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Below is a list of citations havingWellbeing (425) as a keyword.

Carr, Deborah, Cornman, Jennifer C., and Freedman, Vicki A. Marital Quality and Negative Experienced Well-Being: An Assessment of Actor and Partner Effects Among Older Married Persons. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 2016. 71, (1): 177-187. PMCID: PMC4701126
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Family Formation & Composition; Wellbeing

Liu, John L. and Richardson, Pamela K. Successful Aging in Older Adults with Disability. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. 2012. 32, (4): 126-134.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Family Formation & Composition; Wellbeing

Barnert, Elizabeth S., Schlichte, Lindsay M., Tolliver, Destiny G., La Charite, Jaime, Biely, Christopher, Dudovitz, Rebecca, Leifheit, Kathryn, Russ, Shirley, Sastry, Narayan, Yama, Cecile, and Slavi. Parents’ Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences and Offspring Involvement With the Criminal Legal System. JAMA Network Open. 2023. 6, (10): e2339648. PMCID: PMC10600584
Keywords: Children; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Bjorkenstam, Emma, Burstrom, Bo, Brannstrom, Lars, Vinnerljung, Bo, Bjorkenstam, Charlotte, and Pebley, Anne R. Cumulative Exposure to Childhood Stressors and Subsequent Psychological Distress. An Analysis of Us Panel Data. Social Science & Medicine. 2015. 142, 109-117.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Reynolds, Arthur J. and Ou, Suh-Ruu. Generative Mechanisms in Early Childhood Interventions: A Confirmatory Research Framework for Prevention. Prevention Science. 2016. 17, (7): 794-805. PMCID: PMC4846584
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Wellbeing

Yuan, Anastasia S. Vogt. Father–Child Relationships and Nonresident Fathers’ Psychological Distress: What Helps and What Hurts? Journal of Family Issues. 2016. 37, (5): 603-621.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Leventhal, T. and Brooks-Gunn, J. The Neighborhoods They Live in: The Effects of Neighborhood Residence on Child and Adolescent Outcomes. Psychological Bulletin. 2000. 126, (2): 309-337.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Laditka, Sarah B. and Laditka, James N. More Education May Limit Disability and Extend Life for People with Cognitive Impairment. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias. 2014. 29, (29): 436-447.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Björkenstam, Emma, Pebley, Anne R., Burström, Bo, and Kosidou, Kyriaki. Childhood Social Adversity and Risk of Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence in a US National Sample. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2017. 212, 56-63. PMCID: PMC5671805
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty; Wellbeing

Young, C. Losing a Job: The Nonpecuniary Cost of Unemployment in the United States. Social Forces. 2012. 91, (2): 609-633.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

La Charite, Jaime, Khan, Mariam, Dudovitz, Rebecca, Nuckols, Teryl, Sastry, Narayan, Huang, Cher, Lei, Yvonne, and Schickedanz, Adam. Specific Domains of Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) Associated With Improved Adult Health: A Nationally Representative Study. SSM - Population Health. 2023. 24, 101558. PMCID: PMC10685007
Keywords: Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Schickedanz, Adam, Halfon, Neal, Sastry, Narayan, and Chung, Paul J. Parents’ Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Children’s Behavioral Health Problems. Pediatrics. 2018. 142, (2): 1-9. PMCID: PMC6317990
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Yamaguchi, Kazuo. Some Cumulative Logit Models for Panel-Data Analysis: An Application to a Dynamic Analysis of Personal Efficacy. Quality & Quantity. 1997. 31, (3): 287-304.
Keywords: Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Yeung, Wei-Jun Jean and Rauscher, Emily. Youth Early Employment and Behavior Problems: Human Capital and Social Network Pathways to Adulthood. Sociological Perspectives. 2014. 57, (3): 382-403.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Schneiderman, Leonard, Furman, Walter, and Weber, Joseph. Self Esteem and Chronic Welfare Dependency. In: Mecca, Andrew, Smelser, Neil J. and Vasconcellos, John, editors. The Social Importance of Self-Esteem. Berkeley, CA; University of California Press; 1989. p.200-247.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Wellbeing

Cantwell, Marilyn. Resource and Demand Effects On Elderly Functionality and Residential Mobility: The Ohio State University; 1989. Dept: Family Resource Management
Keywords: Aging; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

McLoyd, Vonnie C. The Impact of Economic Hardship On Black Families and Children: Psychological Distress, Parenting, and Socioemotional Development. Child Development. 1990. 61, (2): 311-346.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Nakamura, Alice and Shaw, Kathryn. Overview for Special Issue On Women's Work, Wages, and Well-Being. The Journal of Human Resources. 1994. 29, (2): 203-222.
Keywords: Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Okulicz-Kozaryn, Adam. Urban regrets (Unhappy metros: Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS)). Heliyon. 2024. 10, (11):
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Moughan, Caroline Jordan and Katz, Ian M. Joint Effects: Where and How the Frequency of Cannabis Use Shapes the Relationship Between Employee Mental Health and Sickness Absenteeism. Occupational Health Science. 2024.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Jokela, Markus and Laakasuo, Michael. Health trajectories of individuals who quit active religious attendance: analysis of four prospective cohort studies in the United States. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2024. 59, (5): 871-878.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Hess, Chris, Colburn, Gregg, Allen, Ryan, and Crowder, Kyle. Cumulative housing cost burden exposures and disadvantages to children’s well-being and health. Social Science Research. 2024. 119, 102984.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Hotez, Emily, Pan, Mengtong, Jackson, Nicholas, Rava, Julianna, Wisk, Lauren E., Lei, Yvonne, Schickedanz, Adam, and Kuo, Alice A. Health and Well-Being at the Transition to Adulthood Among Individuals With Disabilities: An Analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2024. 74, (5): 964-970.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Caetano, Carolina, Caetano, Gregorio, and Nielsen, Eric. Are children spending too much time on enrichment activities? Economics of Education Review. 2024. 98, 102503.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Sutin, Angelina R., Luchetti, Martina, Stephan, Yannick, Sesker, Amanda A., and Terracciano, Antonio. Purpose in life and stress: An individual-participant meta-analysis of 16 samples. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2024. 345, 378-385.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Heath, Michele L. and Keptner, Karen M. Impact of belonging and discrimination on psychological well-being among transitioning adults: study using panel survey for income dynamics transition supplement. Current Psychology. 2024. 43, (3): 2062-2073.
Keywords: Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Clark, Andrew E., Cotofan, Maria, and Layard, Richard. Do wages underestimate the inequality in workers' rewards? The joint distribution of job quality and wages across occupations. Economica. 2024. 91, (362): 497-546.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Zheng, H., Lu, Y., and Yao, M. Emerging health disparities among college graduates: Understanding the health consequences of education-occupation mismatch. Social Science Research. 2024. 120,
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Chen, Jun-Hong. How Household Economic Stress Matters: Family Functioning and Child Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors: Washington University in St. Louis; 2024. Dept:
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Wellbeing

Hsieh, Chang-ming. Use and Misuse of Locke’s Range-of-Affect Hypothesis in Subjective Well-Being Research. Quality & Quantity. 2023. 58, (3): 2029-2045.
Keywords: International Studies; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Rodriguez, Daniel. Area under the Curve as an Alternative to Latent Growth Curve Modeling When Assessing the Effects of Predictor Variables on Repeated Measures of a Continuous Dependent Variable. Stats. 2023. 6, (2): 674-688.
Keywords: Statistical & Econometric Methods; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Qing, Di and Kalenkoski, Charlene M. Student Loan Holding and Life Satisfaction: Evidence From Panel Data. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. 2023. 34, (3): 325-337.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Wellbeing

Huang, Cher X., Halfon, Neal, Sastry, Narayan, Chung, Paul J., and Schickedanz, Adam. Positive Childhood Experiences and Adult Health Outcomes. Pediatrics. 2023. 152, (1): e2022060951.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Wellbeing

Jokela, Markus and Laakasuo, Michael. Health Trajectories of Individuals Who Quit Active Religious Attendance: Analysis of Four Prospective Cohort Studies in The United States. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2023. 1-8.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Palmisano, Flaviana. Compassion and Envy in Distributional Comparisons. Theory and Decision. 2024. 96, (1): 153-184.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Wellbeing

Jones, Dina M., Masyn, Katherine E., and Spears, Claire A. Associations among Discrimination, Psychological Functioning, and Substance Use among US Black Adults Aged 18–28: Moderation by Racial Attribution and Sex. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment. 2023. 153, 209080.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Guerrero, Natalie, Yu, Xian, Raphael, Jean, and O'Connor, Teresia. Racial Discrimination in Late Adolescence and Mental Health Outcomes Among Participants in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2023.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Chen, Jun-Hong, Huang, Chieh-Hsun, Wu, Chi-Fang, Jonson-Reid, Melissa, and Drake, Brett. The Application of Family Stress Model to Investigating Adolescent Problematic Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Assets. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2023. 1-10.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Chy, Somalis. Emerging Adulthood: Impacts of Adult Care on Education, Work, and Well-Being. Emerging Adulthood. 2023. 11, (5): 1106-1118.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Labor Market & Outcomes; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Heath, Michele L. and Keptner, Karen M. Impact of Belonging and Discrimination on Psychological Well-Being among Transitioning Adults: Study Using Panel Survey for Income Dynamics Transition Supplement. Current Psychology. 2023.
Keywords: Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Ridgeway, Sadie O. and Denney, Justin T. A Comprehensive Examination of Discrimination and the Impact on Health in Young Adults. Social Science & Medicine. 2023. 320, 115728.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Grilo, Stephanie A., Santelli, John S., Nathanson, Constance, Catallozzi, Marina, Abraido-Lanza, Ana F., Adelman, Sarah, and Hernández, Diana. Psychosocial Outcomes and Peer Influences among Multiracial Adolescents in the United States. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023. 11, 852268.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick and Ridgeway, Sadie. Becoming Independent and Responsible Adults: Does Parental Financial Help Interfere? Journal of Family Issues. 2023. 45, (3): 571-591.
Keywords: Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Chen, Jun-Hong, Zheng, Haotian, Drake, Brett, and Jonson-Reid, Melissa. Explaining Adolescent Problematic Behavior: An Application of the Family Stress Model and the Family Investment Model. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2023. 32, (7): 1977-1988.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Palmer, Ashley N., Jung, Euijin, Cobb, Ryon J., and Patel, Mansi. It’s Complicated: Everyday Discrimination Across the Transition Into Adulthood. Emerging Adulthood. 2023. 11, (3): 669-683.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Truong, N. T. Khuong, Smith, Susan J., Wood, Gavin, Clark, William A. V., Lisowski, William, and Ong ViforJ, Rachel. Mental and General Health at the Edges of Owner Occupation. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. 2024. 17, (4): 978-999.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; International Studies; Wellbeing

Zhang, Liying, Dailey, Rhonda, Brook, Robert D., Opara, Ijeoma Nnodim, Liu, Xianchen, Carbone, Jason T., and Levy, Phillip D. Lower Socioeconomic Status, Psychological Distress, and Self-Reported Hypertension: A Longitudinal Moderated Mediation Analysis. American Journal of Hypertension. 2023. 37, (3): 207-219.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty; Wellbeing

Dijk, Hermien and Mierau, Jochen. Mental Health over the Life Course: Evidence for a U-shape? Health Economics. 2023. 32, (1): 155-174.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Life Course; Wellbeing

VanOverbeke, Daniel. Determinants of Financial Anxiety, College Enrollment and Poverty in the U.S.: An Empirical Study with Micro Datasets: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Poverty; Wellbeing

Brady, David, Curran, Michaela, and Carpiano, Richard M. A Test of the Predictive Validity of Relative Versus Absolute Income for Self-Reported Health and Well-Being in the United States. Demographic Research. 2023. 48, 775-808.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Wellbeing

Jou Fuya, Ariadna. Understanding the Determinants of Health and Well-Being: Exploring Longevity, Economic Shocks, and Educational Disparities: University of California, Los Angeles; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Williams, Shanquela Elliott. The Influence of Economic Disadvantage on the Health and Well-Being of Youth Transitioning to Adulthood: The University of Alabama at Birmingham; 2023. Dept:
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Poverty; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Pryor, Laura, Melchior, Maria, Avendano, Mauricio, and Surkan, Pamela J. Childhood Food Insecurity, Mental Distress in Young Adulthood and The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Preventive Medicine. 2022. 168, 107409.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Dukhovnov, Denys, Ryan, Joan M., and Zagheni, Emilio. The Impact of Demographic Change on Transfers of Care and Associated Well-being. Population Research and Policy Review. 2022. 41, (6): 2419-2446.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Fan, Wen. Breadwinning, Occupational Sex Composition, and Stress: Examining Psychological Distress and Heavy Drinking at the Intersection of Gender and Race. Gender & Society. 2022. 36, (6): 922-960.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Bone, Jessica K., Bu, Feifei, Sonke, Jill K., and Fancourt, Daisy. Longitudinal Associations Between Arts Engagement and Flourishing in Young Adults: A Fixed Effects Analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Affective Science. 2023. 4, (1): 131-142.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Bowman, Jarron. Whose Unemployment Hurts More? Joblessness and Subjective Well-Being in U.S. Married Couples. Social Science Research. 2023. 111, 102795.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Okulicz-Kozaryn, Adam. Unhappy Metros: Panel Evidence. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 2023. 18, (2): 753-763.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Price, James I., Bohara, Alok K., and Hansen, Wendy L. Determinants of Displacement and Displacement Duration Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: A Hurdle Model Approach. GeoHazards. 2022. 3, (3): 412-427.
Keywords: Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Balloch, Adnan, Engels, Christian, and Philip, Dennis. When It Rains It Drains: Psychological Distress and Household Net Worth. Journal of Banking & Finance. 2022. 143, 106620.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Sutin, Angelina R., Luchetti, Martina, Aschwanden, Damaris, Lee, Ji Hyun, Sesker, Amanda A., Stephan, Yannick, and Terracciano, Antonio. Sense of Purpose in Life and Concurrent Loneliness and Risk of Incident Loneliness: An Individual-Participant Meta-Analysis of 135,227 Individuals From 36 Cohorts. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022. 309, 211-220.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Wellbeing

Brilli, Ylenia. Mother’s Time Allocation, Childcare, and Child Cognitive Development. Journal of Human Capital. 2022. 16, (2): 233-272.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Fan, Lu, Chatterjee, Swarn, and Kim, Jinhee. Young Adults’ Personality Traits and Subjective Well-Being: The Role of Perceived Money Management Capability. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. 2022. 35,
Keywords: Gender Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Qing, Di. Three Essays Examining Financial Support For Post-Secondary Education: Texas Tech University; 2022. Dept: Personal Financial Planning
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Gimenez-Nadal, J. I., Molina, J. A., and Velilla, J. Commuting Time and Sickness Absence of US Workers. Empirica. 2022. 49, (3): 691-719.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Page, Lucy and Ruebeck, Hannah. Childhood Confidence, Schooling, and the Labor Market: Evidence from the PSID. Journal of Human Resources. 2022. 0621.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wellbeing

Anderson, Nathaniel W., Markowitz, Anna J., Eisenberg, Daniel, Halfon, Neal, Moore, Kristin Anderson, and Zimmerman, Frederick J. The Child and Adolescent Thriving Index 1.0: Developing a Measure of the Outcome Indicators of Well-Being for Population Health Assessment. Child Indicators Research. 2022. 15, (6): 2015-2042.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Azzali, Simona, Yew, André Siew Yeong, Chaiechi, Taha, and Wong, Caroline. Urbanisation and Well-Being of Ageing Population in the Twenty-first Century: A Scoping Review of Available Assessment Tools. In: Chaiechi, Taha and Wood, Jacob, editors. Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. Singapore; Springer; 2022. p.129-149.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Kim, Seonghoon and Koh, Kanghyock. Health Insurance and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Two Healthcare Reforms in the United States. Health Economics. 2022. 31, (1): 233-249.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Anderson, Nathaniel. Improving Child and Adolescent Well-Being Measurement for Population Health Assessment: University of California, Los Angeles; 2022. Dept: Health Policy and Management
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Survey Methodology; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Zhang, Ling. Determinants of Happiness in the U.S.A: An Empirical Study with Longitudinal Data: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Income; Life Course; Philanthropy; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Paul, Chinju. The Dark Side of Information Systems Use: Three Essays: Iowa State University; 2022. Dept: Business and Technology
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Song, Ze. Economic Evaluation of Tax Policies on Health and Well-being: Rutgers University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Taxes; Wellbeing

Zhang, Xiaoyan. How Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences Co-Occur to Place Adults at Differential Trajectories of Psychological Distress: Racial/Ethnic Variations: Syracuse University; 2022. Dept: Human Development and Family Science
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Dal Cin, Sonya, Mustafaj, Matea, and Nielsen, Karen. Patterns of Media Use and Leisure Time among Older Adults. New Media & Society. 2021. 14614448211062393.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Lei, Yvonne, Shah, Vivek, Biely, Christopher, Jackson, Nicholas, Dudovitz, Rebecca, Barnert, Elizabeth, Hotez, Emily, Guerrero, Alma, Bui, Anthony L., Sastry, Narayan, and Schickedanz, Adam. Discrimination and Subsequent Mental Health, Substance Use, and Well-being in Young Adults. Pediatrics. 2021. 148, (6): e2021051378.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Hsieh, Chang-ming. Are all Life Domains Created Equal? Domain Importance Weighting in Subjective Well-Being Research. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 2021. 17, (3): 1909-1925.
Keywords: International Studies; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Jokela, Markus. Religiosity, Psychological Distress, and Wellbeing: Evaluating Familial Confounding with Multicohort Sibling Data. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2022. 191, (4): 584-590.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Jones, Dina M., Masyn, Katherine E., and Spears, Claire Adams. Discrimination, Psychological Functioning, and Substance Use among Us Young Adults Aged 18–28, 2017. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2022. 30, (6): 884-896.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Heidinger, Loanna S. and Willson, Andrea E. The Lasting Imprint of Childhood Disadvantage: Cumulative Histories of Exposure To Childhood Adversity and Trajectories of Psychological Distress in Adulthood. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 2022. 13, (1): 121-144.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Wellbeing

Bartholomae, Suzanne and Fox, Jonathan J. A Decade Review of Research on College Student Financial Behavior and Well-Being. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2021. 42, (1): 154-177.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Boeder, Jordan, Fruiht, Veronica, Hwang, Sarah, Blanco, Giovanna, and Chan, Thomas. Learning to Love, Work, and Live Your Best Life: Mentoring in Emerging Adulthood Predicts Later Flourishing and Subjective Well-Being. Emerging Adulthood. 2022. 10, (5): 1222-1234.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Fan, Lu, Chatterjee, Swarn, and Kim, Jinhee. An Integrated Framework of Young Adults’ Subjective Well-Being: The Roles of Personality Traits, Financial Responsibility, Perceived Financial Capability, and Race. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2022. 43, (1): 66-85.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Collin, Daniel F., Shields-Zeeman, Laura S., Batra, Akansha, White, Justin S., Tong, Michelle, and Hamad, Rita. The Effects of State Earned Income Tax Credits on Mental Health and Health Behaviors: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Social Science & Medicine. 2021. 276, 1-7.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Korankye, Thomas and Kalenkoski, Charlene M. The Effect of Households’ Student Debt on Life Satisfaction. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2021. 42, (4): 757-772.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Wellbeing

Trinidad, Jose Eos. Childhood Adversity and Deviant Peers: Considering Behavioral Selection and Cultural Socialization Pathways. Children and Youth Services Review. 2021. 121, 1-11.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Bures, Regina M. Well-Being over the Life Course: Incorporating Human-Animal Interaction. In: Bures, Regina M. and Gee, Nancy R., editors. Well-Being Over the Life Course: Incorporating Human–Animal Interaction. Cham; Springer; 2021. p.1-9.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Wellbeing

Bures, Regina M., Esposito, Layla, and Griffin, James A. Health over the Life Course and Human-Animal Interaction. In: Bures, Regina M. and Gee, Nancy R., editors. Well-Being Over the Life Course: Incorporating Human–Animal Interaction. Cham; Springer International Publishing; 2021. p.39-51.
Keywords: Aging; Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Wellbeing

PoehlmannTynan, Julie and Turney, Kristin. A Developmental Perspective on Children With Incarcerated Parents. Child Development Perspectives. 2021. 15, (1): 3-11.
Keywords: Children; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Block, Eryn Piper. A Symphony Within: An Investigation of Positive Mental Health, Access to the Arts, and Equity in Millennials During Adolescence and Young Adulthood: University of California, Los Angeles; 2021. Dept: Health Policy and Management
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Chatterjee, Swarn, Kim, Jinhee, and Chung, Saerom. Emerging Adulthood Milestones, Perceived Capability, and Psychological Well-Being While Transitioning to Adulthood: Evidence from a National Study. Financial Planning Review. 2021. 4, (4): e1132.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Chatterjee, Swarn, Kim, Jinhee, and Chung, Sae Rom. Financial Strain, Non-Marital Relationship Satisfaction, and Psychological Well-Being of Emerging Adults: Evidence from a National Study. Consumer Interests Annual. 2021. 67,
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Income; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Purol, Mariah F., Keller, Victor N., Oh, Jeewon, Chopik, William J., and Lucas, Richard E. Loved and lost or never loved at all? Lifelong marital histories and their links with subjective well-being. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 2021. 16, (5): 651-659.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Life Course; Wellbeing

Tiwari, Manda. Essays in Health and Development Economics: The University of Iowa; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Yang, Xiaohui, An, Enxi, and Chen, Bing. Life Satisfaction and Stock Market Participation. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics. 2021. 23, (5): 154-158.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Kim-Mozeleski, Jin E., Poudel, Krishna C., and Tsoh, Janice Y. Examining Reciprocal Effects of Cigarette Smoking, Food Insecurity, and Psychological Distress in the U.S. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 2021. 53, (2): 177-184.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Jiang, Haibin. The Child Care Tax Credit, Maternal Labor Supply, and Children’s Well-being: Clemson University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Purol, Mariah F., Keller, Victor N., Oh, Jeewon, Chopik, William J., and Lucas, Richard E. Loved and Lost or Never Loved at All? Lifelong Marital Histories and their Links with Subjective Well-Being. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 2020. 1-9.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Life Course; Wellbeing

Applebaum, Jennifer W. and Zsembik, Barbara A. Pet Attachment in the Context of Family Conflict. Anthrozoös. 2020. 33, (3): 361-370.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Wellbeing

Pax, Jennifer. Young Adult Future Outlook in the Context of Parent Advice, Parent-Young Adult Closeness, and Young Adult Ability Self-Concept: Montclair State University; 2020. Dept: Family Science and Human Development
Keywords: Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Mitra, Sophie, Brucker, Debra L., and Jajtner, Katie M. Wellbeing at Older Ages: Towards an Inclusive and Multidimensional Measure. Disability and Health Journal. 2020. 13, (4): 1-8.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Akay, Alpaslan, Bargain, Olivier, and Elsayed, Ahmed. Global Terror, Well-Being and Political Attitudes. European Economic Review. 2020. 123, 1-16.
Keywords: International Studies; Wellbeing

Norrington, Janette. Adolescent Peer Victimization, Self-Concept, and Psychological Distress in Emerging Adulthood. Youth & Society. 2021. 53, (2): 273-295.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Lee, Bethany C., Modrek, Sepideh, White, Justin S., Batra, Akansha, Collin, Daniel F., and Hamad, Rita. The Effect of California's Paid Family Leave Policy on Parent Health: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Social Science & Medicine. 2020. 251, 1-8.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Enam, Annesha, Konduri, Karthik C., and Eluru, Naveen. Influence of Childhood Experiences and Present Life Circumstances on Elderly Wellbeing: A Hybrid Multiple Ordered Probit Model with Analytical Estimation Approach. In: Goulias, Konstadinos G. and Davis, Adam W., editors. Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome. Elsevier; 2020. p.229-257.
Keywords: Aging; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Bowman, Jarron. Economic Insecurity, Political Inequality, and the Well-being of American Families: Duke University; 2020. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Sun, Shuqiao. Essays on the Economics of Human Capital: University of Michigan; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Wellbeing

O'Connor, Kelsey J. and Graham, Carol. Longer, More Optimistic, Lives: Historic Optimism and Life Expectancy in the United States. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2019. 168, 374-392.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Syrda, Joanna. Spousal Relative Income and Male Psychological Distress. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2019. 46, (6): 976-992.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Wellbeing

Jivraj, S., Murray, E. T., Norman, P., and Nicholas, O. The Impact of Life Course Exposures to Neighbourhood Deprivation on Health and Well-Being: A Review of the Long-Term Neighbourhood Effects Literature. European Journal of Public Health. 2020. 30, (5): 922-928.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Badarinza, Cristian. Mortgage Debt and Social Externalities. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2019. 34, 43-60.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Wellbeing

Heflin, Colleen, Kukla-Acevedo, Sharon, and Darolia, Rajeev. Adolescent Food Insecurity and Risky Behaviors and Mental Health During the Transition to Adulthood. Children and Youth Services Review. 2019. 105, 1-11.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Fomby, Paula, Goode, Joshua A., Truong-Vu, Kim-Phuong, and Mollborn, Stefanie. Adolescent Technology, Sleep, and Physical Activity Time in Two U.S. Cohorts. Youth & Society. 2019. 53, (4): 585-609.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Alhenaidi, Abdulaziz and Huijts, Tim. The Adverse Effects of Foreclosure on Mental Health in the United States after the Great Recession: a Literature Review. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. 2019. 35, (1): 335–352.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Poverty; Wellbeing

Brown, Gordon D. A. and Gathergood, John. Consumption Changes, Not Income Changes, Predict Changes in Subjective Well-Being. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 2019. 11, (1): 64-73.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Income; Wellbeing

Zhang, Qun and Kim, Hyungsoo. American Young Adults’ Debt and Psychological Distress. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2019. 40, (1): 22-35.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Kim, Jinhee and Chatterjee, Swarn. Student Loans, Health, and Life Satisfaction of US Households: Evidence from a Panel Study. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2019. 40, (1): 36-50.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Li, Miao, Fu, Rong, Xue, Hong, and Wang, Youfa. Intergenerational Association of Maternal Obesity and Child Peer Victimization in the United States. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2019. 60, (1): 69-83.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Lee, Yung Soo, Putnam, Michelle, Morrow-Howell, Nancy, Inoue, Megumi, Greenfield, Jennifer C., and Chen, Huajuan. Consolidated Measures of Activity Among Older Adults: Results of a Three Data Set Comparison. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 2019. 21, 1-19.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Freedman, Vicki A., Cornman, Jennifer C., Carr, Deborah, and Lucas, Richard E. Late Life Disability and Experienced Wellbeing: Are Economic Resources A Buffer? Disability and Health Journal. 2019. 12, (3): 481-488. PMCID: PMC6581593
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Income; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Chopik, William J. and Lucas, Richard E. Actor, Partner, and Similarity Effects of Personality on Global and Experienced Well-Being. Journal of Research in Personality. 2019. 78, 249-261.
Keywords: Wellbeing

Shafer, Kevin, Fielding, Brandon, and Holmes, Erin K. Depression, Masculine Norm Adherence, and Fathering Behavior. Journal of Family Issues. 2019. 40, (1): 48-84.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Prins, Seth J., McKetta, Sarah, Platt, Jonathan, Muntaner, Carles, Keyes, Katherine M., and Bates, Lisa M. Mental Illness, Drinking, and the Social Division and Structure of Labor in the United States: 2003-2015. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2019. 62, (2): 131-144.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Bures, Regina M., Mueller, Megan Kiely, and Gee, Nancy R. Measuring Human-Animal Attachment in a Large U.S. Survey: Two Brief Measures for Children and Their Primary Caregivers. Frontiers in Public Health. 2019. 7, (107): 1-5.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Burland, Elizabeth C. Wealth and Well-being in the United States. In: Brulé, Gaël and Suter, Christian, editors. Wealth(s) and Subjective Well-Being. Cham; Springer International Publishing; 2019. p.221-245.
Keywords: Aging; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Duncan, Greg, Magnuson, Katherine, Murnane, Richard, and VotrubaDrzal, Elizabeth. Income Inequality and the Well-Being of American Families. Family Relations. 2019. 68, (3): 313-325.
Keywords: Children; Poverty; Wellbeing

Vaughn, Cody. Essays on Child Well-Being and the Social Safety Net: University of Kentucky; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Government Transfers; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Brown, Joey D. Grandparent Wealth and the Well-Being of Black & White Young Adults: University of Maryland; 2019. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Grilo, Stephanie A. Re-Thinking Race among Adolescents in a Multiracial Generation: An Emerging Research and Public Health Approach to Identity and Health: Columbia University; 2019. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Mencarini, Letizia, Vignoli, Daniele, Zeydanli, Tugba, and Kim, Jungho. Life Satisfaction Favors Reproduction. The Universal Positive Effect of Life Satisfaction on Childbearing in Contemporary Low Fertility Countries. PLoS ONE. 2018. 13, (12): 1-19. PMCID: PMC6281189
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; International Studies; Wellbeing

Schickedanz, Adam. The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Household Resources, Intergenerational Risk of Adversity, and Behavior Problems in Subsequent Generations: University of California - Los Angeles; 2018. Dept: Health Policy and Management
Keywords: Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Poverty; Wellbeing

Thomas, Hannah, Mann, Alexis, and Meschede, Tatjana. Race and Location: The Role Neighborhoods Play in Family Wealth and Well-Being. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 2018. 77, (3-4): 1077-1111.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Orben, A. and Baukney-Przybylski, A. K. Screens, Teens and Psychological Well-Being: Evidence from Three Time-Use Diary Studies. Psychological Science. 2019. 30, (5): 682-696.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; International Studies; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Katic, Bozena J. Socioeconomic Position and the Transmission of Psychological Distress: A Life Course and Intergenerational Analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies; 2018. Dept: Public Health
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Wellbeing

Nehler, Chelsea G. Adrenarche during the Great Recession as an Environmental Challenge to Psychosocial Development: An Evolutionarydevelopmental Perspective: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 2018. Dept: Psychology and Neuroscience
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Carr, Deborah, Cornman, Jennifer C., and Freedman, Vicki A. Disability and Activity-related Emotion in Later Life: Are Effects Buffered by Intimate Relationship Support and Strain? Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2017. 58, (3): 387-403. PMCID: PMC5963511
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Gariepy, Genevieve, Elgar, Frank J., Sentenac, Mariane, and Barrington-Leigh, Christopher. Early-Life Family Income and Subjective Well-Being in Adolescents. PLoS ONE. 2017. 12, (7): 1-11. PMCID: PMC5513414
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Ravulaparthy, Srinath K., Konduri, Karthik C., and Goulias, Konstadinos G. Exploratory Analysis of the Activity Time-Use Frontier and Its Effect on Episodic Well-Being. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2017. 2669, 80-90.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Wellbeing

Smith, Margaret E. Family Income Instability and Child Socioemotional Development: State University of New York at Buffalo; 2016. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Karraker, Amelia, Schoeni, Robert F., and Cornman, Jennifer C. Psychological and Cognitive Determinants of Mortality: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Sample Followed over Thirty-Five Years. Social Science & Medicine. 2015. 144, 69-78. PMCID: PMC4610352
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Swenson, Kendall. Essays on the Relationship Between Income and Life Satisfaction in the United States: University of Maryland, College Park; 2015. Dept: School of Public Policy
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Wellbeing

Carr, Deborah, Freedman, Vicki A., Cornman, Jennifer C., and Schwarz, Norbert. Happy Marriage, Happy Life? Marital Quality and Subjective Well-being in Later Life. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2014. 76, (5): 930-948. PMCID: PMC4158846
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Wellbeing

Sandberg, John and Rafail, Patrick. Family Size, Cognitive Outcomes, and Familial Interaction in Stable, Two-Parent Families: United States, 1997–2002. Demography. 2014. 51, (5): 1895-1931.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Freedman, Vicki A., Conrad, Frederick G., Cornman, Jennifer C., Schwarz, Norbert, and Stafford, Frank P. Does Time Fly When You are Having Fun? A Day Reconstruction Method Analysis. Journal of Happiness Studies. 2014. 15, (3): 639-655. PMCID: PMC4122315
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Parente, Maria E., Sheppard, Adam, and Mahoney, Joseph L. Parental Knowledge as a Mediator of the Relation Between Adolescent Summer Care Arrangement Configurations and Adjustment the Following School Year. Applied Developmental Science. 2012. 16, (2): 84-97.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Brown, Heather W. and Roberts, Jennifer. Exploring the Factors Contributing to Sibling Correlations in BMI: A Study Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Obesity. 2012. 20, (5): 978-984. PMCID: PMC3346928
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Jiang, Miao, Foster, E. Michael, and Gibson-Davis, Christina M. Breastfeeding and the Child Cognitive Outcomes: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2011. 15, (8): 1296-1307.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Hryshko, Dmytro, Luengo-Prado, Maria Jose, and Sorensen, Bent E. Childhood Determinants of Risk Aversion: The Long Shadow of Compulsory Education. Quantitative Economics. 2011. 2, (1): 37-72.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Blanden, Jo. Cross-Country Rankings in Intergenerational Mobility: A Comparison of Approaches from Economics and Sociology. Journal of Economic Surveys. 2011. 27, (1): 38–73.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Wellbeing

Fletcher, Jason M., Sindelar, Jody L., and Yamaguchi, Shintaro. Cumulative Effects of Job Characteristics on Health. Health Economics. 2011. 20, (5): 553-570. PMCID: PMC3066461
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wellbeing

Anderson, Kermyt G. Does Paying Child Support Reduce Men's Subsequent Marriage and Fertility? Evolution and Human Behavior. 2011. 32, (2): 90-96.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Christopoulou, Rebekka, Han, Jeffrey, Jaber, Ahmed, and Lillard, Dean R. Dying for a Smoke: How Much Does Differential Mortality of Smokers Affect Estimated Life-Course Smoking Prevalence? Preventive Medicine. 2011. 52, (1): 66-70. PMCID: PMC3024854
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Life Course; Wellbeing

Hofferth, Sanrda L. and Moon, Ui Jeong. Electronic Play, Study, Communication, and Adolescent Achievement, 2003-2008. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 2011. 22, (2): 215-224. PMCID: PMC3438518
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Ng, Irene YueHoong, Shen, Xiaoyi, Sim, Helen, Sarri, Rosemary C., Stoffregen, Elizabeth, and Shook, Jeffrey J. Incarcerating Juveniles in Adult Prisons as a Factor in Depression. Criminal Behavior and Mental Health. 2011. 21, (1): 21-34. PMCID: PMC3732830
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Bilgen, Ipek. Is Less More & More Less...? The Effect of Two Types of Interviewer Experience on "don't know" Responses in Calendar and Standardized Interviews: The University of Nebraska; 2011. Dept: Survey Research and Methodology
Keywords: Aging; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Sharkey, Patrick and Elwert, Felix. The Legacy of Disadvantage: Multigenerational Neighborhood Effects on Cognitive Ability. American Journal of Sociology. 2011. 116, (6): 1934-1981. PMCID: PMC3286027
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wellbeing

Mason, Hema Oshoone. Nonresident Fathers Parenting and Child and Adolescent Development: Wayne State University; 2011. Dept: Psychology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Mungai, Edward and Velamuri, S. Ramakrishna. Parental Entrepreneurial Role Model Influence on Male Offspring: Is it Always Positive and When Does It Occur? Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 2011. 35, (2): 337-357.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wellbeing

Campbell, Joseph J. A. Poor People and Poor Places: Local Opportunity Structures and Poverty Transitions: University of Texas at San Antonio; 2011. Dept: Demography
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wellbeing

Lippman, Laura H., Moore, Kristin Anderson, and McIntosh, Hugh. Positive Indicators of Child Well-Being: A Conceptual Framework, Measures, and Methodological Issues. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 2011. 6, (4): 425-449.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Cerda, Magdalena, Tracy, Melissa, and Galea, Sandro. A Prospective Population Based Study of Changes in Alcohol Use and Binge Drinking after a Mass Traumatic Event. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2011. 115, (1-2): 1-8. PMCID: PMC3039709
Keywords: Aging; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Wellbeing

Neymotin, Florence and Downing-Matibag, Teresa M. Religiosity and Adolescents' Involvement with Both Drugs and Sex. Journal of Religion and Health. 2013. 52, (2): 550-569.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Brown, Sarah, Dietrich, Michael, Ortiz-Nunez, Aurora, and Taylor, Karl. Self-Employment and Attitudes Towards Risk: Timing and Unobserved Heterogeneity. Journal of Economic Psychology. 2011. 32, (3): 425-433.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Aratani, Yumiko. Socio-Demographic Variations of Homeowners and Differential Effects of Parental Homeownership on Offspring's Housing Tenure. Housing Studies. 2011. 26, (5): 723.
Keywords: Aging; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Calvet, Roberta Da Silva. Studies on the Effects of Sympathy and Religious Education on Income Redistribution Preferences, Charitable Donations, and Law-Abiding Behavior: Georgia State University; 2011. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Income; Philanthropy; Taxes; Wellbeing

Huang, Jin. Work Disability, Mortgage Default, and Life Satisfaction in the Economic Downturn: Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 2012. 22, (4): 237-246.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Berger, Lawrence M. and Langton, Callie E. Young Disadvantaged Men as Fathers. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2011. 635, 56-75. PMCID: PMC3106417
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Desha, Laura N., Nicholson, Jan M., and Ziviani, Jenny M. Adolescent Depression and Time Spent with Parents and Siblings. Social Indicators Research. 2010. 101, (2): 233-238. PMCID: PMC2718432
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Zimmerman, Frederick J. and Bell, Janice F. Associations of Television Content Type and Obesity in Children. American Journal of Public Health. 2010. 100, (2): 334-340. PMCID: PMC2804635
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Blasberg, Amy. Cognitive Stimulation: Does it Mediate or Moderate the Relationship Between Income and School Readiness? Georgetown University; 2010. Dept: Public Policy
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Wellbeing

Bilgen, Ipek and Belli, Robert F. Comparison of Verbal Behaviors between Calendar and Standardized Conventional Questionnaires. Journal of Official Statistics. 2010. 26, (3): 481-505.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Drewianka, Scott. Cross-Sectional Variation in Individuals' Earnings Instability. The Review of Income and Wealth. 2010. 56, (2): 291-326.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wellbeing

Huang, Jin, Oshima, Karen M. Matta, and Kim, Youngmi. Does Food Insecurity Affect Parental Characteristics and Child Behavior? Testing Mediation Effects. Social Service Review. 2010. 84, (3): 381-401. PMCID: PMC4071141
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Duncan, Greg J., Ziol-Guest, Kathleen M., and Kalil, Ariel. Early-Childhood Poverty and Adult Attainment, Behavior, and Health. Child Development. 2010. 81, (1): 306-325.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Wellbeing

Foster, E. Michael, Jiang, Miao, and Gibson-Davis, Christina M. The Effect of the WIC Program on the Health of Newborns. Health Services Research. 2010. 45, (4): 1083-1104. PMCID: PMC2910570
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Kuzubas, Tolga Umut. Essays on Social Networks in the Labor Market: University of Minnesota; 2010. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Hirschl, Thomas A. and Rank, Mark R. Homeownership Across the American Life Course: Estimating the Racial Divide. Race and Social Problems. 2010. 2, (3-4): 125-136.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Housing; Income; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Crowder, Kyle D. and Downey, Liam. Inter-Neighborhood Migration, Race, and Environmental Hazards: Modeling Micro-Level Processes of Environmental Inequality. American Journal of Sociology. 2010. 115, (4): 1110-1149. PMCID: PMC2908425
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Sayles, Harlan, Belli, Robert F., and Serrano, Emilio. Interviewer Variance Between Event History Calendar and Conventional Questionnaire Interviews. Public Opinion Quarterly. 2010. 74, (1): 140-153.
Keywords: Aging; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Smith, James Patrick and Smith, Gillian C. Long-Term Economic Costs of Psychological Problems During Childhood. Social Science & Medicine. 2010. 71, (1): 110-115. PMCID: PMC2887689
Keywords: Aging; Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Wellbeing

Joo, Myungkook. Long-Term Effects of Head Start on Academic and School Outcomes of Children in Persistent Poverty: Girls vs. Boys. Children and Youth Services Review. 2010. 32, (6): 807-814.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Wellbeing

Butler, Stuart M., Beach, William W., and Winfree, Paul L. Pathways to Economic Mobility: Key Indicators: Economic Mobility Project: An Initiative of the Pew Chartable Trusts; 2010.p.56 pp.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Gouskova, Elena, Chiteji, Ngina, and Stafford, Frank P. Pension Participation: Do Parents Transmit Time Preference? Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2010. 31, (2): 138-150. PMCID: PMC3692568
Keywords: Aging; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Destin, Mesmin P. Psychological Pathways from Financial Conditions to Outcomes for Youth: University of Michigan; 2010. Dept: Psychology
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Heckman, James J., Moon, Seong Hyeok, Pinto, Rodrigo, Savelyev, Peter A., and Yavitz, Adam. The Rate of Return to the HighScope Perry Preschool Program. Journal of Public Economics. 2010. 94, (1-2): 114-128. PMCID: PMC3145373
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wellbeing

MacLean, Alair. The Things They Carry: Combat, Disability, and Unemployment Among U.S. Men. American Sociological Review. 2010. 75, (4): 563-585. PMCID: PMC3148716
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Brooks, William Trevor. U.S. Fathers' Time Spent Caring for Their Children's Health-Related Needs and Its Impact on Children's Health: South Dakota State University; 2009. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Eccleston, Collette, Smyth, Joshua M., and Lopoo, Leonard M. Unraveling the Race Paradox of Achievement and Self-Views. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal. 2010. 13, (1): 1-18.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Mazumder, Bhashkar. Upward Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States: Economic Mobility Project: An Initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts; 2010.p.45 pp.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Chiteji, Ngina S. Wealth in the Extended Family: An American Dilemma. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race. 2010. 7, (2): 357-379.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Peek, Gina Gould. Better Citizens? The Relationship Between Home Ownership and Religious and Political Voluntarism: University of Georgia; 2009. Dept: Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
Keywords: Housing; Philanthropy; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Yeung, Wei-Jun Jean and Pfeiffer, Kathryn M. The Black-White Test Score Gap and Early Home Environment. Social Science Research. 2009. 38, (2): 412-437.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Hofferth, Sandra L. Changes in American Children's Time - 1997 to 2003. Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. 2009. 6, (1): 26-47. PMCID: PMC20852679
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Woolf, Kimberly Duyck. Children, Parents and Prosocial Television for Children: Accounting for Viewing and Looking for Effects: University of Pennsylvania; 2009. Dept: Communication
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Elliott III, William. Children's College Aspirations and Expectations: The Potential Role of Children's Development Accounts (CDAs). Children and Youth Services Review. 2009. 31, (2): 274-283.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Greely, Henry T. Collecting Biomeasures in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Ethical and Legal Concerns. Biodemography and Social Biology. 2009. 55, (2): 270-278.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Fertig, Angela, Glomm, Gerhard, and Tchernis, Rusty. The Connection Between Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity: Inspecting the Mechanisms. Review of Economics of the Household. 2009. 7, (3): 227-255.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

McBride, Brent A., Dyer, W. Justin, Liu, Ying, Brown, Geoffrey L., and Hong, Sungjin. The Differential Impact of Early Father and Mother Involvement on Later Student Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology. 2009. 101, (2): 498-508. PMCID: PMC4235963
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Wellbeing

Dearing, Eric, Wimer, Christopher, Simpkins, Sandra D., Lund, Terese, Bouffard, Suzanne M., Caronongan, Pia, Kreider, Holly, and Weiss, Heather. Do Neighborhood and Home Contexts Help Explain Why Low-Income Children Miss Opportunities to Participate in Activities Outside of School? Developmental Psychology. 2009. 45, (6): 1545-1562.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Wightman, Patrick. The Effect of Parental Job Loss on Children: University of Chicago; 2009. Dept: Harris Graduate School of Public Policy
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Timberlake, Jeffrey M. Effects of Household and Neighborhood Characteristics on Children's Exposure to Neighborhood Poverty and Affluence. Social Science Research. 2009. 38, (2): 458-476.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Carr, Michael. Effort, Work Hours, and Income Inequality: Three Essays on the Behavioral Effects of Wage Inequality: University of Massachusetts Amherst; 2009. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Schwenkenberg, Julia Meike. Essays on Economic Inequality and Performance: Human Capital and Development Policy: New York University; 2009. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Rank, Mark R. and Hirschl, Thomas A. Estimating the Risk of Food Stamp Use and Impoverishment During Childhood. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 2009. 163, (11): 994-999.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Income; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Elsby, Michael W. L. Evaluating the Economic Significance of Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2009. 56, 154-169.
Keywords: International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Kagotho, Jacqueline Njeri. Examining the Longitudinal Impact of Assets and Income on Immigrant Health Behaviors: Washington University at St. Louis; 2009. Dept: School of Social Work
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Garasky, Steven, Stewart, Susan D., Gundersen, Craig, Lohnman, Brenda J., and Eisenmann, Joey C. Family Stressors and Child Obesity. Social Science Research. 2009. 38, (4): 755-766.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Wagmiller, Robert L. A Fixed Effects Approach to Assessing Bias in Proxy Reports. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 2009. 21, (4): 477-505.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Willson, Andrea E. 'Fundamental Causes' of Health Disparities: A Comparative Analysis of Canada and the United States. International Sociology. 2009. 24, (93): 93-113.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Harkness, Joseph M., Newman, Sandra J., and Holupka, C. Scott. Geographic Differences in Housing Prices and the Well-Being of Children and Parents. Journal of Urban Affairs. 2009. 31, (2): 123-146.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Guo, Chao and Peck, Laura R. Giving and Getting: Charitable Activity and Public Assistance. Administration & Society. 2009. 41, (5): 600-627.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Life Course; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Rutchick, Abraham M., Smyth, Joshua M., Lopoo, Leonard M., and Dusek, Jerome B. Great Expectations: The Biasing Effects of Reported Child Behavior Problems on Educational Expectancies and Subsequent Academic Achievement. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2009. 28, (3): 392-413.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Kondo, Ayako. Long-Term Effects of Labor Market Conditions in Youth: Columbia University; 2009. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Wellbeing

Vandewater, Elizabeth A. and Lee, Sook-Jung. Measuring Children's Media Use in the Digital Age: Issues and Challenges. American Behavioral Scientist. 2009. 52, (8): 1152-1176. PMCID: PMC2745155
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; International Studies; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Dong, Yingying. Microeconometric Models with Endogeneity--Theoretical and Empirical Studies: Boston College; 2009. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Zuberi, Anita L. Neighborhood Safety and Moving to Opportunity: Understanding Gender and Life Course Differences Using a Mixed-Methods Approach: Northwestern University; 2009. Dept: Education and Social Policy
Keywords: Children; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Brinig, Margaret F. and Nock, Steven L. The One-Size-Fits-All Family. Santa Clara Law Review. 2009. 49, (1): 137-163.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Lee, Sook Jung. Online Communication and Adolescent Social Ties: Who Benefits More from Internet Use? Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 2009. 14, (3): 509-531.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Pienik, Jeremy. Parenting & Privilege: Race, Social Class and the Intergenerational Transmission of Social Inequality: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 2009. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Hsin, Amy. Parent's Time with Children: Does Time Matter for Children's Cognitive Achievement? Social Indicators Research. 2009. 93, (1): 123-126.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Linver, Miriam R., Roth, Jodie L., and Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne. Patterns of Adolescents' Participation in Organized Activities: Are Sports Best When Combined with Other Activities? Developmental Psychology. 2009. 45, (2): 354-367.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

O'Neill, Michael. Public Confidence in Charitable Nonprofits. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2009. 38, (2): 237-259.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Philanthropy; Taxes; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Grafstein, Robert. The Puzzle of Weak Pocketbook Voting. Journal of Theoretical Politics. 2009. 21, (4): 451-482.
Keywords: Government Transfers; Income; Wellbeing

Timberlake, Jeffrey M. "Scratchin' and Surviving" or "Movin' on Up?" Two Sources of Change in Children's Neighborhood SES. Population Research and Policy Review. 2009. 28, (2): 195-219.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Bolton, Kelly L. and Rodriguez, Eunice. Smoking, Drinking and Body Weight After Re-Employment: Does Unemployment Experience and Compensation Make a Difference? BMC Public Health. 2009. 9, (77): 1-12. PMCID: PMC2678120
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wellbeing

Sacker, Amanda, Worts, Diana, and McDonough, Peggy. Social Influences on Trajectories of Self-Rated Health: A Comparative Study of Four OECD Countries (Britain, Germany, Denmark and the USA). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2009. 63, A29.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement; Wellbeing

Lemay, Michael. Understanding the Mechanism of Panel Attrition: University of Maryland - College Park; 2009. Dept: Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Keywords: Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Dave, Dhaval and Saffer, Henry. Alcohol Demand and Risk Preference. Journal of Economic Psychology. 2008. 29, (6): 810-831. PMCID: PMC2636710
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Newman, Sandra J. Does Housing Matter for Poor Families? A Critical Summary of Research and Issues Still to be Resolved. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2008. 27, (4): 895-925.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Meslin, Eric M., Rooney, Patrick M., and Wolf, James G. Health-Related Philanthropy: Toward Understanding the Relationship Between the Donation of the Body (and its Parts) and Traditional Forms of Philanthropic Giving. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2008. 37, 44S-62S.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Wilhelm, Mark Ottoni, Brown, Eleanor, Rooney, Patrick M., and Steinberg, Richard. The Intergenerational Transmission of Generosity. Journal of Public Economics. 2008. 92, (10-11): 2146-2156. PMCID: PMC2702781
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Philanthropy; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Li, Kin-Kit. Life Course Perspective: A Journey of Participation in Physical Activity: Oregon State University; 2008. Dept: Exercise and Sport Science, College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Pittman, Laura D. and Boswell, Michaelle K. Low-Income Multigenerational Households. Journal of Family Issues. 2008. 29, (7): 851-881.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Geist, Claudia. The Marriage Economy: Examining the Economic Impact and the Context of Marriage in Comparative Perspective: Indiana University; 2008. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Boisvert, Danielle and Wright, John Paul. Nonshared Environmental Influences On Sibling Differences in Externalizing Problem Behavior. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2008. 35, (7): 863-878.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Wimer, Christopher, Simpkins, Sandra D., Dearing, Eric, Bouffard, Suzanne M., Caronongan, Pia, and Weiss, Heather B. Predicting Youth Out-Of-School Time Participation: Multiple Risks and Developmental Differences. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology. 2008. 54, (2): 179-207.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Woods, Stephen. Public Policy, Social Surveys, and the National Science Foundation. Documents to the People. 2008. 36, (3): 8.
Keywords: Aging; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Arum, Richard, Roksa, Josipa, and Budig, Michelle J. The Romance of College Attendance: Higher Education Stratification and Mate Selection. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 2008. 26, (2): 107-121.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Income; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Maurer, Jurgen and Meier, Andre. Smooth It Like the 'Joneses'? Estimating Peer-Group Effects in Intertemporal Consumption Choice. The Economic Journal. 2008. 118, (527): 454-476.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Agnew, Robert, Matthews, Shelley Keith, Bucher, Jacob, Welcher, Adria N., and Keyes, Corey. Socioeconomic Status, Economic Problems, and Delinquency. Youth & Society. 2008. 40, (2): 159-180.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Case, Anne and Paxson, Christina H. Stature and Status: Height, Ability, and Labor Market Outcomes. Journal of Political Economy. 2008. 116, (3): 499-532. PMCID: PMC2709415
Keywords: Aging; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Sabia, Joseph J. There's No Place Like Home: A Hazard Model Analysis of Aging in Place Among Older Homeowners in the PSID. Research on Aging. 2008. 30, (1): 3-35.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Nam, Yunju. Welfare Reform and Asset Accumulation: Asset Limit Changes, Financial Assets, and Vehicle Ownership. Social Science Quarterly. 2008. 89, (1): 133-154.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Scott III, Robert H. Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: How the Credit Card Industry's Perserverance Paid Off. Journal of Economic Issues. 2007. 41, (4): 943-961.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Wilhelm, Mark O., Rooney, Patrick M., and Tempel, Eugene R. Changes in Religious Giving Reflect Changes in Involvement: Age and Cohort Effects in Religious Giving, Secular Giving, and Attendance. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2007. 46, (2): 217-232.
Keywords: Aging; Income; Philanthropy; Poverty; Wellbeing

McLoyd, Vonnie C., Kaplan, Rachel, Hardaway, Cecily R., and Wood, Dana. Does Endorsement of Physical Discipline Matter? Assessing Moderating Influences on the Maternal and Child Psychological Correlates of Physical Discipline in African American Families. Journal of Family Psychology. 2007. 21, (2): 165-175.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Conley, Dalton and Glauber, Rebecca. Family Background, Race, and Labor Market Inequality. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2007. 609, (1): 134-152.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Clark, William A. V. and Withers, Suzanne Davies. Family Migration and Mobility Sequences in the United States: Spatial Mobility in the Context of the Life Course. Demographic Research. 2007. 17, (20): 591-621.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Cook, John T. and Frank, Deborah A. Food Security, Poverty and Human Development in the United States. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2008. 1136, 193-209.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty; Wellbeing

Currie, Janet. How Should We Interpret the Evidence About Head Start? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2007. 26, (3): 681-684.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Shanks, Trina R. Williams. The Impacts of Household Wealth on Child Development. Journal of Poverty. 2007. 11, (2): 93-116.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Eberharter, Veronika V. Intergenerational Mobility and Transfers: Traditional Role Patterns, Family Background, and Intergenerational Income Mobility - Germany and the United States Compared. Schmollers Jahrbuch:-Zeitschrift-fur-Wirtschafts-und-Sozialwissenschaften/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. 2007. 127, (1): 7-20.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Lee, Sook-Jung. The Internet and Adolescent Social Capital: Who Benefits More From Internet Use? The University of Texas at Austin; 2007. Dept: Radio-Television-Film, College of Communication
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Moore, Kristin Anderson and Vandivere, Sharon. Longitudinal Indicators of the Social Context of Families: Beyond the Snapshot. Social Indicators Research. 2007. 83, (1): 55-85.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wellbeing

Haas, Steven A. The Long-Term Effects of Poor Childhood Health: An Assessment and Application of Retrospective Reports. Demography. 2007. 44, (1): 113-135.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Conley, Dalton and Glauber, Rebecca. Part III - Labor Market Impacts of Obesity - Gender, Body Mass, and Socioeconomic Status: New Evidence From the PSID. Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research. 2007. 17, (253): _.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Desha, Laura, Ziviani, Jenny, Nicholson, Jan, and Martin, Graham. Physical Activity and Depressive Symptoms in American Adolescents. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 2007. 29, (4): 534-43.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Timberlake, Jeffrey M. Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the Duration of Children's Exposure to Neighborhood Poverty and Affluence. Social Problems. 2007. 54, (3): 319-342.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Hoffmann, Sandra. Since Children Are Not Little Adults -- Socially -- What's An Environmental Economist to do? Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum. 2007. 17, (2): 209-232.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Christakis, Dimitri A. and Zimmerman, Frederick J. Violent Television Viewing During Preschool Is Associated With Antisocial Behavior During School Age. Pediatrics. 2007. 120, (5): 993-999.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Bickham, David S. and Rich, Michael. Is Television Viewing Associated With Social Isolation?: Roles of Exposure Time, Viewing Content, and Violent Content. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 2006. 160, (4): 387-393.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Keyes, Corey L. M. Mental Health in Adolescence: Is America's Youth Flourishing? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 2006. 76, (3): 395-402.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Simonsohn, Uri and Loewenstein, George. Mistake #37: The Effect of Previously Encountered Prices on Current Housing Demand. The Economic Journal. 2006. 116, (508): 175-199.
Keywords: Aging; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Lee, Woojin and Roemer, John E. Racism and Redistribution in the United States: A Solution to the Problem of American Exceptionalism. Journal of Public Economics. 2006. 90, (6-7): 1027-1052.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wellbeing

Wilson, George. The Rise of At-Will Employment and Racial Inequality in the Public Sector. Review of Public Personnel Administration. 2006. 26, (2): 178-187.
Keywords: Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Haveman, Robert and Smeeding, Timothy. The Role of Higher Education in Social Mobility. The Future of Children. 2006. 16, (2): 125-150.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Income; Poverty; Wellbeing

Keyes, Corey L. M. The Subjective Well-Being of America's Youth: Toward a Comprehensive Assessment. Adolescent & Family Health. 2006. 4, (1): 3-11.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Cawley, John, Grabka, Markus M., and Lillard, Dean R. A Comparison of the Relationship between Obesity and Earnings in the U.S. and Germany. Schmollers Jahrbuch:-Zeitschrift-fur-Wirtschafts-und-Sozialwissenschaften/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. 2005. 125, (1): 119-129.
Keywords: Aging; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Hofferth, Sandra L. and Curtin, Sally C. Poverty, Food Programs, and Childhood Obesity. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2005. 24, (4): 703-706.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty; Wellbeing

Hofferth, Sandra L. Secondary Data Analysis in Family Research. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2005. 67, (_): 891-907.
Keywords: Aging; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Bickham, David Stephen. The Social Implications of Children's Media Use: University of Texas at Austin; 2005. Dept: Psychology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Wellbeing

Page, Marianne E. and Stevens, Ann Huff. Understanding Racial Differences in the Economic Costs of Growing Up in a Single-Parent Family. Demography. 2005. 42, (1): 75-90.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Hoard, Laura Ruth. Chronic Illness and Behavior Problems in Children: Mediating and Moderating Influences: University of Maryland - College Park; 2004. Dept: Family Science, School of Public Health
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Kahn, M. D., MPH, Robert S., Brandt, M. A., Dominique, and Whitaker, M. D., Robert C. Combined Effect of Mothers' and Fathers' Mental Health Symptoms on Children's Behavioral and Emotional Well-Being. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 2004. 158, (8): 721-729.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Evans, Gary W. The Environment of Childhood Poverty. American Psychologist. 2004. 59, (2): 77-92.
Keywords: Children; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Wellbeing

Vandewater, Elizabeth A., Shim, Matthew J., and Caplovitz, A. G. Linking Obesity and Activity Level with Children's Television and Video Game Use. Journal of Adolescence. 2004. 27, (1): 71-85.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Schoppe-Sullivan, Sarah J., McBride, Brent A., and Ho, Moon-Ho Ringo. Unidimensional Versus Multidimensional Perspectives on Father Involvement. Fathering: A Journal of Theory and Practice. 2004. 2, (2): 147-158.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Wellbeing

Attewell, P., Suazo-Garia, B., and Battle, J. Computers and Young Children: Social Benefit or Social Problem? Social Forces. 2003. 82, (1): 277-296.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Wellbeing

DiPrete, Thomas A., Morgan, S. Philip, Engelhardt, Henriette, and Pacalova, Hana. Do Cross-National Differences in the Costs of Children Generate Cross-National Differences in Fertility Rates? Population Research and Policy Review. 2003. 22, 439-477.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Ferraro, Kenneth F. and Kelley-Moore, Jessica A. A Half Century of Longitudinal Methods in Social Gerontology: Evidence of Change. Journal of Gerontology. 2003. 58:, S264-S270.
Keywords: Aging; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Anderson, Deborah J. The Impact of Subsequent Violence of Returning to an Abusive Partner. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 2003. 34, (1): 93.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Swain, Li Li. Internal Migration Decisions of Dual-Earner Families: An Application of Multilevel Models: Iowa State University; 2003. Dept: Human Development and Family Studies
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Crowder, Kyle D. and South, Scott J. Neighborhood Distress and School Dropout: The Variable Significance of Community Context. Social Science Research. 2003. 32, (4): 659-698.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Bickham, David S., Vandewater, Elizabeth A., Huston, A. C., Lee, J. H., Gillman Caplovitz, A., and Wright, J. C. Predictors of Children's Media Use: An Examination of Three Ethnic Groups. Media Psychology. 2003. 5, (2): 107-137.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Lundberg, Shelly, Startz, Richard, and Stillman, Steven. The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle: A Marital Bargaining Approach. Journal of Public Economics. 2003. 87, (5/6): 1199-1218.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Retirement; Wellbeing

Smith, Ryan A. Race, Gender, and Authority in the Workplace: Theory and Research. Annual Review of Sociology. 2002. 28, 509-542.
Keywords: Aging; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Amick III, Benjamin C., McDonough, Peggy, Chang, Hong, Rogers, William H., Pieper, Carl F., and Duncan, Greg J. Relationship Between All-Cause Mortality and Cumulative Working Life Course Psychosocial and Physical Exposures in the United States Labor Market from 1968 to 1992. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2002. 64, (3): 370-381.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Aguirre, Benigno E. Testing the Effects of Collectively Expected Durations of Migration: The Naturalization of Mexicans and Cubans. International Migration Review. 2002. 36, (1): 103-124.
Keywords: Aging; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Dunifon, Rachel, Duncan, Greg J., and Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne. As Ye Sweep, So Shall Ye Reap. American Economic Review. 2001. 91, (2): 150-154.
Keywords: Aging; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Hill, Martha S., Yeung, Wei-Jun J., and Duncan, Greg J. Childhood Family Structure and Young Adult Behaviors. Journal of Population Economics. 2001. 14, (2): 271-299.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Bhatia, Rajiv and Katz, Mitchell. Estimation of Health Benefits From a Local Living Wage Ordinance. American Journal of Public Health. 2001. 91, (9): 1396-1402.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Hofferth, Sandra L. and Sandberg, John F. How American Children Spend Their Time. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2001. 63, (2): 295-308.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Wu, Ke Bin. Older Persons Find It hardest to Exit Poverty: 2001.p.1-6.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Poverty; Retirement; Wellbeing

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Smeeding, Timothy. The Role of Micro-level Panel Data in Policy Research. Schmollers Jahrbuch:-Zeitschrift-fur-Wirtschafts-und-Sozialwissenschaften/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. 2001. 121, (4): 469-500.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Retirement; Wellbeing

Hsu, Shu-Yao. Social Capital, Parental Behaviors and Children's Self-Esteem in the Family Context: Michigan State University; 2001. Dept: Sociology and Urban Affairs Programs
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Wellbeing

Hill, Martha S. and Yeung, Wei-Jun J.. Behavior and Status of Children, Adolescents and Young Adults Generation and Gender: Exploring Future Research and Data Collection Options: 2000. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
Keywords: Children; Wellbeing

Marottoli, Richard A., Mendes de Leon, Carlos F., Glass, Thomas A./Williams, Christiana S., Cooney Jr., Leo M., and Berkman, Lisa F. Consequences of Driving Cessation: Decreased Out-of-Home Activity Levels. Journal of Gerontology. 2000. 55, S334-S340.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Scantlin, R. M. Interactive Media: An Analysis of Children' Computer and Video Game Use: The University of Texas at Austin; 2000. Dept: Human Development and Family Sciences
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Conley, Dalton and Bennett, N. G. Is Biology Destiny? Birth Weight and Life Chances. American Sociological Review. 2000. 65, (3): 458-67.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Raymond, Joan. Kids Just Wanna Have Fun. American Demographics. 2000. 22, (2): 56-61.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Wellbeing

Ginther, Donna, Haveman, Robert, and Wolfe, Barbara. Neighborhood Attributes as Determinants of Children's Outcomes: How Robust are the Relationships? The Journal of Human Resources. 2000. 35, (4): 603-642.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Conley, Dalton. The Racial Wealth Gap: Implications for Philanthropy in the Black Community. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2000. 29, 530-540.
Keywords: Aging; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Clark, William A. V. and Withers, Suzanne Davies. Changing Jobs and Changing Houses: Mobility Outcomes of Employment Transitions. Journal of Regional Science. 1999. 39, (4): 653-674.
Keywords: Aging; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Hirschl, Thomas A. and Rank, Mark R. Community Effects on Welfare Participation. Sociological Forum. 1999. 14, (1): 155-174.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Poverty; Wellbeing

Hofferth, Sandra L., Boisjoly, Johanne, and Duncan, Greg J. The Development of Social Capital. Rationality and Society. 1999. 11, (1): 79-110.
Keywords: Aging; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Burkhauser, Richard V., Cutts, Amy Crews, and Lillard, Dean R. How Older People in the United States and Germany Fared in the Growth Years of the 1980s: A Cross-Sectional Versus a Longitudinal View. Journal of Gerontology. 1999. 54B, (5): S279-S290.
Keywords: Aging; International Studies; Survey Methodology; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Attewell, Paul A. The Impact of Family on Job Displacement and Recovery. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1999. 562, (1): 66-82.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Foster, E. Michael and Furstenberg Jr., Frank F. The Most Disadvantaged Children: Trends over Time. Social Service Review. 1999. 73, (4): 560-578.
Keywords: Children; Poverty; Wellbeing

Harris, David R. Property Values Drop When Blacks Move in, because...": Racial and Socioeconomic Determinants of Neighborhood Desirability. American Sociological Review. 1999. 64, (3): 461-479.
Keywords: Aging; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Brines, Julie and Joyner, Kara. The Ties that Bind: Principles of Cohesion in Cohabitation and Marriage. American Sociological Review. 1999. 64, (3): 333-355.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Dunifon, Rachel and Duncan, Greg J. Long-Run Effects of Motivation on Labor-Market Success. Social Psychology Quarterly. 1998. 61, (1): 33-48.
Keywords: Aging; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Allen, W. David. The Moonlighting Decision of Unmarried Men and Women: Family and Labor Market Influences. Atlantic Economic Journal. 1998. 26, (2): 190-205.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Yadama, Gautam N. and Sherraden, Michael. Effects of Assets on Attitudes and Behaviors: Advance Test of a Social Policy Proposal. Social Work Research. 1996. 20, (1): 3-11.
Keywords: Aging; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Naik, Narayan and Moore, Michael J. Habit Formation and Intertemporal Substitution in Individual Food Consumption. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1996. 78, (2): 321-28.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Browning, Martin and Lusardi, Annamaria. Household Savings: Micro Theories and Micro Facts. Journal of Economic Literature. 1996. 34, (4): 1797-1855.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Foster, E. Michael and McLanahan, Sara. An Illustration of the Use of Instrumental Variables: Do Neighborhood Conditions Affect a Young Person's Chance of Finishing High School? Psychological Methods. 1996. 1, (3): 249-260.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Muntaner, Carles and Stormes, James. Social Class and Behavior: Simultaneous Class Positions Yield Different Amounts of Income. Psychological Reports. 1996. 79, (2): 379-382.
Keywords: Aging; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wellbeing

Haveman, Robert, Wolfe, Barbara, Buron, Lawrence, and Hill, Steven C. The Loss of Earnings Capability from Disability/Health Limitations: Toward a New Social Indicator. The Review of Income and Wealth. 1995. 41, (3): 289-308.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Duncan, Greg J., Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, and Klebanov, Pamela K. Economic Deprivation and Early-Childhood Development. Child Development. 1994. 65, (2): 296-318.
Keywords: Children; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Wellbeing

Park, Sooyoun Kim. Housing Expenditure Burden and Household Managerial Behavior: Comparison of Homeowners and Renters: The University of Nebraska--Lincoln; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Wellbeing

Hubbard, R. Glenn, Skinner, Jonathan, and Zeldes, Stephen P. The Importance of Precautionary Motives in Explaining Individual and Aggregate Saving. Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy. 1994. 40, 59-125.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Szekelyi, Maria and Tardos, Robert. Varakozasok, attitudok, gazdasagi siker. Szociologiai Szemle. 1994. (1): 31-56.
Keywords: Aging; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, Duncan, Greg J., Klebanov, Pamela K., and Sealand, Naomi. Do Neighborhoods Influence Child and Adolescent Development? American Journal of Sociology. 1993. 99, (2): 353-95.
Keywords: Children; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Dixon, R. A. Relative Influence of Birth Cohort and Social-Event Cohort in Adult Development: An Exploratory Study. Psychological Reports. 1980. 47, (2): 627-631.
Keywords: Aging; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Yoon, Jayoung. Accounting for Family Time. In: Folbre, Nancy, editors. Valuing Children: Rethinking the Economics of the Family. Harvard University Press; 2008. p.96-120.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Conley, Dalton. Being Black, Living in the Red: Wealth Matters. In: Rothenberg, Paula S., editors. From: Being Black, Living in the Red: Race, Wealth, and Social Policy in America @ 1999 by Dalton C. Conley. Reprinted by permission of the U of California Press. The Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. Macmillan Publishers; 2006. p.350-357.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Conley, Dalton. Bringing Sibling Differences In: Enlarging Our Understanding of the Transmission of Advantage in Families. In: Lareau, Annette and Conley, Dalton, editors. Social Class: How Does It Work? Russell Sage Foundation; 2008. p.179-200.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Harding, David J., Jencks, Christopher, Lopoo, Leonard M., and Mayer, Susan E. The Changing Effect of Family Background on the Income of American Adults. In: Bowles, Samuel, Gintis, Herbert and Groves, Melissa Osborne, editors. Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success. New Jersey; Princeton University Press; 2005. p.100-144.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Lareau, Annette and Weininger, Elliott. The Context of School Readiness: Social Class Difference in Time Use in Family Life. In: Booth, Alan and Crouter, Ann C., editors. Disparities in School Readiness: How Families Contribute to Transition into School. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2008. p.155-187.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Cunha, Flavio, Heckman, James J., and Navarro, Salvador. Counterfactual Analysis of Inequality and Social Mobility. In: Morgan, Stephen L., Grusky, David B. and Fields, Gary S., editors. Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research in Sociology and Economics. California; Stanford University Press; 2006. p.290-348.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Lunney, June Rigby. Currently Available Datasets: Surveys Focused on the Elderly. In: Lunney, June Rigby, editors. Describing Death in America: What We Need to Know. The National Academies Press; 2003. p.28-52.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Health, Disability & Mortality; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Skinner, Chris. Dealing with Measurement Error in Panel Analysis. In: Rose, David, editors. Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies. London and New York; Routledge Press; 2004. p.113-125.
Keywords: Aging; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Eccles, Jacquelynne, Brown, Brett V., and Templeton, Janice. A Developmental Framework for Selecting Indicators of Well-Being During the Adolescent and Young Adult Years. In: Brown, Brett V., editors. Key Indicators of Child and Youth Well-Being: Completing the Picture. New York; Lawrence Erlbaum; 2008. p.197-236.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wellbeing

Taylor, Marcia Freed. Dissemination Issues for Panel Studies: Metadata and Documentation. In: Rose, David, editors. Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies. London and New York; Routledge Press; 2004. p.146-162.
Keywords: Aging; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Brooks, Arthur C. Does Money Buy Happiness? In: Brooks, Arthur C., editors. Gross National Happiness: Why Happiness Matters for America--and How We Can Get More of It. New York, New York; Basic Books; 2008. p.111-132.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Rutherford, Teomara. Emotional well-being and discrepancies between child and parent educational expectations and aspirations in middle and high school. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. 2015. 20, (1): 69-85.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Wellbeing

Johnson, Rucker C. Ever-Increasing Levels of Parental Incarceration and the Consequences for Children. In: Raphael, Steven and Stoll, Michael A., editors. Do Prisons Make Us Safer? The Benefits and Costs of the Prison Boom. Russell Sage Foundation; 2009. p.177-.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Yuan, Anastasia S. Vogt. Exploring the Changes in Economic Hardship and Children's Well-Being Over Time: The "Linked Lives" of Parents and Children. In: Turner, Heather A. and Schiemen, Scott, editors. Advances in Life Course Research. Elsevier, Ltd.; 2008. p.321-341.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Rose, David. Household Panel Studies: An Overview. In: Rose, David, editors. Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies. London and New York; Routledge; 2000. p.1-35.
Keywords: Aging; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Hill, Martha S. and Yeung, Wei-Jun J. How Has the Changing Structure of Opportunities Affected Transitions to Adulthood? In: Booth, Alan, Crouter, Ann C. and Shanahan, Michael, editors. Transitions to Adulthood in a Changing Economy: No Work, No Family, No Future? Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.; 1999. p.3-39.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Hartmann, Heidi, Rose, Stephen J., and Lovell, Vicky. How Much Progress in Closing the Long-Term Earnings Gap? In: Blau, Francine D., Brinton, Mary C. and Grusky, David B., editors. The Declining Significance of Gender. New York; Russell Sage Foundation; 2006. p.125-155.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Fields, Gary S. Income Mobility: Concepts and Measures. In: Birdsall, Nancy and Graham, Carol, editors. New Markets, New Opportunities? Economic and Social Mobility in a Changing World. Brookings Institution; 2000. p.334 pp.
Keywords: Aging; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Stobo, John D., McGeary, Michael G. H., and Barnes, David K. Individuals with Disabilities. In: Stobo, John D., McGeary, Michael G. H. and Barnes, David K., editors. Improving the Social Security Disability Decision Process. National Academies Press; 2007. p.30-46.
Keywords: Aging; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Robinstein, Yona and Weiss, Yoram. Post Schooling Wage Growth: Investment, Search and Learning. In: Hanushek, Eric Alan and Welch, Finis, editors. Handbook of the Economics of Education. Elsevier Publications; 2006. p.1-67.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Brooks, Arthur C. Is Compassionate Conservatism an Oxymoron? Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism--America's Charity Divide--Who Give, Who Doesn't, and Why It Matters. New York; Basic Books; 2006. p.15-30.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Hofferth, Sandra L. and Curtin, Sally C. Leisure Time Activities in Middle Childhood. In: Moore, Kristin A. and Lippman, Laura, editors. What Do Children Need to Flourish? Springer Publications; 2005. p.95-100.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

McBride, Brent A., Schoppe, Sarah J., Ho, Moon-Ho, and Rane, Thomas R. Multiple Determinants of Father Involvement: An Exploratory Analysis Using the PSID-CDS Data Set. In: Day, Randal D. and Lamb, Michael E., editors. Conceptualizing and Measuring Father Involvement. Mahwah, NJ; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2004. p.281-298.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Ashworth, Karl, Hill, Martha S., and Walker, Robert. A New Approach to Poverty Dynamics. In: Rose, David, editors. Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies. London and New York; Routledge Press; 2004. p.210-229.
Keywords: Aging; Poverty; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Winkels, Jeroen W. and Withers, Suzanne Davies. Panel Attrition. In: Rose, David, editors. Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies. London and New York; Routledge Press; 2004. p.79-95.
Keywords: Aging; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Kalton, Graham and Citro, Constance Forbes. Panel Surveys: Adding the Fourth Dimension. In: Rose, David, editors. Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies. London and New York; Routledge Press; 2004. p.36-53.
Keywords: Aging; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Cox, Martha J., Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, and Paley, Blair. Perspectives on Conflict and Cohesion in Families. In: Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne and Cox, Martha J., editors. Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences. Mahwah, New Jersey; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1999. p.334-360.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Wellbeing

Hacker, Jacob S. The Politics of Risk Privatization in U. S. Social Policy. In: Landy, Marc K., Levin, Martin A. and Shapiro, Martin, editors. Creating Competitive Markets: The Politics of Regulatory Reform. Washington, D. C.; Brookings Institution Press; 2007. p.83-109.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, Duncan, Greg J., and Maritato, Nancy. Poor Families, Poor Outcomes: The Well-Being of Children and Youth. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, editors. Consequences of Growing Up Poor. New York; Russell Sage Foundation; 1997. p.1-17.
Keywords: Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Keyes, Corey. Promoting and Protecting Positive Mental Health: Early and Often Throughout the Lifespan. In: Keyes, Corey L. M., editors. Mental Well-Being. Springer Netherlands; 2013. p.3-28.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Wellbeing

Schram, Sanford F. Putting a Black Face on Welfare: The Good and the Bad. In: Schram, Sanford F., editors. Praxis for the Poor: Piven and Cloward and the Future of Social Science in Social Welfare. New York; New York University Press; 2002. p.157-185.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Hofferth, Sandra L., Cabrera, Natasha, Carlson, Marcia, Coley, Rebekah Levine, Day, Randal, and Schindler, Holly S. Resident Father Involvement and Social Fathering. In: Hofferth, Sandra L. and Casper, Lynne M., editors. Handbook of Measurement Issues in Family Research. Mahwah, NJ; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2007. p.335-374.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Epps, Sylvia R., Park, Seoung Eun, Huston, Aletha C., and Ripke, Marika. A Scale of Positive Social Behaviors. In: Moore, Kristin and Lippman, Laura H., editors. What Do Children Do to Flourish?: Conceptualizing and Measuring Indicators of Positive Development. New York; Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers; 2005. p.163-179.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Vartanian, Thomas P. Secondary Datasets. Secondary Data Analysis: Pocket Guides to Social Work Research Methods. Oxford - New York; Oxford University Press, Inc.; 2010. p.23-.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Ermisch, John. Using Panel Data to Analyse Household and Family Dynamics. In: Rose, David, editors. Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies. London and New York; Routledge Press; 2004. p.230-249.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Duncan, Greg J. Using Panel Studies to Understand Household Behaviour and Well-Being. In: Rose, David, editors. Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies. London and New York; Routledge Press; 2004. p.54-75.
Keywords: Aging; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Hanushek, Eric Alan and Welch, Finis. Wages and Employment over the Life Cycle - A First Glance. In: Hanushek, Eric Alan and Welch, Finis, editors. Handbook of the Economics of Education. 2006; Elsevier Publications; 2006. p.5-67.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Nembhard, Jessica Gordon and Blasingame, Anthony A. Wealth, Civic Engagement, & Democratic Practice. In: Nembhard, Jessica Gordon and Chiteji, Ngina S., editors. Wealth Accumulation & Communities of Color in the United States: CURRENT ISSUES. Michigan; The University of Michigan Press; 2006. p.294-325.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Kalton, Graham and Brick, J. Michael. Weighting in Household Panel Surveys. In: Rose, David, editors. Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies. London and New York; Routledge Press; 2004. p.96-112.
Keywords: Aging; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Brooks, Arthur C. Why Happiness Matters for America--and How We can Get More of It. In: Brooks, Arthur C., editors. Does Money Buy Happiness. New York, New York; Basic Books; 2008. p.209-231.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Ravulaparthy, Srinath, Yoon, Seo Youn, and Goulias, Konstadinos G. Linking Elderly Transport Mobility and Subjective Well-Being: A Multivariate Latent Modeling Approach. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2013. 2382, (1): 28-36.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Day, Jack K. Disengaged and Untrusting? Young Adults' Feelings of Social Integration and Trust during the Great Recession: Oregon State University; 2014. Dept: Human Development and Family Sciences
Keywords: Philanthropy; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Okulicz-Kozaryn, A., Nash, T., and Tursi, N. O. Luxury Car Owners Are not Happier than Frugal Car Owners. International Review of Economics. 2015. 62, (2): 121-141.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Wellbeing

Yang, Grace S. and McLoyd, Vonnie C. Do Parenting and Family Characteristics Moderate the Relation between Peer Victimization and Antisocial Behavior? A 5-year Longitudinal Study. Review of Social Development. 2015. 24, (4): 748-765.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wellbeing

Madkour, Aubrey Spriggs, Jackson, Kristina, Wang, Heng, Miles, Thomas T., Mather, Frances, and Shankar, Arti. Perceived Discrimination and Heavy Episodic Drinking Among African-American Youth: Differences by Age and Reason for Discrimination. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2015. 57, (5): 530-536. PMCID: PMC4621488
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Reinbold, Gary. Exploring Long-Term Economic Well-Being and Child Outcomes with the Supplemental Poverty Measure: Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of Children and Poverty. 2017. 23, (1): 1-17.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Poverty; Wellbeing

Smith, James and Morgan, James N. Dynamics of Income Distribution: Poverty and Progress: Variability of Economic Well-being and Its Determinants. American Economic Review. 1970. 60, (2): 286-295.
Keywords: Income; Poverty; Wellbeing

Morgan, James N. and Smith, James, D. Measures of Economic Well-offness and Their Correlates. American Economic Review. 1969. 59, (2): 450-462.
Keywords: Income; Poverty; Wellbeing

Martorano, Bruno, Natali, Luisa, de Neubourg, Chris, and Bradshaw, Jonathan. Child Well-Being in Advanced Economies in the Late 2000s. Social indicators research. 2014. 118, (1): 247-283.
Keywords: Children; International Studies; Wellbeing

Suziedelyte, Agne. The Effect of Multitasking on Children’s Noncognitive Skills. In: Kalenkoski, CM and Foster, G., editors. The Economics of Multitasking. New York; Springer; 2016. p.61-89.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Duncan, Greg J., Magnuson, Katherine, Kalil, Ariel, and Ziol-Guest, Kathleen. The Importance of Early Childhood Poverty. Social Indicators Research. 2012. 108, (1): 87-98.
Keywords: Children; Poverty; Wellbeing

Fernandez, Elizabeth and Ramia, Ioana. Child Poverty in the International Context. In: Fernandez, Elizabeth, Zeira, Anat, Vecchiato, Tiziano and Canali, Cinzia, editors. Theoretical and Empirical Insights into Child and Family Poverty. Cham; Springer; 2015. p.11-39.
Keywords: Children; International Studies; Poverty; Wellbeing

Gundersen, Craig and Ziliak, James P. Childhood Food Insecurity in the US: Trends, Causes, and Policy Options. The Future of Children. 2014. 24, (2): 1-19.
Keywords: Children; Food & Nutrition; Poverty; Wellbeing

Shanks, Trina R. Williams, Kim, Youngmi, Loke, Vernon, and Destin, Mesmin. Assets and Child Well-Being in Developed Countries. Children and Youth Services Review. 2010. 32, (11): 1488-1496.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; International Studies; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Newman, Sandra and Holupka, C. Scott. The Effects of Assisted Housing on Child Well-Being. American Journal of Community Psychology. 2017. 60, (1-2): 66-78.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Government Transfers; Housing; Wellbeing

Zewde, Naomi Bethlehem. A Micro-Simulation Study of the Individual Welfare Effects of the Affordable Care Act for Previously Uninsured Adults: Pennsylvania State University; 2016. Dept: Health Policy and Administration
Keywords: Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Clingingsmith, David. Negative Emotions, Income, and Welfare: Causal Estimates from the PSID. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2016. 130, 1-19.
Keywords: Income; Wellbeing

Freedman, Vicki A., Carr, Deborah, Cornman, Jennifer C., and Lucas, Richard E. Aging, Mobility Impairments and Subjective Wellbeing. Disability and Health Journal. 2017. 10, (4): 525-531. PMCID: PMC5610063
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Chen, Jen-Hao. Couples' Sleep and Psychological Distress: A Dyadic Perspective. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 2017. 73, (1): 30-39.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Olofson, Mark. A New Measurement of Adverse Childhood Experiences Drawn from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics Child Development Supplement. Child Indicators Research. 2018. 11, (2): 629-647.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Blinder, Alan S., Kristol, Irving, and Cohen, Wilbur J. The Level and Distribution of Economic Well-Being. In: Feldstein, Martin, editors. The American Economy in Transition. University of Chicago Press; 1980. p.415-500.
Keywords: Income; Wellbeing

Chilman, Catherine S. Social and Psychological Research Concerning Adolescent Childbearing: 1970-1980. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1980. 42, (4): 793-805.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Wellbeing

Fischer, Claude S. On Urban Alienations and Anomie: Powerlessness and Social Isolation. American Sociological Review. 1973. 38, (3): 311-326.
Keywords: Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wellbeing

Freedman, Vicki A., Carr, Deborah, Cornman, Jennifer C., and Lucas, Richard E. Impairment Severity and Evaluative and Experienced Well-being Among Older Adults: Assessing the Role of Daily Activities. Innovation in Aging. 2017. 1, (1): 1-11. PMCID: PMC5954609
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Sass, Victoria, Kravitz-Wirtz, Nicole, Karceski, Steven M., Hajat, Anjum, Crowder, Kyle, and Takeuchi, David. The Effects of Air Pollution on Individual Psychological Distress. Health & Place. 2017. 48, 72-79. PMCID: PMC6023621
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Lucas, Richard E., Freedman, Vicki A., and Cornman, Jennifer C. The Short-Term Stability of Life Satisfaction Judgments. Emotion. 2018. 18, (7): 1024-1031. PMCID: PMC5835155
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

CyganRehm, Kamila, Kuehnle, Daniel, and Oberfichtner, Michael. Bounding the Causal Effect of Unemployment on Mental Health: Nonparametric Evidence from Four Countries. Health Economics. 2017. 26, (12): 1844-1861.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Rohrer, Julia M. and Schmukle, Stefan C. Individual Importance Weighting of Domain Satisfaction Ratings does Not Increase Validity. Collabra: Psychology. 2018. 4, (1): 1-16. PMCID: PMC5892437
Keywords: Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Roberson, Patricia NE, Norona, Jerika, Bishop, Jennifer, and Welsh, Deborah. The Influence of Relationship Stability Patterns in Emerging Adulthood on Chronic Illness and Health Behaviors. Global Journal of Human-Social Science (H). 2017. 17, (7): 1-11.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Fomby, Paula and Musick, Kelly. Mothers' Time, the Parenting Package, and Links to Healthy Child Development. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2018. 80, (1): 166-181.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Enam, Annesha, Konduri, Karthik C., Eluru, Naveen, and Ravulaparthy, Srinath K. Relationship Between Well-Being and Daily Time Use of Elderly: Evidence from the Disabilities and Use of Time Survey. Transportation. 2018. 45, (6): 1783-1810.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

McLaughlin, Christine C. Buying Happiness: Family Income and Adolescent Subjective Well-Being: University of California, Berkeley; 2007. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Income; Wellbeing

Rios, Dianne Cristine. Activity Participation of Young Children: An Ecocultural Perspective: Boston University; 2008. Dept: Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Weinberg, Daniel H. How the United States Measures Well-Being in Household Surveys. Journal of Official Statistics. 2006. 22, (1): 113-136.
Keywords: Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Hogan, Dennis P. and Msall, Michael E. Key Indicators of Health and Safety: Infancy, Preschool, and Middle Childhood. In: Brown, Brett V., editors. yes from both. Key Indicators of Child and Youth Well-being: Completing the Picture. New York; Lawrence Erlbaum; 2008. p.1-46.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Wellbeing

Roth-Herbst, Jodie, Borbely, Christina, and Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne. Developing Indicators of Confidence, Character, and Caring in Adolescents. In: Brown, Brett V., editors. yes from both. Key Indicators of Child and Youth Well-Being: Completing the Picture. New York; Lawrence Erlbaum; 2008. p.167-196.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Day, Jack K. and Settersten Jr., Richard A. Less Trusting and Connected? Social Trust and Social Integration Among Young Adults during the Recession. Advances in Life Course Research. 2018. 37, 57-68.
Keywords: Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Fleche, Sarah, Lepinteur, Anthony, and Powdthavee, Nattavudh. Gender Norms and Relative Working Hours: Why Do Women Suffer More Than Men from Working Longer Hours Than Their Partners? AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2018. 108, 163-168.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Heidinger, Loanna. Cumulative Childhood Adversity and Disparities in Adult Psychological Distress and Educational Attainment: The University of Western Ontario; 2018. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Wellbeing

Huang, Ying. Beyond the Parental Generation: The Influences of Grandparents' Socioeconomic Status on Grandchildren's Wellbeing: State University of New York, Albany; 2018. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Lee, ChienTi Plummer, Beckert, Troy, and Marsee, Ian. Well-Being and Substance Use in Emerging Adulthood: The Role of Individual and Family Factors in Childhood and Adolescence. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2018. 27, (12): 3853-3865.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Lucas, Richard E., Freedman, Vicki A., and Carr, Deborah. Measuring Experiential Well-Being Among Older Adults. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 2019. 14, (4): 538-547. PMCID: PMC6555425
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Nomaguchi, Kei and Fettro, Neal Fettro. Cohort Differences in Mothers' Perceptions of Neighborhood Quality, Child Wellbeing, and Parental Strain, 1976–2002. Family Relations. 2018. 67, (4): 449-466. PMCID: PMC6239198
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Ojeda, Christopher and Slaughter, Christine M. Intersectionality, Depression, and Voter Turnout. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 2019. 44, (3): 480-505.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wellbeing

Neighbors, Harold. Improving the Mental Health of Black Americans: Lessons From the Community Mental Health Movement. The Milbank Quarterly. 1987. 65, 348-380.
Keywords: Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Freedman, Vicki A., Cornman, Jennifer C., Carr, Deborah, and Lucas, Richard E. Time Use and Experienced Wellbeing of Older Caregivers: A Sequence Analysis. The Gerontologist. 2019. 59, (5): e441-e450.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Wellbeing

Hampton, Keith N. Social Media and Change in Psychological Distress over Time: The Role of Social Causation. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 2019. 24, (5): 205-222.
Keywords: Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Duncan, Greg J. Commentary: Welfare Reform and Well-Being. In: Schaie, K. Warner and Elder, Glen, editors. Historical Influences On Lives and Aging. New York, NY; Springer Publishing Company; 2005. p.286-298.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Wellbeing

Fox, Greer Litton. Children's Well-Being: Clues and Caveats from Social Research. Santa Clara Law Review. 1998. 39, (4): 1075-1090.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Wellbeing

Page-Adams, Deborah and Sherraden, Michael. Asset Building As A Community Revitalization Strategy. Social Work. 1997. 42, (5): 423-434.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Housing; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Senik, Claudia. Income Distribution and WellBeing: What Can We Learn From Subjective Data? Journal of Economic Surveys. 2005. 19, (1): 43-63.
Keywords: Income; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Waldfogel, Jane. Child Welfare Research: How Adequate Are the Data? Children and Youth Services Review. 2000. 22, (9/10): 705-741.
Keywords: Children; Wellbeing

Rauf, Tamkinat. Getting a Job, Again: New Evidence against Subjective Well-Being Scarring. Social Forces. 2021. 100, (1): 218-245.
Keywords: Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Wellbeing

Bialowolski, Piotr and Weziak-Bialowolska, Dorota. Good Credit, Bad Credit: The Differential Role of the Sources of Debt in Life Satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 2021. 55, (3): 967-994.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Housing; Wellbeing

Hartung, Johanna, Spormann, Sandy S., Moshagen, Morten, and Wilhelm, Oliver. Structural Differences in Life Satisfaction in a U.S. Adult Sample Across Age. Journal of Personality. 2021. 89, (6): 1232-1251.
Keywords: Aging; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Palmer, Ashley N., Patel, Mansi, Narendorf, Sarah C., Sledge, Shellye, and Sanchez, Katherine. Changes in Flourishing from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: An 8-Year Follow-Up. Child & Family Social Work. 2023. 28, (1): 194-209.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Ridgeway, Sadie O. The Weight of Stigma: Untangling the Links between Body Size, Discrimination, and Health: Washington State University; 2023. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Chen, Jun-Hong, Wu, Chi-Fang, Jin, Minchao, Liao, Chun-Fan, Chiang, Meihsi, Jonson-Reid, Melissa, and Drake, Brett. Does Asset Poverty Moderate How Food Insecurity is Associated with Adolescent Problematic Behavior? An Application of the Family Stress Model Using Multi-Group Path Analyses. Children and Youth Services Review. 2023. 155, 107248.
Keywords: Children; Food & Nutrition; Poverty; Wellbeing

Fan, Lu and Ryu, Soomin. Financial Debts and Subjective Well-Being of Young Adults: An Adaption of the Stress Process Model. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 2023. 57, (4): 1576-1604.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Perkins, Kristin L. Household Instability and Girls’ Teen Childbearing. Demography. 2023. 60, (6): 1767-1789.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Wellbeing

Chan, Thomas, Fruiht, Veronica, and McInnis, Nicardo. Building blocks for a happy life: Longitudinal associations between early life income, mentorship and later well-being. American Journal of Community Psychology. Forthcoming.
Keywords: Aging; Income; Life Course; Wellbeing