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Below is a list of citations havingGender Differences (1038) as a keyword.

Madden, Janice. Why Women Work Closer to Home. Urban Studies. 1981. 18, (2): 181-194.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gibson, Rose C. Work Patterns of Older Black Female Heads of Households. Journal of Minority Aging. 1983. 8, (1-2): 1-16.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kinsey, J. Working Wives and the Marginal Propensity to Consume Food Away From Home. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 1983. 65, 10-19.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Osterman, P. Affirmative Action and Opportunity: a Study of Female Quit Rates. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1982. 64, (4): 604-612.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Heckman, James J. and MaCurdy, Thomas. Corrigendum on A Life Cycle Model of Female Labor Supply. The Review of Economic Studies. 1982. 49, 659-660.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kamalich, Richard F. and Polachek, Solomon W. Discrimination: Fact or Fiction? An Examination Using an Alternative Approach. Southern Economic Journal. 1982. 49, 450-461.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Salkever, David. Effects of Children's Health on Maternal Hours of Work: a Preliminary Analysis. Southern Economic Journal. 1980. 47, 156-166.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hunt, Janet and Kiker, B. F. The Effect of Fertility on the Time Use of Working Wives. Journal of Consumer Research. 1981. 7, 380-387.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Harris, Richard J. and Hedderson, John J. Effects of Wife's Income on Family Income Inequality. Sociological Methods & Research. 1981. 10, (2): 211-232.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Vijverberg, Wilhelmus P. M. Labor Supply and Fertility Decisions: A Dynamic Model of the Economic Behavior of Married Women: University of Pittsburgh; 1981. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hoffman, Saul. On-the-Job-Training: Differences by Race and Sex. Monthly Labor Review. 1981. 104, (7): 34-36.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Avioli, Paula Smith. The Employment Decisions of Married Mothers of Infants: Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey at New Brunswick; 1982. Dept: Psychology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Cohen, Yinon. Intergenerational Income Mobility Through Work and Marriage: State University of New York at Stony Brook; 1982. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Cramer, James. Fertility and Female Employment: Problems of Causal Direction. American Sociological Review. 1980. 45, (2): 167-190.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Heckman, James J. and MaCurdy, Thomas. A Life Cycle Model of Female Labor Supply. The Review of Economic Studies. 1980. 47, (1): 47-74.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Corcoran, Mary. Sex Differences in Measurement Error in Status Attainment Models. Sociological Methods & Research. 1980. 9, 199-217.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Survey Methodology

Viscusi, W. Kip. Sex Differences in Worker Quitting. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1980. 62, (3): 388-398.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Deitch, Cynthia Helene. Sex Inequality and the Labor Market: Earnings Differences Between Men and Women Workers, 1959 and 1976: University of Massachusetts; 1980. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Polachek, Solomon W. Secular Changes in Female Job Aspirations. In: Clark, Robert, editors. Retirement Policy in Aging Society 87. Durham, NC; Duke University Press; 1980. p.90-108.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hill, Martha S. Self-Imposed Limitations on Work Schedule and Job Location. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1978. p.151-194.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Corcoran, Mary. Sex Differences in Measurement Error in Status Attainment. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1980. p.241-276.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Survey Methodology

McLanahan, Sara. Single Mothers and Psychological Well-Being: a Test of the Stress and Vulnerability Hypothesis. In: Greeley, J., editors. Research in Community and Mental Health. Greenwich, CT; JAI Press Inc.; 1985. p.253-266.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Baxter, Marianne. Social Security as a Financial Asset: Gender-Specific Risks and Returns. Working Paper 1/18/2013 AC. National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA; 2001. p.26.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Duncan, Greg J. and Hoffman, Saul. Teenage Underclass Behavior and Subsequent Poverty: Have the Rules Changed? In: Jencks, Christopher and Peterson, Paul, editors. The Urban Underclass. Washington, D.C.; Brookings Institute; 1991. p.155-174.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty

Fox, Liana E. Three Papers on the Black-White Mobility Gap in the United States: Columbia University; 2013. Dept: Social Welfare Policy, School of Social Work
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Corcoran, Mary and Duncan, Greg J. A Summary of Part I Findings. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1978. p.3-46.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Keys, Benjamin J. Trends in Income and Consumption Volatility, 1970-2000. In: Jolliffe, Dean and Ziliak, James Patrick, editors. Income Volatility and Food Assistance in the United States. Michigan; W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; 2008. p.11-34.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Robinson, James C. Trends in Racial Inequality and Exposure to Work-Related Hazards, 1968-1986. In: Willis, David P., editors. Health Policies and Black Americans. New Brunswick (USA) and London (UK); Transaction Publishers; 1994. p.404-420.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Roemer, John E., Lee, Woojin, and van der Straeten, Karine. United States: Quantitative Analysis. In: Roemer, John E., Lee, Woojin and van der Straeten, Karine, editors. Racism, Xenophobia, and Distribution: Multi-Issue Politics in Advanced Democracies. Massachusetts; Russell Sage Foundation at Harvard University Press; 2007. p.68-130.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Taxes

Chevan, Albert and Sutton, Gordon F. Race and Sex Differentials in the Life Course. In: Elder, Glen H., editors. Life Course Dynamics: Trajectories and Transitions, 1968-1980. Ithaca, NY; Cornell University Press; 1985. p.282-301.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Survey Methodology

Datcher, Linda. Race/Sex Differences in the Effects of Background on Achievement. In: Hill, Martha S., Hill, Daniel H. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1981. p.359-390.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hofferth, Sandra L., Cabrera, Natasha, Carlson, Marcia, Coley, Rebekah Levine, Day, Randal, and Schindler, Holly S. Resident Father Involvement and Social Fathering. In: Hofferth, Sandra L. and Casper, Lynne M., editors. Handbook of Measurement Issues in Family Research. Mahwah, NJ; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2007. p.335-374.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Waring, Melody K. The Costs of Unpaid Care: Is there an Education Gradient in Women's Time Transfers to their Parents? International Journal of Care and Caring. 2021. 5, (1): 85-104.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Jones, John Bailey, Kim, Minhee, and Park, Byoung G. The Wage Penalty for Married Women of Career Interruptions: Evidence from the 1970s and the 1990s. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 2020. 82, (4): 783-807.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Harvey, Laura. Essays on the Economics of Inequality: University of Leicester; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

McClintock, Elizabeth Aura. Occupational Sex Composition and Marriage: The Romantic Cost of Gender-Atypical Jobs. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2020. 82, (3): 911-933.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hsu, Yu-Chin, Kan, Kamhon, and Lai, Tsung-Chih. Quantile Structural Treatment Effects: Application to Smoking Wage Penalty and its Determinants. Econometric Reviews. 2021. 40, (2): 128-147.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Eisenberg-Guyot, Jerzy. Does the Union Make Us Strong? Labor Unions, Health, and Health Inequities in the United States: University of Washington; 2020. Dept: Epidemiology
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Cortez, Gina R., Lee, Seonhwa, and Roberson, Patricia. Get Healthy to Marry or Marry to Get Healthy? Personal Relationships. 2020. 27, (3): 613-629.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

DeLoatch, Nicole Tawana. Surviving the Storm: An Intersectional Analysis of Hurricane Katrina’s Effect on Lingering Physical and Mental Health Disparities: University of Maryland - College Park; 2020. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Leonard, Megan de Linde and Stanley, T. D. The Wages of Mothers' Labor: A Meta-Regression Analysis. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2020. 82, (5): 1534-1552.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Jajtner, Katie M. Work-Limiting Disability and Intergenerational Economic Mobility. Social Science Quarterly. 2020. 101, (5): 2001-2016.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Cheng, Siwei. The Shifting Life Course Patterns of Wage Inequality. Social Forces. 2021. 100, (1): 1-28.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Justman, Moshe and Stiassnie, Hadas. Intergenerational Mobility in Lifetime Income. The Review of Income and Wealth. 2021. 67, (4): 928-949.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Townsend, Tarlise. Contemporary Issues in Population Health: Disability, Pain Management, and Opioid Overdose in the United States: University of Michigan; 2020. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Norling, Johannes. Using Intentions to Predict Fertility. Journal of Demographic Economics. 2022. 88, (3): 257-282.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

You, Jane J. Marriage as a Mechanism of Internalizing Externalities: A Case of Smoking. Asian Journal of Law and Economics. 2021. 12, (2): 189-211.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Wilson, George and Dawkins, Marvin P. Rising to the Top: Mobility Paths of African American Men in Middle Class Occupations. The Negro Educational Review. 1997. 48, (1): 3-11.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Zandvakili, Sourushe. Dynamics of Earnings Inequality Among Female-Headed Households in the United States. The Journal of Socio-Economics. 2000. 29, (1): 73-89.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Zedlewski, Sheila R. and Saha, Rumki. Social Security and Single Mothers: Options for "Making Work Pay" into Retirement. In: Favreault, Melissa, Sammartino, Frank J. and Steuerle, C. Eugene, editors. Social Security and the Family: Addressing Unmet Needs in and Underfunded System. Washington, D.C.; The Urban Institute Press; 2002. p.89-122.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Oppenheimer, Valerie Kincade. Women's Employment and the Gain to Marriage: The Specialization and Trading Model. Annual Review of Sociology. 1997. 23, 431-453.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Butrica, Barbara A. and Iams, Howard M. The Impact of Minority Group Status On the Projected Retirement Income of Divorced Women in the Baby Boom Cohort. Journal of Women & Aging. 2003. 15, (2-3): 67-88.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement

Bianchi, Suzanne M. Feminization and Juvenilization of Poverty: Trends, Relative Risks, Causes, and Consequences. Annual Review of Sociology. 1999. 25, 307-333.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Corcoran, Mary, Danziger, Sandra, Kalil, Ariel, and Seefeldt, Kristin S. How Welfare Reform Is Affecting Women's Work. Annual Review of Sociology. 2000. 26, 241-269.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Norberg, Karen. Partnership Status and the Human Sex Ratio At Birth. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B. 2004. 271, 2403-2410.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

White-Means, Shelley and Hersch, Joni. Economic Viability Among Post-Retirement Aged Women. Journal of Women & Aging. 1993. 4, (4): 19-35.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Alper, Neil O. and Morlock, Mark J. Moonlighting Husbands or Working Wives. Journal of Family Issues. 1982. 3, (2): 181-198.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Davies, RB, Crouchley, R., and Pickles, AR. A Family of Hypothesis Tests for a Collection of Short Event Series with an Application to Female Employment Participation. Environment and Planning A. 1982. 14, 603-614.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

England, Paula. The Failure of Human Capital Theory to Explain Occupational Sex Segregation. The Journal of Human Resources. 1982. 17, (3): 358-370.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Lindsay, Cotton M. and Shanor, Charles A. County of Washington v. Gunther: Economic and Legal Considerations for Resolving Sex-Based Wage Discrimination Cases. Supreme Court Economic Review. 1982. 1, 185-233.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Nickols, Sharon Y. and Metzen, Edward J. Impact of Wife's Employment upon Husband's Housework. Journal of Family Issues. 1982. 3, (2): 199-216.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Salkever, David S. Children's Health Problems and Maternal Work Status. The Journal of Human Resources. 1982. 17, (1): 94-109.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Hughes, Patricia and Luksetich, William. Income Volatility and Wealth: The Effect on Charitable Giving. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2008. 37, (2): 264-280.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Boisvert, Danielle and Wright, John Paul. Nonshared Environmental Influences On Sibling Differences in Externalizing Problem Behavior. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2008. 35, (7): 863-878.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wellbeing

Mora, Juan and Moro-Egido, Ana I. On Specification Testing of Ordered Discrete Choice Models. Journal of Econometrics. 2008. 143, (1): 191-205.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Vere, James. The Perils of Father-Reported Fertility Data for Household Labour Supply Models. Population Studies. 2008. 62, (2): 235-243.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Huang, Jr.-Tsung. The Personal Tax Exemption and Married Women's Birth Spacing in the United States. Public Finance Review. 2008. 36, (6): 728-748.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Taxes

Choi, HwaJung. Three Essays in Labor and Family Economics: University of Michigan; 2008. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Yoruk, Baris K. Three Essays on the Economics of Charitable Giving: Implications for Fundraising and Public Policy Toward the Non-Profit Sector: Boston College; 2008. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Philanthropy; Taxes

Olivetti, Claudia and Petrongolo, Barbara. Unequal Pay or Unequal Employment? A Cross-Country Analysis of Gender Gaps. Journal of Labor Economics. 2008. 26, (4): 621-654.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Nam, Yunju. Welfare Reform and Asset Accumulation: Asset Limit Changes, Financial Assets, and Vehicle Ownership. Social Science Quarterly. 2008. 89, (1): 133-154.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Meslin, Eric M., Rooney, Patrick M., and Wolf, James G. Health-Related Philanthropy: Toward Understanding the Relationship Between the Donation of the Body (and its Parts) and Traditional Forms of Philanthropic Giving. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2008. 37, 44S-62S.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Albanesi, Stefania and Olivetti, Claudia. Home Production, Market Productions and the Gender Wage Gap: Incentives and Expectations. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2009. 12, (1): 80-107.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Kington, Raynard, Lillard, Lee, and Rogowski, Jeanette. Reproductive History, Socioeconomic Status, and Self-Reported Health Status of Women Aged 50 Years or Older. American Journal of Public Health. 1997. 87, (1): 33-37.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Rivera, Ralph, Torres, M. Idali, and Carre, Francoise J. Role Burdens: The Impact of Employment and Family Responsibilities on the Health Status of Latino Women. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 1997. 8, (1): 99-113.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Leigh, J. Paul and Dhir, Rachna. Schooling and Frailty Among Seniors. Economics of Education Review. 1997. 16, (1): 45-57.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Wang, Weiren. Semi-parametric Estimation of the Effect of Health on Labour Force Participation of Married Women. Applied Economics. 1997. 29, (3): 325-329.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Miller, Carole F. Structural Change in the Probability of Part-Time Partcipation by Married Women. Bulletin of Economic Research. 1997. 49, (4): 257-273.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

DiPrete, Thomas A. and Nonnemaker, K. Lynn. Structural Change, Labor Market Turbulence, and Labor Market Outcomes. American Sociological Review. 1997. 62, (June): 386-404.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Blau, Francine and Kahn, Lawrence. Swimming Upstream: Trends in the Gender Wage Differential in the 1980s. Journal of Labor Economics. 1997. 15, (1, part 1): 1-42.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hersch, Joni and Regan, Patricia B. Worker Effort Decisions and Efficient Gender-Specific Wage-Tenure Profiles. Economic Inquiry. 1997. 35, (1): 193-207.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Sandfort, Jodi R. and Hill, Martha S. Assisting Young, Unmarried Mothers to Become Self Sufficient: The Effects of Different Types of Early Economic Support. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1996. 58, (2): 311-326.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Jacobsen, Joyce P. and Rayack, Wendy L. Do Men Whose Wives Work Really Earn Less? American Economic Review. 1996. 86, (2): 268-73.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Paxson, Christina H. and Sicherman, Nachum. Dynamics of Dual Job Holding and Job Mobility. Journal of Labor Economics. 1996. 14, (3): 357-93.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Allen, David. Family Illness and Temporary Work Absence. Applied Economics. 1996. 28, (9): 1177-1180.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Van Der Klaauw, Wilbert. Female Labour Supply and Marital Status Decisions: A Life-Cycle Model. The Review of Economic Studies. 1996. 63, (2): 199-235.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

McGoldrick, KimMarie and Robst, John. Gender Difference in Overeducation: A Test of the Theory of Differential Overqualification. American Economic Review. 1996. 86, (2): 280-284.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ashraf, Javed. Is Gender Pay Discrimination on the Wane? Evidence from Panel Data, 1968-1989. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1996. 49, (3): 537-546.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Trzcinski, Eileen. Effects of Uncertainty and Risk on the Allocation of Time of Married Women. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1996. 17, (3-4): 327-350.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Halliday, Timothy J. and Kimmitt, Michael. Selective Migration and Health in the USA, 1984-93. Population Studies. 2008. 62, (3): 321-334.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Foster, E. Michael and Hoffman, Saul. Nonmarital Childbearing in the 1980s: Assessing the Importance of Women 25 and Older. Family Planning Perspectives. 1996. 28:, (3): 117-119.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Krieg, Randall G. Occupational Change and Differing Returns to Migration by Gender. The Journal of Socio-Economics. 1996. 25, (5): 591-599.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

McCue, Kristin. Promotions and Wage Growth. Journal of Labor Economics. 1996. 14, (2): 175-209.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Starkey, James L. Race Differences in the Effect of Unemployment on Marital Instability: A Socioeconomic Analysis. The Journal of Socio-Economics. 1996. 25, (6): 683-720.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Alm, James and Whittington, Leslie A. The Rise and Fall and Rise of the Marriage Tax. National Tax Journal. 1996. 49, (4): 571-89.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Taxes

Smith, Ken R. and Zick, C. D. Risk of Mortality Following Widowhood: Age and Sex Differences by Mode of Death. Social Biology. 1996. 43, (1-2): 59-71.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Wolfer, Loreen T. and Moen, Phyllis. Staying in School: Maternal Employment and the Timing of Black and White Daughters' School Exit. Journal of Family Issues. 1996. 17, (4): 540-560.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Stafford, Frank P. and Sundstrom, Marianne. Time Out for Childcare and Career Wages of Men and Women. Labour. 1996. 10, (3): 23-25.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Eorio, Lisa. Turnover, Training, and the Gender Gap in Pay: Findings from a Simultaneous Equations Model: University of Virginia; 1996. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Smith, Paul Andrew. The Impact of the 1981 Welfare Reforms on Female-Headed Households: University of Wisconsin - Madison; 1997. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Burkhauser, Richard V., Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, and Rhody, Stephen E. Labor Earnings Mobility and Inequality in the United States and Germany During the Growth Years of the 1980s. International Economic Review. 1997. 38, (4): 775-794.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Zhan, Min and Pandey, Shanta. Economic Well-Being of Single Mothers: Work First or Postsecondary Education? Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 2004. 31, (3): 87-112.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Aaronson, Daniel and French, Eric. The Effect of Part-Time Work on Wages: Evidence from the Social Security Rules. Journal of Labor Economics. 2004. 22, (2): 329-353.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Joo, Myungkook. Long-Term Impacts of Early Childhood Care and Education on Children's Academic, Behavior, and School Outcomes: Is Head Start More Effective than Private Preschools and No Preschools for Poor Children? Washington University at St. Louis; 2006. Dept: School of Social Work
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Tunceli, K., Li, K. M., and Williams, L. K. Long-Term Effects of Obesity on Employment and Work Limitations Among U.S. Adults, 1986 to 1999. Obesity. 2006. 14, (9): 1637-1646.
Keywords: Aging; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Swain, Li Li and Garasky, Steven. Migration Decisions of Dual-Earner Families: An Application of Multilevel Modeling. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2007. 28, (1): 151-170.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Plotnick, Robert D., Garfinkel, Irwin, McLanahan, Sara, and Ku, Inhoe. The Impact on Child Support Enforcement Policy on Nonmarital Childbearing. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2007. 26, (1): 79-98.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Shanks, Trina R. Williams. The Impacts of Household Wealth on Child Development. Journal of Poverty. 2007. 11, (2): 93-116.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Chang, Yongsung and Kim, Sun-Bin. From Individual to Aggregate Labor Supply: A Quantitative Analysis Based on a Heterogeneous Agent Macroeconomy. International Economic Review. 2006. 47, (1): 1-27.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Schmidt, Lucie and Sevak, Purvi. Gender, Marriage, and Asset Accumulation in the United States. Feminist Economics. 2006. 12, (1-2): 139-166.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Zhan, Min and Pandey, Shanta. Postsecondary Education and Economic Well-Being of Single Mothers and Single Fathers. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2004. 66, (3): 661-674.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Khor, Niny and Pencavel, John. Income Mobility of Individuals in China and the United States. Economics of Transition. 2006. 14, (3): 417-458.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Lopoo, Leonard M. Maternal Employment and Teenage Childbearing: Evidence from the PSID. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2005. 24, (1): 23-24.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Giles, Philip, Burkhauser, Richard V., Lillard, Dean R., and Schwarze, Johannes. Income Replacement Among Recent Widows. Perspectives on Labour & Income. 2004. 16, (2): 45.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Giles, Philip, Burkhauser, Richard V., Lillard, Dean R., and Schwarze, Johannes. Income Replacement Among Recent Widows, Perspectives on Labor & Income. Statscan. 2004. 16, (2): 45-50.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hoffman, Saul and Foster, E. Michael. AFDC Benefits and Non-Marital Births to Young Women. The Journal of Human Resources. 2000. 35, (2): 376-391.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Laditka, James N. and Laditka, Sarah B. Aging Children and Their Older Parents: The Coming Generation of Caregiving. Journal of Women & Aging. 2000. 12, (1/2): 189-204.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Pfeffermann, D., Skinner, C., and Humphreys, K. The Estimation of Gross Flows in the Presence of Measurement Error Using Auxilliary Variables. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society). 1998. 161, (1): 13-32.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hirschl, Thomas A., Altobelli, Joyce, and Rank, Mark R. Does Marriage Increase the Odds of Affluence? Exploring the Life Course Probabilities. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2003. 65, (4): 927-938.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Garcia-Escribano, Mercedes. Does Spousal Labor Smooth Fluctuations in Husbands' Earnings? The Role of Liquidity Constraints: The University of Chicago; 2003. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Fields, Renee A. The Dynamics of Persistent Female Poverty: An Empirical Analysis of the 1970s and 1980s: Carnegie Mellon University; 2003. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Lundberg, Shelly and Pollak, Robert A. Efficiency in Marriage. Review of Economics of the Household. 2003. 1, (4): 153-167.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Cramer, James. Employment Trends of Young Mothers and the Opportunity Cost of Babies in the United States. Demography. 1979. 16, (2): 177-197.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hamermesh, Daniel. Entitlement Effects, Unemployment Insurance and Employment Decisions. Economic Inquiry. 1979. 17, (3): 317-332.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Attewell, Paul A. and Lavin, David E. Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage: Maternal Education and Children's Success. In: Attewell, Paul A. and Lavin, David E., editors. Passing the Torch: Does Higher Education for the Disadvantaged Pay Off Across Generations? Russell Sage Foundation; 2007. p.57-78.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Li, Xinrong. Essays on Married Women Labor Supply: Texas A&M University; 2011. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Corcoran, Mary. The Economic Consequences of Marital Dissolution for Women in the Middle Years. Sex Roles. 1979. 5, (3): 343-353.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Ono, Hiromi and Stafford, Frank P. Till Death Do Us Part or I Get my Pension: Wives' Pension Holding and Marital Dissolution in the United States. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2001. 103, (3): 525-544.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Cooke, Thomas J. 'Trailing Wife' or 'Trailing Mother'? The Effect of Parental Status on the Relationship Between Family Migration and the Labor-Market Participation of Married Women. Environment and Planning. 2001. 33, (3): 419-430.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Polachek, Solomon W. and Robst, John. Trends in the Male-Female Wage Gap: The 1980s compared with the 1970s. Southern Economic Journal. 2001. 67, (4): 869-888.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

McDonough, Peggy, Williams, David R., House, James S., and Duncan, Greg J. Gender and the Socioeconomic Gradient in Mortality. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 1999. 40, (1): 17-31.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Maume Jr., David J. Glass Ceilings and Glass Escalators: Occupational Segregation and Race and Sex Differences in Managerial Promotions. Work and Occupations. 1999. 26, (4): 483-509.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hoynes, Hilary. Does Welfare Play Any Role in Female Headship Decisions? Journal of Public Economics. 1997. 65, (2): 89-117.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Hoffman, Saul and Foster, E. Michael. Economic Correlates of Nonmarital Childbearing Among Adult Women. Family Planning Perspectives. 1997. 29, (3): 137-140.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Ulrick, Shawn Wesley. Seimparametric Methods in Economics: Applications and Theory: The University of Iowa; 2002. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Allard, Scott. Revisiting Shapiro: Welfare Magnets and State Residency Requirements in the 1990s. The Journal of Federalism. 1998. 28, (3): 45-65.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Housing; Income; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Baxter, Marianne. Social Security as a Financial Asset: Gender-Specific Risks and Returns. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance. 2002. 1, (1): 35-52.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Maume Jr., David J. Local Labor Market Structure and the Poverty Vulnerability of Black and Whilte Women in Metropolitan Areas. In: Tomaskovic-Dewey, Donald, editors. Poverty and Social Welfare in the United States. Boulder and London; Westview Press; 1988. p.82-103.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Duncan, Greg J. and Rodgers, Willard. Lone-Parent Families and Their Economic Problems: Transitory or Persistent? In: Duskin, Elizabeth, editors. Lone Parent Families: The Economic Challenge. Paris; OECD; 1990.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Corcoran, Mary. The Structure of Female Wages. American Economic Review. 1978. 68, 165-170.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hoffman, Saul. Marital Instability and the Economic Status of Women. Demography. 1977. 14, 67-76.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Oreffice, S. and Quintana-Domeque, C. Fat Spouses and Hours of Work: are Body and Pareto Weights Correlated? IZA Journal of Labor Economics. 2012. 1, (6): 1-21.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production

Mirtcheva, Donka M. and Powell, Lisa M. National School Lunch Program Participation and Child Body Weight. Eastern Economic Journal. 2013. 39, 328-345.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Corcoran, Mary and Matsudaria, Jordan. Is It Harder to Get Ahead? Economic Attainment in Early Adulthood for Two Cohorts. In: Settersten, Richard A., Furstenberg, Jr. Frank F. and Rumbaut, Ruben G., editors. On the Frontier of Adulthood: Theory, Research, and Public Policy. Chicago, IL; University of Chicago Press; 2005. p.356-395.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Duncan, Greg J. and Hoffman, Saul. On-the-Job Training and Earnings Differences by Race and Sex. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1979. 61, (4): 594-603.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Heckman, James J. and Willis, Robert J. The Distribution of Lifetime Labor Force Participation of Married Women: Reply to Mincer and Ofek. Journal of Political Economy. 1979. 87, 203-211.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hill, Martha S. The Wage Effects of Marital Status and Children. The Journal of Human Resources. 1979. 14, (4): 579-594.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hill, Daniel H. Labor Force Participation Decisions of Wives. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1977. p.301-330.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Conte, Michael. Labor Market Discrimination Against Women. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1976. p.257-284.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Duncan, Greg J. Labor Market Discrimination and Nonpecuniary Work Rewards. In: Juster, F. Thomas, editors. The Distribution of Economic Well-Being. Cambridge, MA; Ballinger; 1977. p.355-378.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Corcoran, Mary and Duncan, Greg J. Work History, Labor Force Attachment, and Earnings Differences Between the Races and Sexes. The Journal of Human Resources. 1979. 14, 1-20.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kiker, B. F. Male-Female Wage Differentials: Additional Evidence. Economics Letters. 1978. 1, (3): 279-284.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Duncan, Greg J. and Hill, C. Russell. The Child Care Mode Choice of Working Mothers. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1977. p.379-388.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Van Der Klaauw, Wilbert and Hendrikus, M. W. M. An Economic Analysis of Female Labor Supply and Marital Status Decisions over the Life Cycle: Brown University; 1993. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Tsurumi, Hiroki and Mehr, Peter. Exogeneity Tests in a Truncated Structural Equation. Journal of Econometrics. 1993. 56, (3): 371-396.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Rendall, Michael Stephen. The Growth of Female Family Headship in the United States, 1968-1988: Brown University; 1993. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Starkey, James L. and Port, Barbara. Housing Cost and Married Women's Labor Force Participation in 1980. The Social Science Journal. 1993. 30, (1): 23-45.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes

Miller, Carole F. Part-Time Employment by Married Women: Results from a Multinomial Logit Model. Australian Bulletin of Labour. 1993. 19, 278-296.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Miller, Carole F. Part-time Participation over The Life Cycle Among Married Women Who Work in the Market. Applied Economics. 1993. 25, 91-99.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Phillips, Richard A. and Vanderhoff, James H. Two-Earner Households and Housing Demand: The Effect of the Wife's Occupational Choice. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. 1991. 4, (1): 83-91.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Duncan, Greg J. United States Public Policy and the Elderly: The Disproportionate Risk to the Well-Being of Women. Journal of Population Economics. 1991. 4, 153-167.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Maloney, Tim. Unobserved Variables and the Elusive Added Worker Effect. Economica. 1991. 58, 173-187.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Burkhauser, Richard V., Duncan, Greg J., Hauser, Richard, and Bernstsen, R. Wife or Frau, Women Do Worse: A Comparison of Men and Women in the United States and Germany Following Marital Disruption. Demography. 1991. 28, (3): 353-360.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; International Studies

Moen, Phyllis. Transitions in Mid-life: Women's Work and Family Roles in the 1970s. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1991. 53, 135-150.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Wellington, Alison J. Accounting for the Male/Female Wage Gap Among Whites: 1976 and 1985. American Sociological Review. 1992. 59, (6): 839-848.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Butler, Amy C. The Changing Economic Consequences of Teenage Childbearing. Social Service Review. 1992. 66, (March): 1-31.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bassi, Laurie. Employment and Welfare Participation Among Women. Economic Inquiry. 1990. 28, (2): 222-238.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Wellington, Alison Joanne. Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage on Youths and Changes in the Wage Gap by Gender and Race: 1976-1985: The University of Michigan; 1990. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Fletcher, Cynthia Needles. A Comparison of Income and Expenditures of Male-Headed Households Paying Child Support and Female-Headed Households Receiving Child Support. Family Relations. 1989. 38, (4): 412-417.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Martin, Steven. Trends in Marital Dissolution by Women's Education in the United States. Demographic Research. 2006. 15, (20): 537-560.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Coe, Richard D. A Longitudinal Examination of Poverty in the Elderly Years. The Gerontologist. 1988. 28, (4): 540-544.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hoffman, Saul and Duncan, Greg J. Multinomial and Conditional Logit Discrete-Choice Models in Demography. Demography. 1988. 25, (3): 415-427.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Stirling, Kathleen Jane. The Road to Financial Security for Divorced Women: Who Succeeds, Who Does Not, and Why: University of Notre Dame; 1987. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Mroz, Thomas A. The Sensitivity of An Empirical Model of Married Women's Hours of Work to Economic and Statistical Assumptions. Econometrica. 1987. 55, (4): 765-799.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Corcoran, Mary and Courant, Paul. Sex Role Socialization and Occupational Segregation: an Exploratory Investigation. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 1987. 9, (3): 330-346.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Duncan, Greg J. and Rodgers, Willard. Single-Parent Families: Are Their Economic Problems Transitory or Persistent? Family Planning Perspectives. 1987. 19, (4): 171-178.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Hoffman, Saul and Duncan, Greg J. What Are the Economic Consequences of Divorce? Demography. 1988. 25, (4): 641-645.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Sexton, Edwin and Olsen, Reed Neil. The Returns to On-the-Job Training: Are They the Same for Blacks and Whites? Southern Economic Journal. 1994. 61, (2): 328-342.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Duncan, Greg J., Boisjoly, Johanne, and Hofferth, Sandra L. The Timing of First Home Ownership: Whose Income Matters the Most? Economie et Prevision. 1995. 121, (5): 65-74.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Housing; Income

Zandvakili, Sourushe. Earnings Inequality Among Women: How Important are Human Capital Differences? Research on Economic Inequality. 1994. 5, 241-66.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Brines, Julie. Economic Dependency, Gender, and the Division of Labor at Home. American Journal of Sociology. 1994. 100, (3): 652-88.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Friedkin, Rebecca J. The Effect of Marital Timing on Individual Earnings: Yale University; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Butcher, Kristin F. and Case, Anne. The Effect of Sibling Sex Composition on Women's Education and Earnings. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1994. 59, (3): 531-563.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Blau, Francine D. and Kahn, Lawrence M. Rising Wage Inequality and the U.S. Gender Gap. American Economic Review. 1994. 84, (2): 23-28.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Becker, Elizabeth and Lindsay, Cotton M. Sex Differences in Tenure Profiles: Effects of Shared Firm-Specific Investments. Journal of Labor Economics. 1994. 12, (1): 98-118.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Burkhauser, Richard V., Duncan, Greg J., and Hauser, Richard. Sharing Prosperity Across the Age Distribution: A Comparison of the United States and Germany in the 1980s. The Gerontologist. 1994. 34, (2): 150-160.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Poverty

Ladenson, Mark L. Race and Sex Discrimination in Housing: The Evidence from Probabilities of Homeownership. Southern Economic Journal. 1978. 45, (2): 559-575.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Housing; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Levy, Frank. The Labor Supply of Female Household Heads, or AFDC Work Incentives Don't Work Too Well. The Journal of Human Resources. 1979. 14, (1): 76-97.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Choudhury, Sharmila. Reassessing the Male-Female Wage Differential: A Fixed Effects Approach. Southern Economic Journal. 1993. 60, (2): 327-340.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Devine, Joel A. and Plunkett, Mark. The Chronicity of Poverty: Evidence from the PSID, 1968-1987. Social Forces. 1992. 70, (3): 787-812.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Mueller, Charles and Parcel, Toby L. Ascription, Dimensions of Authority and Earnings: The Case of Supervisors. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 1986. 5, 199-222.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Starkey, James L. Wives' Earnings and Marital Instability: Another Look at the Independence Effect. The Social Science Journal. 1991. 28, (4): 501-521.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Brines, Julie Ellen. Beyond the Terms of Trade: Wives, Husbands, and Housework: Harvard University; 1990. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Maasoumi, Esfandiar and Zandvakili, Sourushe. Generalized Entropy Measures of Mobility For Different Sexes and Income Levels. Journal of Econometrics. 1990. 43, 121-133.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Danes, Sharon M. and Winter, Mary. The Impact of the Employment of the Wife on the Achievement of Home Ownership. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 1990. 24, (1): 148-169.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes

Duncan, Greg J., Yeung, Wei-Jun J., and Rodgers, Willard. Les familles monoparentales aux etats-unis. Dynamique, niveau de vie et consequences sur le developpement de l'enfant. Population. 1994. 49, (6): 1419-1436.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Montalto, Catherine P. Married Women's Labor Force Participation as Divorce Insurance. Financial Counseling and Planning. 1994. 5, 191-205.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

You, Hye Mi. Marriage, Working Spouses, and Male Wage Volatility. Korean Economic Review. 2018. 34, (1): 101-115.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Rexroat, Cynthia and Shehan, Constance. The Family Life Cycle and Spouses' Time in Housework. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1987. 49, (4): 737-750.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Chambers-Mulholland, Elizabeth. Husbands' and Wives' Household and Child Care Allocation: A Test of Class, Economic and Resource Theories: University of California - Irvine; 1987. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Stafford, Frank P. Women's Work, Sibling Competition, and Children's School Performance. American Economic Review. 1987. 77, (5): 972-980.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Blank, Rebecca M. Disaggregating the Effect of the Business Cycle on the Distribution of Income. Economica. 1989. 56, (2): 141-163.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Wellington, Alison J. Accounting for the Male/Female Wage Gap Among Whites: 1976 and 1985. American Sociological Review. 1994. 59, (6): 839-848.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hallinan, Patricia. Caring for Children in the 1970s: An Economic Model of Married Women's Choices: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Sun, Jie. Exact Inference in the Strumental Variables Form of the Linear Structural Errors-in-Variables Models: With Application to the Problem of Female Labor Supply: Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Miller, Carole F. Experience and the Decision to Participate in the Labour Market: Results from a Conditional Logit Model. Journal of Economic Studies. 1992. 19, (6): 3-21.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Duncan, Greg J. Economic Risks of Gender Roles: Income Loss and Life Events Over the Life Course. Social Science Quarterly. 1989. 70, (1): 3-22.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Moffitt, Robert and Rendall, Michael S. Cohort Trends in the Lifetime Distribution of Female Family Headship in the United States, 1968-1985. Demography. 1995. 32, (3): 407-424.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Shaw, Kathryn. The Life-Cycle Labor Supply of Married Women and its Implications for Household Income Inequality. Economic Inquiry. 1992. 30, (4): 659-672.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Pepper, John V. Dynamics of the Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Receipt in the United States. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1995. 16, (2/3): 265-279.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Turner, R. Early Family Formation Linked to School Dropout, Especially Among Blacks. Family Planning Perspectives. 1995. 27, (1): 39-40.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Sorensen, Elaine. The Crowding Hypothesis and Comparable Worth Issue: A Survey and New Results. The Journal of Human Resources. 1990. 25, (1): 55-89.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Douthitt, Robin A., Zick, Cathleen D., and McCullough, Jane L. The Demographic and Economic Determinants of Single and Married Mothers' Time Use. Lifestyles: Family and Economic Issues. 1990. 11, (1): 23-52.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Burkhauser, Richard V., Duncan, Greg J., Hauser, Richard, and Bernstsen, R. Economic Burdens of Marital Disruptions: A Comparison of the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany. The Review of Income and Wealth. 1990. 36, (4): 319-333.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Moen, Phyllis, Downey, Geraldine, and Bolger, Niall. Labor-Force Reentry Among U.S. Homemakers in Midlife: A Life-Course Analysis. Gender & Society. 1990. 4, (2): 230-243.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production

Douthitt, Robin A., Zick, Cathleen D., and McCullough, Jane. The Role of Economic and Demographic Factors in Explaining Time-Use of Single and Married Mothers. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1990. 11, (1): 23-51.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Time Use & Home Production

Polachek, Solomon W. and Kim, Moon-Kak. Panel Estimates of Male-Female Earnings Functions. The Journal of Human Resources. 1994. 29, (2): 406-428.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Polachek, Solomon W. and Kim, Moon-Kak. Panel Estimates of the Gender Earnings Gap: Individual Specific Intercept and Individual Specific Slope Models. Journal of Econometrics. 1994. 61, (1): 23-42.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Shaw, Kathryn. The Persistence of Female Labor Supply: Empirical Evidence and Implications. The Journal of Human Resources. 1994. 29, (2): 348-378.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bergen, Elizabeth Jane. Dinner, Dishes, and Diapers: The Social and Economic Context of Domestic Labor: Brown University; 1988. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Cohen, Yinon. Family Background and Economic Success Through Work and Marriage. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 1986. 5, 173-197.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Zick, Cathleen D. and Smith, Ken R. Immediate and Delayed Effects of Widowhood on Poverty: Patterns from the 1970s. The Gerontologist. 1986. 26, 669-675.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty

Smith, Ken R. and Zick, Cathleen D. The Incidence of Poverty Among the Recently Widowed: Mediating Factors in the Life Course. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1986. 48, 619-630.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Life Course; Poverty

O'Brien, Maureen A. and Hawley, Clifford B. The Labor Force Participation Behavior of Married Women Under Conditions of Constraints on Borrowing. The Journal of Human Resources. 1986. 21, (2): 267-278.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Johnson, William R. and Skinner, Jonathan. Labor Supply and Marital Separation. American Economic Review. 1986. 76, (3): 455-469.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Nichols-Casebolt, Ann Marie. The Psychological Effects of Income- Testing Income Support Benefits. Social Service Review. 1986. 60, (2): 287-302.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Field-Hendrey, Elizabeth and Balkan, Erol. Earnings and Assimilation of Female Immigrants. Applied Economics. 1991. 23, 1665-1672.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Starkey, James L. The Effects of a Wife's Earnings on Marital Dissolution: The Role of a Husband's Interpersonal Competence. The Journal of Socio-Economics. 1991. 20, (2): 125-154.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hotz, Joseph and Miller, Robert. An Empirical Analysis of Life Cycle Fertility and Female Labor Supply. Econometrica. 1988. 50, 91-118.
Keywords: Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Chevan, Albert. Holding On and Letting Go: Residential Mobility During Widowhood. Research on Aging. 1995. 17, (3): 278-302.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Heath, Julia A. and Bourne, W. David. Husbands and Housework: Parity or Parody? Social Science Quarterly. 1995. 76, (1): 195-202.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Joesch, Jutta M. Children and the Timing of Women's Paid Work After Childbirth: A Further Specification of the Relationship. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1994. 56, (2): 429-440.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hujer, Reinhard, Grammig, Joachim, and Schnabel, Reinhard. A Comparative Empirical Analysis of Labour Supply and Wages of Married Women in the FRG and the USA. Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik. 1994. 213, (2): 129-147.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Stemple, Catherine Balliet. Divorce, Female Labor Supply, and the Distribution of Income: Indiana University; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Hersch, Joni and Stratton, Leslie S. Housework, Wages, and the Division of Housework Time for Employed Spouses. American Economic Review. 1994. 84, (2): 120-125.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Combs, E. Raedene and Park, Sooyoun Kim. Housing Affordability Among Elderly Female Heads of Household in Nonmetropolitan Areas. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1994. 15, (4): 317-328.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Shaw, Kathryn. Intertemporal Labor Supply and the Distribution of Family Income. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1989. 71, (2): 196-205.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Airsman, Linda A. and Sharda, Bam Dev. A Comparative Study of the Occupational Attainment Processes of White Men and Women in the United States: The Effects of Having Ever Married, Spousal Education, Children and Having Ever Divorced. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 1993. 24, (2): 171-187.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

O'Neill, June and Polachek, Solomon W. Why the Gender Gap in Wages Narrowed in the 1980s. Journal of Labor Economics. 1993. 11, (1): 205-228.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Duncan, Karen Ann. Women's Reservation Wage for Home-Based Work and its Implications for Their Labour Supply: The Ohio State University; 1993. Dept: Family Resouce Management, College of Human Ecology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Harris, Kathleen Mullan. Work and Welfare Among Single Mothers in Poverty. American Journal of Sociology. 1993. 99, (2): 317-52.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Avioli, Paula Smith and Kaplin, Eileen. A Panel Study of Married Women's Work Patterns. Sex Roles. 1992. 26, (5/6): 227-242.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Zick, Cathleen D. and Smith, Ken R. Patterns of Economic Change Surrounding the Death of a Spouse. Journal of Gerontology. 1991. 46, (6): S310-S320.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Bound, John, Duncan, Greg J., Laren, Deborah, and Oleinick, Lewis. Poverty Dynamics in Widowhood. Journal of Gerontology. 1991. 46, (3): S115-S124.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty

Duncan, Greg J. and Hoffman, Saul. Teenage Welfare Receipt and Subsequent Dependence Among Black Adolescent Mothers. Family Planning Perspectives. 1990. 22, (1): 16-35.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Tremblay, Carol Horton. Wage Patterns of Women Over the Business Cycle. Quarterly Review of Economics and Business. 1990. 30, (1): 90-101.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Duncan, Greg J. and Hoffman, Saul. Welfare Benefits, Economic Opportunities and the Out-of-Wedlock Births Among Black Teenage Girls. Demography. 1990. 27, (4): 519-536.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Smith, Ken R. and Moen, Phyllis. Passage Through Midlife: Women's Changing Family Roles and Economic Well-Being. The Sociological Quarterly. 1988. 29, (4): 503-524.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Income

Stephan, Paula. Relationships Among Market Work, Work Aspirations and Volunteering: The Case of Retired Women. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 1991. 20, (2): 225-235.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Gilligan, Jane Elizabeth. Estimation of the Probability of Withdrawing from the Labor Force: Boston College; 1988. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

McLanahan, Sara. Family Structure and Dependency: Early Transitions to Female Household Headship. Demography. 1988. 25, (1): 1-16.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Park, Chaewon. Investment in Human Capital: Cohort Differences among U.S. Women: Indiana University; 1988. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Jakubson, George H. The Sensitivity of Labor Supply Parameter Estimates to Unobserved Individual Effects: Fixed and Random Effects Estimates in a Non-Linear Model Using Panel Data. Journal of Labor Economics. 1988. 6, (3): 302- 329.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gronau, Reuben. Sex Related Wage Differentials and Women's Interrupted Labor Careers -- the Chicken or the Egg. Journal of Labor Economics. 1988. 6, (3): 277-301.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hill, C. Russell. Private Demand for Child Care: Implications for Public Policy. Evaluation Quarterly. 1978. 2, (4): 523-546.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Hill, C. Russell and Stafford, Frank P. Intergenerational Wealth Transfers and the Educational Decisions of Male Youth: An Alternative Interpretation. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1978. 92, (3): 515-520.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Hofferth, SL, Moore, KA, and Caldwell, SB. The Consequences of Age at First Childbirth: Labor Force Participation and Earnings: Urban Institute; 1978.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Becker, Elizabeth and Lindsay, Cotton M. Male/Female Disparity in Starting Pay. Southern Economic Journal. 1995. 61, (3): 628-643.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Lee, Myoung-Jae. Semi-parametric Estimation of Simultaneous Equations with Limited Dependent Variables: Case Study of Female Labor Supply. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 1995. 10, (2): 187-200.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Leigh, J. Paul. Smoking, Self-Selection and Absenteeism. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 1995. 35, (4): 365-386.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Xie, Xiaodi. Three Essays on Empirical Household Behaviour: McMaster University; 1995. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hu, Wei-Yin. The Impact of Child Support Reform on Welfare Program Participation and Female Labor Supply: Stanford University; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Scrucca, Luca and Weisberg, Sanford. A Simulation Study to Investigate the Behavior of the Log-Density Ratio Under Normality. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. 2004. 33, (1): 159-178.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Hersch, Joni. The Impact of Nonmarket Work on Market Wages. American Economic Review. 1991. 81, (2): 157-160.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Gottschalk, P. and Moffitt, R. Job Instability and Insecurity for Males and Females in the 1980s and 1990s. In: Neumark, David, editors. On the Job: Is Long-Term Employment a Thing of the Past? New York, NY; Russell Sage Foundation; 2000. p.142-195.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Tuttle, Robert C. Poverty Over the Life Cycle. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1989. 10, (4): 267-291.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Life Course; Poverty

Blank, Rebecca M. The Role of Part-Time Work in Women's Labor Market Choices Over Time. American Economic Review. 1989. 79, (2): 295-299.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

McLanahan, Sara and Garfinkel, Irwin. Single Mothers, the Underclass, and Social Policy. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1989. 501, (1): 92-104.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Macunovich, Diane Judith. Some New Perspectives on the Issue of Countercyclical U.S. Fertility: University of Southern California; 1989. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Polachek, Solomon W. Occupational Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap. Population Research and Policy Review. 1987. 6, 47-67.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Marsh, Lawrence C. Hours Worked by Husbands and Wives. Journal of Family Issues. 1981. 2, (2): 164-179.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Carr, Deborah, Cornman, Jennifer C., and Freedman, Vicki A. Do Family Relationships Buffer the Impact of Disability on Older Adults' Daily Mood? An Exploration of Gender and Marital Status Differences. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2019. 81, (3): 729-746. PMCID: PMC6555429
Keywords: Disability & Use of Time; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Treiman, Donald J. The Work Histories of Women and Men: What We Know and What We Need To Find Out. In: Rossi, Alice S., editors. Gender and the Life Course. New York, New York; Aldine de Gruyter; 1985. p.213-232.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Lin, Ta Win. Women's Labor Force Supply and Commuting Behavior: A Time-Budget Analysis: Portland State University; 1985. Dept: Urban Studies
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

England, Paula. The Sex Gap in Work and Wages. Society. 1985. 22, 68-74.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Downey, Geraldine and Moen, Phyllis. Personal Efficacy, Income, and Family Transitions: A Longitudinal Study of Women Heading Households. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 1987. 28, 320-333.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Wheeler, Laura Allison. An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Residential Location on Labor Force Participation Rates of Female-Headed Householders: A Test of the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: Syracuse University; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Nguyen, Tung. Essays on the Effects of Education Policy and Tax Policy on Labor Market and Other Outcomes: University of Houston; 2018. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Groot, LFM and Schippers, JJ. The Effect of Interruptions and Part-Time Work On Women's Wage Rate: A Test of the Variable-Intensity Model. De Economist. 1988. 136, (2): 220-238.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Nakamura, Alice and Nakamura, Masao. The Econometrics of Female Labor Supply and Children. Econometric Reviews. 1992. 11, (1): 1-71.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Rossi, Alice S. Sex and Gender in An Aging Society. Daedalus. 1986. 115, (1): 141-169.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences

Miller, Carole F. Actual Experience, Potential Experience or Age and Labor Force Participation by Married Women. Atlantic Economic Journal. 1993. 21, (4): 60-66.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Astone, Nan Marie. Are Adolescent Mothers Just Single Mothers? Journal of Research on Adolescence. 1993. 3, (4): 353-371.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Holden, Karen C. and Smock, Pamela J. The Economic Costs of Marital Dissolution: Why Do Women Bear A Disproportionate Cost? Annual Review of Sociology. 1991. 17, 51-78.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Hersch, Joni. Male-Female Differences in Hourly Wages: The Role of Human Capital, Working Conditions, and Housework. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1991. 44, (4): 746-759.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Hall, Peter, Racine, Jeff, and Li, Qi. Cross-Validation and the Estimation of Conditional Probability Densities. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2004. 99, (468): 1015-1026.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Alfieri, Anthony V. Impoverished Practices. Georgetown Law Journal. 1992. 81, 2567-2663.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty

Chib, Siddhartha and Greenberg, Edward. Analysis of Multivariate Probit Models. Biometrika. 1998. 85, (2): 347-361.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Zick, Cathleen D. and Smith, Ken R. Marital Transitions, Poverty, and Gender Differences in Mortality. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1991. 53, 327-336.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Miller, Carole F. Married Women's Tastes and the Decision to Participate in the Labour Market: Results from a Fixed Effects Model. Applied Economics. 1991. 23, (9): 1499-1509.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hart, Myra K. Migration Decisions and Earnings of Dual Career Couples: The University of Iowa; 1991. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Ruspini, Elisabetta. Women and Poverty: A New Research Methodology. In: Gordon, David and Townsend, Peter, editors. Breadline Europe: The Measurement Of Poverty. Bristol, UK; The Policy Press; 2000. p.107-140.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Poverty; Survey Methodology

Brown, Eleanor. Married Couples' Charitable Giving: Who and Why. New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising. 2005. 50, 1-12.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Philanthropy

Lodl, Kathleen A. and Combs, E. Raedene. The Achievement of Cultural Housing Norms by Mother-Only Families. Housing and Society. 1998. 25, (1-2): 21-38.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing

Stirling, Kate. Women Who Remain Divorced: the Long-Term Economic Consequences. Social Science Quarterly. 1989. 70, (3): 550-561.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Gronau, Reuben. Sex-Related Wage Differentials and Women's Interrupted Labor Careers-the Chicken or the Egg. Journal of Labor Economics. 1988. 6, (3): 277-301.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Johnson, William R. and Skinner, Jonathan. Accounting for Changes in the Labor Supply of Recently Divorced Women. The Journal of Human Resources. 1988. 23, (4): 417-436.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hoffman, Saul and Duncan, Greg J. A Comparison of Choice-Based Multinomial and Nested Logit Models: the Family Structure and Welfare Use Decisions of Divorced or Separated Women. The Journal of Human Resources. 1988. 23, (4): 550-562.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Özcan, Berkay. The Effects of Marital Transitions and Spousal Characteristics on Economic Outcomes: Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 2008. Dept: Political and Social Sciences
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Hunt, Janet. Discrimination in ERA States? Economic Inquiry. 1983. 21, 140-145.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income

Lopoo, Leonard M. The Effect of Maternal Employment On Teenage Childbearing. Journal of Population Economics. 2004. 17, (4): 681-702.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Maume Jr., David, J. Occupational Constraints on Women's Entry into Management. In: Vannoy, Dana and Dubeck, Paula, editors. Challenges for Work and Family in the Twenty-First Century. Hawthorne, NY; Aldine DeGruyter; 1998. p.167.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Carr, Michael D. and Wiemers, Emily E. New Evidence on Earnings Volatility in Survey and Administrative Data. AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2018. 108, 287-91.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Ruhm, Christopher. The Economic Consequences of Labor Mobility. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1987. 41, (1): 30-42.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Treas, Judith. The Effect of Women's Labor Force Participation on the Distribution of Income in the United States. Annual Review of Sociology. 1987. 13, 259-288.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ransom, Michael. An Empirical Model of Discrete and Continuous Choice in Family Labor Supply. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1987. 69, (3): 465-472.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Maloney, Tim. Employment Constraints and the Labor Supply of Married Women. The Journal of Human Resources. 1987. 22, (1): 51-61.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Blau, Francine and Kahn, Lawrence. Wage Structure and Gender Earnings Differentials: An International Comparison. Economica. 1996. 63, (250): S29-S62.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Pullaro, Shannon. Cancer and Economic Well-being among Working-age Women: Fordham University; 2018. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Roff, Jennifer. Cleaning in the Shadow of the Law? Bargaining, Marital Investment, and the Impact of Divorce Law on Husbands' Intrahousehold Work. The Journal of Law and Economics. 2017. 60, (1): 115-134.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Moore, William and Raisian, John. Government Wage Differentials Revisited. Journal of Labor Research. 1991. 12, (1): 13-33.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

England, Paula. Wage Appreciation and Depreciation: A Test of Neoclassical Economic Explanations of Occupational Sex Segregation. Social Forces. 1984. 62, (3): 726-749.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Aarts, Leo J. M., Burkhauser, Richard V., and DeJong, Philip R. Convergence: A Comparison of European and United States Disability Policy. In: Thomason, Terry, Burton, John F. and Hyatt, Douglas, editors. New Approaches too Disability in the Workplace. Madison, WI; Industrial Relations Research Association; 1998. p.299.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Trevino, Gene A. An Evaluationof Real Earnings Growth Based on US Census P-60 Data. Journal of Legal Economics. 2000. 10, (1): 47-60.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Tsaoussis, Aspasia. Protecting Homemakers' Marriage-Specific Investments Under No-Fault Divorce: A Model For Restructuring Alimony in Civil Law Countries. American Law and Economics Review. 2004. 6, (1): 217-247.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Killingsworth, Mark R. and Heckman, James J. Female Labor Supply: A Survey. In: Ashenfelter, Orley and Layard, Richard, editors. Handbook of Labor Economics, Volume 1. Amsterdam, The Netherlands; North-Holland; 1986. p.103-204.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Elder Jr., Glen H., Modell, John, and Parke, Ross D. Studying Children in A Changing World. In: Elder Jr., Glen H., Modell, John and Parke, Ross D., editors. Children in Time and Place: Developmental and Historical Insights. New York, NY; Cambridge Univeristy Press; 1993. p.1-22.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Levine, Linda. Jobs for Welfare Recipients. In: Venakhi, Shenhar, editors. Welfare Reform in America. New York, NY; Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 1996. p.45-76.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers

Valletta, RG. Declining Job Security. In: Neumark, David, editors. On the Job: Is Long-Term Employment a Thing of the Past? New York, NY; Russell Sage Foundation; 2000. p.227-256.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Wax, Amy L. Bargaining in the Shadow of the Market: Is There a Future For Egalitarian Marriage. Virginia Law Review. 1998. 84, (4): 509-672.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Budig, Michelle and Folbre, Nancy. Activity, Proximity, Or Responsibility? In: Folbre, Nancy and Bittman, Michael, editors. Family Time: The Social Organization of Care. New York, NY; Routledge; 2004. p.51-68.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Cahn, Naomi R. Gendered Identities: Women and Household Work. Villanova Law Review. 1999. 44, (3): 525-546.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Hunter, Andrea G. and Taylor, Robert J. Grandparenthood in African American Families. In: Szinovacz, ME, editors. Handbook On Grandparenthood. Westport, CT; Greenwood Press; 1998. p.70-87.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Cogan, John. Labor Supply with Costs of Labor Market Entry. In: Smith, James P., editors. Female Labor Supply: Theory and Estimation. Princeton; Princeton University Press; 1980. p.327-364.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kim, Minhee. Essays on Female Labor Supply and Fertility: Syracuse University; 2018. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Corcoran, Mary and Matsudaira, Jordan. Is it Getting Harder to Get Ahead? Economic Attainment in Early Adulthood for Two Cohorts. In: Settersten Jr., Richard A., Furstenberg, Frank F. and Rumbaut, Ruben G., editors. yes. On the Frontier of Adulthood: Theory, Research, and Public Policy. Chicago, IL; The University of Chicago; 2008. p.356-416.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Stratton, Leslie S. Gains from Trade and Specialization: The Division of Work in Married Couple Households. In: Moe, Karine, editors. Women, Family, and Work: Writings on the Economics of Gender. Malden, MA; Blackwell; 2003. p.65-84.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Greenwood, Daphne. The Institutional Inadequacy of the Market in Determining Comparable Worth: Implications for Value Theory. Journal of Economic Issues. 1984. 18, (2): 457-464.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Goldberger, Arthur S. Reverse Regression and Salary Discrimination. The Journal of Human Resources. 1984. 19, (3): 293-318.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Jacoby, Sanford M. Are Career Jobs Headed for Extinction? California Management Review. 1999. 42, (1): 123-145.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Laidley, Thomas and Conley, Dalton. The Effects of Active and Passive Leisure on Cognition in Children: Evidence from Exogenous Variation in Weather. Social Forces. 2018. 97, (1): 129-156.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Lee, ChienTi Plummer, Beckert, Troy, and Marsee, Ian. Well-Being and Substance Use in Emerging Adulthood: The Role of Individual and Family Factors in Childhood and Adolescence. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2018. 27, (12): 3853-3865.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Shaw, Lois B. and Shaw, Rachel. From Midlife to Retirement: The Middle-Aged Woman Worker. In: Koziara, Karen Shallcross, Moskow, Michael H. and Tanner, Lucretia Dewey, editors. Working Women Past, Present, Future. Washington, D.C.; Industrial Relations Research Association; 1987. p.299-331.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement

England, Paula. Explanations of Job Segregation and the Sex Gap in Pay. Comparable Worth: Issue for the 80's. 1984. 1, 54-64.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Romeo, Charles J. Opportunities and Outcomes in the US Labor Market, 1967-1981: Montana State University; 1984. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Mellor, Earl F. Investigating the Differences in Weekly Earnings of Women and Men. Monthly Labor Review. 1984. 107, (000006): 17-28.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

DiPrete, Thomas A. and McManus, Patricia A. Family Change, Employment Transitions, and the Welfare State: Household Income Dynamics in the United States and Germany. American Sociological Review. 2000. 65, (3): 343-370.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Duncan, GJ, Coe, RD, ME, Corcoran, Hill, MS, Hoffman, SD, and Morgan, JN. An Overview of Family Economic Mobility. In: Skolnick, Arlene S. and Skolnick, Jerome H., editors. Family in Transition: Rethinking Marriage, Sexuality, Child Rearing, and Family Organization, 5th ed. Boston, MA; Little, Brown; 1986. p.104-124.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Heath, Julia A. and Ciscel, David H. Patriarchy, Family Structure and the Exploitation of Women's Labor. Journal of Economic Issues. 1988. 22, (3): 781-794.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Leigh, J. Paul. Odds Ratios of Work Related Deaths in United States Workers. British Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1988. 45, 158-166.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Baer, Judith A. Women's Rights and the Limits of Constitutional Doctrine. The Western Political Quarterly. 1991. 44, (4): 821-852.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Krieg, Randall G. Internal Migration and Its Influence On Earnings of Working Husbands and Wives. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy. 1992. 22, (2): 79-89.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Antecol, Heather and Kuhn, Peter. Gender As An Impediment To Labor Market Success: Why Do Young Women Report Greater Harm? Journal of Labor Economics. 2000. 18, 702-728.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Dechter, Aimee R. The Expected Economic Impact of Marital Dissolution and Its Implications for the Likelihood of Divorce: University of Pennsylvania; 1991. Dept: Sociology and Demography
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Goldin, Claudia. Life-Cycle Labor-Force Participation of Married Women: Historical Evidence and Implications. Journal of Labor Economics. 1989. 7, (1): 20-47.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Sorensen, Elaine. Measuring the Pay Disparity Between Typically Female Occupation and Other Jobs: A Bivariate Selectivity Approach. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1989. 42, (4): 624-639.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Smith, James P. and Kington, Raynard. Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Health in Late Life. In: Martin, Linda G. and Soldo, Beth J., editors. Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Health of Older Americans. National Academies Press; 1997. p.106-162.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hill, Martha S. and Yeung, W. Jean. Twenty-Something: Down and Out in the Other America? In: Booth, Alan, Crouter, Ann C. and Shanahan, Michael J., editors. Transitions to Adulthood in a Changing Economy: No Work, No Family, No Future? Westport, CT; Praeger Publishers; 1999. p.1-39.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Holden, Darryl. Testing the Normality Assumption in the Tobit Model. Journal of Applied Statistics. 2004. 31, (5): 521-532.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

McGinnity, Frances and McManus, Patricia. Paying the Price for Reconciling Work and Family Life: Comparing the Wage Penalty for Women's Part-Time Work in Britain, Germany and the United States. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. 2007. 9, (2): 115-134.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Da Rocha, José María and Fuster, Luisa. Why Are Fertility Rates and Female Employment Ratios Positively Correlated across OECD Countries? International Economic Review. 2006. 47, (4): 1187-1222.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Wyant, Amanda, Manzoni, Anna, and McDonald, Steve. Social Skill Dimensions and Career Dynamics. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. 2018. 4, 1-12.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Withers, Suzanne Davies and Clark, William A. V. Housing Costs and the Geography of Family Migration Outcomes. Population, Space and Place. 2006. 12, (4): 273-289.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Blau, Francine D. Occupational Segregation and Labor Market Discrimination. In: Reskin, Barbara, editors. Sex Segregation in the Workplace: Trends, Explanations, Remedies. Washington, DC; National Academy Press; 1984. p.117-143.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Corcoran, Mary, Duncan, Greg J., and Ponza, Michael. Work Experience, Job Segregation, and Wages. In: Reskin, Barbara F., editors. Sex Segregation in the Workplace: Trends, Explanations, Remedies. Washington, DC; National Academy Press; 1984. p.171-191.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Meraya, Abdulkarim M., Dwibedi, Nilanjana, Tan, Xi, Innes, Kim, Mitra, Sophie, and Sambamoorthi, Usha. The Dynamic Relationships Between Economic Status and Health Measures Among Working-Age Adults in the United States. Health Economics. 2018. 27, (8): 1160-1174. PMCID: PMC6030492
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Jee, Eunjung, Misra, Joya, and MurrayClose, Marta. Motherhood Penalties in the U.S., 1986–2014. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2019. 81, (2): 434-449.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Levy, Frank and Murnane, Richard J. Us Earnings Levels and Earnings Inequality: A Review of Recent Trends and Proposed Explanations. Journal of Economic Literature. 1992. 30, (3): 1333-1381.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Dominitz, Jeffrey Emmett. Subjective Expectations of Unemployment, Earnings, and Income: The University of Wisconsin--Madison; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Boggess, William Scott. Three Essays in Economic Demography: University of Michigan; 1994. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Douthitt, Robin A. and Zick, Cathleen D. Taxes and the Time Allocation Patterns of Married Women With Children: CrossCultural Comparisons Between the United States and Canada. Journal of Consumer Studies & Home Economics. 1988. 12, 141-157.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Taxes; Time Use & Home Production

Pearce, Diana and Moritz, Nadia. Life's Changes: A Life Cycle Perspective On Women's Economic Status. Social Thought. 1988. 14, (4): 4-15.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

McLanahan, Sara, Garfinkel, Irwin, and Watson, Dorothy. Family Structure, Poverty, and the Underclass. In: McGeary, Michael G. H. and Lynn, Laurence E., editors. Urban Change and Poverty. Washington DC; National Academy Press; 1988. p.102-147.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty

Bartlett, Edward E. The Effects of Fatherhood On the Health of Men: a Review of the Literature. Journal of Men's Health and Gender. 2004. 1, (2-3): 159-169.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Ruspini, Elisabetta. The Study of Women's Deprivation: How To Reveal the Gender Dimension of Poverty. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 2001. 4, (2): 101-118.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Poverty; Survey Methodology

Reynolds, Jeremy and Wenger, Jeffrey B. He Said, She Said: the Gender Wage Gap According to Self and Proxy Reports in the Current Population Survey. Social Science Research. 2012. 41, (2): 392-411.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Blau, Francine D. and Kahn, Lawrence M. The Gender Pay Gap: Have Women Gone as Far as They Can? The Academy of Management Perspectives. 2007. 21, (1): 7-23.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Blau, Francine D. and Khan, Lawrence M. The Gender Pay Gap: Going, Going . . . But Not Gone. In: Blau, Francine D., Brinton, Mary C. and Grusky, David B., editors. yes. The Declining Significance of Gender? New York; Russell Sage Foundation; 2006. p.37-66.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Rose, Stephen and Hartmann, Heidi. The Long-Term Gender Gap. Challenge. 2004. 47, (5): 30-50.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Sánchez-Marcos, Virginia. What Accounts for the Increase in College Attainment of Women? Applied Economics Letters. 2008. 15, (1): 41-44.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences

Schwartz, Christine R. and Gonalons-Pons, Pilar. Trends in Relative Earnings and Marital Dissolution: Are Wives Who Outearn Their Husbands Still More Likely to Divorce? RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. 2016. 2, (4): 218-236.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Caudillo, Mónica L. How Does the Personal Become Political? Assessing the Impact of Mothers' Employment on Daughters' Participation in Political Organizations. Social Science Research. 2017. 64, 119-136.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Sullivan, Oriel. An End to Gender Display through the Performance of Housework? A Review and Reassessment of the Quantitative Literature Using Insights from the Qualitative Literature. Journal of Family Theory & Review. 2011. 3, (1): 1-13.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Garasky, Steven, Gundersen, Craig, Stewart, Susan D., Eisenmann, Joey C., and Lohman, Brenda J. Economic Stressors and Childhood Obesity: Differences by Child Age and Gender. In: Maddock, Jay, editors. Public Health - Social and Behavioral Health. InTech; 2012. p.115-132.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Siegel, Christian. Female Relative Wages, Household Specialization and Fertility. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2017. 24, 152-174.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bailey, Martha J. and DiPrete, Thomas A. Five Decades of Remarkable but Slowing Change in US Women's Economic and Social Status and Political Participation. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. 2016. 2, (4): 1-32. PMCID: PMC5115603
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Espenshade, Thomas J. The Economic Consequences of Divorce. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1979. 41, (3): 615-625.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ferber, Marianne A. and Birnbaum, Bonnie. One Job Or Two Jobs: The Implications for Young Wives. Journal of Consumer Research. 1980. 7, (3): 263-271.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Fernández, Raquel and Wong, Joyce. Unilateral Divorce, the Decreasing Gender Gap, and Married Women's Labor Force Participation. American Economic Review. 2014. 104, (5): 342-47.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Joyner, Jason Daniel. The Effects of Economic Resources on Men's Parental Involvement in Two-Parent Families: North Carolina State University; 2006. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Time Use & Home Production

Kearney, Melissa S. Intergenerational Mobility for Women and Minorities in the United States. The Future of Children. 2006. 16, (2): 37-53.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Pandey, Shanta and Zhan, Min. Postsecondary Education, Marital Status, and Economic Well-Being of Women with Children. Social Development Issues. 2007. 29, (1): 1-26.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Kumar, Anil and Liang, Che-Yuan. Declining Female Labor Supply Elasticities in the United States and Implications for Tax Policy: Evidence from Panel Data. National Tax Journal. 2016. 69, (3): 481-516.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Kim, Sung won. How and Why Fathers Are Involved in Their Children's Education: Gendered Model of Parent Involvement. Educational Review. 2017. 70, (3): 280-299.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Grafova, Irina B. and Monheit, Alan C. How Does Actual Unemployment and the Perceived Risk of Joblessness Affect Smoking Behavior? Gender and Intra-Family Effects. Review of Economics of the Household. 2017. 17, (1): 201-227.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Heathcote, Jonathan, Storesletten, Kjetil, and Violante, Giovanni L. The Macroeconomics of the Quiet Revolution: Understanding the Implications of the Rise in Women's Participation for Economic Growth and Inequality. Research in Economics. 2017. 71, (3): 521-539.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Lovell, Vicky, Hartmann, Heidi, and Werschkul, Misha. More than Raising the Floor: The Persistence of Gender Inequalities in the Low-wage Labor Market. In: Cobble, Dorothy Sue, editors. The Sex of Class: Women Transforming American Labor. Ithaca; Cornell University Press; 2007. p.35-58.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Pessin, Léa. Changing Gender Norms and Marriage Dynamics in the United States. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2018. 80, (1): 25-41. PMCID: PMC5766036
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Bastian, Jacob. New Evidence on the Effect of Public Policy on Employment, Intergenerational Mobility, Family Structure, and Social Attitudes Towards Working Women: University of Michigan; 2017. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Beckett, Joyce O. and Smith, Audrey D. Work and Family Roles: Egalitarian Marriage in Black and White Families. Social Service Review. 1981. 55, (2): 314-326.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Hartmann, Heidi I. The Family as the Locus of Gender, Class, and Political Struggle: The Example of Housework. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 1981. 6, (3): 366-394.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Hunt, Janet, DeLorme Jr., Charles, and Hill, R. Carter. Taxation and the Wife's Use of Time. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1981. 34, (3): 426-432.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes; Time Use & Home Production

Mooney, Marta. Wives' Permanent Employment and Husbands' Hours of Work. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. 1981. 20, (2): 205-211.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Carpenter, Eugenia S. Children's Health Care and the Changing Role of Women. Medical Care. 1980. 18, (12): 1208-1218.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Mesch, Debra J. and Pactor, Andrea. Women and Philanthropy. The Routledge Companion to Philanthropy. 2016. p.88-101.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Philanthropy

Chetty, Raj, Hendren, Nathaniel, Lin, Frina, Majerovitz, Jeremy, and Scuderi, Benjamin. Childhood Environment and Gender Gaps in Adulthood. American Economic Review. 2016. 106, (5): 282-88.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Yamaguchi, Shintaro. Changes in Returns to Task-Specific Skills and Gender Wage Gap. The Journal of Human Resources. 2018. 53, (1): 32-70.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Carson, Jessica A. The Complexities of Family Health: Predicting Women's Employment. Journal of Family Issues. 2017. 39, (5): 1326-1347.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Eberharter, Veronika V. Occupational Choice and Earnings Mobility in the Work Life–Empirical Evidence from Europe and the United States. In: Bishop, John A. and Rodríguez, Juan Gabriel, editors. Inequality after the 20th Century: Papers from the Sixth ECINEQ Meeting (Research on Economic Inequality, Volume 24). Emerald Group Publishing; 2016. p.331-359.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Felfe, Andrea Christina. Economic Consequences of Motherhood–The Role of Job Disamenities: Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 2008. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Mincer, Jacob and Polachek, Solomon. An Exchange: the Theory of Human Capital and the Earnings of Women: Women's Earnings Reexamined. The Journal of Human Resources. 1978. 13, (1): 118-134.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Nickols, Sharon Y. and Metzen, Edward J. Housework Time of Husband and Wife. Home Economics Research Journal. 1978. 7, (2): 85-97.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Noble Jr., John H. The Limits of Cost-Benefit Analysis as a Guide to Priority-Setting in Rehabilitation. Evaluation Quarterly. 1977. 1, (3): 347-380.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Rainwater, Lee. Mothers' Contribution to the Family Money Economy in Europe and the United States. Journal of Family History. 1979. 4, (2): 198-211.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Rein, Martin. Women and Work—The Incomplete Revolution. The Australian Economic Review. 1980. 13, (3): 11-17.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

de Vaus, David, Gray, Matthew, Qu, Lixia, and Stanton, David. The Economic Consequences of Divorce in Six OECD Countries. Australian Journal of Social Issues. 2017. 52, (2): 180-199.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; International Studies

Coughlin, Tristan P. and Drewianka, Scott D. Can Rising Inequality Explain Aggregate Trends in Marriage? Evidence from US States, 1977-2005. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. 2011. 11, (1): 1-31.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Qin, Duo, van Huellen, Sophie, and Wang, Qing-Chao. How Credible Are Shrinking Wage Elasticities of Married Women Labour Supply? Econometrics. 2015. 4, (1): 1-31.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Beck, Sedefka V. Wage Differentials in the United States: Does Religious Participation Matter? Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2016. 55, (3): 558-578.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Attanasio, Orazio, Low, Hamish, and Sanchez-Marcos, Virginia. Explaining Changes in Female Labor Supply in a Life-Cycle Model. American Economic Review. 2008. 98, (4): 1517-52.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Corcoran, Mary E. and Courant, Paul N. Sex Role Socialization and Labor Market Outcomes. American Economic Review. 1985. 75, (2): 275-278.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Gough, Margaret. A Couple-Level Analysis of Participation in Physical Activity during Unemployment. SSM-Population Health. 2017. 3, 294-304. PMCID: PMC5769039
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Etherington, Nicole. Re-Evaluating Gender Differences in Self-Rated Health: The Importance of Cohort. Journal of Women & Aging. 2017. 29, (2): 150–162.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Roistacher, Elizabeth A. and Young, Janet Spratlin. Two-Earner Families in the Housing Market. Policy Studies Journal. 1979. 8, (2): 227-240.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes

Becker, Bastian. Significant Others? Social Groups, Income Expectations, and Redistributive Preferences. Social Science Research. 2021. 100, 102612.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hartley, Robert Paul, Lamarche, Carlos, and Ziliak, James P. Bootstrapping Quantile Correlations with an Application for Income Status Across Generations. Economics Letters. 2023. 228, 111160.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Martin, Elizabeth Carrie. Sheltered from the Storm? Social Policy and Economic Insecurity in US States: The Ohio State University; 2022. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Bandelj, Nina, Lanuza, Yader R., and Kim, Julie S. Gendered Relational Work: How Gender Shapes Money Attitudes and Expectations of Young Adults. Journal of Cultural Economy. 2021. 14, (6): 765-784.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Pajovic, Vesna. Examining Long-Term Change in Employment across Men’s and Women’s Life Course Using the PSID: Employment Stability, Multiple Jobholding, and Women’s Labour Force Participation: The University of Western Ontario; 2023. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Bishop, John A., Rodríguez, Juan Gabriel, and Zeager, Lester A. Race and Earnings Mobility in the US. Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy. 2021. 4, (3): 166-182.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Mei, Ganghua. Essays in Labor and Financial Economics: University of California, Santa Barbara; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Vaughn, Cody N. Welfare Reform and Childhood Health Status and Utilization. Children and Youth Services Review. 2023. 150, 107004.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Buszkiewicz, James H., Hajat, Anjum, Hill, Heather D., Otten, Jennifer J., and Drewnowski, Adam. Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differences in the Association between Higher State Minimum Wages and Health and Mental Well-Being in US Adults with Low Educational Attainment. Social Science & Medicine. 2023. 322, 115817.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Keane, Michael and Neal, Timothy. Instrument Strength in IV Estimation and Inference: A Guide To Theory and Practice. Journal of Econometrics. 2023. 235, (2): 1625-1653.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Bowman, Jarron. Whose Unemployment Hurts More? Joblessness and Subjective Well-Being in U.S. Married Couples. Social Science Research. 2023. 111, 102795.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Ophir, Ariane. Gender and Housework in a Changing Demographic Context: The University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2021. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Robinson, Jaala. Housework: Socialization Influences on Individual Performance, Couple Division of Labor and Mental Health: The University of Nebraska - Lincoln; 2021. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Chanda, Trisha. Three Essays on Economic Wellbeing, Maternal Employment, and Parenting in the Context of Divorces in the United States: The University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2023. Dept: Human Ecology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Erceg, Ashley. Topics in Microeconomics: Analysis of Three Policy Issues: The University of Nebraska - Lincoln; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Small, Sarah F. The Political Economy of Hegemonic Masculinity: Race, Income, and Housework in the United States. Review of Radical Political Economics. 2023. 55, (1): 26-46.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Rotman, Assaf and Mandel, Hadas. Gender-Specific Wage Structure and the Gender Wage Gap in the U.S. Labor Market. Social Indicators Research. 2023. 165, 585-606.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Whitworth, Tanya. Parents as School Supplies: How Support from Mothers and Fathers Contributes to Inequality in College: University of Massachusets, Amherst; 2022. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Malkov, Egor. Essays in Inequality and Public Economics: University of Minnesota; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Boen, Courtney, Graetz, Nick, Olson, Hannah, Ansari-Thomas, Zohra, Bixby, Laurin, Schut, Rebecca Anna, and Lee, Hedwig. Early Life Patterns of Criminal Legal System Involvement: Inequalities by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Parental Education. Demographic Research. 2022. 46, (5): 131-146.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Jager, Justin, Rauer, Amy, Staff, Jeremy, Lansford, Jennifer E., Pettit, Gregory S., and Schulenberg, John E. The Destabilization and Destandardization of Social Roles across the Adult Life Course: Considering Aggregate Social Role Instability and its Variability from a Historical-Developmental Perspective. Developmental Psychology. 2022. 58, (3): 589-605.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Hoyle, Jessica N., Laditka, James N., and Laditka, Sarah B. Mental Health Risks of Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Nationally Representative Study in the United States. Disability and Health Journal. 2021. 14, (2): 1-8.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Olivo-Villabrille, Miguel. The Marital Earnings Premium: an IV Approach. Empirical Economics. 2022. 62, (2): 709-747.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hampton, Matt and Lenhart, Otto. Access to Health Care and Mental Health-Evidence from the ACA Preexisting Conditions Provision. Health Economics. 2022. 31, (5): 760-783.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Querin, Federica. Preferences for a Mixed-sex Composition of Offspring: A Multigenerational Approach. Population Studies. 2022. 76, (1): 1-18.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Richardson, Andrea S., Zutshi, Rushil, Nguyen, PhuongGiang, Tysinger, Bryan, and Sturm, Roland. Microsimulation Projections of Obesity Interventions on Cardiometabolic Health Disparities in the United States. Obesity. 2022. 30, (1): 62-74.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Bonaparte, Yosef, Fabozzi, Frank J., and Koslowsky, David. Birth Order and Portfolio Choice. Applied Economics. 2020. 52, (7): 694-709.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Bogan, Vicki L., Fertig, Angela R., and Just, David R. Self-Employment and Mental Health. Review of Economics of the Household. 2022. 20, (3): 855-886.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hartley, Robert Paul, Lamarche, Carlos, and Ziliak, James P. Welfare Reform and the Intergenerational Transmission of Dependence. Journal of Political Economy. 2022. 130, (3): 523-565.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Fomby, Paula, Harvey, Hope, and Musick, Kelly. Income Sources across Childhood in Families With Nonresident Fathers. Demography. 2023. 60, (1): 41-72.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bredemeier, Christian, Gravert, Jan, and Juessen, Falko. Estimating Labor Supply Elasticities with Joint Borrowing Constraints of Couples. Journal of Labor Economics. 2019. 37, (4): 1215-1265.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Schultz, Michael A. The Wage Mobility of Low-Wage Workers in a Changing Economy, 1968 to 2014. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. 2019. 5, (4): 159-189.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Axinn, William G., West, Brady T., and Schroeder, Heather M. Forced Intercourse in America: a Pandemic Update. BMC Public Health. 2023. 23, (1): 1201.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Kejzlar, Vojtech and Hu, Jingchen. Introducing Variational Inference in Statistics and Data Science Curriculum. The American Statistician. 2024. 78, (3): 359-367.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Borgen, Nicolai T., Haupt, Andreas, and Wiborg, Øyvind Nicolay. Quantile Regression Estimands and Models: Revisiting The Motherhood Wage Penalty Debate. European Sociological Review. 2023. 39, (2): 317-331.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Forbush, Ashley and Wikle, Jocelyn S. Parenting Practices during Childhood and Later Adolescent Sexual Outcomes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2023.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production

Jolly, Nicholas A. and Wagner, Kathryn L. Work-Limiting Disabilities and Earnings Volatility. Labour Economics. 2023. 81, 102333.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Wong, H. Crystal. When Homemakers Are Compensated: The Effect of Homemaking Provisions on Spousal Time Allocation. The Journal of Legal Studies. 2023. 52, (1): 107-136.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Byambasuren, Binderiya. Family Care and Household Production: Implications for Adult Children by Gender, Race and Ethnicity: American University; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

De Sousa, Lidia Cruces. Essays on Family Economics and the Macroeconomy: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Geleta, Kassahun Mamo. Three Essays on the Effects of Parental Income and Labor Supply on Child Health and Labor Market Outcomes: Northern Illinois University; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Das, Debasmita. Essays on Labor Economics: Purdue University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Retirement

Villar Vallenas, Sergio. Essays in Empirical Economics: Boston University; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Taxes

Townsend, Tarlise N. and Mehta, Neil K. Contributions of Obesity and Cigarette Smoking to Incident Disability: A Longitudinal Analysis. Preventive Medicine. 2020. 141, 1-8.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Thielemans, Gert and Mortelmans, Dimitri. Poverty Risks after Relationship Dissolution and the Role of Children: A Contemporary Longitudinal Analysis of Seven OECD Countries. Social Sciences. 2022. 11, (3): 138.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Poverty

Cunha, Danúbia R., Divino, Jose Angelo, and Saulo, Helton. On a Log-Symmetric Quantile Tobit Model Applied to Female Labor Supply Data. Journal of Applied Statistics. 2022. 49, (16): 4225-4253.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Pessin, Léa and Pojman, Elena Maria. Visualizing Racial-Ethnic Differences in the Division of Housework among Different-Sex Couples in the United States. Socius. 2022. 8, 23780231221084765.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Lankes, Jane. Negotiating “Impossible” Ideals: Latent Classes of Intensive Mothering in the United States. Gender & Society. 2022. 36, (5): 677-703.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production

Guo, Naijia and Leung, Charles Ka Yui. Do Elite Colleges Matter? The Impact on Entrepreneurship Decisions and Career Dynamics. Quantitative Economics. 2021. 12, (4): 1347-1397.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Rudys, Valentinas. Essays on Employment, Job Search, and Retirement: Fordham University; 2022. Dept:
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Taveras Pena, Elisa. Households' Decision Making: Private Schools, Time Allocation and Women's Labor Supply: State University of New York at Binghamton; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Small, Sarah F. Three Essays in Feminist Economics: Empirical & Historical Applications: Colorado State University; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Card, David and Hyslop, Dean R. Female Earnings Inequality: The Changing Role of Family Characteristics and Its Effect on the Extensive and Intensive Margins. Journal of Labor Economics. 2021. 39, (S1): S59-S106.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hirukawa, Masayuki, Liu, Di, Murtazashvili, Irina, and Prokhorov, Artem. DS-HECK: Double-Lasso Estimation of Heckman Selection Model. Empirical Economics. 2023. 64, (6): 3167-3195.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Corman, Hope, Dave, Dhaval M., Schwartz-Soicher, Ofira, and Reichman, Nancy E. Effects of Welfare Reform on Household Food Insecurity across Generations. Economics and Human Biology. 2022. 45, 101101.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Probst, Charlotte, Buckley, Charlotte, Lasserre, Aurélie M., Kerr, William C., Mulia, Nina, Puka, Klajdi, Purshouse, Robin C., Ye, Yu, and Rehm, Jürgen. Simulation of Alcohol Control Policies for Health Equity (SIMAH) Project: Study Design and First Results. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2023. 192, (5): 690-702. PMCID: PMC10423629
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Palmer, Ashley N., Jung, Euijin, Cobb, Ryon J., and Patel, Mansi. It’s Complicated: Everyday Discrimination Across the Transition Into Adulthood. Emerging Adulthood. 2023. 11, (3): 669-683.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

de Castro Galvao, Juliana. Lasting Inequalities: Gender Earnings Inequality Across Generations, Periods and Countries: City University of New York; 2023. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Crispin, Laura M. and Beck, Molly I. Disparities in Museum Attendance among Youth over Two Decades: an Empirical Analysis of Who Attends and How Often. Arts Education Policy Review. Forthcoming.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Valentini, Francesco, Pigini, Claudia, and Bartolucci, Francesco. Advances in Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Fixed-Effects Binary Panel Data Models. In: Kateri, Maria and Moustaki, Irini, editors. Trends and Challenges in Categorical Data Analysis: Statistical Modelling and Interpretation. Cham; Springer International Publishing; 2023. p.275-315.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Li, Shengxiao(Alex). Vehicle Ownership over the Life Course among Older Americans: a Longitudinal Analysis. Transportation. 2022.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Boeder, Jordan, Fruiht, Veronica, Hwang, Sarah, Blanco, Giovanna, and Chan, Thomas. Learning to Love, Work, and Live Your Best Life: Mentoring in Emerging Adulthood Predicts Later Flourishing and Subjective Well-Being. Emerging Adulthood. 2022. 10, (5): 1222-1234.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Wang, Xuan. What Makes a Good Dad/Head of Household Other Than Earning Bread?—A Non-pecuniary Study Based on ATUS and PSID. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology. 2021. 3, (5): 64-77.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production

Whitley, Margaret D., Ro, Annie, and Palma, Anton. Work, Race and Breastfeeding Outcomes for Mothers in the United States. PLoS ONE. 2021. 16, (5): 1-18.
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Mishkin, Elizabeth. Gender and Sibling Dynamics in the Intergenerational Transmission of Entrepreneurship. Management Science. 2021. 67, (10): 6116-6135.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Boar, Corina. What is the Source of the Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings? A Comment. Journal of Monetary Economics. 2022. 129, 46-48.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Syrda, Joanna. Gendered Housework: Spousal Relative Income, Parenthood and Traditional Gender Identity Norms. Work, Employment and Society. 2023. 37, (3): 794-813.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Jahn, Jaquelyn L., Agenor, Madina, Chen, Jarvis T., and Krieger, Nancy. Frequent Police Stops, Parental Incarceration and Mental Health: Results Among Us Non-Hispanic Black and White Adolescent Girls and Boys. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2021. 75, (7): 658-664.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Turek, Konrad, Henkens, Kene, and Kalmijn, Matthijs. Gender and Educational Inequalities in Extending Working Lives: Late-Life Employment Trajectories Across Three Decades in Seven Countries. Work, Aging and Retirement. Forthcoming.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Tilahun, Nebiyou, Persky, Joseph, Shin, Jaeyong, and Zellner, Moira. Childhood Poverty, Extended Family and Adult Poverty. Journal of Poverty. 2021. 27, (1): 1-14.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Stockhausen, Maximilian. Like Father, Like Son? A Comparison of Absolute and Relative Intergenerational Labour Income Mobility in Germany and the US. The Journal of Economic Inequality. 2021. 19, (4): 667-683.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Theloudis, Alexandros. Consumption Inequality across Heterogeneous Families. European Economic Review. 2021. 136, 1-28.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Nguyen, Kieu-Dung. Intergenerational Transmission of Spousal Inequality. Estudios De Economia. 2021. 48, (1): 5-.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Struffolino, Emanuela and Van Winkle, Zachary. Gender and Race Differences in Pathways out of in-work Poverty in the US. Social Science Research. 2021. 99,
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Jones, Dina M., Masyn, Katherine E., and Spears, Claire A. Associations among Discrimination, Psychological Functioning, and Substance Use among US Black Adults Aged 18–28: Moderation by Racial Attribution and Sex. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment. 2023. 153, 209080.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Zoi, Sarah. Essays in Macroeconomics: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Grotti, Raffaele. Heterogeneous Income Dynamics: Unemployment Consequences in Germany and the US. In: Salvati, Nicola, Perna, Cira, Marchetti, Stefano and Chambers, Raymond, editors. Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Springer International Publishing; 2022. p.239-262.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hampton, Yvonne Renee. The Relationship between Psychological Distress and Wealth: an Analysis of Household Wealth Changes From 2007-2019 in the United States by Race, Gender, and Retirement Status: University of Missouri--Columbia; 2022. Dept: Human Environmental Science
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Syrda, Joanna. Spousal Relative Income and Male Psychological Distress. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2019. 46, (6): 976-992.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Wellbeing

Tabler, Jennifer and Geist, Claudia. Do Gender Differences in Housework Performance and Informal Adult Caregiving Explain the Gender Gap in Depressive Symptoms of Older Adults? Journal of Women & Aging. 2021. 33, (1): 41-56.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production

Van Winkle, Zachary and Leopold, Thomas. Family Size and Economic Wellbeing Following Divorce: the United States in Comparative Perspective. Social Science Research. 2021. 96, 1-19.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; International Studies

Thompson, Kristina, Portrait, France, and Schoonmade, Linda. The Height Premium: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Economics & Human Biology. 2023. 101273.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Pilarz, Alejandra Ros and Awkward-Rich, Leah. Mothers’ Work Schedules and Children’s Time with Parents. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2024. 45, (1): 117-136.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Parolin, Zachary and VanHeuvelen, Tom. The Cumulative Advantage of a Unionized Career for Lifetime Earnings. ILR Review. Forthcoming.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Chung, Andy, Xiong, Yanyan, and Zhang, Junsen. An Economic Analysis of Tiger Parenting: Evidence From Child Developmental Delay or Learning Disability. Labour Economics. 2022. 78, 102226.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production

Mesch, Debra J., Osili, Una Okonkwo, Dale, Elizabeth J., Ackerman, Jacqueline, Bergdoll, Jon, and O’Connor, Heather A. Charitable Giving in Married Couples: Untangling the Effects of Education and Income on Spouses’ Giving. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2022. 51, (2): 444-458.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Philanthropy

Liao, Hsi-Ling. Essays on Migration, Urban, and Housing Economics: New York University; 2023. Dept: Public Service
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Rubach, Charlott, Lee, Glona, Starr, Christine R., Gao, Yannan, Safavian, Nayssan, Dicke, Anna-Lena, Eccles, Jacquelynne S., and Simpkins, Sandra D. Is There any Evidence of Historical Changes in Gender Differences in American High School Students’ Math Competence-Related Beliefs from the 1980s to the 2010s? International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology. 2022. 14, (2): 55-126.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Boden, Leslie I., Asfaw, Abay, Busey, Andrew, Tripodis, Yorghos, O'Leary, Paul K., Applebaum, Katie M., Stokes, Andrew C., and Fox, Matthew P. Increased All-Cause Mortality Following Occupational Injury: a Comparison of Two States. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2022. 79, (12): 816-823.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Dukhovnov, Denys, Ryan, Joan M., and Zagheni, Emilio. The Impact of Demographic Change on Transfers of Care and Associated Well-being. Population Research and Policy Review. 2022. 41, (6): 2419-2446.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Fan, Wen. Breadwinning, Occupational Sex Composition, and Stress: Examining Psychological Distress and Heavy Drinking at the Intersection of Gender and Race. Gender & Society. 2022. 36, (6): 922-960.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Carr, Michael D., Moffitt, Robert A., and Wiemers, Emily E. Reconciling Trends in Male Earnings Volatility: Evidence from the SIPP Survey and Administrative Data. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2022. 41, (1): 26-32.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Survey Methodology

McKinney, Kevin L. and Abowd, John M. Male Earnings Volatility in LEHD Before, During, and After the Great Recession. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2023. 41, (1): 33-39.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Beck, Sedefka V. and Brodersen, Donka M. Wages, Religion and the Great Recession in the United States. Journal of Economics, Management and Religion. 2022. 2, (2):
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gimenez-Nadal, J. I., Molina, J. A., and Velilla, J. Commuting Time and Sickness Absence of US Workers. Empirica. 2022. 49, (3): 691-719.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Kang, Hyein. Essays on Evaluating the Effects of the Child Tax Credit: University of Kentucky; 2022. Dept: Business and Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Bartscher, Alina Kristin. It Takes Two to Borrow: The Effects of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act on Housing, Credit, and Labor Market Decisions of Married Couples. The Review of Financial Studies. 2022. 36, (1): 155-193.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes

Boen, Courtney E., Olson, Hannah, and Lee, Hedwig. Vicarious Exposure to the Criminal Legal System among Parents and Siblings. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2022. 84, (5): 1446-1468.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Bozick, Robert. An Increasing Disinterest in Fatherhood among Childless Men in The United States: A Brief Report. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2023. 85, (1): 293-304.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Schechtl, Manuel and Kapelle, Nicole. The Male Marital Earnings Premium Contextualized: Longitudinal Evidence from the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2024. 86, (1): 176-198.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Grafova, Irina B., Manne, Sharon L., Hudson, Shawna V., Elliott, Jennifer, Llanos, Adana A. M., Saraiya, Biren, and Duberstein, Paul R. Functional Impairment is Associated with Medical Debt in Male Cancer Survivors and Credit Card Debt in Female Cancer Survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2023. 31, (10): 605.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Shauman, Kimberlee A. and Noonan, Mary C. Family Migration and Labor Force Outcomes: Sex Differences in Occupational Context. Social Forces. 2007. 85, (4): 1735-1765.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Gemici, Ahu. Family Migration and Labor Market Outcomes: University of Pennsylvania; 2007. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Clark, William A. V. and Withers, Suzanne Davies. Family Migration and Mobility Sequences in the United States: Spatial Mobility in the Context of the Life Course. Demographic Research. 2007. 17, (20): 591-621.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Wolfe, Barbara and Haveman, Robert. Time Allocation, Market Work, and Changes in Female Health. American Economic Review. 1983. 73, (2): 134-140.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick and Ridgeway, Sadie. Gender and Family Financial Support in the Transition to Adulthood. Sociological Forum. 2023. 38, (4): 1153-1175.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Small, Sarah F. Patriarchal Rent Seeking in Entrepreneurial Households: An Examination of Business Ownership and Housework Burdens in Black and White US Couples. Feminist Economics. 2023. 29, (4): 65-102.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Oreffice, Sonia. Did the Legalization of Abortion Increase Women's Household Bargaining Power? Evidence From Labor Supply. Review of Economics of the Household. 2007. 5, (2): 181-198.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Chiappori, Pierre-Andre and Weiss, Yoram. Divorce, Remarriage and Child Support. Journal of Labor Economics. 2007. 25, (1): 37-74.
Keywords: Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income

Esping-Andersen, Gosta. Sociological Explanations of Changing Income Distributions. American Behavioral Scientist. 2007. 50, (5): 639-658.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Hurst, Erik and Ziliak, James P. Do Welfare Asset Limits Affect Household Saving?: Evidence From Welfare Reform. The Journal of Human Resources. 2006. 41, (1): 46-71.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Cooke, Lynn Prince. "Doing" Gender in Context: Household Bargaining and Risk of Divorce in Germany and the United States. American Journal of Sociology. 2006. 112, (2): 442-472.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; International Studies; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Moen, Phyllis and Smith, Ken R. Women at Work: Commitment and Behavior Over the Life Course. Sociological Forum. 1986. 1, (3): 450-476.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

van Wijk, Daniël and Billari, Francesco C. Fertility Postponement, Economic Uncertainty, and the Increasing Income Prerequisites of Parenthood. Population and Development Review. 2024. 50, (2): 287-322.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Pessin, Léa and Pojman, Elena Maria. Racial-ethnic stratification in work–family arrangements among Black, Hispanic, and white couples. Journal of Marriage and Family. Forthcoming.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Hamermesh, Daniel and Lee, Jungmin. Stressed Out on Four Continents: Time Crunch or Yuppie Kvetch. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2007. 89, (2): 374-383.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Deng, Xian. Three Essays on the Relationships Between Mothers' Education and Employment Status and Children's Outcomes: University of California - Irvine; 2006. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Blau, Francine D. and Kahn, Lawrence M. The U.S. Gender Pay Gap in the 1990s: Slowing Convergence. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2006. 60, (1): 45-66.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Nakamura, Alice and Nakamura, Masao. Dynamic Models of the Labor Force Behavior of Married Women Which Can Be Estimated Using Limited Amounts of Information. Journal of Econometrics. 1985. 27, 273-298.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Sharp, David C., Heath, Julia A., Smith, William T., and Knowlton, David S. But Can She Cook? Women's Education and Housework Productivity. Economics of Education Review. 2004. 23, (6): 605-614.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Gould, Elise. Decomposing the Effects of Children's Health on Mother's Labor Supply: Is It Time or Money? Health Economics. 2004. 13, (6): 525-541.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Evertsson, Marie and Nermo, Magnus. Dependence within Families and the Division of Labor: Comparing Sweden and the United States. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2004. 66, (5): 1272-1286.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Time Use & Home Production

Gribschaw, Victoria Marie. Factors that Affect Economic Mobility Among Single Female Heads of Households with Children: Ohio State University; 1985. Dept: Family Resource Management
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Sim, Nicholas C. S. Are Married Women's Jobs Career or Secondary Source of Household Income? Evidence From A Simultaneous Probit Approach. Applied Economics Letters. 2007. 14, (14): 1029-1033.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Stern, David, Song, Yingquan, and O'Brien, Bridget. Company Training in the United States 1970-2000: What Have Been the Trends Over Time? International Journal of Training and Development. 2004. 8, (3): 191-209.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Wolfe, Barbara, Haveman, Robert, Pence, Karen, and Schwabish, Jonathan A. Do Youth Nonmarital Childbearing Choices Reflect Income and Relationship Expectations? Journal of Population Economics. 2007. 20, (1): 73-100.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Alenezi, Mohammad Sabbar and Walden, Michael L. A New Look at Husbands' and Wives' Time Allocation. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 2004. 38, (1): 81-107.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Maume Jr., David J. Government Participation in the Local Economy and Race- and-Sex-Based Earnings Inequality. Social Problems. 1985. 32, (3): 285-299.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Ferber, M. A. and Green, C. Homemaker's Imputed Wages: Results of the Heckman Technique Compared with Women's Own Estimates. The Journal of Human Resources. 1985. 20, (1): 90-99.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Rank, Mark R. Rethinking the Scope and Impact of Poverty in the United States. Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal. 2007. 2, (6): 165-181.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Survey Methodology

Wimer, Christopher Todd. Successful Childrearing in Diverse Neighborhood Environments: Understanding the Role of Secure, Stable Employment: Harvard University; 2007. Dept: Social Policy
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Leonard, Megan de Linde. Three Essays in Labor Economics: Fertility Expectations and Career Choice, Specialization and the Marriage Premium, and, Estimating Risk Aversion Using Labor Supply Data: Texas A&M University; 2007. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Raley, Sara. Transmitting Advantage: Maternal Education Differences in Parental Investment Activities: University of Maryland - College Park; 2007. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Jones, S. J. and Frongillo, Edward A. Food Insecurity and Subsequent Weight Gain in Women. Public Health Nutrition. 2007. 10, (2): 145-151.
Keywords: Aging; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Avioli, Paula Smith. The Labor-force Participation of Married Mothers of Infants. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1985. 47, (3): 739-745.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Blau, Francine and Kahn, Lawrence. On Estimating Discrimination in the Economy: Comment. Southern Economic Journal. 1985. 51, (3): 1221-1226.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kamalich, Richard F. and Polachek, Solomon W. On Estimating Discrimination in the Economy: Reply. Southern Economic Journal. 1985. 51, 1227-1229.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Fisher, Jonathan D. The Ability of Women to Repay Debt After Divorce. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. 2006. 27, (3/4): 161-168.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Lee, Myoung-Jae and Tae, Yoon-Hee. Analysis of Labour Participation Behaviour of Korean Women with Dynamic Probit and Conditional Logit. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 2005. 67, (1): 71-.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

O'Rand, Angela M. and Shuey, Kim M. Gender and the Devolution of Pension Risks in the U.S. Current Sociology. 2007. 55, (2): 287-304.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Theodos, Brett and Bednarzik, Robert. Earnings Mobility and Low-Wage Workers in the United States. Monthly Labor Review. 2006. 129, (7): 34-45.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Peery, Patricia. Race, Sex, and the Process of Income Inequality: Howard University; 1985. Dept: Sociology and Anthropology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Duncan, Greg J. and Hoffman, Saul. A Reconsideration of the Economic Consequences of Marital Dissolution. Demography. 1985. 22, (4): 485-497.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Chomitz, Kenneth Mark. A Relativistic Model of Labor Supply: University of California - Irvine; 1985. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Senesky, Sarah. Testing the Intertemporal Labor Supply Model: Are Jobs Important? Labour Economics. 2005. 12, (6): 749-772.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Fernandez-Val, Ivan. Three Essays on Nonlinear Panel Data Models and Quantile Regression Analysis: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2005. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Cherry, Monica. Are Salaried Workers Compensated for Overtime Hours. Journal of Labor Research. 2005. 25, (4): 485-494.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Smith, A. Wade and Meitz, June. Vanishing Supermoms and Other Trends in Marital Dissolution, 1969-1978. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1985. 47, (1): 53-65.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Yatchew, Adonis J. Labor Supply in the Presence of Taxes: An Alternative Specification. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 1985. 67, (1): 27-33.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Mesch, Debra J., Rooney, Patrick M., Steinberg, Kathryn S., and Denton, Brian. The Effects of Race, Gender, and Marital Status on Giving and Volunteering in Indiana. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2007. 35, (4): 565-587.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Schultz, Alyssa B. and Edington, Dee W. Employee Health and Presenteeism: A Systematic Review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2007. 17, (3): 547-579.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Time Use & Home Production

Wang, Qiuyan. Essays on Welfare Use, the Wage Gap and Unemployment Transitions in the United States: The Pennsylvania State University; 2005. Dept: Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Economics and Demography
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Page, Marianne E. and Solon, Gary. Correlations Between Sisters and Neighbouring Girls in their Subsequent Income as Adults. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 2003. 18, (5): 535-539.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Vijverberg, Wilhelmus. Discrete Choices in a Continuous Time Model: Life-Cycle Time Allocation and Fertility Decisions. Research in Population Economics. 1984. 5, 51-85.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Corcoran, Mary, Duncan, Greg J., and Hill, Martha S. The Economic Fortunes of Women and Children-Lessons from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 1984. 10, (2): 232-248.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Grodner, Andrew, Bishop, John A., and Kniesner, Thomas J. County Characteristics and Poverty Spell Length. Applied Economics Quarterly. 2007. 53, (1): 19-44.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Croix, de la, David and Docquier, Frederic. School Attendance and Skill Premiums in France and the U.S.: A General Equilibrium Approach. Fiscal Studies. 2007. 28, (4): 383-417.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Retirement

LePla, Lori A. What Will it Take to be Equal? An Investigation of the Differential Effects of Being Female on Earnings: Wayne State University; 2007. Dept: Psychology
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Rooney, Patrick M., Brown, Eleanor, and Mesch, Debra J. Who Decides in Giving to Education? A Study of Charitable Giving by Married Couples. International Journal of Educational Advancement. 2007. 7, (3): 229-242.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Compton, Janice and Pollak, Robert A. Why Are Power Couples Increasingly Concentrated in Large Metropolitan Areas? Journal of Labor Economics. 2007. 25, (3): 475-489.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Harding, David. Counterfactual Models of Neighborhood Effects: The Effect of Neighborhood Poverty on High School Dropout and Teenage Pregnancy. American Journal of Sociology. 2003. 109, (3): 676-719.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

DiPrete, Thomas A., Morgan, S. Philip, Engelhardt, Henriette, and Pacalova, Hana. Do Cross-National Differences in the Costs of Children Generate Cross-National Differences in Fertility Rates? Population Research and Policy Review. 2003. 22, 439-477.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Weiss, Robert S. The Impact of Marital Dissolution on Income and Consumption in Single-parent Households. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1984. 46, (1): 115-127.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Haberfeld, Yitchak. Implications of Measurement Error in Human Capital Studies of Gender Based Wage Discrimination: The University of Wisconsin--Madison; 1984. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Johnson, Matthew C. The Structure of United States Wages: Occupational Choice and Policy Implications: Yale University; 2006. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gupta, Nabanita Datta, Oaxaca, Ronald L., and Smith, Nina. Swimming Upstream, Floating Downstream: Comparing Women's Relative Wage Progress in the United States and Denmark. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2006. 59, (2): 243-266.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Altonji, Joseph G. and Usui, Emiko. Work Hours, Wages, and Vacation Leave. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2007. 60, (3): 408-428.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Cawley, John, Grabka, Markus M., and Lillard, Dean R. A Comparison of the Relationship between Obesity and Earnings in the U.S. and Germany. Schmollers Jahrbuch:-Zeitschrift-fur-Wirtschafts-und-Sozialwissenschaften/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. 2005. 125, (1): 119-129.
Keywords: Aging; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Pittman, Laura D. Grandmothers' Involvement Among Young Adolescents Growing Up in Poverty. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 2007. 17, (1): 89-116.
Keywords: Aging; Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Leuthold, Jane H. Income Splitting and Women's Labor Force Participation. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1984. 38, (1): 98-105.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Hofferth, Sandra L. Long-Term Economic Consequences for Women of Delayed Childbearing and Reduced Family Size. Demography. 1984. 21, (2): 141-155.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Burkhauser, Richard V., Giles, Philip, Lillard, Dean R., and Schwarze, Johannes. Until Death Do Us Part: An Analysis of the Economic Well-Being of Widows in Four Countries. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 2005. 60, (5): S238-S246.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies

Omori, Megumi. Women's Intermittent Labor Force Participation and Occupational Mobility: University of South Carolina; 2004. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Arellano, M. and Carrasco, R. Binary Choice Panel Data Models with Predetermined Variables. Journal of Econometrics. 2003. 115, (1): 125-157.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Lundberg, Shelly and Rose, Elaina. Child Gender and the Transition to Marriage. Demography. 2003. 40, (2): 333-349.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Semykina, Anastasia. Estimating Panel Data Models With Endogeneity and Selection: Michigan State University; 2006. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Schortgen, Alicia Corinne. The Face of Donors in America: Who Gives and Why it Matters: University of Texas at Austin; 2006. Dept: Public Policy
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Income; Philanthropy; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Jasso, Guillermina. Factorial Survey Methods for Studying Beliefs and Judgments. Sociological Methods & Research. 2006. 34, (3): 334-423.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Survey Methodology

Hudson, Cathie Mayes. The Transition from Wife to Widow: Short-Term Changes in Economic Well-Being and Labor Force Behavior: Duke University; 1984. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Jenkins, Pamela Jean. Women and Class: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis: The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; 1984. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Qi, Yaxuan. Essays in Household Finance and Asset Pricing: Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey; 2007. Dept: Finance
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Housing; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kahn, Joan R. and Whittington, Leslie A. The Labor Supply of Latinas in the USA: Comparing Labor Force Participation, Wages, and Hours Worked with Anglo and Black Women. Population Research and Policy Review. 1996. 15, (February): 45-73.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Harris, Kathleen Mullan. Life After Welfare: Women, Work and Repeat Dependency. American Sociological Review. 1996. 61, (3): 407-26.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty

Maloney, Timothy John. The Cyclical Labor Supply Response of Married Women and Disequilibrium Unemployment: The University of Wisconsin--Madison; 1983. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Spalter-Roth, Roberta. Differentiating Between Living Standards of Husbands and Wives in Two-Wage Earner Families, 1968 and 1979. The Journal of Economic History. 1983. 43, (1): 231-240.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Le Forner, Helene. Parents' Separation: What is the Effect on Parents' and Children's Time Investments? Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 2022. 85, (4): 718-754.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Olivetti, Claudia. Changes in Women's Hours of Market Work: The Role of Returns to Experience. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2006. 9, (4): 557-587.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production

McLanahan, Sara. Family Structure and Stress: a Longitudinal Comparison of Male and Female-Headed Families. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1983. 45, (2): 347-357.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Ophir, Ariane. “Thank u, next”? Repartnering and the Household Division of Labor. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2022. 84, (2): 636-654.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Life Course; Time Use & Home Production

Thielemans, Gert. Is Knowing Half The Battle? University of Antwerp; 2021. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Wei, Jie and Zhang, Yonghui. Panel Probit Models with Time-Varying Individual Effects: Reestimating the Effects of Fertility on Female Labour Participation. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 2021. 84, (4): 799-829.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Anaya, Lina, Stafford, Frank, and Zamarro, Gema. Gender Gaps in Math Performance, Perceived Mathematical Ability and College Stem Education: The Role of Parental Occupation. Education Economics. 2022. 30, (2): 113-128.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Jessen, Robin and König, Johannes. Hours Risk and Wage Risk: Repercussions over the Life-Cycle. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2023. 125, (4): 956-996.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Masten, Matthew A., Poirier, Alexandre, and Zhang, Linqi. Assessing Sensitivity to Unconfoundedness: Estimation and Inference. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2024. 42, (1): 1-13.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Bredemeier, Christian, Gravert, Jan, and Juessen, Falko. Accounting for Limited Commitment between Spouses when Estimating Labor-Supply. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2023. 51, 547-578.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Corcoran, Mary, Duncan, Greg J., and Ponza, Michael. A Longitudinal Analysis of White Women's Wages. The Journal of Human Resources. 1983. 18, (4): 497-520.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Karadakic, René. Essays on Economic Inequality and Mobility: Norwegian School of Economics; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Connolly, Laura, Hampton, Matt, and Lenhart, Otto. Labor Mobility and the Affordable Care Act: Heterogeneous Impacts of the Preexisting Conditions Provision. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2024. 43, (1): 157-191.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bryant, W. Keith, Kang, Hyojin, Zick, Cathleen D., and Chan, Anna Y. Measuring Housework in Time Use Surveys. Review of Economics of the Household. 2004. 2, (1): 23-47.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Time Use & Home Production

Christian, Michael Stanford. Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Aspects of Higher Education: University of Michigan; 2004. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Magnani, Elisabetta. How Does Technological Innovation and Diffusion Affect Inter-Industry Workers' Mobility? Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 2009. 20, (1): 16-37.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Gorsuch, MarinaMileo. Decomposing the Increase in Men’s Time on Childcare during the Great Recession. Review of Economics of the Household. 2016. 14, (1): 1-30.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Carson, Jessica A. The Complexities of Family Health: Effects on Women's Employment Outcomes: University of New Hampshire; 2014. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Wong, Cheng. Woman's Work: Essays on Female Life-Cycle Labor Choices: New York University; 2012. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Merchant, Emily R., Gratton, Brian, and Gutmann, Myron P. A Sudden Transition: Household Changes for Middle Aged U.S. Women in the Twentieth Century. Population Research and Policy Review. 2012. 31, (5): 703-726. PMCID: PMC3432984
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Wilson, George. Women's Mobility into Upper-Tier Occupations: Do Determinants and Timing Differ by Race? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2012. 639, (1): 131-148.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Das, Tirthatanmoy. Essays on Cognitive Skills, Non-Cognitive Skills, Government Policy, and Labor Market Outcomes: State University of New York at Binghamton; 2012. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Borella, Margherita, De Nardi, Mariacristina, and Yang, Fang. The Aggregate Implications of Gender and Marriage. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing. 2018. 11, 6-26.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Curley, Christina. Three Essays on Connections between Personal Life and Economic Outcomes: Colorado State University; 2018. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Mesch, Debra J., Moore, Zach, and Wilhelm, Mark Ottoni. Does Jewish Philanthropy Differ by Sex and Type of Giving? NASHIM: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies and Gender Issues. 2010. 20, (1): 80-96.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Philanthropy; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Ma, Ning. Three Essays on Labor Economics: Johns Hopkins University; 2010. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Blau, Francine D. and Kahn, Lawrence M. The Gender Wage Gap: Extent, Trends, and Explanations. Journal of Economic Literature. 2017. 55, (3): 789-865.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Forrester, Kellie. Macroeconomic Implications of Changes in the Composition of the Labor Force: University of California, Santa Barbara; 2014. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Falzone, Joseph S. On the Sidelines: Labor Force Participation of Prime Age Men. SAGE Open. 2015. 5, (1): 1-6.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Park, Seonyoung. Returns to Human Capital and Explaining the Recent Decline of Married Women's Labor Supply: A Cohort Approach: University of Minnesota; 2013. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Prados, Maria Jose. Essays on Economic Inequality: Columbia University; 2014. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Berniell, Lucila, de la Mata, Dolores, and Valdes, Nieves. Spillovers of Health Education at School on Parents' Physical Activity. Health Economics. 2013. 22, (9): 1004-20.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Wilson, George and Roscigno, Vincent J. The Downward Slide of Working-Class African American Men. Race, Identity and Work. Emerald Publishing Limited; 2018. p.113-135.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Bucca Olea, Mauricio Esteban. Socioeconomic Inequality among Racial Groups in the United States: Cornell University; 2018. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Larson-Koester, Miriam Ruth. Three Essays in Gender Economics: Cornell University; 2018. Dept:
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Amialchuk, Aliaksandr. The Effect of Husband's Job Displacement on the Timing and Spacing of Births in the United States. Contemporary Economic Policy. 2011. 31, (1): 73-93.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Kalenkoski, Charlene M. Caregiving by Older Adults in the United States: Gender Differences in Well-being. In: Connelly, Rachel and Kongar, Ebru, editors. Gender and Time Use in a Global Context: The Economics of Employment and Unpaid Labor. New York; Palgrave Macmillan; 2017. p.271-282.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Gender Differences

Koppera, Vedant. The Female College Boom, Educational Mobility, and Overeducation in the United States: University of California, Santa Barbara; 2016. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences

Yang, Hee-Seung. Essays in Public and Labor Economics: University of California-San Diego; 2011. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Nesbit, Rebecca Ann. A Comparison of Volunteering Data in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and the Current Population Survey. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2010. 39, (4): 753-761.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Philanthropy; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Liu, Haoming and Zeng, Jinli. Genetic Ability and Intergenerational Earnings Mobility. Journal of Population Economics. 2009. 22, (1): 75-95.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Ono, Hiromi. The Socioeconomic Status of Women and Children in Japan: Comparisons with the USA. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family. 2010. 24, (2): 151-176.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Forrester, Kellie and Klein, Jennifer. An Analysis of Female Labor Supply, Home Production, and Household Consumption Expenditures. Journal of Demographic Economics. 2018. 84, (3): 257-307.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Nguyen, Hoa Bao. Estimating Nonlinear Cross Section and Panel Data Models with Endogeneity and Heterogeneity: Michigan State University; 2011. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Semykina, Anastasia and Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models with Sample Selection. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 2013. 28, (1): 47-61.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Laditka, J. N. and Laditka, S. B. Stroke and Active Life Expectancy in the United States, 1999-2009. Disability and Health Journal. 2014. 7, (4): 472-477.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hair, Nicole L. Three Essays in Health Economics: The University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2014. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Huang, Lingwen. A Revolution in Education: Determinants of the Gender Gap Reversal: University of Pennsylvania; 2014. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Winship, Scott Robert. Has There Been a Great Risk Shift? Trends in Economic Instability Among Working-Age Adults: Harvard University; 2009. Dept: Social Policy
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Bellani, Daniela, Esping Andersen, Gøsta, and Pessin, Léa. When Equity Matters for Marital Stability: Comparing German and U.S. Couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 2018. 35, (9): 1273-1298. PMCID: PMC6169310
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

vom Lehn, Christian, Gorry, Aspen, and Fisher, Eric O'N. Male Labor Supply and Generational Fiscal Policy. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2018. 28, 121-149.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Etherington, Nicole. Race, Gender, and the Resources that Matter: An Investigation of Intersectionality and Health. Women & Health. 2015. 55, (7): 754-77.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Geist, Claudia and Tabler, Jennifer. Somebody Has to DUST! Gender, Health, and Housework in Older Couples. Journal of Women & Aging. 2018. 30, (1): 38-48.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production

Kalenkoski, C. M. and Pabilonia, S. W. Does High School Homework Increase Academic Achievement? Education Economics. 2017. 25, (1): 45-59.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Kremer, K. P., Flower, A., Huang, J., and Vaughn, M. G. Behavior Problems and Children's Academic Achievement: A Test of Growth-Curve Models with Gender and Racial Differences. Children and Youth Services Review. 2016. 67, 95-104. PMCID: PMC5436618
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Bradbury, Katharine and Katz, Jane. Women's Labor Market Involvement and Family Income Mobility When Marriages End. New England Economic Review. 2002. 4, (Q4): 41-74.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Carrasco, Raquel. Binary Choice with Binary Endogenous Regressors in Panel Data: Estimating the Effect of Fertility on Female Labor Participation. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2001. 19, (4): 385-94.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Conley, Dalton and Bennett, N. Birth Weight and Income: Interactions across Generations. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2001. 42, (4): 450-465.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Usui, Emiko. Gender Occupational Segregation: Theory and Evidence: Northwestern University; 2002. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Darity Jr., William A. and Mason, PL. Evidence On Discrimination in Employment: Codes of Color, Codes of Gender. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 1998. 12, (2): 63-90.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Crowder, Kyle D. and Tolnay, Stewart E. A New Marriage Squeeze for Black Women: The Role of Racial Intermarriage by Black Men. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2000. 62, (3): 792-807.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Strand, Alexander. A Comparison of Labor Market Segmentation: Germany and the United States: The American University; 1999. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Nakamura, Alice and Nakamura, Masao. Model Specification and Endogeneity. Journal of Econometrics. 1998. 83, (1-2): 213-237.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Eberharter, Veronika V. Weibliche Haushaltsvorstande--Ein Phanomen sich andernder Haushaltssturkturen oder Neudefinition tradierter Rollenbilder? (Changing Household Composition and Female Household Heads--Causes and Implications, With English Summary.). Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik. 1999. 219, (3-4): 298-307.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

South, Scott J. and Crowder, Kyle D. Avenues and Barriers to Residential Mobility Among Single Mothers. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1998. 60, (4): 866-877.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Lin, Yin-Fang. Three Essays on the Welfare System: The University of Michigan; 1998. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Heath, Julia A., Ciscel, David H., and Sharp, David C. Too Many Hours--Too Little Pay: The Impact of Market and Household Hours on Women's Work Lives. Journal of Economic Issues. 1998. 32, (2): 587-594.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Blau, Francine. Trends in the Well-Being of American Women, 1970-1995. Journal of Economic Literature. 1998. 36, (1): 112-165.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Altug, Sumru and Miller, Robert. The Effect of Work Experience on Female Wages and Labor Supply. The Review of Economic Studies. 1998. 65, (1): 45-85.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Cattan, Peter. The Effect of Working Wives on the Incidence of Poverty. Monthly Labor Review. 1998. 121, (3): 22-29.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Havens, John J., O’Herlihy, Mary A., and Schervish, Paul G. Charitable Giving: How Much, By Whom, To What, and How? In: Sonnevi, Göran, editors. The Nonprofit Sector. New Haven; Yale University Press; 2006. p.542-567.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Philanthropy

Wu, Ke Bin. Poverty Experience of Older Persons: A Poverty Study from a Long-Term Prospective. AARP Data Digest. 2003. 02,
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Retirement

Wong, Linda Y. Why Do Only 5.5% of Black Men Marry White Women? International Economic Review. 2003. 44, (3): 803-826.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Ono, Hiromi. Women's Economic Standing, Marriage Timing, and Cross-National Contexts of Gender. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2003. 65, (2): 275.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Vartanian, Thomas P. Older Women in Poverty: The Impact of Midlife Factors. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2002. 64, (2): 532-548.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Zhan, Min and Pandey, Shanta. Postsecondary Education and the Well-being of Women in Retirement. Social Work Research. 2002. 26, (3): 171-184.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement

Ratcliffe, C. E. Premarital Childbearing and Welfare Receipt: The Role of Mothers' Receipt. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2002. 56, (1): 160-178.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty

Malveaux, Julianne and Wallace, Phyllis. Minority Women in the Workplace. In: Koziara, Karen Shallcross, Moskow, Michael H. and Tanner, Lucretia Dewey, editors. Working Women Past, Present, Future. Washington, D.C.; Industrial Relations Research Association; 1987. p.265-298.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Voydanoff, Patricia. Women's Work, Family, and Health. In: Koziara, Karen Shallcross, Moskow, Michael H. and Tanner, Lucretia Dewey, editors. Working Women Past, Present, Future. Washington, D.C.; Industrial Relations Research Association; 1987. p.69-96.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Askew, Diana, Brewington, Jennifer, and Toulney, Andrea. An Examination of Intergenerational Income Mobility Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: 2001.p.17.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Cotter, David A., Hermsen, Joan M., Ovadia, Seth, and Vanneman, Reeve. The Glass Ceiling Effect. Social Forces. 2001. 80, (2): 655-681.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Williams, Wendy Lee. Women's Occupational Choices and Implications for the Distribution of Family Income: University of California, Davis; 1998. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Xie, Xiaodi. Children and Female Labor Supply Behavior. Applied Economics. 1997. 29, (10): 1303-1310.
Keywords: Children; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Burkhauser, Richard V., Frick, Joachim R., and Schwarze, Johannes. A Comparison of Alternative Measures of Economic Well-Being for Germany and the United States. The Review of Income and Wealth. 1997. 43, (2): 153-172.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Devereux, Paul J. Effects of Industry Growth and Decline On Gender and Education Wage Gaps in the 1980s. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2005. 58, (4): 552-570.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

DiPrete, Thomas. Do Cross-National Differences in Household Standard of Living Mobility Parallel Cross-National Differences in Occupational Mobility? A Comparison of Germany, Sweden, and the USA. Current Sociology. 2003. 51, (5): 483-498.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies

Duncan, Greg J. Commentary: Welfare Reform and Well-Being. In: Schaie, K. Warner and Elder, Glen, editors. Historical Influences On Lives and Aging. New York, NY; Springer Publishing Company; 2005. p.286-298.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Wellbeing

Kolodinsky, Jane and Shirey, Lee. The Impact of Living with an Elder Parent on Adult Daughter's Labor Supply and Hours of Work. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2000. 21, (2): 149-175.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Conley, Dalton. Sibship Sex Composition and the Educational Attainment of Men and Women. Social Science Research. 2000. 29, 441-457.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Caudron, Tifenn A. A Study of Self-Employment: Why Do Men and Women Enter into and Exit from Self-Employment? A Theoretical and Empirical Discussion Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: The Johns Hopkins University; 2000. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Chadwick, Laura and Solon, Gary. Intergenerational Income Mobility Among Daughters. American Economic Review. 2002. 92, (1): 335-344.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Boisjoly, Johanne, Harris, Kathleen Mullan, and Duncan, Greg J. Trends, Events, and Duration of Initial Welfare Spells. Social Service Review. 1998. 72, (4): 466-492.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Woodhouse, Sally Dawn. The Relationships Between Child Care Costs, Maternal Employment and Children's Test Scores: University of California, Berkeley; 2001. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences

Hryshko, Dmytro and Manovskii, Iourii. On the Heterogeneity in Family Earnings and Income Dynamics in the PSID. AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2018. 108, 292-96.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Huang, Chen. Why are US Women Decreasing their Labor Force Participation if their Wages are Rising? Economic Inquiry. 2018. 56, (4): 2010-2026.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Robst, John and Cuson-Graham, Kathleen. The Effect of Uncertain Educational Requirements on Education and Wages. Applied Economics. 1999. 31, (1): 53-63.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Schanzenbach, Max. Exceptions to Employment at Will: Raising Firing Costs or Enforcing Life-Cycle Contracts? American Law and Economics Review. 2003. 5, (2): 470-504.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Case, Anne, Lin, I. F., and McLanahan, Sara. Explaining Trends in Child Support, Economic, Demographic, and Policy Effects. Demography. 2003. 40, (1): 171-189.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Iorio, Daniela. Earnings Mobility: An Empirical Analysis for the United States. Rivista di Politica Economica. 2001. 91, (11-12): 183-216.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hong, Baeg-Eui. Income Redistributive Effects of Proposals for Social Security Reform: Washington University at St. Louis; 2001. Dept: School of Social Work
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Allen, W. David. The Moonlighting Decision of Unmarried Men and Women: Family and Labor Market Influences. Atlantic Economic Journal. 1998. 26, (2): 190-205.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Schmidt, Lucille G. Family Structure and Economic Opportunities: The University of Michigan; 2003. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Bryant, W. Keith, Kang, Hyojin, Zick, Cathleen D., and Chan, Anna Y. His and Hers: Evaluating Husbands' Reports of Wives' Housework. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 2003. 83, (4): 1003-1012.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Falzone, Joseph S. Labor Market Decisions of Married Women: With Emphasis on Part-Time Employment. International Advances in Economic Research. 2000. 6, (4): 662-671.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Moore, Michael J., Zhu, Carolyn W., and Clipp, Elizabeth C. Informal Costs of Dementia Care: Estimates from the National Longitudinal Caregiver Study. Journal of Gerontology. 2001. 56, (4): S219-S228.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Mason, Patrick L. Male Interracial Wage Differentials: Competing Explanations. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 1999. 23, (_): 261-299.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Klein, Maya Hilary Haru Ibser. The Effects of Abortion Legislation on Women's Educational Attainment in the United States: University of California, Berkeley; 1997. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Powell, Mary Ann and Parcel, Toby L. Effects of Family Structure on the Earnings Attainment Process: Differences by Gender. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1997. 59, (2): 419-433.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Megbolugbe, Isaac, Sa-Aadu, J., and Shilling, James D. Elderly Female-Headed Households and the Decision to Trade Down. Journal of Housing Economics. 1999. 8, (4): 285-300.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Browne, Irene. Explaining the Black-White Gap in Labor Force Participation Among Women Heading Households. American Sociological Review. 1997. 62, (April): 236-252.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

LeClere, Felicia B. and McLaughlin, Diane K. Family Migration and Changes in Women's Earnings: A Decomposition Analysis. Population Research and Policy Review. 1997. 16, (4): 315-335.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Holt, Fredrick Morgan. Family Migration Decisions: A Dynamic Analysis: University of Virginia; 1997. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Lee, M. A. and Rendall, Michael S. Self-Employment Disadvantage in the Working Lives of Blacks and Females. Population Research and Policy Review. 2001. 20, (4): 291-320.
Keywords: Aging; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement

Nakosteen, Robert A. and Zimmer, Michael A. Spouse Selection and Earnings: Evidence of Marital Sorting. Economic Inquiry. 2001. 39, (2): 201-213.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Nargis, Nigar. Three essays in Applied Microeconomics and Labor Economics: Cornell University; 2003. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Schanzenbach, Max Matthew. Three Essays on Public Policy and Labor Economics: Yale University; 2003. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Lundberg, Shelly and Rose, Elaina. The Effects of Sons and Daughters On Men's Labor Supply and Wages. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2002. 84, (2): 251-268.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Rendall, Michael S. Entry or Exit? A Transition-Probability Approach to Explaining the High Prevalence of Single Motherhood Among Black Women. Demography. 1999. 36, (3): 369-376.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Alm, James and Whittington, Leslie A. For Love or Money? The Impact of Income Taxes on Marriage. Economica. 1999. 66, (263): 297-316.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Taxes

Hofferth, Sandra L., Reid, L., and Mott, F. L. The Effects of Early Childbearing on Schooling Over Time. Family Planning Perspectives. 2001. 33, (6): 259-267.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Gladden, Patricia Lynn. Essays on Wage Growth: Northwestern University; 2001. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Song, Xue. Labor Supply and Fertility Behaviors in Cohabitation and Marriage: The Johns Hopkins University; 2001. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Shroder, Mark. Does Housing Assistance Perversely Affect Self-Sufficiency? A Review Essay. Journal of Housing Economics. 2002. 11, (4): 381-417.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Housing; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Gruber, Jonathan. Cash Welfare as a Consumption Smoothing Mechanism for Divorced Mothers. Journal of Public Economics. 2000. 75, (2): 157-182.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Gruber, Jonathan. Cash Welfare as a Consumption Smoothing Mechanism for Single Mothers. Journal of Public Economics. 2000. 75, (2): 157-182.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Whittington, L., Averett, S., and Anderson, D. Choosing Children over Career? Changes in the Postpartum Labor Force Behavior of Professional Women. Population Research and Policy Review. 2000. 19, (4): 339-355.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Blau, Francine D. and Kahn, Lawrence M. Analyzing the Gender Pay Gap. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 1999. 39, 625-646.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Fleche, Sarah, Lepinteur, Anthony, and Powdthavee, Nattavudh. Gender Norms and Relative Working Hours: Why Do Women Suffer More Than Men from Working Longer Hours Than Their Partners? AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2018. 108, 163-168.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production; Wellbeing

Arendell, Terry J. Women and the Economics of Divorce in the Contemporary United States. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 1987. 13, (11): 121-135.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty

Hyslop, Dean R. State Dependence, Serial Correlation and Heterogeneity in Intertemporal Labor Force Participation of Married Women. Econometrica. 1999. 67, (6): 1255-1294.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Wunnava, Phanindra and Peled, Noga A. Union Wage Premiums by Gender and Race: Evidence from PSID 1980-1992. Journal of Labor Research. 1999. 20, (3): 415-423.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Moffitt, Robert, Reville, Robert, and Winkler, Anne E. Beyond Single Mothers: Cohabitation and Marriage in the AFDC Program. Demography. 1998. 35, (3): 259-278.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Fontaine, Kevin R., Heo, Moonseong, Cheskin, Lawrence J., and Allisoon, David B. Body Mass Index, Smoking, and Mortality Among Older American Women. Journal of Women's Health. 1998. 7, (10): 1257-1261.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Gray, Jeffrey S. Divorce-Law Changes, Household Bargaining, and Married Women's Labor Supply. American Economic Review. 1998. 88, (3): 628-642.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Sorensen, Glorian and Verbrugge, Lois M. Women, Work, and Health. Annual Review of Public Health. 1987. 8, 235-251.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bassi, Laurie. Training the Disadvantaged: Can It Reduce Welfare Dependence? Evaluation Review. 1987. 11, (4): 493-509.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Swain, Li Li. Internal Migration Decisions of Dual-Earner Families: An Application of Multilevel Models: Iowa State University; 2003. Dept: Human Development and Family Studies
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Jones, S. J., Jahns, L., Laraia, B. A., and Haughton, B. Lower Risk of Overweight in School-Aged Food Insure Girls Who Participate in Food Assistance: Results from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics Child Development Supplement. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 2003. 157, (8): 780-784.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Anderson, Kermyt G. and Low, Bobbi S. Nonmarital First Births and Women's Life Histories: An Evolutionary Perspective. In: Rodgers, Joseph Lee and Kohler, Hans-Peter, editors. searched 1/18/2013 SAF. Biodemography of Human Reproduction and Fertility. New York; Springer Science+Business Media; 2003. p.57-86.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Low, B. S., Simon, C. P., and Anderson, K. G. An Evolutionary Ecological Perspective on Demographic Transitions: Modeling Multiple Currencies. American Journal of Human Biology. 2002. 14, (2): 149-167.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Hofferth, Sandra L., Stanhope, Stephen, and Mullan Harris, Kathleen. Exiting Welfare in the 1990s: Did Public Policy Influence Recipients' Behavior? Population Research and Policy Review. 2002. 21, (5): 433-472.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Alenezi, Mohammad Sabbar. A Full Model of Family Choices of Market Work and Household Work: North Carolina State University; 2002. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Keane, Michael P. and Sauer, Robert M. A Computationally Practical Simulation Estimation Algorithm for Dynamic Panel Data Models with Unobserved Endogenous State Variables. International Economic Review. 2010. 51, (4): 925-958.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Keane, Michael P. and Sauer, Robert M. Classification Error in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models: Implications for Female Labor Supply Behavior. Econometrica. 2009. 77, (3): 975-991.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Maume Jr., David J. Is the Glass Ceiling a Unique Form of Inequality? Work and Occupations. 2004. 31, (2): 250-274.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Oreffice, Sonia. The Legalization of Abortion, the Marriage Market and Women's Bargaining Power: The University of Chicago; 2004. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gupta, Sanjiv, Evertsson, Marie, Grunow, Daniela, Nermo, Magnus, and Sayer, Liana C. Economic Inequality and Housework. In: Treas, Judith and Drobnic, Sonja, editors. Dividing the Domestic: Men, Women, and Household Work in Cross-National. Stanford; Stanford University Press; 2010. p.105-122.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Ziliak, James P., Hardy, Bradley, and Bollinger, Christopher. Earnings volatility in America: Evidence from matched CPS. Labour Economics. 2011. 18, (6): 742-754.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Chapela, Jorge Gonzalez. On the Price of Recreation Goods as a Determinant of Male Labor Supply. Journal of Labor Economics. 2007. 25, (4): 795-824.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Housing; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Retirement; Survey Methodology; Taxes; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Ahn, Seung Chan, Low, Stuart, Kim II, Dae, and Ryu, Keunkwan. A Parametric Test for the Distinction Between Unemployed and Out of the Labor Force Statuses/ Comments and Discussion. Seoul Journal of Economics. 2007. 20, (1): 59-92.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Neblett, Nicole Gardner. Patterns of Single Mothers' Work and Welfare Use: What Matters for Children's Well-Being? Journal of Family Issues. 2007. 28, (8): 1083-1112.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Schmidt, Lucie and Sevak, Purvi. Gender, Marriage, and Asset Accumulation in the United States. In: Deere, Carmen Diana and Doss, Cheryl, editors. Women and the Distribution of Wealth: Feminist Economics. New York; Routledge; 2013. p.139-166.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Wikle, Jocelyn. Patterns in Housework and Childcare Among Girls and Boys. Journal of Research on Women and Gender. 2014. 5, 17-29.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Killewald, Alexandra and García-Manglano, Javier. Tethered Lives: A Couple-Based Perspective on the Consequences of Parenthood for Time Use, Occupation, and Wages. Social Science Research. 2016. 60, 266-282.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Schwartz, Christine R. and Han, Hongyun. The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education and Trends in Marital Dissolution. American Sociological Review. 2014. 79, (4): 605-629. PMCID: PMC4212646
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Meyer, Bruce D. and Sullivan, James X. The Effects of Welfare and Tax Reform: The Material Well-Being of Single Mothers in the 1980s and 1990s. Journal of Public Economics. 2004. 88, (7-8): 1387-1420.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Poverty; Taxes

Gould, Elise. Essays on Health, Work, Poverty, and Income Inequality: University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2004. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Schneider, Daniel. Market Earnings and Household Work: New Tests of Gender Performance Theory. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2011. 73, (4): 845-860.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Maani, Sholeh A. and Cruickshank, Amy A. What Is the Effect of Housework on the Market Wage, and Can It Explain the Gender Wage Gap? Journal of Economic Surveys. 2010. 24, (3): 402-427.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Blau, Francine D. and Kahn, Lawrence M. The Gender Pay Gap. The Economists' Voice. 2007. 4, (4): 1-6.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Eckstein, Zvi and Lifshitz, Osnat. Household Interaction and the Labor Supply of Married Women. International Economic Review. 2015. 56, (2): 427-455.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Time Use & Home Production

Economic Mobility Project of the Pew Charitable Trust. The Economic Mobility of Women Across a Generation: Pew Charitable Trust; 2014.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kassenboehmer, Sonja C. and Sinning, Mathias G. Distributional Changes in the Gender Wage Gap. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2014. 67, (2): 335-361.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Voges, Wolfgang and Ostner, Ilona. Wie arm sind alleinerziehende Frauen? (How poor are female lone parents?). In: Bieback, H. J. and Milz, H., editors. Neue Armut. Frankfurt a.M.; Campus; 1995. p.122-147.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty

Sorensen, Annemette and McLanahan, Sara. Women's Economic Dependency and Men's Support Obligations: Economic Relations Within Households. In: Becker, Henk A., editors. Life Histories and Generations. Utrecht:Netherlands; ISOR; 1991. p.115-144.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Tominey, Emma. Female Labour Supply and Household Employment Shocks: Maternity Leave as an Insurance Mechanism. European Economic Review. 2016. 87, 256-271.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Voena, Alessandra. Yours, Mine, and Ours: Do Divorce Laws Affect the Intertemporal Behavior of Married Couples? American Economic Review. 2015. 105, (8): 2295-2332.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Schwenkenberg, Julia M. Selection into Occupations and the Intergenerational Mobility of Daughters and Sons. Gender in the Labor Market. Bingley, UK; Emerald Group Publishing; 2015. p.261-306.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Schwenkenberg, Julia M. Occupations and the Evolution of Gender Differences in Intergenerational Socioeconomic Mobility. Economics Letters. 2014. 124, (3): 348-352.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hofferth, Sandra L. Women's Employment and Care of Children in the United States. In: van Dijk, Liset and van der Lippe, Tanja, editors. Women's Employment in Comparative Perspective. New York; Aldine De Gruyter; 2001. p.151-174.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Corcoran, Mary, Duncan, Greg J., and Ponza, Michael. Work Experience and Wage Growth of Women Workers. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1983. p.249-323.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Corcoran, Mary. Work Experience, Labor Force Withdrawals, and Women's Wages: Empirical Results Using the 1976 Panel Study of Income Dynamics. In: Andrews, Lloyd Gilroy, editors. Women in the Labor Market. New York; Columbia University Press; 1979. p.216-245.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Corcoran, Mary. Work Experience, Work Interruption and Wages. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1978. p.47-104.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Blank, Anna. Two Essays on the Long-Term Consequences of the EITC Program: Boston College; 2013. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kumar, Anil. Three Essays on the Effect of Taxes on Economic Behavior: Syracuse University; 2004. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Taxes

Vartanian, Thomas P. and McNamara, Justine M. The Welfare Myth: Disentangling the Long-Term Effects of Poverty and Welfare Receipt for Young Single Mothers. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 2004. 31, (4): 103-138.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Parrado, Eric, Caner, Asena, and Wolff, Edward N. Occupational and Industrial Mobility in the United States. Labour Economics. 2007. 14, (3): 435-455.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Beck, Sedefka V. Wage Differentials in the United States: Does Religion Matter? University of Illinois at Chicago; 2013. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Blau, Francine D., Beller, Andrea H., and Kahn, Lawrence M. Trends in Earnings Differentials by Gender. In: Blau, Francine D., Gielen, Anne C. and Zimmermann, Klaus F., editors. Gender, Inequality, and Wages. Oxford; Oxford University Press; 2012.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Fikkan, Janna L. and Rothblum, Esther D. Is Fat a Feminist Issue? Exploring the Gendered Nature of Weight Bias. Sex Roles. 2012. 66, (9): 575-592.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Jones, Sonya J. and Frongillo, Edward A. The Modifying Effects of Food Stamp Program Participation on the Relation between Food Insecurity and Weight Change in Women. The Journal of Nutrition. 2006. 136, (4): 1091-1094.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Toussaint-Comeau, Maude. The Occupational Assimilation of Hispanic Immigrants in the U.S.: Evidence from Panel Data. International Migration Review. 2006. 40, (3): 508-536.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hofferth, Sandra L. and Curtin, Sally C. Parental Leave Statutes and Maternal Return to Work After Childbirth in the United States. Work and Occupations. 2006. 33, (1): 73-105.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Boeckmann, Irene. Navigating Paid Work and Parenthood: New Parents' Long-Term Employment Pathways in the United States: University of Massachuetts - Amherst; 2014. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ryvicker, Miriam. The Price of Female Headship: Gender, Inheritance, and Wealth Accumulation in the United States. Journal of Income Distribution. 2005. 13, (3): 41-56.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

White, Katherine J. Curtis, Crowder, Kyle D., and Tolnay, Stewart Emory/Adelman, Robert M. Race, Gender, and Marriage: Destination Selection During the Great Migration. Demography. 2005. 42, (2): 215-241.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Gorbachev, Olga. Has the Increased Attachment of Women to the Labor Market Changed a Family's Ability to Smooth Income Shocks? American Economic Review. 2016. 106, (5): 247-51.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Moffitt, Robert A. and Gottschalk, Peter. Trends in the Transitory Variance of Earnings in the United States. The Economic Journal. 2002. 112, (478): C68-C73.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hundley, Greg. Why Women Earn Less Than Men in Self-Employment. Journal of Labor Research. 2001. 22, (4): 817-829.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gabriel, Ryan. Gender and the Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Attainment of Black-White Couples. Demography. 2018. 55, (2): 459-484.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Bacher, Annika. Essays in Macroeconomics : Investment Choices, Labor Market Outcomes, and Family Structure: European University Institute; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Boboshko, Nikolai. Three Essays in Labor Economics: Cornell University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Grotti, Raffaele and Passaretta, Giampiero. Intragenerational Wage Mobility and Social Disadvantage: A Comparative Study of West Germany and The United States. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 2023. 87, 100843.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Westbrook, Laurel and Saperstein, Aliya. New Categories Are Not Enough: Rethinking the Measurement of Sex and Gender in Social Surveys. Gender & Society. 2015. 29, (4): 534-560.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Survey Methodology

Clark, Andrew E., Cotofan, Maria, and Layard, Richard. Do wages underestimate the inequality in workers' rewards? The joint distribution of job quality and wages across occupations. Economica. 2024. 91, (362): 497-546.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Yu, Zhixiu. Why are older men working more? The role of social security. Journal of Public Economics. 2024. 231, 105071.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Douthitt, Robin A. The Division of Labor Within the Home: Have Gender Roles Changed? Sex Roles. 1989. 20, (11/12): 693-704.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Hou, Jialin. Essays on Consumer Finance and Political Economy: University of Pittsburgh; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes

Braga, Breno and Malkova, Olga. Time to Grow UP? Adult Children as Determinants of Parental Labor Supply. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2024. 22, (1): 230-262.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Pashchenko, Svetlana and Porapakkarm, Ponpoje. Accounting for Social Security Claiming Behavior. International Economic Review. 2024. 65, (1): 505-545.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Clague, Angela. The Balancing Act: A Mixed-Method Study of Working Mothers and the Gendered Labor at Home: UCLA; 2024. Dept:
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Pessin, Léa. Gender Equality for Whom? The Changing College Education Gradients of the Division of Paid Work and Housework Among US Couples, 1968–2019. Social Forces. 2024. soae028.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Hotez, Emily, Pan, Mengtong, Jackson, Nicholas, Rava, Julianna, Wisk, Lauren E., Lei, Yvonne, Schickedanz, Adam, and Kuo, Alice A. Health and Well-Being at the Transition to Adulthood Among Individuals With Disabilities: An Analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2024. 74, (5): 964-970.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Zang, Emma and Tian, Melissa. Upward Mobility Context and Health Outcomes and Behaviors during Transition to Adulthood: The Intersectionality of Race and Sex. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2024. 00221465231223944.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Michel, Chloé, Sovinsky, Michelle, and Stern, Steven. Lifestyle choices among women with breast cancer in the United States. Public Health Challenges. 2024. 3, (1): e153.
Keywords: Disability & Use of Time; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Averkamp, Dorothée, Bredemeier, Christian, and Juessen, Falko. Decomposing gender wage gaps: a family economics perspective. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2024. 126, (1): 3-37.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Mattia, Andrea. Essays in Labor Economics: Value of Time and Spousal Earnings Gap: The University of Chicago; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Casella, Sara Giorgia. Essays in Macroeconomics: University of Pennsylvania; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Cooke, T. J. All Tied up: Tied Staying and Tied Migration within the United States, 1997 to 2007. Demographic Research. 2013. 29, 817-836.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Statistical & Econometric Methods

White, Lynn and Rogers, Stacy J. Economic Circumstances and Family Outcomes: A Review of the 1990s. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2000. 62, (4): 1035-1051.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Seifert, Wolfgang. Gender-Specific Labor Market Performance of Mediterranean Immigrants in Germany and Hispanic Immigrants in the United States Compared. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. 1999. 40, (4): 454-477.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kim, Jeong Ho, Lee, Heebum, and Lee, Sung Kwan. Do Credit Supply Shocks Affect Fertility Choices? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. 2022. 34, 100633.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Miller, Ray and Sedai, Ashish Kumar. Opportunity Costs of Unpaid Caregiving: Evidence from Panel Time Diaries. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing. 2022. 22, 100386.
Keywords: Aging; Disability & Use of Time; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Smythe, Andria. Child-to-Parent Intergenerational Transfers, Social Security, and Child Wealth Building. AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2022. 112, 53-57.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Lei, L. and South, S. J. Racial and Ethnic Differences in Leaving and Returning to the Parental Home: The Role of Life Course Transitions, Socioeconomic Resources, and Family Connectivity. Demographic Research. 2016. 34, 109-142. PMCID: PMC4838405
Keywords: Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Devereux, Paul J. Changes in Male Labor Supply and Wages. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2003. 56, (3): 409-428.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hünermund, Paul, Louw, Beyers, and Caspi, Itamar. Double Machine Learning and Automated Confounder Selection: A Cautionary Tale. Journal of Causal Inference. 2023. 11, (1): 20220078.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Yang, Fan. THREE PAPERS ON ECONOMIC JUSTICE AND FAIRNESS: Syracuse University; 2024. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Belle, Deborah. Poverty and Women's Mental Health. American Psychologist. 1990. 45, (3): 385-389.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Poverty

Erosa, Andrés, Fuster, Luisa, Kambourov, Gueorgui, and Rogerson, Richard. Hours, Occupations, and Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 2022. 14, (3): 543-590.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Gayle, George-Levi, Golan, Limor, and Soytas, Mehmet A. What Is the Source of the Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings? Journal of Monetary Economics. 2022. 129, 24-45.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

LaBriola, Joe and Hays, Jake J. Absolute Wealth Mobility in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Population Research and Policy Review. 2024. 43, (4): 47.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Fan, Wen. Becoming a parent: Trajectories of family division of labor in Germany and the United States. Advances in Life Course Research. 2024. 60, 100611.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies

Tosi, Marco. Carry that weight: Parental separation and children's Body Mass Index from childhood to young adulthood. Advances in Life Course Research. 2024. 60, 100615.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Khorunzhina, Natalia and Miller, Robert A. 2021 Klein Lecture: American Dream Delayed: Shifting Determinants of Homeownership. International Economic Review. 2022. 63, (1): 3-35.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes

Geweke, John and Petrella, Lea. Prior Density-Ratio Class Robustness in Econometrics. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 1998. 16, (4): 469-478.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Parent, Daniel. Methods of Pay and Earnings: A Longitudinal Analysis. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1999. 53, (1): 71-86.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bertrand, Marianne, Kamenica, Emir, and Pan, Jessica. Gender Identity and Relative Income within Households. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2015. 130, (2): 571-614.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Time Use & Home Production

Drozd, Mark, Moffitt, Robert A., and Zhao, Xinyu. The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic Recession on Less Educated Women’s Human Capital: Some Projections. Journal of Labor Economics. 2023. 000-000.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Robson, Paul, Dex, Shirley, Wilkinson, Frank, and Cortes, Olga Cortes. Low Pay, Labour Market Institutions, Gender and Part-Time Work: Cross-National Comparisons. European Journal of Industrial Relations. 1999. 5, (2): 187-207.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Brines, Julie. The Exchange Value of Housework. Rationality and Society. 1993. 5, (3): 302-340.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Hersch, Joni and Reagan, Patricia B. Worker Effort Decisions and Efficient Gender-Specific Wage-Tenure Profiles. Economic Inquiry. 1997. 35, (1): 193-207.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Catlett, Beth Skilken and McKenry, Patrick C. Implications of Feminist Scholarship for the Study of Women's Postdivorce Economic Disadvantage. Family Relations. 1996. 45, (1): 91-97.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Lei, Lei and South, Scott J. The Comforts of Home: The Association between Coresidence with Parents and Young Adults' Residential Mobility and Migration in the United States. Population, Space and Place. 2020. 26, (5):
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Zandvakili, Sourushe. Income Inequality Among Female Heads of Households: Racial Inequality Reconsidered. Economica. 1999. 66, (261): 119-133.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Laditka, James N. and Laditka, Sarah B. Associations of Educational Attainment With Disability and Life Expectancy by Race and Gender in the United States: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of Aging and Health. 2016. 28, (8): 1403-1425.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Renani, Sahber Ahmadi. Essays on Microeconometric Dynamic Public Finance: The University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2023. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Retirement

Taveras, Elisa. The Effect of Spouses' Relative Education on Household Time Allocation. Southern Economic Journal. 2023. 89, (3): 788-829.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Parikh, Harsh J. Causal Inference for High-Stakes Decisions: Duke University; 2023. Dept: Computer Science
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Zang, Emma and Max, Justin T. Bayesian Estimation and Model Selection in Group-based Trajectory Models. Psychological Methods. 2022. 27, (3): 347-372.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Scarr, Sandra, Phillips, Deborah, and McCartney, Kathleen. Working Mothers and Their Families. American Psychologist. 1989. 44, (11): 1402-1409.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ashraf, Javed. Updating Estimates of Union Non-Union Wage Differentials in the United States. Economics Letters. 1989. 31, 205-209.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Strober, Myra H. Human Capital Theory: Implications for Hr Managers. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. 1990. 29, (2): 214-239.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

de Castro Galvao, Juliana. Gender Inequality in Lifetime Earnings. Social Forces. 2023. 101, (4): 1772-1802.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Fan, Lu, Chatterjee, Swarn, and Kim, Jinhee. Young Adults’ Personality Traits and Subjective Well-Being: The Role of Perceived Money Management Capability. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. 2022. 35,
Keywords: Gender Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wellbeing

Tabler, Jennifer, Gonzales, Carlos M., Snyder, Jamie A., Schmitz, Rachel M., and Geist, Claudia. Hidden (and Not so Hidden) Messaging in Top-Utilized U.S. Social Surveys: The Persistence of Heteronormative Ideology and the Gender Binary. In: Baumle, Amanda K. and Nordmarken, Sonny, editors. Demography of Transgender, Nonbinary and Gender Minority Populations. Cham; Springer International Publishing; 2022. p.13-46.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Survey Methodology

Benedict, Mary Ellen and Shaw, Kathryn. The Impact of Pension Benefits On the Distribution of Earned Income. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 1995. 48, (4): 740-757.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income

Bruffaerts, Ronny, Caywood, Kelsi, and Axinn, William G. Early-life risk factors for depression among young adults in the United States general population: Attributable risks and gender differences. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2024. 363, 206-213.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Smith, Imari Z. and Read, Jen'nan G. Racial and gender differences in discrimination and psychological distress among young adults. Social Science & Medicine. 2024. 354, 117070.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Chen, Shuowen. Essays in Econometrics: Bias Corrections and Robust Inference: Boston University; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Olsen, Reed Neil and Sexton, Edwin A. Gender Differences in the Returns to and the Acquisition of On-the-Job Training. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. 1996. 35, (1): 59-77.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Varoufakis, Yanis. Against Equality. Science & Society. 2002. 66, (4): 448-472.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Lei, Lei and Traylor, Frederic. How Does Religion Influence Parental Support of Young Adult Children? Journal of Family Issues. 2023. 45, (9): 2135-2157.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Heathcote, Jonathan, Perri, Fabrizio, Violante, Giovanni L., and Zhang, Lichen. More Unequal We Stand? Inequality Dynamics in The United States, 1967–2021. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2023. 50, 235-266.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Binder, Ariel. Rising Inequality in Mothers’ Employment Statuses: The Role of Intergenerational Transmission. Demography. 2021. 58, (4): 1223-1248.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Yu, Zhixiu. Essays on Macroeconomics: University of Minnesota; 2022. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Figueroa, Janis Barry. The Health Status and Lost Earnings of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Women. New England Journal of Public Policy. 1996. 11, (2): 155-168.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Akerlof, George A. and Kranton, Rachel E. Economics and Identity. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2000. 115, (3): 715-753.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Weinberger, Catherine J. In Search of the Glass Ceiling: Gender and Earnings Growth Among U.S. College Graduates in the 1990S. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2011. 64, (5): 949-980.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hersch, Joni and Stone, Joe A. ''New and Improved'' Estimates of Qualification Discrimination. Southern Economic Journal. 1985. 52, (2): 484-491.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Mazetto, Débora. Media Influence on Children's Skills: A Bunching Application: University of Georgia; 2024. Dept:
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Liao, Zi-Xuan, Tan, Xiao-Min, Zhao, Ying-Ying, Sun, Xiao-Cui, and Yi, Fa-Ling. Association between Internal Migration Experience and Depressive Symptoms: Analysis of PSID Data. BMC Public Health. 2023. 23, (1): 1-9.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Moore, Michael J. Unions, Employment Risks, and Market Provision of Employment Risk Differentials. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. 1995. 10, (1): 57-70.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Epps, Edgar. Race, Class, and Educational Opportunity: Trends in the Sociology of Education. Sociological Forum. 1995. 10, (4): 593-608.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Ashraf, Jared. Recent Trends in White-Black Earnings Differentials. Economics Letters. 1994. 45, (4): 487-493.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Borella, Margherita, De Nardi, Mariacristina, and Yang, Fang. Are Marriage-Related Taxes and Social Security Benefits Holding Back Female Labour Supply? The Review of Economic Studies. 2023. 90, (1): 102-131.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Lei, Lei and South, Scott J. Who Returned Home? The Covid-19 Pandemic and Young Adults’ Residential Transitions. Advances in Life Course Research. 2023. 58, 100582.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Housing; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Lundberg, Shelly and Rose, Elaina. Parenthood and the Earnings of Married Men and Women. Labour Economics. 2000. 7, (6): 689-710.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gayle, G. L. and Golan, L. Estimating a Dynamic Adverse-Selection Model: Labour-Force Experience and the Changing Gender Earnings Gap 1968-1997. The Review of Economic Studies. 2012. 79, (1): 227-267.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Moffitt, Robert, Abowd, John, Bollinger, Christopher, Carr, Michael, Hokayem, Charles, McKinney, Kevin, Wiemers, Emily, Zhang, Sisi, and Ziliak, James. Reconciling Trends in U.S. Male Earnings Volatility: Results from Survey and Administrative Data. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2022. 41, (1): 1-11.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Moffitt, Robert and Zhang, Sisi. Estimating Trends in Male Earnings Volatility with the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2022. 41, (1): 20-25.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Harkness, Susan. The Accumulation of Economic Disadvantage: The Influence of Childbirth and Divorce on the Income and Poverty Risk of Single Mothers. Demography. 2022. 59, (4): 1377-1402.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Thomas, Mallika. The Impact of Mandated Maternity Benefits on the Gender Differential in Promotions: The University of Chicago; 2015. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Butler, Amy C. Sexual and Physical Assault Before Age 18 and Young Adults’ Perception of Unfair Treatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2022. 37, (11-12):
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

DeSantis, Andrea Leah. The Impact of Work on College Access: North Carolina State University; 2021. Dept: Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

DeSantis, Andrea Leah. The Role of Work on High School and College Outcomes: North Carolina State University; 2021. Dept: Educational Leadership, Policy and Human Development
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

García, Jorge Luis and Heckman, James J. Early Childhood Education and Life-Cycle Health. Health Economics. 2021. 30, (S1): 119-141.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course

Guvenen, Fatih, Karahan, Fatih, Ozkan, Serdar, and Song, Jae. What Do Data on Millions of U.S. Workers Reveal About Lifecycle Earnings Dynamics? Econometrica. 2021. 89, (5): 2303-2339.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gupta, Arjun, Mirghasemi, Soudeh, and Rahman, Mohammad Arshad. Heterogeneity in Food Expenditure Among US Families: Evidence from Longitudinal Quantile Regression. Indian Economic Review. 2021. 56, (1): 25-48.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences

Mitnik, Pablo A. and Grusky, David B. A Forced Critique of the Intergenerational Elasticity of the Conditional Expectation. Sociological Methodology. 2020. 50, (1): 112-130.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Musick, Kelly, Bea, Megan Doherty, and Gonalons-Pons, Pilar. His and Her Earnings Following Parenthood in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. American Sociological Review. 2020. 85, (4): 639-674.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bibler, Andrew J. Household Composition and Gender Differences in Parental Time Investments. Demography. 2020. 57, (4): 1415-1435.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Schettino, Francesco and Khan, Haider A. Income Polarization in the USA: What Happened to the Middle Class in the Last Few Decades? Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 2020. 53, 149-161.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Choi, Seongsoo, Chung, Inkwan, and Breen, Richard. How Marriage Matters for the Intergenerational Mobility of Family Income: Heterogeneity by Gender, Life Course, and Birth Cohort. American Sociological Review. 2020. 85, (3): 353-380.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Shen, Jenny. Essays in the Economics of Gender: Princeton University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Gender Differences; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Yeon, Wonho. How Does Education Affect the Housework Time of Husbands? State University of New York at Stony Brook; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Time Use & Home Production

Gottschalk, Peter. Inequality, Income Growth, and Mobility. In: Grusky, David, editors. Social Stratification, Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. Routledge; 2019. p.373.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Heywood, John S. and Parent, Daniel. Performance Pay, the Gender Gap, and Specialization within Marriage. Journal of Labor Research. 2017. 38, (4): 387-427.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Gowdy, Grace, Miller, Daniel P., and Spencer, Renée. Expanding and Deepening our Understanding of Which Young People are Most Likely to Have an Informal Mentor. Children and Youth Services Review. 2020. 108, 1-10.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Waring, Melody K. Caring for Parents: Stratified Effects on Adult Children’s Labor Force Participation: The University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2020. Dept: Social Work
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Gangopadhyaya, Anuj, Blavin, Fredric, Braga, Breno, and Gates, Jason. Credit Where It Is Due: Investigating Pathways from Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion to Maternal Mental Health. Health Economics. 2020. 29, (9): 975-991.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Taxes

Patterson, Sarah E., Verdery, Ashton M., and Daw, Jonathan. Linked Lives and Childhood Experience of Family Death on Educational Attainment. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. 2020. 6, 1-17.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Kim, Chi Hyun. Micro Data for Macro Questions: Essays on Empirical Macro-Finance: Free University of Berlin; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Calónico, Sebastian and Smith, Jeffrey. The Women of the National Supported Work Demonstration. Journal of Labor Economics. 2017. 35, (S1): S65-S97.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

McClintock, Elizabeth Aura. Changing Jobs and Changing Chores? The Longitudinal Association of Women’s and Men’s Occupational Gender-Atypicality and Couples’ Housework Performance. Sex Roles. 2018. 78, (3-4): 165-181.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Groneck, Max and Wallenius, Johanna. It Sucks to Be Single! Marital Status and Redistribution of Social Security. The Economic Journal. 2021. 131, (633): 327-371.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Forti Grazzini, Caterina. Three Essays in Empirical Finance: Freie Universität Berlin; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Kozlov, Egor. Collective Household Models with Limited Commitment: Northwestern University; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Nuñez Lemus, Marcela, Lachos, Victor H., Galarza, Christian E., and Matos, Larissa A. Estimation and Diagnostics for Partially Linear Censored Regression Models Based on Heavy-Tailed Distributions. Statistics and Its Interface. 2021. 14, (2): 165-182.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Wilson, George and Lagae, Bryan. Race and the Dynamics of Men’s Mobility into Management from Working Class Jobs. The Review of Black Political Economy. 2017. 44, (3-4): 233-249.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Gorsuch, Marina Mileo. Three Essays on Gender, Population Studies, and Labor Economics: Duke University; 2015. Dept: Public Policy Studies
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Becker, Bastian. Temporal Change in Inequality Perceptions and Effects on Political Attitudes. Political Research Exchange. 2021. 3, (1): 1-21.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Schröder, Martin. Men Lose Life Satisfaction with Fewer Hours in Employment: Mothers Do Not Profit from Longer Employment—Evidence from Eight Panels. Social Indicators Research. 2020. 152, (1): 317-334.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Sikivie, Michael. How the EITC Affects the Labor Supply of Single Women: Georgia State University; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Li, Yan. The Economics of Individual Philanthropy: Essays on Religiosity, and Charitable Giving By Married Couples: The University of Mississippi; 2015. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Philanthropy

Mitra, Aruni. Essays on Dynamics of Household and Firm Choices: University of British Columbia; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Zorzi, Nathan Gaspar. Essays on Uninsured Income Risk, Lumpy Investment and Aggregate Demand: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

O'Connor, Kelsey J. and Graham, Carol. Longer, More Optimistic, Lives: Historic Optimism and Life Expectancy in the United States. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2019. 168, 374-392.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Kleven, Henrik, Landais, Camille, Posch, Johanna, Steinhauer, Andreas, and Zweimüller, Josef. Child Penalties across Countries: Evidence and Explanations. AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2019. 109, 122-126.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; International Studies

Halliday, Timothy J., Mazumder, Bhashkar, and Wong, Ashley. The Intergenerational Transmission of Health in the United States: A Latent Variables Analysis. Health Economics. 2020. 29, (3): 367-381.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Böheim, René and Stöllinger, Philipp. Decomposition of the Gender Wage Gap Using the LASSO Estimator. Applied Economics Letters. 2021. 28, (10): 817-828.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Syrda, Joanna. The Impact of Marriage and Parenthood on Male Body Mass Index: Static and Dynamic Effects. Social Science & Medicine. 2017. 186, (Supplement C): 148-155.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Wiemers, Emily E. and Park, Sung S. Intergenerational Transfers of Time and Money over the Life Course. In: Ferraro, Kenneth F. and Carr, Deborah, editors. Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences (Ninth Edition). Academic Press; 2021. p.201-220.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

South, Scott J. and Lei, Lei. Why Are Fewer Young Adults Having Casual Sex? Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. 2021. 7, 1-12.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Time Use & Home Production; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Gayle, George-Levi, Odio-Zuniga, Mariana, and Ramakrishnan, Prasanthi. Work, Leisure, and Family: From the Silent Generation to Millennials. Review - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. 2021. 103, (4): 385-424.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Whitley, Margaret D. Work, Race and Breastfeeding: A Quantitative Study of Mothers in the United States: University of California, Irvine; 2021. Dept: Public Health
Keywords: Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Zheng, Li. Career Trajectories, Gender Differences and Accumulated Health Disparities over the Life Course: Mississippi State University; 2013. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Bluestone, Barry and Rose, Stephen. The Enigma of Working Time Trends. In: Figart, D. and Golden, L., editors. Working Time: International Trends, Theory and Policy Perspectives. Routledge; 2013. p.21-37.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hamilton, Leah. Asset Limits in Public Assistance and Savings Behavior Among Low-Income Families. Social Science Quarterly. 2021. 102, (1): 454-467.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty

Matteazzi, Eleonora and Scherer, Stefani. Gender Wage Gap and the Involvement of Partners in Household Work. Work, Employment and Society. 2021. 35, (3): 490-508.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

An, Yonghong, Hu, Yingyao, and Xiao, Ruli. Dynamic Decisions under Subjective Expectations: A Structural Analysis. Journal of Econometrics. 2021. 222, (1): 645-675.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Chang, Yongsung, Kim, Sun-Bin, Kwon, Kyooho, and Rogerson, Richard. Cross-sectional and Aggregate Labor Supply. European Economic Review. 2020. 126, 1-13.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Foster, Gigi and Stratton, Leslie S. Does Female Breadwinning Make Partnerships Less Healthy or Less Stable? Journal of Population Economics. 2021. 34, (1): 63-96.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

McKinnish, Terra. Marriage and Labor Market Outcomes. In: Jonathan H. Hamilton, Aninash Dixit, Sebastian Edwards, Kenneth Judd, editors. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press; 2020.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Bowman, Jarron. Economic Insecurity, Political Inequality, and the Well-being of American Families: Duke University; 2020. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Manalew, Wondimu Samuel. A Switching Regressions Framework for Models with Count-Valued Omni-Dispersed Outcomes: Specification, Estimation and Causal Inference: Indiana University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Wentzel-Long, Melanie G. Gender and Racial Inequality in U.S. Credit Markets: Colorado State University; 2019. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Shirley, Peter Paul. Essays on the Labor Market Effects of the Minimum Wage and Earned Income Tax Credit: University of California, Irvine; 2018. Dept:
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Fletcher, Jason and Jajtner, Katie M. Intergenerational Health Mobility: Magnitudes and Importance of Schools and Place. Health Economics. 2021. 30, (7): 1648-1667.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hryshko, Dmytro, Juhn, Chinhui, and McCue, Kristin. Trends in Earnings Inequality and Earnings Instability Among U.S. Couples: How Important Is Assortative Matching? Labour Economics. 2017. 48, (Supplement C): 168-182.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Lawogni, Ulysse. Econometric Matching Models : Education, Inequality and Consumption: CY Cergy Paris Université; 2021. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Baltagi, Badi H. Limited Dependent Variables and Panel Data. Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. Cham; Springer International Publishing; 2021. p.291-335.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Beltran, Lina Anaya. Understanding Gender Gaps in Student Achievement and STEM Majors: The Role of Student Effort, Test Structure, Self-Perceived Ability, and Parental Occupation: University of Arkansas; 2021. Dept: Education Policy
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Transition to Adulthood Supplement

Blasutto, Fabio. Three Essays on Family Economics and Economic History: UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain; 2021. Dept: Economics and Management
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Ye, Leafia Zi and Engelman, Michal. Mobility, Stagnation, or Attrition? Diverse Earning Trajectories in a Cohort of Foreign-born Men. Population and Development Review. 2021. 47, (1): 113-149.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Pigini, Claudia and Bartolucci, Francesco. Conditional Inference for Binary Panel Data Models with Predetermined Covariates. Econometrics and Statistics. 2022. 23, 83-104.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Yaish, Meir, Shiffer-Sebba, Doron, Gabay-Egozi, Limor, and Park, Hyunjoon. Intergenerational Educational Mobility and Life-Course Income Trajectories in the United States. Social Forces. 2021. 100, (2): 765-793.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Life Course

Kim, Ji Hyun and Torquati, Julia. Are You Close with Your Parents? The Mediation Effects of Parent–Child Closeness on Young Adults’ Financial Socialization Through Young Adults’ Self-reported Responsibility. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 2020. 42, (2): 314-324.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Transition to Adulthood Supplement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Eisenberg-Guyot, Jerzy, Peckham, Trevor, Andrea, Sarah B., Oddo, Vanessa, Seixas, Noah, and Hajat, Anjum. Life-Course Trajectories of Employment Quality and Health in the U.S.: A Multichannel Sequence Analysis. Social Science & Medicine. 2020. 264, 1-12.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Townsend, Tarlise N. and Mehta, Neil K. Disability Incidence from 2003-2015: Longitudinal Analysis of the Contributions of Excess BMI and Cigarette Smoking. Preventive Medicine. 2020. 141, 1-8.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Hauck, Katharina, Miraldo, Marisa, and Singh, Surya. Integrating Motherhood and Employment: A 22-year Analysis Investigating Impacts of US Workplace Breastfeeding Policy. SSM-Population Health. 2020. 11, 1-10.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Flèche, Sarah, Lepinteur, Anthony, and Powdthavee, Nattavudh. Gender Norms, Fairness and Relative Working Hours within Households. Labour Economics. 2020. 65, 1-12.
Keywords: Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Neumark, David and Shirley, Peter. The Long-Run Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Women's Labor Market Outcomes. Labour Economics. 2020. 66,
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Jolly, Nicholas A. The Effects of Job Displacement on Spousal Health. Review of Economics of the Household. 2020. 20, (1): 123-152.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes

Lu, Yuan-Chiao, Walker, Regine, Richard, Patrick, and Younis, Mustafa. Inequalities in Poverty and Income between Single Mothers and Fathers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020. 17, (1): 135.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Poverty

Jiang, Haibin. The Child Care Tax Credit, Maternal Labor Supply, and Children’s Well-being: Clemson University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wellbeing

Hyary, Maia. The Influence of Household Food Insecurity and Maternal Stress on Maternal Weight and the Intergenerational Transmission of Food Insecurity: Brandeis University; 2020. Dept: School for Social Policy and Management
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers

Gelblum, Madeleine. Essays on Labor and Personnel Economics: Harvard University; 2020. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Comolli, Chiara Ludovica. Couples’ Paid Work, State-Level Unemployment, and First Births in the United States. Demographic Research. 2021. 45, 1149-1184.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Mosher, Janet. The Harms of Dichotomy: Access to Welfare Benefits as a Case on Point. Canadian Journal of Family Law. 1990. 9, (2): 97-132.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hatch, Laurie Russell. Effects of Work and Family on Women's: Later-Life Resources. Research on Aging. 1990. 12, (3): 311-338.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences

Bryant, W. Keith and Zick, Cathleen D. The Economics of Housespousery: An Essay On Household Work. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1994. 15, (2): 137-168.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Time Use & Home Production

Combs, E. Raedene and Park, Sooyoun. Housing Expenditure/Income Ratios of Older Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Female Heads of Household. Housing and Society. 1994. 21, (2): 90-100.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Housing; Income; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Ayella, Mary Elizabeth and Williamson, John B. The Social Mobility of Women: a Causal Model of Socioeconomic Success. The Sociological Quarterly. 1976. 17, (4): 534-554.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Farkas, George. Education, Wage Rates, and the Division of Labor Between Husband and Wife. Journal of Marriage and Family. 1976. 38, (3): 473-484.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Swain, Paul. Earnings Mobility: Taking a Longer Run View. OECD Employment Outlook. Paris, France; OECD; 1997. p.27-61.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Sawhill, Isabel. Discrimination and Poverty Among Women Who Head Families. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 1976. 1, (3, pt 2): 201-211.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Corcoran, Mary. The Employment and Wage Consequences of Teenage Women's Nonemployment. In: Freeman, R. and Wise, D., editors. The Youth Labor Market Problem: Its Nature, Causes, and Consequences. Chicago; University of Chicago Press; 1982. p.391-426.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Zelder, Martin. Inefficient Dissolutions As A Consequence of Public Goods: The Case of No-Fault Divorce. Journal of Legal Studies. 1993. 22, (2): 503-520.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Erosa, Andrés, Fuster, Luisa, and Kambourov, Gueorgui. Towards a Micro-Founded Theory of Aggregate Labour Supply. The Review of Economic Studies. 2016. 83, (3): 1001-1039.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Gray, Jeffrey S. The Economic Impact of Divorce Law Reform. Population Research and Policy Review. 1996. 15, (3): 275-296.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Robst, John and VanGilder, Jennifer. Atrophy Rates in Male and Female Occupations. Economics Letters. 2000. 69, (3): 407-413.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Duncan, Greg J. The Implications of Changing Family Composition for the Dynamic Analysis of Family Economic Well-Being. In: Atkinson, A. B. and Cowell, F. A., editors. Panel Data on Incomes. London; London School of Economics; 1983. p.203-239.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income

Page, Marianne E. New Evidence on the Intergenerational Correlation in Welfare Participation. In: Corak, Miles, editors. Generational Income Mobility in North America and Europe. United Kingdom; Cambridge University Press; 2004. p.226-244.
Keywords: Aging; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Garcia, Jaime and Quintana-Domeque, Climent. Obesity, Employment and Wages in Europe. In: Bolin, Kristian and Cawley, John H., editors. The Economics of Obesity. Elsevier, Ltd.; 2007. p.390 pp.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Polachek, Solomon W. Occupational Segregation Among Women: Theory, Evidence, and a Prognosis. In: Lloyd, Cynthia B. and al, et, editors. Women in the Labor Market. New York; Columbia University Press; 1979. p.137-157.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Choi, Namkee G. Racial Differences in the Contribution of Wife's Earnings to Family Income Distribution. Journal of Poverty. 1999. 3, (3): 33-51.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Hill, Martha S. Authority at Work: How Men and Women Differ. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1980. p.107-146.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Moffitt, Robert and Rangarajan, Anuradha. The Effect of Transfer Programs on Work Effort and Human Capital Formation: Evidence From the U.S. In: Dilnot, Andrew and Walker, Ian, editors. The Economics of Social Security. Oxford University Press; 1989.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Li, Ka Fai. Essays on Consumption Smoothing: University of Minnesota; 2011. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Duncan, Cynthia and Lamborghini, Nita. Poverty and Social Context in Remote Rural Communities. Rural Sociology. 1994. 59, 437-461.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty

Dex, Shirley, Robson, Paul, and Wilkinson, Frank. The Characteristics of the Low Paid: A Cross-National Comparison. Work, Employment and Society. 1999. 13, (3): 503-524.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Grafova, Irina, McGonagle, Katherine A., and Stafford, Frank P. Functioning and Well-Being in the Third Age. In: James, Jacqueline Boone and Wink, Paul, editors. The Crown of Life: Dynamics of the Early Post-Retirement Years. New York; Springer Publishing; 2006. p.19-38.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Life Course; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Chen, Yanan. Gender Differences in College Attendance and Rates of Return to Schooling: State University of New York at Binghamton; 2012. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences

Blau, Francine D. The Gender Pay Gap. In: Persson, Inga and Johung, Christina, editors. Women's Work and Wages. New York; Routledge; 1998. p.15-35.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Conley, Dalton and Glauber, Rebecca. Gender, Body Mass, and Socioeconomic Status: New Evidence from the PSID. In: Grossman, Michael and Lindgren, Bjorn, editors. The Economics of Obesity (Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research). Emerald Group Publishing Limited; 2006. p.253-275.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Life Course

Fisher, Jonathan and Lyons, Angela C. Income and Income Security: The Ability of Women to Repay Debt After Divorce. In: Hartmann, Heidi I., editors. Women, Work, and Poverty: Women Centered Research for Policy Change. Haworth Press; 2006. p.161-165.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Kniesner, Thomas J. and LoSasso, Anthony T. Intergenerational Labor Market and Welfare Consequences of Poor Health. Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Center for Policy Research. Syracuse University; 2001. p.42.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Clouston, Sean A. P. Partnered for Health: How Health Interacts with Partnership, and How Policy Manages Health Inequality: McGill University (Canada); 2011. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality

Blinder, Alan. Wage Discrimination: Reduced Form and Structural Estimates. The Journal of Human Resources. 1973. 8, 436-455.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Coe, Richard D. Absenteeism From Work. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1978. p.195-232.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Triest, Robert K. The Efficiency Cost of Increased Progressivity. In: Slemrod, Joel B., editors. Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality. Cambridge University Press; 1996. p.137-176.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes

Phillips, Lisa A. and Sternquist, Brenda J. Pay Equity: A Look at Retail Buyers. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 1994. 12, (3): 46-52.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes

Edin, Kathryn and Harris, Kathleen Mullan. Getting Off and Staying Off: Racial Differences in the Work Route off Welfare. In: Browne, Irene, editors. Latinas and African American Women at Work. New York; Russell Sage Foundation; 1999. p.271-301.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Heckman, James J. Heterogeneity and State Dependence. In: Rosen, Sherwin, editors. Studies in Labor Markets. Chicago; University of Chicago Press; 1981. p.91-139.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Wellington, Alison J. Changes in the Male/Female Wage Gap, 1976-85. The Journal of Human Resources. 1993. 28, (2): 383-411.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Miller, Carole F. Labor Force Participation Among Low-Income Married Women. The Review of Black Political Economy. 1996. 24, (4): 81-95.
Keywords: Children; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Choi, Namkee G. Racial Differences in Timing and Factors Associated with Retirement. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 1994. 21, (3): 31-52.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement

Fertig, Angela R. Trends in Intergenerational Earnings Mobility in the United States. Journal of Income Distribution. 2003. 12, (3-4): 108-130.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Waddoups, Jeffrey and Assane, Djeto. Mobility and Gender in a Segmented Labor Market: A Closer Look. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 1993. 52, (4): 399-412.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Ashraf, Javed. Recent Trends in the Union Wage Premium. Journal of Labor Research. 1990. 11, (4): 435-451.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods

Behrman, Jere R., Sickles, Robin, and Taubman, Paul. Private Rates of Return on Social Security and Their Relation to Mortality for Groups Defined by Socioeconomic Characteristics. Causes, Correlates and Consequences of Death Among Older Adults: Methodological Approaches and Substantive Analyses. Springer Publishing Co.; 1998. p.186 pp.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Retirement; Taxes

Schram, Sanford F. Putting a Black Face on Welfare: The Good and the Bad. In: Schram, Sanford F., editors. Praxis for the Poor: Piven and Cloward and the Future of Social Science in Social Welfare. New York; New York University Press; 2002. p.157-185.
Keywords: Aging; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wellbeing

Besharov, Douglas J. The Feminization of Poverty: Has Legal Services Failed To Respond. Clearinghouse Review. 1990. 24, 210-219.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty

Groot, Loek F. M., Schippers, Joop J., and Siegers, Jacques. The Effect of Unemployment, Temporary Withdrawals and Part-Time Work On Workers' Wage Rates. European Sociological Review. 1990. 6, (3): 257-273.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Heath, Julia A. Non-Employed Women, Marriage and the Sisyphus Syndrome. Journal of Economic Issues. 1990. 24, (1): 103-114.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Moen, Phyllis. Continuities and Discontinuities in Women's Labor Force Activity. In: Elder, Glen H., editors. Life Course Dynamics: Trajectories and Transitions,1968-1980. Ithaca, NY; Cornell University Press; 1985.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

McLanahan, Sara. Father Absence and the Welfare of Children. In: Hetherington, Eileen Mavis, editors. Coping With Divorce, Single Parenting, and Remarriage: A Risk and Resiliency Perspective. New Jersey and London; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1999. p.117-146.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Life Course

Morgan, James N. Income and Welfare of the Aged: Survey Research Center, University of Michigan; 1972. A Working Paper from O.E.O. Study of Family Income Dynamics for Office of Economic Opportunity.
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Poverty

Dickinson, Katherine and Dickinson, Johnathan G. Labor Force Participation of Wives: The Effects of Components of Husbands' Income: Survey Research Center, University of Michigan; 1971. A Working Paper from O.E.O. Study of Family Income Dynamics for Office of Economic Opportunity.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Morgan, J. N. and Schrader, Tecla. Two Notes on Earnings Differentials by Sex and Race: Survey Research Center, University of Michigan; 1971. A Working Paper from O.E.O. Study of Family Income Dynamics for Office of Economic Opportunity.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

McBride, Brent A., Dyer, W. Justin, and Laxman, Daniel J. Father Involvement and Student Achievement: Variations based on demographic Contexts. Early Child Development and Care. 2013. 183, (6): 810-826.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Lee, Jungmin and Lee, Sokbae. Does It Matter Who Responded to the Survey? Trends in the US Gender Earnings Gap Revisited. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2012. 65, (1): 148-160.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Coe, Richard D., Duncan, Greg J., and Hill, Martha S. The Dynamics of Poverty. In: Duncan, Greg J., editors. Years of Poverty, Years of Plenty: The Changing Economic Fortunes of American Workers and Families. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1984. p.33-70.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Smith, James P. The Long-Term Economic Impact of Criminalization in American Childhoods. Crime & Delinquency. 2019. 65, (3): 422-444.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Waddoups, Jeffrey and Assane, Djeto. Duration and Mobility of Young Male Workers in A Segmented Labour Market. Applied Economics Letters. 1997. 4, (3): 173-176.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Iacovou, Maria. Regional Differences in the Transition To Adulthood. The ANNALS of The American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2002. 580, (1): 40-69.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Smith, James P. Poverty and the Family. In: Sandifur, Gary D. and Tienda, Marta, editors. Divided Opportunities: Minorities, Poverty and Social Policy. New York and London; Plenum Press; 1988. p.163-187.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Bane, Mary Jo. Household Composition and Poverty. In: Danziger, Sheldon H. and Weinberg, Daniel, editors. Fighting Poverty: What Works and What Doesn't. Cambridge, MA; Harvard University Press; 1986. p.209-231.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Poverty

Hartmann, Heidi, Rose, Stephen J., and Lovell, Vicky. How Much Progress in Closing the Long-Term Earnings Gap? In: Blau, Francine D., Brinton, Mary C. and Grusky, David B., editors. The Declining Significance of Gender. New York; Russell Sage Foundation; 2006. p.125-155.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Polachek, Solomon W. Human Capital and the Gender Earnings Gap: A Response to Feminist Critiques. In: Feiner, Susan, Kuiper, Edith, Ott, Notburga, Sap, Jolande and Tzannatos, Zafiris, editors. Out of the Margin: Feminist Perspectives on Economic Theory. Routeledge Press; 1995. p.54-67.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Hoffman, Saul and Holmes, John. Husbands, Wives, and Divorce. In: Duncan, Greg J. and Morgan, James N., editors. Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress. Ann Arbor, MI; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; 1976. p.23-76.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences

Friedman, Esther M., Park, Sung S., and Wiemers, Emily E. New Estimates of the Sandwich Generation in the 2013 Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The Gerontologist. 2017. 57, (2): 191-196. PMCID: PMC6075620
Keywords: Aging; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Time Use & Home Production

Brown, Eleanor, Mesch, Debra J., and Hayat, Amir Daniel. Life Expectancy and the Search for a Bag Lady Effect in Charitable Giving. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2016. 45, (3): 630-645.
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Philanthropy; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Meyer, Bruce D. and Sullivan, James X. Viewpoint: Further Results on Measuring the Well-Being of the Poor Using Income and Consumption. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique. 2011. 44, (1): 52-87.
Keywords: Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Aughinbaugh, Alison. The Effects of Remarriage on Women's Labor Supply. Journal of Population Economics. 2010. 23, (4): 1151-1176.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Cho, Donghun, Cho, Joonmo, and Song, Bohwa. An Empirical Analysis of the Gender Earnings Gap Between the Public and Private Sectors in Korea: A Comparative Study with the U.S. Journal of The Japanese and International Economies. 2010. 24, (3): 441-456.
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes

Anderson, Lisa R. and Mellor, Jennifer M. Are Risk Preferences Stable? Comparing an Experimental Measure with a Validated Survey-Based Measure. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. 2009. 39, 137-160.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology

Wilson, George. Downward Mobility of Women from White-Collar Employment: Determinants and Timing by Race. Sociological Forum. 2009. 24, (2): 382-401.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Clark, William A. V. and Withers, Suzanne Davies. Fertility, Mobility and Labour-Force Participation: A Study of Synchronicity. Population, Space and Place. 2009. 15, (4): 305-321.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Heim, Bradley T. Structural Estimation of Family Labor Supply with Taxes: Estimating a Continuous Hours Model Using a Direct Utility Specification. The Journal of Human Resources. 2009. 44, (2): 350-385.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Taxes

Ozcan, Berkay. Only the Lonely? The Influence of the Spouse on the Transition to Self-Employment. Small Business Economics. 2011. 37, (4): 465-492.
Keywords: Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Chang, Sheng-Kai. Simulation Estimation of Two-Tiered Dynamic Panel Tobit Models with an Application to the Labor Supply of Married Women. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 2011. 26, (5): 854-871.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes

Daly, Moria K. Essays on Self-Employment: Boston University; 2010. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course

Parrott, Heather Macpherson. Caring for Children Within Structures of Constraint: The Effects of Childcare on Mothers' Social Mobility: University of Georgia; 2009. Dept: Sociology
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Poverty; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Elliott III, William. Children's College Aspirations and Expectations: The Potential Role of Children's Development Accounts (CDAs). Children and Youth Services Review. 2009. 31, (2): 274-283.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Education Attainment & Achievement; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions; Wellbeing

Cooke, Thomas J., Boyle, Paul, Courch, Kenneth, and Feijten, Peteke. A Longitudinal Analysis of Family Migration and the Gender Gap in Earnings in the United States and Great Britain. Demography. 2009. 46, (1): 147-168. PMCID: PMC2831259
Keywords: Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility

Newman, Sandra J., Holupka, C. Scott, and Harkness, Joseph M. The Long-Term Effects of Housing Assistance on Work and Welfare. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2009. 28, (1): 81-101.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Housing; Labor Market & Outcomes; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Usui, Emiko. Wages, Non-Wage Characteristics, and Predominantly Male Jobs. Labour Economics. 2009. 16, (1): 52-63.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Neighborhoods & Geographic Mobility; Racial-Ethnic Differences

Regan, Tracy L. and Oaxaca, Ronald L. Work Experience As a Source of Specification Error in Earnings Models: Implications for Gender Wage Decompositions. Journal of Population Economics. 2009. 22, (2): 463-500.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes

Kondo, Ayako. Long-Term Effects of Labor Market Conditions in Youth: Columbia University; 2009. Dept: Economics
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Wellbeing

Chapela, Jorge Gonzalez. Recreation, Home Production, and Intertemporal Substitution of Female Labor Supply: Evidence on the Intensive Margin. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2011. 14, 532-548.
Keywords: Gender Differences; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Sefton, Tom, Evandrou, Maria, Falkingham, Jane, and Vlachantoni, Athina. The Relationship Between Women's Work Histories and Incomes in Later Life in the UK, US and West Germany. Journal of European Social Policy. 2011. 21, (1): 20-36.
Keywords: Aging; Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; International Studies; Labor Market & Outcomes; Life Course; Poverty; Retirement; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Wu, Yanyuan. The Economic Well-Being of the Elderly and Public Policy: University of Chicago; 2010. Dept: Public Policy
Keywords: Aging; Expenditures, Savings & Consumption; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Housing; Poverty; Retirement; Statistical & Econometric Methods; Survey Methodology; Time Use & Home Production

Felsenstein, Daniel and Persky, Joseph. Gender and Job Chains in Local Economic Development. Economic Development Quarterly. 2010. 25, (2): 172-181.
Keywords: Children; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty

Killewald, Alexandra and Gough, Margaret. Money Isn't Everything: Wives' Earnings and Housework Time. Social Science Research. 2010. 39, (6): 987-1003. PMCID: PMC3028208
Keywords: Gender Differences; Labor Market & Outcomes; Time Use & Home Production

Elliott, William, Jung, Hyunzee, Kevin, Kim, and Chowa, Gina. A Multi-Group Structural Equation Model (SEM) Examining Asset Holding Effects on Educational Attainment by Race and Gender. Journal of Children and Poverty. 2010. 16, (2): 91-121.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Education Attainment & Achievement; Gender Differences; Income; Intergenerational Influences & Transfers; Racial-Ethnic Differences; Wealth, Assets & Pensions

Jiang, Miao, Foster, E. Michael, and Gibson-Davis, Christina M. The Effect of WIC on Breastfeeding: A New Look at an Established Relationship. Children and Youth Services Review. 2010. 32, (2): 264-273.
Keywords: Child Development Supplement; Children; Family Formation & Composition; Food & Nutrition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Health, Disability & Mortality; Income; Poverty

Zatz, Noah D. Revisiting the Class-Parity Analysis of Welfare Work Requirements. Social Service Review. 2009. 83, (3): 313-350.
Keywords: Education Attainment & Achievement; Family Formation & Composition; Gender Differences; Government Transfers; Income; Labor Market & Outcomes; Poverty; Taxes