022. 37, (10): 2398-2404. PMCID: PMC9360371
Keywords: Aging; Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Purol, Mariah F., Keller, Victor N., Oh, Jeewon, Chopik, William J., and Lucas, Richard E. Loved and Lost or Never Loved at All? Lifelong Marital Histories and their Links with Subjective Well-Being. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 2020. 16, (5): 1-9. PMCID: PMC8654342
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Life Course; Wellbeing

Kamis, Christina. Childhood Adversities and Adult Mental Health: Conceptualizing and Measuring Heterogeneity in Adversity Experience: Duke University; 2022. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Hahn, Robert A. School Segregation Reduces Life Expectancy in the U.S. Black Population by 9 Years. Health Equity. 2022. 6, (1): 270-277. PMCID: PMC8985537
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Shuey, Kim and Willson, Andrea. Cumulative Disadvantage in Employment. In: Lewis Brown, Robyn, Michelle Maroto, and David Pettinicchio, editors. The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Disability. Oxford University Press; 2021.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Boen, Courtney, Graetz, Nick, Olson, Hannah, Ansari-Thomas, Zohra, Bixby, Laurin, Schut, Rebecca Anna, and Lee, Hedwig. Early Life Patterns of Criminal Legal System Involvement: Inequalities by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Parental Education. Demographic Research. 2022. 46, (5): 131-146. PMCID: PMC8920484
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Purol, Mariah F., Keller, Victor N., Oh, Jeewon, Chopik, William J., and Lucas, Richard E. Loved and lost or never loved at all? Lifelong marital histories and their links with subjective well-being. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 2021. 16, (5): 651-659. PMCID: PMC8654342
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Life Course; Wellbeing

Bailey, Martha J., Sun, Shuqiao, and Timpe, Brenden. Prep School for Poor Kids: The Long-Run Impacts of Head Start on Human Capital and Economic Self-Sufficiency. American Economic Review. 2021. 111, (12): 3963-4001. PMCID: PMC9005064
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Corman, Hope, Dave, Dhaval M., Schwartz-Soicher, Ofira, and Reichman, Nancy E. Effects of Welfare Reform on Household Food Insecurity across Generations. Economics and Human Biology. 2022. 45, 101101. PMCID: PMC10542746
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Xu, Yilan and Yilmazer, Tansel. Childhood Socioeconomic Status, Adulthood Obesity and Health: The Role of Parental Permanent and Transitory Income. Social Science & Medicine. 2021. 283, 114178.
Keywords: Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Poverty

Heidinger, Loanna S. and Willson, Andrea E. The Lasting Imprint of Childhood Disadvantage: Cumulative Histories of Exposure To Childhood Adversity and Trajectories of Psychological Distress in Adulthood. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 2022. 13, (1): 121-144.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Wellbeing

Zheng, Hui, Choi, Yoonyoung, Dirlam, Jonathan, and George, Linda. Rising Childhood Income Inequality and Declining Americans' Health. Social Science and Medicine. 2022. 303, 115016. PMCID: PMC9750155
Keywords: Aging; Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Fonseca, Raquel, Michaud, Pierre-Carl, Galama, Titus, and Kapteyn, Arie. Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2021. 19, (1): 536-579. PMCID: PMC7935060
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Retirement

de Castro Galvao, Juliana. Gender Ine